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9 2024-10

FED – A delegation of Australian Universities Visited FED


On 8 October 2024, Prof. John PRICE, Dean of Graduate School, Victoria University accompanied by Senior Researcher Fellow Dr. Jujiao KUANG and Prof. Nir EYNON from Monash University, visited the Faculty of Education (FED) at the University of Macau (UM). They were warmly received by Prof. Lianghuo FAN, Dean of FED, Prof. Zhaowei KONG, Associate Dean (Teaching) of FED, Prof. Mingming ZHOU, Associate Dean (Research) of FED, Prof. Barry Lee REYNOLDS, Programme Director of Master’s Programme and Prof. Si Man LEI.

The exchange meeting was held in the meeting room E33-1002 of FED. Dean Fan expressed that FED actively aligns with the research strategies advocated by UM and has been continuously enhancing collaborative research efforts at regional, national, and global levels. He hoped that this visit would deepen mutual understanding and lay a solid foundation for future reciprocal exchanges. Prof. Zhou provided an overview of FED, including its development history, faculty members, curriculum design, and research achievements.

In addition, Prof. Price elaborated on Victoria University’s educational vision, curriculum structure, and research achievements. Prof. Eynon shared the major research initiatives of Monash University. Dr. Kuong focused on introducing the Australia-China Cooperative Training Programme in the field of Physical Education and Sports.

Following the meeting, the delegation toured FED’s classrooms, scientific laboratory, and research centers, gaining a deep understanding of the beautiful environment and academic atmosphere of FED. This visit provided a valuable exchange opportunity and helped promote further cooperation between the two sides in talent cultivation and research projects.

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Thank you for your kind attention.

Faculty of Education

2024年10月8日,澳大利亞維多利亞大學研究生院院長John PRICE教授、高級研究員匡居嬌博士,以及莫納什大學的 Nir EYNON教授到訪澳門大學教育學院,受到院長范良火教授、副院長(教學)孔兆偉教授、副院長(研究)周明明教授、教育研究生課程主任Barry Lee REYNOLDS教授及李思敏教授的熱情接待。





教育學院 謹啟

FED – A delegation of Australian Universities Visited FED2024-10-25T00:02:29+08:00
25 2024-09

FED – A Delegation of School Principals from Shanghai Visited FED


On 24 September 2024, a delegation of school principals from Shanghai, led by Prof. Youxia LIU, Deputy Secretary of the General Party Branch and Dean of the Educational Institute of Putuo District, Shanghai, visited the Faculty of Education (FED) at the University of Macau (UM). They were warmly welcomed by Prof. Lianghuo FAN, Dean of FED,  Prof. Zhaowei KONG, Associate Dean (Teaching) of FED, Prof. Mingming ZHOU, Associate Dean (Research) of FED, and Prof. Yisu ZHOU, Programme Director of the Doctor of Education of FED. Both parties engaged in-depth in discussions including curriculum design and talent cultivation.

Prof. Fan expressed that FED was committed to promoting comprehensive student development and continuously cultivating outstanding 21st-century educators, contributing to both local education in Macau and the broader national development agenda. He hoped this visit would serve as a solid foundation for deepening cooperation between the two parties and further strengthening academic exchanges and collaboration. Prof. Mingming ZHOU introduced the basic situation of FED, including its development history, faculty composition, curriculum system, and research endeavors.

Prof. Liu expressed gratitude for the warm reception from FED and shared the current work priorities of the delegation members in aligning with and implementing national education policies. Following the exchange meeting, the delegation toured the FED building and highly praised the development achievements of the faculty.

Photo Sharing:

Thank you for your kind attention.

Faculty of Education






教育學院 謹啟

FED – A Delegation of School Principals from Shanghai Visited FED2024-10-25T00:02:31+08:00
23 2024-09

FED Scholars Ranked World’s Top 2% of the Most-cited Scientists 2024


Dear Colleagues and Students,

We are pleased to inform you that Stanford University recently released an update of the list that represents the top 2 % of the most-cited scientists in various disciplines.  Five members of the Faculty of Education, including Prof. Biying HUProf. Shing On LEUNGProf. Shulin YUProf. Rui YUAN and Prof. Mingming ZHOU are ranked in either the career-long or the single-year rankings. Their research areas cover educational psychology, educational technology, language education, teacher education, educational measurement, and early childhood education.

Sources: https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/7

Thank you for your kind attention.

