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6 2024-12

【Sports Games and Activities】: UM Badminton and Basketball teams got good results in the 2nd Guangdong -Macau University Student Carnival – Establishment Cup


Group Photo

Badminton competition (Men’s Single) – Tong Chon In (Champion)

Badminton competition (Women’s Single)

– Pui Chi Wa (Champion), Wang Wai Kei (1st Runner-up), Sin Weng In (2nd Runner-up)

Men’s Basketball Team (2nd Runner-up)

Women’s Basketball Team – Champion


Other Activity Highlights


UM Badminton and Basketball Teams got good result in the 2nd Guangdong -Macau University Student Carnival – Establishment Cup

The 2nd Guangdong-Macau University Student Carnival – Establishment Cup was organized by Guangdong Higher Education Association of Macao Students, the Guangzhou Youth Cultural Palace, the Jinan University Macao Students Association and supported by the Education and Youth Development Bureau of the Macao SAR Government. 

The event attracted nearly 200 university students from Sun Yat-sen University 中山大學, Jinan University 暨南大學, South China Normal University 華南師範大學, Southern Medical University 南方醫科大學, South China University of Technology 華南理工大學, as well as the University of Macau 澳門大學, City University of Macau 澳門城市大學 and University of Saint Joseph 聖若瑟大學.

16 student-athletes from UM badminton team and basketball team had participated in the 3×3 basketball and badminton competitions.  They also jointed the fun sports activities which further enhance the enjoyment and interactivity among the participants.

Competition Results:   
Badminton events:
Men’s Single: Tong Chon In (Champion)
Women’s Single: Pui Chi Wa (Champion)
Women’s Single: Wang Wai Kei (1st Runner-up)
Women’s Single: Sin Weng In (2nd Runner-up)  

3×3 Basketball events:
3×3 Men’s Basketball event: UM Men’s Basketball Team (2nd Runner-up)
3×3 Women’s Basketball event: UM Women’s Basketball Team (Champion)

Participants list:

Name RC Faculty 
UM Badminton Team
Tong Chon In LCWC FBA
Tang Kuong Pou HFPJC FST
Fan YiJian Alex SPC FED
Wang Wai Kei CYTC FST
Sin Weng In LCWC FSS
Pui Chi Wa SPC FHS
Li Cheok In LCWC FHS
UM Basketball Teams 
Ku Hou Meng LCWC FBA
Wong Hou Man CKLC FSS
Chan Ka Hei CKPC FSS
Maximo Zyrille Rizzi Copo MCMC FAH
Sit Hoi Lam SHEAC  FLL
Chang Sin Lam SPC FSS
Lin Weng Ha CKPC FLL

Thank you for your support!

Office of Sports Affairs (OSA)

【Sports Games and Activities】: UM Badminton and Basketball teams got good results in the 2nd Guangdong -Macau University Student Carnival – Establishment Cup2024-12-31T00:02:28+08:00
21 2024-11

【Sports Activity】: SJM X UM Tennis Experience Camp was Completed Successfully


 Opening Ceremony


Activity Highlights




SJM X UM Tennis Experience Camp was completed successfully


The Tennis Experience Camp, jointly organized by SJM Resorts, S.A. and UM Office of Sports Affairs, was completed successfully. The experience camp has been hold on 16 November, led by 3 student instructors from UM Tennis Team.   A total of 21 teenager had participated the camp and experienced the fun of tennis via various sports activities and training. 

The President of UMSU Tennis Club , representatives of SJM, tennis instructors and participants were invited to attend opening ceremony. 

Office of Sports Affairs (OSA)





【Sports Activity】: SJM X UM Tennis Experience Camp was Completed Successfully2024-12-20T00:00:19+08:00
12 2024-11

【Sports Games and Activities】: UM A Team got the 1st runner-up at 2024 Charity Tennis Competition


Opening Ceremony


Group Photo

1st Runner-up – UM A Team

Competition Highlights



UM A Team got the 1st runner-up at 2024 Charity Tennis Competition

The “2024 Charity Tennis Competition – Gathering Love to Help Stray Dogs” co-organized by UMSU Tennis Club, MITA, Base Tennis and Soar Sports Development and management LTD, has been held on 10 Nov (Sun). This year’s event attracted more than 200 athletes from 27 teams from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to participate, the most ever.
Competition Result:
UM A Team got the 1st Runner-up in the competition.

