Upgrade to newer version of ESET Anti-virus software
To: All Users,
An updated version of ESET anti-virus software has been released, and we are currently testing this new version. Starting from Wednesday 12th February, 2025, we plan to upgrade the ESET anti-virus software on all laptops and desktop computers provided by ICTO.
The installation process is automatic. After installation, the software will prompt you to restart computers to access the updated protection features. During the transition period, the current version will continue to provide system protection and module updates.
If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact our Help Desk.
Help Desk
Location : Room 2085, 2/F, Central Teaching Building (E5), eMap
Telephone : 8822 8600
Email : icto.helpdesk@um.edu.mo
Information and Communication Technology Office
ESET 防毒軟件最近推出了更新版本,我們現正為新版本進行最後測試,並計劃於本月12日星期三起,為所有由資訊及通訊科技部提供的筆記本及電腦更新至最新版本。整個安裝過程全自動,完成安裝後,軟件會指示用戶重新啟動電腦,便可獲得最新保護功能。在升級過渡期內,現行版本仍會提供系統保護及模組更新。
服 務 中 心
位置 : 中央教學樓東5座(E5)二樓2085室 (電子地圖)
電話 : 8822 8600
電郵 : icto.helpdesk@um.edu.mo