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16 2024-04

Call for Sports Scholarship application for “UM Outstanding Athletes for 2023/2024 academic year” (Deadline: 26 Apr)


“UM Outstanding Athletes” scholarship aims to award student-athletes with remarkable sports achievement during the current academic year 2023-2024 (1 May 2023 – 30 Apr 2024).

The Sports Scholarships includes

UM Sports Scholarship:

UM Outstanding Student-Athletes Award Scheme


Scholarship content:

100% waived of Tuition Fee

50% waived of Tuition Fee

Max. MOP5,000 allowance

Eligible student-athletes:

  • Current UM student UM
  • Cum GPA >=2.3
  • Did not receive any UM sports scholarship


Individual Scholarship from Donor (MOP160,000):

Bank of China Macau Branch (MOP100,000)

MOP20,000 x 2 quota (Macau Athletes)

  • Macau SAR Sports Representative Team athlete
  • GPA >=2.0 in one of the last two semesters

MOP20,000 x 1 quota (UM Sports Teams)

  • GPA >=2.0 in one of the last two semesters
  • Recommended by team coach and team manager
  • Satisfied training attendance rate

MOP10,000 x 4 quota (UM Sports Teams)

Lisboa Holdings (MOP40,000)

MOP20,000 x 1 quota (UM Sports Teams)

MOP10,000 x 2 quota (UM Sports Teams)

Victormap Group (MOP20,000)

MOP10,000 x 2 quota (Fencing & Martial Arts)


Besides, there are a total of MOP320,000 Sports Teams Development Scholarship from Donors for university sports teams, which are mainly for the team development or participating national competitions, regional competition and off-site training etc.

Development Scholarship from Donor (MOP320,000):

Parry Group (MOP80,000)

MOP10,000 — UM Dragon Boat Team
MOP10,000 — UM Fencing Team
MOP20,000 — UM Men’s Soccer Team
MOP20,000 — UM Squash Team
MOP10,000 — UM Swimming Team
MOP10,000 — UM Women’s Basketball Team

A selection committee of UM will be responsible for the selection according to the students’ contributions made to the respective teams





Neoson (MOP20,000)

MOP20,000 — UM Men’s Basketball Team

Kangaroo King (MOP20,000)

MOP20,000 — UM Men’s Soccer Team

Victormap (MOP10,000)

MOP10,000 — UM Dragon and Lion Dance Team

SJM Resorts (MOP50,000)

MOP25,000 — UM Tennis Team
MOP25,000 — UM Martial Arts Team

Maxim’s Cake Shop (MOP20,000)

MOP10,000 — UM Badminton Team
MOP10,000 — UM Table Tennis Team

BNU (MOP50,000)
大西洋銀行 (New)

MOP25,000 — UM Men’s Volleyball Team
MOP25,000 — UM Women Volleyball Team

Macau Black Bears (MOP30,000)
澳門JCK黑熊國際體育娛樂有限公司 (New)

MOP15,000 — UM Korfball Team
MOP15,000 — UM Rock Climbing Team

PizzaExpress (MOP20,000) (New)

MOP20,000 — UM Women’s Basketball Team

Shun An Flower Shop (MOP20,000)
順安花店 (In process)

MOP10,000 — UM Track and Field Team
MOP10,000 — UM Karate Team


Eligible athletes, please complete the online application form on or before 26 Apr 2024. 

Any supplementary documents must be submitted to osa.scholarship@um.edu.mo on or before 30 Apr 2024.

 “UM Outstanding Athletes” Scholarship Online Application:


(Please scan the above QR code / visit the link to proceed the online application)

Application Procedure and Information:

Scholarship Information_20232024

(Note: UM reserves the final right of interpretation for details and issuance of the Scholarship)

UM Sports Awards Presentation Ceremony will be held on 2 May 2024 7:00pm at UM Guest House Multi-function Hall (N1).

For details, please visit our OSA webpage: https://sports.osa.um.edu.mo/umsportsawards/

Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to email osa.scholarship@um.edu.mo or call us at 8822 4415/ 88224410.

Office of Sports Affairs



Call for Sports Scholarship application for “UM Outstanding Athletes for 2023/2024 academic year” (Deadline: 26 Apr)2024-04-27T00:01:04+08:00
20 2024-03

【Sports Activities】: Visits to “National Security Education Exhibition” for UM Sports Teams, UMSU Sports Sub-clubs & Sports Volunteers




                                                       1st session (12:00) on 17 Apr (Wed)                                                 2nd session (15:00) on 17 Apr (Wed)

3rd session (11:00) on 24 Apr (Wed)


                                                        4th session (15:00) on 24 Apr (Wed)                                                5th session (10:30) on 27 Apr (Sat)

Activity Highlight

Visits to the “National Security Education Exhibition”
for UM Sports Teams, UMSU Sports Sub-clubs & UM Sports Volunteers

In response to the policy guidelines of the Macau SAR Government for raising students’ awareness of the national security, the Office of Sports Affairs (OSA) organized visiting tours to the “National Security Education Exhibition” for the UM Sports Teams, UMSU Sports Sub-clubs and UM Sports Volunteers. The exhibition is co-organized by the Macao SAR Government and the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao SAR. It takes place at the Macao Forum from 15 Apr to 15 May 2024.

