About jeffchoi Choi Hip Weng

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So far jeffchoi Choi Hip Weng has created 9 blog entries.
7 2025-03

MCMC Musicales – Romantic Resonance

MCMC Musicales – Romantic Resonance2025-03-07T11:02:02+08:00
7 2025-03

MCMC AY2024/25 Master of Ceremony Training Course II

MCMC AY2024/25 Master of Ceremony Training Course II2025-03-07T10:23:03+08:00
6 2025-03

MCM College: My Career Story Series – Dare to Dream

MCM College: My Career Story Series – Dare to Dream2025-03-06T09:50:07+08:00
4 2025-03

MCM College: Shipley Arts Festival in Macau

MCM College: Shipley Arts Festival in Macau2025-03-04T16:17:41+08:00
4 2025-03

MCM College: MCMC Cup Basketball Competition

MCM College: MCMC Cup Basketball Competition2025-03-04T14:55:24+08:00
21 2025-02

MCM College “Ink Painting Along Maritime Silk Road”- Zhang Yan’s Ink Painting Works Collection: From Macao, China, to Chao Phraya River, Thailand


On February 19, 2025, Professor Kwok-Cheung CHEUNG, University of Macau Moon Chun Memorial College College Master, led a group of staff and students and visited the Centre for Chinese History and Culture. They were warmly received by Professor ZHANG Yan, Director of Centre for Chinese History and Culture. The delegation followed Professor Zhang’s lead in exploring the cultural significance of the “Maritime Silk Road” and delving into the discussion of “cultural innovation” and “cultural confidence.”

Chinese painting often draws inspiration from natural landscapes, but as time progresses, the subjects have expanded to include architecture, streets, and elements of modern technology. The “Zhang Yan’s Ink Painting Exhibition” serves as a medium for cross-cultural exchange. As the delegation stroll through the exhibition hall, they seem to follow Professor Zhang’s brushstrokes, embarking on a journey from Macao along the Maritime Silk Road to the Chao Phraya River in Thailand, experiencing the local customs and natural beauty along the way. The artworks convey profound historical significance while showcasing unique civilization, each one reflecting the artist’s understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures.

During the visit, students interacted with Professor Zhang, posing questions to explore diverse cultural perspectives and gaining new insights into Macao, enriching their experience of cultural exchange.




MCM College “Ink Painting Along Maritime Silk Road”- Zhang Yan’s Ink Painting Works Collection: From Macao, China, to Chao Phraya River, Thailand2025-02-27T11:41:10+08:00
20 2025-02

MCM College Faculty Series: Tea with Prof. Liu Xiufeng – ‘Pursuing Further Study in the USA’


MCM College was delighted to receive Prof. Liu Xiufeng, (Chair Professor, FED) for hosting a special afternoon tea gathering with students. The theme triggered many curious minds about pursuing further study in the USA. He shared his extensive experience of teaching and living in USA with 15 eager students who are seriously considering an exchange experience or graduate studies in the next academic semester.

Prof. Liu was quick to point out that many students attempting to ‘navigate’ tertiary education application procedures in the USA without proper guidance could experience confusion and feel rather overwhelmed.

There are several components to the USA college applications: grades, standardized tests, extracurricular activities, college list, essays and letters of recommendation. Prof. Liu explained that the American Collegiate system carefully considers each component of a student’s application equally and regards each applicant holistically. This is usually based on the individual’s personality, interests, and accomplishments — not simply based on one’s grades alone. The aim is also to evaluate how students amplify their interests and passions apart from their test scores and academic achievements.

A special tip Prof. Liu offered to students was to step out of their comfort zones by discover their passion and to shine—get involved in their new surrounding and start an independent lifestyle that demonstrates integration into American life. Make new friends, and demonstrate actionable language skills and engage in activities beyond the classroom.

I enjoyed the activity very much. The guest speaker was able give clear details for each question being asked.

