About carlaleong Leong Carla

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2 2024-12

FBA Seminar – Prof. Jun LIU (UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar) — “Arbitrage Free Factor Analysis of Term Structure”


Faculty of Business Administration (FBA) is pleased to invite you to the upcoming  “UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar Seminar” on Monday, 6 December 2024, and to have Prof. Jun LIU as our speaker.

Seminar Details:

  • Title: Arbitrage Free Factor Analysis of Term Structure
  • Speaker: Prof. Jun LIU, Professor, University of California, San Diego
  • Date:Friday, 6 December, 2024
  • Time: 15:00  – 16:30
  • Venue: E22-G015
  • Language: English

You can find more information at https://fba.um.edu.mo/seminars/ 

We look forward to your participation.

FBA Seminar – Prof. Jun LIU (UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar) — “Arbitrage Free Factor Analysis of Term Structure”2025-01-02T00:01:28+08:00
18 2024-11

FBA Seminar – Prof. Anna S. MATTILA (UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar) — “Does the Ugly=Bad Stereotype Apply to Imperfect Produce? How To Overcome This Challenge?”


Faculty of Business Administration (FBA) is pleased to invite you to the upcoming  “UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar Seminar” on Monday, 25 November 2024, and to have Prof. Anna S. MATTILA as our speaker.

Seminar Details:

  • Title: Does the Ugly=Bad Stereotype Apply to Imperfect Produce? How To Overcome This Challenge?
  • Speaker: Prof. Anna S. MATTILA, Marriott Professor of Lodging, The Pennsylvania State University
  • Date: Monday, 25 November 2024
  • Time: 10:30 – 12:00
  • Venue: E22-G015
  • Language: English

You can find more information at https://fba.um.edu.mo/seminars/ 

We look forward to your participation.

FBA Seminar – Prof. Anna S. MATTILA (UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar) — “Does the Ugly=Bad Stereotype Apply to Imperfect Produce? How To Overcome This Challenge?”2024-12-18T00:00:18+08:00
7 2024-10

FBA Seminar – Prof. Shuping SHI (UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar) — “Bubble Mitigation Policies: Counterfactual Analysis and Treatment Effect Inference”


Faculty of Business Administration (FBA) is pleased to invite you to the upcoming  “UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar Seminar” on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, and to have Prof. Shuping SHI as our speaker.

Seminar Details:

  • Title: Bubble Mitigation Policies: Counterfactual Analysis and Treatment Effect Inference
  • Speaker: Prof. Shuping SHI, Professor, Macquarie University
  • Date: Wednesday, 16 October 2024
  • Time: 9:30 am
  • Venue: E22-G015
  • Language: English

You can find more information at https://fba.um.edu.mo/seminars/ 

We look forward to your participation.

FBA Seminar – Prof. Shuping SHI (UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar) — “Bubble Mitigation Policies: Counterfactual Analysis and Treatment Effect Inference”2024-11-07T00:00:43+08:00
5 2024-06

FBA Seminar – Prof. Runze LI (UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar) — “A New Test for high dimensional two-sample mean problems with consideration of correlation structure”


Faculty of Business Administration (FBA) is pleased to invite you to the upcoming  “UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar Seminar” on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, and to have Prof. Runze LI as our speaker.

Seminar Details:

  • Title: A New Test for high dimensional two-sample mean problems with consideration of correlation structure
  • Speaker: Prof. Runze LI, Eberly Family Chair Professor in Statistics, The Pennsylvania State University
  • Date:Tuesday, 11 June 2024
  • Time: 3:00pm
  • Venue: E22-G008
  • Language: English

You can find more information at https://fba.um.edu.mo/seminars/ 

We look forward to your participation.

FBA Seminar – Prof. Runze LI (UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar) — “A New Test for high dimensional two-sample mean problems with consideration of correlation structure”2024-07-05T00:00:39+08:00
4 2024-06

FBA Seminar – Prof. Ming HU (UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar) — “Randomization in Product, Fulfillment, and Pricing as a Profit Lever”


Faculty of Business Administration (FBA) is pleased to invite you to the upcoming  “UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar Seminar” on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, and to have Prof. Ming HU as our speaker.