OSA has arranged 5 visits. A total of about 150 students participated.

Through the visiting tour of the “National Security Education Exhibition”, students could be able to understand the importance of the national security to social development and could fully be able to understand the current development status of the country. 

Office of Sports Affairs
Tel: 8822 4415
E-mail: osa.development@um.edu.mo
Website: https://osa.um.edu.mo/


【Sports Activities】: Visits to “National Security Education Exhibition” for UM Sports Teams, UMSU Sports Sub-clubs & Sports Volunteers2024-04-30T17:02:00+08:00
12 2023-12

【Sports Team】: UM Tennis Team won the team competition 4th Place (Men) in the “27th All China University Tennis Championship Divisional Round (South China Division), and qualify for the final competition


Competition Group Photo

Competition Highlights


UM Tennis Team won the team competition 4th Place (Men)

in the “27th All China University Tennis Championship Divisional Round (South China Division)

The 27th All China University Tennis Championship Divisional Round (South China Division), organized by the Federation of University Sports of China, was held in Shaoguan (韶關) from 7-10 December 2023.

A total of 20 universities had participated in the championship and the competition is divided into two levels – ordinary group and sports college group. 3 student athletes (3 male) from UM Tennis Team participated in the team competition (Men) of the ordinary group.

Finally, UM men’s team won the 4th place in the team competition. And our UM men’s tennis Team is qualified for the final championship.


Participant List:

Team Coach梁茂林 (Liang Maolin); 張懷恩 (Chang Huai En)

Team Adviser: 林朗為 (Prof. Long Wai Lam, Rico)

Student Name




Cui JingCheng




He Yu Yang




Wen ZhiYuan (Captain)




Congratulation!!! Let’s cheers for them!!!

Office of Sports Affairs


【Sports Team】: UM Tennis Team won the team competition 4th Place (Men) in the “27th All China University Tennis Championship Divisional Round (South China Division), and qualify for the final competition2024-01-12T00:00:14+08:00
11 2023-12

【Sports Activity】: UM members attended the SJM “Dialogues with Outstanding Athletes”


Group photos

Tian Fangran (田方然), Li Na (李娜), Bu Yunchaokete (布雲朝克特) 

Li Na (李娜) sharing


 UM members attended the SJM “Dialogues with Outstanding Athletes”

UM staff and students was being invited to attend  SJM “Dialogues with Outstanding Athletes” which was held in Grand Lisboa on 5 Dec.  A total of 14 UM members had participated in this sharing session.

Tennis powerhouse Li Na (李娜), along with rising stars Bu Yunchaokete (布雲朝克特) and Tian Fangran (田方然), spoke about their journeys of unwavering commitment to excel in the sport. Through this activity, UM members can communicate face-to-face with outstanding athletes as well as they have benefited a lot.


Office of Sports Affairs (OSA)

【Sports Activity】: UM members attended the SJM “Dialogues with Outstanding Athletes”2023-12-11T23:49:10+08:00
27 2023-11

【Sports Team】: UM Tennis Team won the Champion at “AAAUM’s Silver Jubilee Cup “-Tennis Invitation Tournament



UM Tennis Team won Champion

UM Tennis Team Group Photo

UM Tennis Team Advisor (Prof. Long Wai Lam, Rico) supports UM Tennis Team in competition

Competition Highlights

UM Tennis Team won the Champion at

“AAAUM’s Silver Jubilee Cup “-Tennis Invitation Tournament


The “AAAUM’s Silver Jubilee Cup – Tennis Invitation Tournament”, organized by University of Macau Alumni Association (AAAUM), was being held on 25 Nov at UM.  Over 30 athletes have participated in the competition.

8 student athletes (4 males and 4 females) from UM Tennis Team had participated in the competition for the category of Men’s Doubles, Women’s Doubles and Mixed Doubles.   Finally, UM Tennis Team got the Champion.

There were a total of 5 participating teams, namely:

  • 澳門大學網球隊 (冠軍)
  • 陸軍俱樂部 (亞軍)
  • 雅辰九四聯隊 (季軍)
  • 澳大教職員網球隊 (第四名)
  • 大西洋職工聯誼會 (第五名)

UM Participant List

Team Coach:梁茂林 (Liang Maolin); 張懷恩 (Chang Huai En)
Team Adviser: 林朗為 (Prof. Long Wai Lam, Rico)
Student Name Faculty RC 
崔靖騁 Cui JingCheng FST PGH
何雨陽 He Yu Yang FBA CKYC
劉宗琛 Liu ZongChen FAH SHEAC 
王宸 Wang Chen FED CKLC
王奕歡 Wang YiHuan FSS CYTC
文志遠 Wen ZhiYuan (Captain) FBA CYTC
許天蔚 Hoi Tin Wai FBA LCWC
楊雅茜 Yang Yaqian FBA PGH

Thank you for your support.