Kimberley Cordes Yr 2. FBA

During my enlightening tea talk with Prof. Liu, he elaborated on the expansive career opportunities available after pursuing a master’s degree in either statistics or data science in the USA. He highlighted the growing demand for data professionals in a variety of sectors, emphasizing how these qualifications could significantly enhance career prospects and open doors to exciting job opportunities. Prof. Liu also provided invaluable insights into popular locations across the USA for graduate studies and employment, naming cities renowned for their vibrant academic communities and robust job markets in the USA.

YANG Yishu, Fergie Yr. 4. FST

It was very good to have participated in this activity and to have the opportunity to talk to a teacher who understands the USA educational system so well. I was able to better understand which universities to apply and what methods to use for . I also gained a notion of USA cost of living, which I didn’t previously have.

Rosalie Kizimbou Year 2. FBA




A MCM College teve o prazer de receber o Professor. Liu Xiufeng, (Chair Professor, FED) para um lanche com os alunos. O tema foi uma discussão sobre a prossecução de estudos nos EUA. Liu Xiufeng partilhou a sua vasta experiência de ensino e de vida nos EUA com 15 estudantes ansiosos que estão a considerar seriamente uma experiência de intercâmbio ou estudos de pós-graduação no próximo semestre académico.

O Prof. Liu foi rápido a salientar que muitos estudantes que tentam “navegar” pelos procedimentos de candidatura ao ensino superior nos EUA sem uma orientação adequada podem sentir-se confusos e bastante sobrecarregados.

Existem vários componentes nas candidaturas às universidades americanas: notas, testes padronizados, actividades extracurriculares, lista de universidades, ensaios e cartas de recomendação. O Docente salientou que o sistema colegial americano considera cuidadosamente cada componente da candidatura de cada individuo de forma igual e encara cada candidato holísticamente. Isto baseia-se geralmente na personalidade, nos interesses e nas realizações do indivíduo – e não apenas nas suas notas. O objetivo é também avaliar a forma como os estudantes ampliam os seus interesses e paixões, para além das suas notas nos testes e dos seus resultados académicos.

No fim, o docente deu uma dica especial aos alunos: saiam das suas zonas de conforto, descubram a sua paixão e brilhem – envolvam-se no seu novo ambiente e iniciem um estilo de vida independente que demonstre a integração na vida americana. Façam novos amigos, demonstrem competências linguísticas práticas e participem em atividades para além da sala de aula.

Gostei muito da atividade. O orador convidado conseguiu dar pormenores claros para cada pergunta que lhe foi colocada.

Kimberley Cordes. 2º ano, FBA

Durante a minha conversa com o Prof. Liu, ele falou sobre as vastas oportunidades de carreira disponíveis após a obtenção de um mestrado em estatística ou ciência dos dados nos EUA. Destacou a procura crescente de profissionais de dados em vários sectores, sublinhando a forma como estas qualificações podem melhorar significativamente as perspectivas de carreira e abrir portas a oportunidades de emprego interessantes. O Professor também forneceu informações valiosas sobre locais populares nos EUA para estudos de pós-graduação e emprego, nomeando cidades conhecidas pelas suas comunidades académicas vibrantes e mercados de trabalho robustos nos EUA.

YANG Yishu, Fergie, 4º ano, FST

Foi muito bom ter participado nesta atividade e ter tido a oportunidade de falar com um professor que compreende tão bem o sistema educativo dos EUA. Consegui perceber melhor quais as universidades a que me devo candidatar e quais os métodos a utilizar para . Também fiquei com uma noção do custo de vida nos EUA, que não tinha anteriormente.

Rosalie Kizimbou 2º Ano, FBA




MCM College Faculty Series: Tea with Prof. Liu Xiufeng – ‘Pursuing Further Study in the USA’2025-02-21T11:48:54+08:00
17 2025-02

MCM College: “Love You Forever” Valentine’s Day Carnival


On 12th February, 2025, Moon Chun Memorial College, University of Macau held a Valentine’s Day event with the theme of “Love You Forever”. The popular event was warm, romantic and filled with a sweet atmosphere. The venue was decorated in pink, with balloons, roses and lights interweaving into a romantic ambiance.