領隊 Team Leader:   林朗為  Prof. Long Wai Lam, Rico (AAO)

UM A Team
Student Name Faculty  RC
文志遠 Wen Zhi Yuan FBA CKYC
N/A Giulumian Elen FSS CYTC
余子銳 Yu Zi Rui FHS CKYC
任子龍 Ren Zi Long FBA N/A
劉子毓 Liu Zi Yu FED CYTC
孫一盈 Sun Yui Ying FLL PGH
Staff Name Faculty/Unit
桂長峰 (隊長) ChangFeng Gui (Captain) FST
林繼亮 Lam Kai Leong FAH
林朗為 Lam Long Wai AAO
李卓雄 Lei Adrian Cheuk Hung FBA
UM B Team
Student Name Faculty  RC
王奕歡 (隊長) Wang YiHuan (Captain) FSS CYTC
何雨陽 He Yu Yang FBA CKYC
陳奕涵 Chen Yi Han FED SHEAC
耿子騫 Geng ZiQian FST CYTC 
楊詠樂 Yeung Weng Lok FBA CYTC
Staff Name Faculty/Unit
謝金枝 Shieh Jin-Jy FED
張文瑜 Chang Wen-Yu FSS
張洪財 Zhang HongCai IOTSC
馮一鳴 Fong Iat Meng FAH
Let’s support our UM Teams !
Office of Sports Affairs 


【Sports Games and Activities】: UM A Team got the 1st runner-up at 2024 Charity Tennis Competition2024-12-11T00:00:10+08:00
6 2024-11

【Sports Games and Activities】: 2024 Charity Tennis Competition – Gathering Love to Help Stray Dogs



2024 Charity Tennis Competition – Gathering Love to Help Stray Dogs

The “2024 Charity Tennis Competition – Gathering Love to Help Stray Dogs” co-organized by UMSU Tennis Club, MITA, Base Tennis and Soar Sports Development and management LTD will be held on 10 Nov 2024 (Sunday).   The beneficiary of the donated fund will be ESDMVG (Everyone Stray Dogs Macau Volunteer Group).
Date : 10 Nov 2024 (Sunday)
Time : 08:00 – 20:00
Venue : UM Tennis Courts

The competition adopts a group round-robin system, and the first place in the group advances to the cross-knockout round until the champion and runner-up are determined.  Competition categories include:

(1) Open doubles, no age or gender restrictions
(2) Doubles for the 80-year-old group, regardless of gender, the combined age is 80 years old, and female can add 10 years old
(3) Doubles for the 90-year-old group, regardless of gender, the combined age is 90 years old, and female can add 10 years old
2 teams from UM will be participated in this competition, including 8 staff and 11 UM Tennis Team members: 

領隊 Team Leader:   林朗為  Prof. Long Wai Lam, Rico (AAO)

UM A Team
Student Name Faculty  RC
文志遠 Wen Zhi Yuan FBA CKYC
N/A Giulumian Elen FSS CYTC
余子銳 Yu Zi Rui FHS CKYC
任子龍 Ren Zi Long FBA N/A
劉子毓 Liu Zi Yu FED CYTC
孫一盈 Sun Yui Ying FLL PGH
Staff Name Faculty/Unit
桂長峰 (隊長) ChangFeng Gui (Captain) FST
林繼亮 Lam Kai Leong FAH
林朗為 Lam Long Wai AAO
李卓雄 Lei Adrian Cheuk Hung FBA
UM B Team
Student Name Faculty  RC
王奕歡 (隊長) Wang YiHuan (Captain) FSS CYTC
何雨陽 He Yu Yang FBA CKYC
陳奕涵 Chen Yi Han FED SHEAC
耿子騫 Geng ZiQian FST CYTC 
楊詠樂 Yeung Weng Lok FBA CYTC
Staff Name Faculty/Unit
謝金枝 Shieh Jin-Jy FED
張文瑜 Chang Wen-Yu FSS
張洪財 Zhang HongCai IOTSC
馮一鳴 Fong Iat Meng FAH
Campus Map for UM Outdoor Sports Facilities:
Let’s support our UM Teams !
Office of Sports Affairs 


【Sports Games and Activities】: 2024 Charity Tennis Competition – Gathering Love to Help Stray Dogs2024-11-11T00:00:45+08:00
25 2024-09