Faculty of Education


        史丹褔大學發布了2024全球前2%頂尖科學家榜單 (World’s Top 2% Scientists)。該榜單基於Scopus資料庫的引用資料系統分析,以被引數、H指數及HM因子等6種綜合指標,根據 “生涯影響力” 和 “年度影響力” 從近700 萬名科學家中遴選出世界排名前2%的科學家,分為22個領域和174個細分子領域。此次更新的榜單中,教育學院有5位學者包括: 胡碧穎教授梁成安教授于書林教授袁睿教授周明明教授入選 “終身科學影響力榜單”(關注整個學術生涯迄今的影響力)和 “年度科學影響力榜單” (聚焦2023年度學術成就)。研究領域覆蓋教育心理學、教育技術學、語言教育、教師教育、教育測評及學前教育,進一步擴大了教育學院的國際學術影響力。

        資料來源:https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/7 ,謝謝!


教育學院 謹啟  

FED Scholars Ranked World’s Top 2% of the Most-cited Scientists 20242024-10-23T00:01:28+08:00
19 2024-08

Seminar on “Pride, Prejudice and Pragmatism: Family Language Policies in the UK” – Prof. Xiao Lan CURDT-CHRISTIANSEN, University of Bath, – 30 August 2024 (Friday)



Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you that a seminar on “Pride, Prejudice and Pragmatism: Family Language Policies in the UK” will be organized by the Faculty of Education, the University of Macau on 30 August 2024 (Fri).  Prof. Xiao Lan CURDT-CHRISTIANSEN, Professor in Applied Linguistics at the Department of Education, University of Bath, UK , is invited to be the speaker of the seminar. Kindly refer to the following information for details:

Date: 30 August 2024 (Fri)
Time: 10:00-11:30
Venue: E33-2036, Faculty of Education
Language: English 


All are welcome.

Interested parties please feel free to register online through the link: https://go.um.edu.mo/5h20w6j8 by 29 August 2024 (Thu). For enquiry, please contact Mr. Brendan LEI of the Faculty of Education at 8822-4120 or e-mail to fed_event@um.edu.mo.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Faculty of Education







                                                                                                                                                                                                                        教育學院 謹啟   

Seminar on “Pride, Prejudice and Pragmatism: Family Language Policies in the UK” – Prof. Xiao Lan CURDT-CHRISTIANSEN, University of Bath, – 30 August 2024 (Friday)2024-08-31T00:00:08+08:00
9 2024-07

Faculty of Education subjects ranked Top 20 in the world


Faculty of Education (FED) of the University of Macau has seen rapid progress in recent years in its research and development. With strong support from the central and Macau SAR governments, the faculty has successfully recruited outstanding research talents, achieving a series of high-level research results in educational fields, which have had a significant impact in both international and regional academic community. In the recently released 2024/2025 “U.S. News & World Report” global university and subject rankings, FED ranked #20th globally. This ranking demonstrates the high recognition of the academic level of the University of Macau’s FED by the international community, highlighting its strength in academic research and consolidating the global position of its disciplines in higher education.

The “U.S. News & World Report” ranking is based on Web of Science™ data and InCites™ indicators provided by Clarivate™, focusing on measuring factors that reflect universities’ global and regional research reputation and academic research performance. For the overall ranking, this includes bibliometric indicators such as publications, citations, and international collaborations. Each subject ranking is weighted according to unique academic research standards in that field, ensuring the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the evaluation. As a globally authoritative quality ranking institution, “U.S. News & World Report” comprehensively assesses the academic research quality and reputation of over 2,250 higher education institutions worldwide through its credible ranking reports, independent in-depth news analysis, and data-driven journalism.

《U.S. News & World Report》2024/2025 University World and subject ranking: https://www.usnews.com/education/best-global-universities/education-educational-research

澳門大學教育學院科研發展近年突飛猛進。在國家和澳門特區政府的大力支持下,學院成功引進優秀科研人才,在教育領域取得了一系列高水準研究成果,在國内外學術界產生了較大影響。學院於近期公布的《美國新聞與世界報導U.S. News & World Report》2024/2025全球最佳大學及學科排名中取得佳績,列爲全球第20位。是次排名再次證明國際社會高度認可澳大教育學院的學術水平,彰顯其學術研究實力,同時也鞏固了教育學院學科在全球高等教育領域中的地位。

