About elizabethicchan

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So far elizabethicchan has created 9 blog entries.
1 2024-07

UM organizes the “Professional Development and Enhancement Study Tour for Administrative Staff 2024” during 24-27 June 2024

UM organizes the “Professional Development and Enhancement Study Tour for Administrative Staff 2024” during 24-27 June 20242024-08-30T00:01:08+08:00
16 2024-05

New in-house training course: “How to Handle Sexual Harassment Complaints and Conduct Investigation”


New in-house training course: “How to Handle Sexual Harassment Complaints and Conduct Investigation”2024-05-29T00:00:10+08:00
6 2024-05

【Deadline for Enrollment is Today】UM Recreational Club Interest Classes in May: “Oil Painting Experience Class”


【Deadline for Enrollment is Today】UM Recreational Club Interest Classes in May: “Oil Painting Experience Class”2024-05-26T00:00:07+08:00
25 2024-04

UM Recreational Club Interest Classes in May: “Oil Painting Experience Class”


UM Recreational Club Interest Classes in May: “Oil Painting Experience Class”2024-05-26T00:00:09+08:00
26 2024-03

New in-house training courses: “Spiritual and Intangible Civilisation of Traditional China”, “Development Opportunities of the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin” and “Introduction to China’s Administrative System”


New in-house training courses: “Spiritual and Intangible Civilisation of Traditional China”, “Development Opportunities of the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin” and “Introduction to China’s Administrative System”2024-05-20T00:00:15+08:00
15 2024-03

【Deadline for Enrollment is Today】 UM Recreational Club Interest Class in March: “TRX Experience Class”


【Deadline for Enrollment is Today】 UM Recreational Club Interest Class in March: “TRX Experience Class”2024-04-01T00:00:21+08:00
7 2024-03

Training Courses Orgainzed by the Centro de Formação Jurídica e Judiciária (CFJJ) (1st Series of March 2024)

Training Courses Orgainzed by the Centro de Formação Jurídica e Judiciária (CFJJ) (1st Series of March 2024)2024-04-23T00:00:40+08:00
7 2024-03

UM Recreational Club Interest Class in March: “TRX Experience Class”


UM Recreational Club Interest Class in March: “TRX Experience Class”2024-04-01T00:00:22+08:00
4 2024-03

A Warm Reunion at UM Chinese New Year Gathering 2024

A Warm Reunion at UM Chinese New Year Gathering 20242024-04-01T00:00:22+08:00
5 2024-02

Enrolment for Obra das Mães Nursery School (UM Campus)(For year 2024-2025)


Dear Colleagues,

Macau Obra das Mães Creche S. João Nursery School will open online registration from 4 March (09:00) to 27 March 2024 (23:59) on their website https://www.odm.org.mo/. 

For the children of UM staff who will be applying for Creche S. João in UM Campus, the nursery school would give a favourable consideration if the UM staff completes the following steps: 

  1. Fill in and submit online application form during 4 March to 27 March 2024 through website https://www.odm.org.mo/
  2. Provide Application number, Name of your child, ID number of your child and UM staff card copy on or before 27 March 2024 by sending email to odm808@macau.ctm.net 

For more information, please refer to the attached poster or visit https://www.odm.org.mo/index.php. Moreover, Creche S. João in UM campus will organize an Open Day Activity on 24 February 2024, if you and your child are interested to join, please register through their e-form.

For enquiries regarding the application to Creche S. João in UM campus, please call 2850 6361.

Thank you for your attention.

Human Resources Section




  1. 2024年3月4日至27日於母親會網頁填寫及遞交申請表 (網頁:http://www.odm.org.mo/)
  2. 2024年3月27日或之前透過電郵odm808@macau.ctm.net 提供申請編號、報讀幼兒之姓名、報讀幼兒之證件號碼及閣下之員工證副本以完成報名程序


查詢有關報讀母親會聖約翰托兒(澳大校區),可致電2850 6361。



Enrolment for Obra das Mães Nursery School (UM Campus)(For year 2024-2025)2024-05-03T00:01:07+08:00
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