【Sports Teams】: UM Athletes won 102 Awards in “2023-2024 Macau University Sports Championship Awards Ceremony”


Group Photo

Group Photo of UM Sports Team Awardees

Awards Ceremony Highlight

UM Athletes won 102 awards in “2023-2024 Macau University Sports Championship Awards Ceremony

The “2023-2024 Macau University Sports Championship Awards Ceremony”, which was organized by Macau Universitarian Sports Association, was held successfully on 15 Sep (Sun). For the university sports competitions in 2023/2024, UM has won 102 awards in 10 events, including : Badminton, Basketball, Fencing, Handball, Soccer, Squash, Swimming, Table Tennis, Track and Field, and Volleyball respectively.

Please Click -> Award List of UM Athletes


Thank you for your support !

Office of Sports Affairs (OSA)

【Sports Teams】: UM Athletes won 102 Awards in “2023-2024 Macau University Sports Championship Awards Ceremony”2024-10-24T00:01:27+08:00
5 2024-08

【Sports Team】UM Tennis Team Participated in “27th All China University Tennis Championship (Final)”


Group Photo

Opening Ceremony

Competition Highlights


The “27th All China University Tennis Championship (Final)” was held in Shanghai from 22 July to 1 August 2024. There were  933 athletes from 132 universities participating in the championship.

UM Tennis Team has sent 4 students to compete in team events (men’s team group), single event and double event. In addition, there were 2 male team members ( He Yu Yang and Wang Chen) participated in the single event and 2 male team members ( Cui JingCheng and Wen ZhiYuan) participated in the double event. 

The competition results are shown as below:

Name Event Result
UM Tennis Team  Men’s Team Group  Round of 16
He Yu Yang Men’s Single  Round of 32
Wang Chen Men’s Single Round of 32
Cui JingCheng / Wen ZhiYuan Men’s Double  Member waives due to injury


Participant List:

 Name Faculty RC 
Men’s Team
文志遠 Wen ZhiYuan (Captain) FBA CYTC
王宸 Wang Chen (Vice Captain) FED CKLC
何雨陽 He Yu Yang FBA CKYC
崔靖騁 Cui JingCheng FST PGH


With special thanks to SJM RESORTS, S.A. 澳娛綜合度假股份有限公司 for their support to our UM Tennis Team. 

Thank you for your support!

Office of Sports Affairs (OSA)


【Sports Team】UM Tennis Team Participated in “27th All China University Tennis Championship (Final)”2024-09-05T00:01:11+08:00
13 2024-05

【Sports Activity】: “2023-2024 UM Sports Awards Presentation Ceremony” was held successfully



Group Photo

Plaque Presentation Ceremony

Macau JCK Black Bears International Sports and Entertainment C0., Ltd.


Shun An Flower Shop

Scholarship by Donors

Bank of China (Macau Branch)

 Women’s Basketball Team

Men’s Soccer Team

Dragon Boat Team
Swimming Team Fencing Team Squash Team

Parry Group Investment and Development Company Limited

 Tennis Team                                            

                                      Martial Arts Team

SJM Resorts S.A.

Men’s Volleyball Team                                      

                                  Women’s Volleyball Team 

Banco Nacional Ultramarino (BNU)

Lisboa Holdings Limited

Outstanding UM Sports Team Athlete                     
                               Dragon and Lion Dance Team

Victormap Group Co. Ltd.

Korfball Team                                            
                                    Rock Climbing Team

Macau JCK Black Bears International Sports and Entertainment C0., Ltd.

Neoson Information Technology Company Limited

Kangaroo King Home (Macao) Company Limited

Badminton Team                                          

                                                  Table Tennis Team

Maxim’s Cake Shop Limited


Karate Team                                                

                                          Track and Field Team

Shun An Flower Shop

Scholarship by UM

Outstanding Student-Athletes Award Scheme (Current Student)

Most Valuable Athlete (MVA)

Loyal Athletes

Train the Trainer Programme (T.T.T.)

Sports Volunteer Programme (SVP)

Volunteer Star of the Year

“2023-2024 UM Sports Awards Presentation Ceremony”
The “2023-2024 UM Sports Awards Presentation Ceremony” was being held successfully on 2 May 2024 at UM Guest House Multi-function Hall (N1).