Seminar Details:

  • Title: Randomization in Product, Fulfillment, and Pricing as a Profit Lever
  • Speaker: Prof. Ming HU, Distinguished Professor of Business Operations and Analytics, University of Toronto
  • Date: Tuesday, 11 June 2024
  • Time: 10:30 am
  • Venue: E22-G008
  • Language: English

You can find more information at https://fba.um.edu.mo/seminars/ 

We look forward to your participation.

FBA Seminar – Prof. Ming HU (UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar) — “Randomization in Product, Fulfillment, and Pricing as a Profit Lever”2024-07-04T00:00:39+08:00
3 2024-06

FBA Seminar – Prof. Liyan YANG (UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar) — “To Dissimulate or Not to Dissimulate? Insider Trading When Anticipating Future Information”


Faculty of Business Administration (FBA) is pleased to invite you to the upcoming  “UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar Seminar” on Friday, June 7, 2024, and to have Prof. Liyan YANG as our speaker.

Seminar Details:

  • Title: To Dissimulate or Not to Dissimulate? Insider Trading When Anticipating Future Information
  • Speaker: Prof. Liyan YANG, Professor of Finance, University of Toronto
  • Date: Friday, 7 June 2024
  • Time: 10:00 am
  • Venue: E22-G008
  • Language: English

You can find more information at https://fba.um.edu.mo/seminars/ 

We look forward to your participation.

FBA Seminar – Prof. Liyan YANG (UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar) — “To Dissimulate or Not to Dissimulate? Insider Trading When Anticipating Future Information”2024-07-03T00:00:37+08:00
16 2024-05

FBA Seminar – Prof. Chen CHEN (UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar) — “How Does Non-Audit Service Benefit Audit Service? Evidence from Key Audit Matters”


Faculty of Business Administration (FBA) is pleased to invite you to the upcoming  “UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar Seminar” on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, and to have Prof. Chen CHEN as our speaker.

Seminar Details:

  • Title: How Does Non-Audit Service Benefit Audit Service? Evidence from Key Audit Matters
  • Speaker: Prof. Chen CHEN, Professor in the Department of Accounting, Monash University
  • Date: Wednesday, 22 May 2024
  • Time: 10:00 am
  • Venue: E22-G015
  • Language: English

You can find more information at https://fba.um.edu.mo/seminars/ 

We look forward to your participation.

FBA Seminar – Prof. Chen CHEN (UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar) — “How Does Non-Audit Service Benefit Audit Service? Evidence from Key Audit Matters”2024-06-14T00:00:21+08:00
11 2024-04

UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar Seminar — “Long-Term Earnings Forecasts, Sentiment Manipulation and Stock Returns”


Dear Colleagues and Students,

Faculty of Business Administration (FBA) will host the “UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar Seminar” on 17/04/2024 (Wednesday) and is pleased to invite Prof. Allaudeen HAMEED as the speaker.

Title: Long-Term Earnings Forecasts, Sentiment Manipulation and Stock Returns
Speaker: Prof. Allaudeen HAMEED, Tang Peng Yeu Professor in Finance, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore

Date: Wednesday, 17 April 2024
Time: 10:00 am
Venue: E22-G015
Language: English


We document that the negative relation between long-term expected earnings growth (LTG) and future stock returns is amplified by managerial manipulation of earnings. We isolate the price effects of manipulation from biased investor extrapolation of LTG using the inter-segment distortion of earnings in conglomerates. The underperformance in high LTG conglomerates is particularly pronounced in firms that manipulate segment earnings, with an annual alpha of -10% for high-minus-low LTG firms. This predictive effect accentuates under conditions of high shorting constraints or positive investor sentiment. Difference-in-difference analyses, leveraging SFAS 131 disclosure requirements, reveal analysts’ forecasts of LTG are unaffected by segment-level profit distortions in conglomerates, distinguishing overpricing due to managerial manipulation from over-extrapolation of LTG. Consistent with the sentiment effects, mutual funds increase their active holdings in these manipulated conglomerates and experience subsequent long-term underperformance.

