UM organizes the “Professional Development and Enhancement Study Tour for Administrative Staff 2024” during 24-27 June 2024
elizabethicchan2024-08-30T00:01:08+08:00The University is actively promoting the professional and skillsets of administrative staff for talent development. For this reason, the University organized the “Professional Development and Enhancement Study Tour for Administrative Staff 2024” during 24 – 27 June 2024. Eleven awardees of “2023 Outstanding Administrative Staff Award” joined the study tour to visit the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The delegation visited the Guangdong Institute of Public Administration, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), the Huawei European Town, TIT Creative Industry Zone and several cultural heritage spots.
At the Guangdong Institute of Public Administration, the participants learnt about the Greater Bay Area’s economic development strategy and positioning. Participants also visited the campus of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) as well as various laboratories related to mateverse, computational media and arts, and 3D printing. In addition, they gained an in-depth knowledge of Guangdong historical and cultural development by visiting the Nanfeng Kiln, Foshan Ancestral Temple and Foshan Lingnan World.
Another highlight was the visit to the Huawei European Town, which is located at the National High-Tech Industrial Development Zone. Huawei’s delegate introduced their company’s corporate history and culture, and shared its core value of innovation, collaboration, and a customer-centricity. The participants also joined a tram tour to explore the facilities and buildings of Huawei European Town.
Through this learning exchange, the participants not only broadened their horizons, but also gained a deeper understanding of Guangdong’s history, culture, technology industry and the development of the universities in the Mainland China. It is believed that they will be able to contribute to the development of UM going forward.
大學一直致力於提升行政人員的專業知識和技能,以促進人才的發展。為此,大學於2024年6月24日至27日為「2023年度傑出行政人員獎」得獎者舉辦「2024 行政人員專業發展和技能提升研學團」,共十一名得獎者赴粵港澳大灣區進行學習交流。研學期間,參訪了廣東行政學院、香港科技大學(廣州)、參觀了華為小鎮,廣州TIT創意園以及歷史文化導賞。