The awards presentation ceremony has been held since 2002, with the aim to recognize the outstanding athletes and sports teams throughout the year. This year, the total amount of sports scholarship has  increased from MOP360,000 to MOP480,000, with 4 new donors from BNU, Macau JCK Black Bears International Sports and Entertainment C0., Ltd., PizzaExpress and Shun An Flower Shop to donate MOP50,000, MOP30,000, MOP20,000 and MOP20,000 respectively.

During the opening remarks, Prof. Mok Kai Meng, Vice Rector (Student Affairs) briefed the current development of sports affairs and expressed his sincere thanks to all 12 donors for their support to UM’s sports development. He also appreciated all sports team coaches and athletes for their efforts and contributions to UM’s glory.

Until April, UM Sports Teams won 58 golds, 46 silvers and 62 bronzes in this 2023/2024 academic year.

Besides donor’s scholarship, UM also awarded its scholarships to 12 outstanding athletes and 19 most valuable athletes. In additions, the certificates of appreciation were presented to 32 coaches, 57 U team captains/vice captains/assistants and 63 loyal athletes.  At the end of the ceremony, certificates were also presented to 32 trainees from the Train the Trainer Programme (T.T.T.) and 20 volunteers from the Sports Volunteer Programme (SVP).

Attended guests included:
Prof. Prof Rui Paulo da Silva Martins (Vice Rector, Global Affairs) UM
Prof. Mok Kai Meng (Vice Rector, Student Affairs) UM
Mr. Jerry Chiang (Co-Founder) and Lai Chi Hou (Director) Macau JCK Black Bears International Sports and Entertainment C0., Ltd.
Mr. Jeff Chan (PizzaExpress Macau (Franchise) Owner) PizzaExpress
Ms. Ng Cheng Man (Person in charge) and Mr. Li Wei Bo (Person in charge) Shun An Flower Shop
Mr. Li Rui Qiang (Chairman) and Cheong Meng Wai (Branch Manager) Bank of China (Macau Branch)
Mr. Luis Mak (representative) Parry Group Investment and Development Company Limited
Dr. Rui Cunha (Secretary-General) SJM Resorts S. A.
Mr. Lam Vai Chun (Chief Executive Officer) Victormap Group Co. Ltd.
Mr. Ted Choi (Head of Greater Bay Area) Neoson Information Technology Company Limited
Mr. Steven Lau (Chief Executive Officer of Brand in Asia-Pacific Area) Kangaroo King Home (Macao) Company Limited
Mr. Lau Siu Lon (General Manager) and Mr. Lam Weng Keong (Assistant) Maxim’s Cake Shop Limited
Prof. Wong Seng Fat (Interim College Master, Cheng Yu Tung College) UM
Ms. Cindy Lam (Director of Alumni and Development Office) UM
Ms. Grace Chau (Director of Office of Sports Affairs) UM

UM Sports Awards Ceremony Photos Sharing (Browse below link):

Thanks for your great support!

Office of Sports Affairs
Tel: 8822 4415
E-mail: osa.development@um.edu.mo
Website: https://osa.um.edu.mo/


【Sports Activity】: “2023-2024 UM Sports Awards Presentation Ceremony” was held successfully2024-06-03T15:00:13+08:00
30 2024-04

【Sports Activities】: Visits to “National Security Education Exhibition” for UM Sports Teams, UMSU Sports Sub-clubs & Sports Volunteers




                                                       1st session (12:00) on 17 Apr (Wed)                                                 2nd session (15:00) on 17 Apr (Wed)

3rd session (11:00) on 24 Apr (Wed)


                                                        4th session (15:00) on 24 Apr (Wed)                                                5th session (10:30) on 27 Apr (Sat)

Activity Highlight

Visits to the “National Security Education Exhibition”
for UM Sports Teams, UMSU Sports Sub-clubs & UM Sports Volunteers

In response to the policy guidelines of the Macau SAR Government for raising students’ awareness of the national security, the Office of Sports Affairs (OSA) organized visiting tours to the “National Security Education Exhibition” for the UM Sports Teams, UMSU Sports Sub-clubs and UM Sports Volunteers. The exhibition is co-organized by the Macao SAR Government and the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao SAR. It takes place at the Macao Forum from 15 Apr to 15 May 2024.