《美國新聞與世界報導》排名是根據Web of Science™ 數據和由Clarivate™ 提供的InCites™ 指標,排名方法側重於衡量大學全球和地區研究聲譽及學術研究表現的因素。對於總體排名,這包括出版物、引用和國際合作等文獻計量指標。每一學科排名均根據該領域獨特的學術研究標準進行加權,確保了評價的精確性與全面性。作為全球權威的質量排名機構,《美國新聞與世界報導》透過其公信力滿載的排名報告、獨立深入的新聞分析以及數據驅動的新聞,涵蓋全球逾2250所高等學府,全方位評估其學術研究品質與聲望。

《美國新聞與世界報導》2024/2025全球大學排名: https://www.usnews.com/education/best-global-universities/education-educational-research

Faculty of Education subjects ranked Top 20 in the world2024-08-09T00:00:06+08:00
5 2024-07

Seminar on “Teaching across Intercultural and Intracultural Differences in Chinese Classrooms in Multilingual Contexts: Challenges, Opportunities, and Ways Forward” – Prof. Guofang LI, University of British Columbia – 17 July 2024 (Wednesday)



Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you that a seminar on “Teaching across Intercultural and Intracultural Differences in Chinese Classrooms in Multilingual Contexts: Challenges, Opportunities, and Ways Forward” will be organized by the Faculty of Education, the University of Macau on 17 July 2024 (Wed).  Prof. Guofang LI, a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Transnational/Global Perspectives of Language and Literacy Education of Children and Youth, and Co-Director of Language Sciences Global Research Excellence Institute, University of British Columbia, Canada , is invited to be the speaker of the seminar. Kindly refer to the following information for details:

Date: 17 July 2024 (Wed)
Time: 10:00-11:30
Venue: E33-2036, Faculty of Education
Language: English 


All are welcome.

Interested parties please feel free to register online through the link: https://go.um.edu.mo/2ucpuiqa by 16 July 2024 (Tue). For enquiry, please contact Mr. Brendan LEI of the Faculty of Education at 8822-4120 or e-mail to fed_event@um.edu.mo.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Faculty of Education







                                                                                                                                                                                                                        教育學院 謹啟   

Seminar on “Teaching across Intercultural and Intracultural Differences in Chinese Classrooms in Multilingual Contexts: Challenges, Opportunities, and Ways Forward” – Prof. Guofang LI, University of British Columbia – 17 July 2024 (Wednesday)2024-07-19T00:00:50+08:00
20 2024-06

Seminar on “Understanding campus-based intercultural social capital for minority university students in Hong Kong” – Prof. Fang GAO, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong – 2 July 2024 (Tuesday)


Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you that a seminar on “Understanding campus-based intercultural social capital for minority university students in Hong Kong ” will be organized by the Faculty of Education, the University of Macau on 2 July 2024 (Tue).  Prof. Fang GAO, Associate Professor and Associate Head (Learning and Teaching) in the Department of International Education, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, is invited to be the speaker of the seminar. Kindly refer to the following information for details:

Date: 2 July 2024 (Tue)
Time: 10:00-11:30
Venue: E33-2036, Faculty of Education
Language: English 


All are welcome.

Interested parties please feel free to register online through the link: https://go.um.edu.mo/zcubgxv4 by 1 July 2024 (Mon). For enquiry, please contact Mr. Brendan LEI of the Faculty of Education at 8822-4120 or e-mail to fed_event@um.edu.mo.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Faculty of Education







                                                                                                                                                                                                                        教育學院 謹啟   

Seminar on “Understanding campus-based intercultural social capital for minority university students in Hong Kong” – Prof. Fang GAO, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong – 2 July 2024 (Tuesday)2024-07-20T00:00:51+08:00
3 2024-05

Seminar on “The current state of Chinese language education in Australian schools and Chinese language teacher education programs in Australian higher education” – Prof. Jinghe HAN, Western Sydney University, Australia – 14 May 2024 (Monday)


Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you that a seminar on “The current state of Chinese language education in Australian schools and Chinese language teacher education programs in Australian higher education” will be organized by the Faculty of Education, the University of Macau on 14 May 2024 (Tue).  Prof. Jinghe HAN, Professor and Associate Dean (International) at School of Education, Western Sydney University, Australia, is invited to be the speaker of the seminar. Kindly refer to the following information for details:

Date: 14 May 2024 (Tue)
Time: 10:00-11:30
Venue: E33-2036, Faculty of Education
Language: English 


All are welcome.