Speaker’s Bio:

Prof. Allaudeen Hameed is Tang Peng Yeu Professor in Finance at the National University of Singapore (NUS) Business School. He served as the Head of Finance Department at NUS for many years. Hameed has also held visiting positions at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the University of Texas at Austin. Prof. Hameed`s research interests include return-based trading strategies, stock return co-movement, liquidity, role of financial analysts and international financial markets. His research work has been published in top finance journals such as The Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, The Review of Financial Studies, The Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Review of Finance, and Management Science. He is Associate Editor of the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis and Senior Fellow of Asian Bureau of Finance and Economic Research (ABFER). He also served on editorial boards of several other academic journals including: Financial Management (Associate Editor), International Review of Finance (Editor), Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (Associate Editor), Journal of Applied Finance (Associate Editor), and Asian-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies.

Best Regards,
Faculty of Business Administration

UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar Seminar — “Long-Term Earnings Forecasts, Sentiment Manipulation and Stock Returns”2024-05-11T00:01:11+08:00
23 2023-11

UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar Series — “Discontinuous Distribution of Test Statistics Around Significance Thresholds in Empirical Accounting Studies”, Prof. Xin CHANG


Dear Colleagues and Students,

Faculty of Business Administration (FBA) will host the “UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar Series” on 28/11/2023 (Tuesday) and is pleased to invite Prof. Xin CHANG as the speaker.

Title: Discontinuous Distribution of Test Statistics Around Significance Thresholds in Empirical Accounting Studies
Speaker: Prof. Xin CHANG, Professor of Finance, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore

Date: 28/11/2023 (Tuesday)
Time: 10:30 – 12:00
Language: English
Venue: E22-G004

Registraiton: https://go.um.edu.mo/fns7iybe


We examine test statistics (e.g., p-values and t-statistics) reported in experimental and archival studies published in six leading accounting journals, finding discontinuities in their distributions around conventional significance thresholds (p-values of 0.05 and 0.01). Specifically, we find an unusual abundance of test statistics that are just significant. Further analysis reveals that these discontinuities are more prominent in experimental than in archival studies. The difference in discontinuity between experimental and archival studies is related to several proxies for researcher degrees of freedom. Overall, we provide suggestive evidence that some researchers use exercise discretion to obtain and report statistically significant results and show how such behaviors differ according to research method in the accounting literature. Our findings indicate that a healthy skepticism of some just-significant test statistics is warranted.

Speaker’s Bio:

Professor Xin CHANG is a Professor of Finance and Associate Dean (Research) at Nanyang Business School. His research primarily focuses on corporate finance, particularly capital structure, corporate innovation, sustainable finance, and corporate social/environmental responsibility. He has published extensively in top-tier business journals such as the Journal of Finance. His research findings were used by the Securities and Exchange Commission of the U.S. to support the new regulation rules and gained media coverage in Business Week, Forbes, Harvard Business Review, and many others. Before returning to NTU in 2017, he held tenured positions as a Senior Lecturer at the University of Melbourne, and a Professor of Financial Economics (University Reader) and John Maynard Keynes Fellow in Financial Economics at the University of Cambridge. He is also an associate editor for the International Review of Finance and Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies.

For enquiries: carlaleong@um.edu.mo

Best Regards,
Faculty of Business Administration

UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar Series — “Discontinuous Distribution of Test Statistics Around Significance Thresholds in Empirical Accounting Studies”, Prof. Xin CHANG2023-12-23T00:00:11+08:00
16 2023-10

FBA Distinguished Scholar Seminar: “Modular Production and Endogenous Strength of Comparative Advantages” Prof. Zhiyuan LI, 24 October, 2:30pm, E22-G004


Dear Colleagues and Students,

We are pleased to announce our 2023/2024 FBA Distinguished Scholar Seminar, organized by the Business Research and Training Center (BRTC),  with details below.

Title: Modular Production and Endogenous Strength of Comparative Advantages 
Speaker: Professor Zhiyuan LI, Professor, Fudan University

Date:            Tuesday, 24 October 2023
Time:           2:30 p.m. – 3:30p.m.
Venue:        E22-G004
Language:  English

Registration: https://go.um.edu.mo/vdwkgmjn

All academic staff, students and interested parties are cordially invited.

 Warmest regards,

Faculty of Business Administration (FBA)

FBA Distinguished Scholar Seminar: “Modular Production and Endogenous Strength of Comparative Advantages” Prof. Zhiyuan LI, 24 October, 2:30pm, E22-G0042023-11-16T00:01:09+08:00
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