OSA has arranged 5 visits. A total of about 150 students participated.

Through the visiting tour of the “National Security Education Exhibition”, students could be able to understand the importance of the national security to social development and could fully be able to understand the current development status of the country. 

Office of Sports Affairs
Tel: 8822 4415
E-mail: osa.development@um.edu.mo
Website: https://osa.um.edu.mo/


【Sports Activities】: Visits to “National Security Education Exhibition” for UM Sports Teams, UMSU Sports Sub-clubs & Sports Volunteers2024-05-27T15:00:07+08:00
26 2024-04

【Sports Teams】: UM won “The 22nd HKUST-UM Sports Challenge Cup”



Opening Ceremony Group Photo (HKUST and UM)

Opening Remarks – Vice Rector (Student Affairs) Prof. Mok Kai Meng

Opening Ceremony Highlights


Badminton Teams

Men’s Basketball Teams

Women’s Basketball Teams

Fencing Teams 

Men’s Soccer Teams

Korfball Teams

Rock Climbing Teams Squash Teams

Swimming Teams

Table Tennis Teams Tennis Teams

Track and Field Teams


Men’s Volleyball Teams

Women’s Volleyball Teams


Lunch at RCs (CKYC and SHEAC)



Campus Tours

Winner of HKUST-UM Sports Challenge Cup: UM

Closing Ceremony Highlights


UM won “The 22nd HKUST-UM Sports Challenge Cup”

The HKUST-UM Sports Challenge Cup (澳科盃體育挑戰賽) has been a yearly event since 2000 and it promotes exchange of skills and friendship between students of University of Macau (UM) and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST).  We are so glad that the exchange activity is being resumed and hosted by UM on 20 Apr (Sat) this year.

Over 500 participants from both universities had joined this meaningful activity and UM sent a delegation of around 250 athletes, coaches and staff from Office of Sports Affairs, UM sports teams, UM staff sports clubs, Sports Association of UMSU and UM Sports Volunteers. 

There were 14 Sports Teams (12 sports items), they were Badminton, Men’s Basketball, Women’s Basketball, Fencing, Korfball, Rock Climbing, Men’s Soccer, Squash, Swimming, Table Tennis, Tennis, Men’s Volleyball, Women’s Volleyball, and Track and Field. Moreover, HKUST delegation was invited to have lunch with our student athletes at the Residential Colleges (SHEAC and CKYC) so that they could have a experience at RC and know more about UM Residential College system, other than the lunch arrangement at RCs, our student athletes have arranged campus visits to HKUST students, the visiting site such as RCs, The Wall of Great Wisdom, ISCG Gaming Laboratory, Currency Museum, Moot Court and the Library, etc.

For activity photos, please visit —> https://umdrive.um.edu.mo/link/AADFD7F24E3FE3490D82C27DA17C0DBEB2

For video highlights, please visit —> https://go.um.edu.mo/l3oenq5w

Results :

Past Result (2000-2024):

Office of Sports Affairs (OSA)

【Sports Teams】: UM won “The 22nd HKUST-UM Sports Challenge Cup”2024-05-20T00:00:14+08:00
18 2024-04

【Sports Team】: The 22nd HKUST-UM Sports Challenge Cup will be held at UM on 20 Apr (Sat, 11:30-18:30)



22nd HKUST-UM Sports Challenge Cup

The HKUST-UM Sports Challenge Cup (澳科盃) has been a yearly event since 2000, which promotes exchange of skills and friendship in sports between University of Macau (UM) and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST).

The event will be hosted by the each university on alternate year and this year, it will be hosted at UM campus on 20 Apr, 2023 (Saturday), 11:30 – 18:30.

There will be 14 Sports events namely: Badminton, Basketball (Men’s & Women’s), Fencing, Korfball, Rock Climbing, Soccer, Squash, Swimming, Table Tennis, Tennis, Track and Field and Volleyball (Men’s & Women’s).

A total of 500 students, coaches and staff from both universities will be participated in this remarkable event and the competition schedule is as follow.  All are welcome to attend and cheer for our UM Sports Teams.  


Thank you for your support!

Office of Sports Affairs

【Sports Team】: The 22nd HKUST-UM Sports Challenge Cup will be held at UM on 20 Apr (Sat, 11:30-18:30)2024-04-21T00:00:35+08:00
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