Several special booths were set up. At the DIY Aroma Candle booth, participants used colors and fragrances to create their own romantic candles. The DIY Chocolate Marshmallow booth was filled with a sweet aroma as everyone made unique desserts. At the Love Message Board booth, participants wrote heartfelt confessions to their loved ones or friends, transforming their feelings into words. At the DIY Bracelet booth, participants displayed their creativity by making bracelets to give to their loved ones.

Participants experience handmade crafts and shared sweet moments as they moved between the booths. This event not only provided an opportunity for everyone to express their love, but also allowed them to feel warmth and care amidst their busy study life.

2025年2月12日,澳門大學滿珍紀念書院舉辦了一場主題為 “Love You Forever” 的情人節活動。活動溫馨浪漫,充滿了甜蜜的氛圍。現場裝飾以粉色為主,氣球、玫瑰和燈光交織成浪漫的氛圍。



MCM College: “Love You Forever” Valentine’s Day Carnival2025-02-17T16:05:50+08:00
13 2025-02

MCM College Chinese Medicine Health Lecture Series: The relationship between love brain and body constitution


University of Macau Moon Chun Memorial College is honored to have invited Dr. Cheng Cheng LEI, Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner, to give a lecture on “The relationship between love brain and body constitution”, as one of the lecture in MCMC Chinese Medicine Health Lecture Series.

In recent years, it has become popular to refer to certain friends as having a “love brain,” always repeatedly falling in love with someone not suitable for them and seemingly beyond help. Dr. Li used this as a starting point to share with students that in Traditional Chinese Medicine, a person possesses five spirits: “Shen” (spirit), “Hun” (ethereal soul), “Po” (corporal soul), “Yi” (intellect), and “Zhi” (will), which are housed in different organs and govern emotional activities.

Moreover, these organs belong to different Five Elements, existing in a relationship of mutual generation and restriction, forming an interactive system. When the body’s qi and blood are abundant and the organs function normally, everything is harmonious. However, when the body becomes increasingly weakened, the organs cannot perform their respective functions, which can affect the spirits of the five organs, leading to pathological manifestations, including repeated heartbreak.

Li shared examples of different body types with the students, suggesting corresponding wellness methods. In addition to using traditional Chinese medicine to adjust body constitution, she also recommended that students engage in more physical exercise to strengthen their bodies, which would help in firming their willpower.





MCM College Chinese Medicine Health Lecture Series: The relationship between love brain and body constitution2025-02-13T15:36:08+08:00
24 2025-01

MCM College: “Springtime Greetings from the Golden Snake” Gala


Moon Chun Memorial College, University of Macau, bid farewell to the old, and welcome a new year by hosting a grand Spring Festival celebration on 15th January, 2025. The event was meticulously planned by the House Association, showcasing a variety of wonderful traditional Chinese festival cultural activities. It attracted over a hundred students, resident and non-resident fellows and affiliates, who together experienced a visual feast that blended tradition with modernity, and culture with art.

Participants produced hand-made fireworks which demonstrated their creativity and hands-on skills while expressing their good wishes for the New Year. Calligraphy enthusiasts wielded their brushes, infusing their blessings into their strokes. Activities such as Chinese knots making and CNY fan painting symbolized reunion and happiness, conveying warmth and strength.

The highlight of the evening was the spectacular performances by the band and dance troupe, which brought the festive atmosphere to a climax. The event not only allowed participants to feel the joy and warmth of the Spring Festival but also inspired their beautiful visions and expectations for the future. As the event came to a close, the joyful atmosphere lingered in everyone’s hearts, leaving them looking forward to the next gathering.


參與者製作了手工煙花,展示了他們的創意與動手能力,同時表達了他們對新年的美好祝願 。書法愛好者們揮毫潑墨,將滿滿祝福融入筆端。編中國結、繪畫新年團扇,這些活動象徵著團圓和幸福,傳遞溫暖與力量。


MCM College: “Springtime Greetings from the Golden Snake” Gala2025-02-24T00:00:45+08:00
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