Interested parties please feel free to register online through the link: https://go.um.edu.mo/nhixyzik by 13 May 2024 (Mon). For enquiry, please contact Mr. Lei of the Faculty of Education at 8822-4120 or e-mail to fed_event@um.edu.mo.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Faculty of Education


         由澳門大學教育學院主辦“澳大利亞的中文教學及高校中文教師培養項目”講座,將於2024年5月14日(星期二)舉行。是次講座邀請了澳洲西悉尼大學教育學院教授及副院長 (國際事務) 韓京和擔任主講嘉賓。詳情請參閱以下資料:





                                                                                                                                                                                                                        教育學院 謹啟   

Seminar on “The current state of Chinese language education in Australian schools and Chinese language teacher education programs in Australian higher education” – Prof. Jinghe HAN, Western Sydney University, Australia – 14 May 2024 (Monday)2024-05-24T00:00:05+08:00
25 2024-04

Seminar on “Professional Noticing of Mathematics Teachers: Recent Trends, and Relations to Instructional Quality” – Prof. Gabriele KAISER, the University of Hamburg, Germany – 13 May 2024 (Monday)


Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you that a seminar on “Professional Noticing of Mathematics Teachers: Recent Trends, and Relations to Instructional Quality” will be organized by the Faculty of Education, the University of Macau on 13 May 2024 (Mon).  Prof. Gabriele KAISER, Senior Professor in Mathematics Education at the Faculty of Education of the University of Hamburg, Germany is invited to be the speaker of the seminar. Kindly refer to the following information for details:

Date: 13 May 2024 (Mon)
Time: 16:00-17:30
Venue: E33-2036, Faculty of Education
Language: English 


All are welcome.

Interested parties please feel free to register online through the link: https://go.um.edu.mo/8zog86wa by 12 May 2024 (Sun). For enquiry, please contact Mr. Lei of the Faculty of Education at 8822-4120 or e-mail to fed_event@um.edu.mo.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Faculty of Education


         由澳門大學教育學院主辦“數學教師專業洞察力: 最新趨勢及與教學質量的關係”講座,將於2024年5月13日(星期一)舉行。是次講座邀請了德國漢堡大學教育學院數學教育專業Gabriele KAISER資深教授擔任主講嘉賓。詳情請參閱以下資料:





                                                                                                                                                                                                                        教育學院 謹啟   

Seminar on “Professional Noticing of Mathematics Teachers: Recent Trends, and Relations to Instructional Quality” – Prof. Gabriele KAISER, the University of Hamburg, Germany – 13 May 2024 (Monday)2024-05-24T00:00:05+08:00
25 2024-04

Seminar on “Mathematical Modelling Education and Its Relation to Interdisciplinary Education” – Prof. Gabriele KAISER, the University of Hamburg, Germany – 14 May 2024 (Tuesday)


Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you that a seminar on “Mathematical Modelling Education and Its Relation to Interdisciplinary Education” will be organized by the Faculty of Education, the University of Macau on 14 May 2024 (Tue).  Prof. Gabriele KAISER, Senior Professor in Mathematics Education at the Faculty of Education of the University of Hamburg, Germany is invited to be the speaker of the seminar. Kindly refer to the following information for details:

Date: 14 May 2024 (Tue)
Time: 18:30-21:00
Venue: Lecute Hall, Escola Secundária Luso-Chinesa de Luís Gonzaga Gomes
Language: English 


All are welcome.

Interested parties please feel free to register online through the link: https://go.um.edu.mo/i29ji3gn by 13 May 2024 (Mon). For enquiry, please contact Mr. Lei of the Faculty of Education at 8822-4120 or e-mail to fed_event@um.edu.mo.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Faculty of Education


         由澳門大學教育學院主辦“數學建模教育及與跨學科教育的關係”講座,將於2024年5月14日(星期二)舉行。是次講座邀請了德國漢堡大學教育學院數學教育專業Gabriele KAISER資深教授擔任主講嘉賓。詳情請參閱以下資料:





                                                                                                                                                                                                                        教育學院 謹啟   

Seminar on “Mathematical Modelling Education and Its Relation to Interdisciplinary Education” – Prof. Gabriele KAISER, the University of Hamburg, Germany – 14 May 2024 (Tuesday)2024-05-24T00:00:06+08:00
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