Office of Sports Affairs


【Sports Team】: UM Tennis Team won the Champion at “AAAUM’s Silver Jubilee Cup “-Tennis Invitation Tournament2023-12-27T00:00:12+08:00
27 2023-11

【Sports Activity】: SJM X UM Advanced Tennis Camp 2023 was Completed Successfully


 Closing Ceremony


Activity Highlights


SJM X UM Advanced Tennis Camp 2023 was completed successfully


The Advanced Tennis Camp 2023, jointly organized by SJM Resorts, S.A. and UM Office of Sports Affairs, was completed successfully. The experience camp consists of 4 sessions (4, 11, 18 & 25 November), led by 5 student instructors from UM Tennis Team and assisted by 8 UM sports volunteers.   A total of 17 teenager had participated the camp and experienced the fun of tennis via various sports activities and training. The certificate presentation ceremony was being held on 25 Nov at UM Tennis Court to recognize all 17 teenagers who successfully completed the camp.

The President of UMSU Tennis Club , representatives of SJM, tennis instructors, volunteers and participant’s parents were invited to the certificate ceremony to share the joy and their tennis learning experience of the past one month. 

Office of Sports Affairs (OSA)





【Sports Activity】: SJM X UM Advanced Tennis Camp 2023 was Completed Successfully2023-12-27T00:00:13+08:00
7 2023-09

【Sports Team】UM Tennis Team won 2nd Runner-up in 2023 Macau Tennis Team Competition


Group Photo

Competition Highlights

The “2023 Macau Tennis Team Competition” was held in Macau Tennis School from 27 Aug to 3 Sep 2023. There were over 100 athletes from 12 teams participating in the competition.

8 student athletes from UM Tennis Team, led by Team Coach (Liang Maolin), had participated in the team competition of Singles Event, Doubles Event and Mixed Doubles Event.   Finally, UM won the 2nd Runner-up in competition.

The competition results are shown as below:

Group Competition Result
Group Match UM vs Hac20-G UM won
Group Match UM vs NGT (C) UM won
Semi Final UM vs Hac20-X UM lost
Final UM vs NGT (A) UM lost 


Team list:

Team Coach:梁茂林 (Liang Maolin); 張懷恩 (Chang Huai En)

Team Adviser: 林朗為 (Prof. Long Wai Lam, Rico)

Student Name Faculty RC 
崔靖騁 Cui JingCheng FST PGH
何雨陽 He Yu Yang FBA CKYC
劉宗琛 Liu ZongChen FAH SHEAC 
王宸 Wang Chen FED CKLC
王奕歡 Wang YiHuan FSS CYTC
文志遠 Wen ZhiYuan (Captain) FBA CYTC
楊詠樂 Yeung Weng Lok FBA CYTC
鍾雨晞 Zhong YuXi FBA CKPC



Office of Sports Affairs (OSA)

【Sports Team】UM Tennis Team won 2nd Runner-up in 2023 Macau Tennis Team Competition2023-10-04T00:00:07+08:00
22 2023-08

【Sports Team】UM Tennis Team won the 5th Place of Men’s Team Group at “26th All China University Tennis Championship”


Group Photo

Competition Highlights

The “26th All China University Tennis Championship” was held in Zigong City, Sichuan, from 8 to 17 August 2023. There were over 240 athletes from 30 universities participating in the championship.

UM Tennis Team has sent 7 students to compete in team events, single event and double event. Team event included men’s team group and women’s team group. In addition, there were 2 male team members (Ng Long Hei and Wang Chen) participated in the single event and 2 female team members ( Liu ZongChen and Wang YiHuan) participated in the double event. Finally, UM won the 5th Place of Men’s Team Group.

The competition results are shown as below:

Name Event Result
UM Tennis Team  Men’s Team Group  5th place
UM Tennis Team Women’s Team Group  Failed to advance to the group stage
Ng Long Hei Men’s Single  Round of 16
Wang Chen Men’s Single Round of 32
Liu ZongChen / Wang YiHuan Women’s Double  Round of 16

Participant List:

 Name Faculty RC 
Men’s Team
王宸 Wang Chen (Vice Captain) FED CKLC
許天蔚 Hoi Tin Wai FBA LCWC
吳朗熙 Ng Long Hei FLL MLC
文志遠 Wen ZhiYuan FBA CYTC
Women’s Team
劉宗琛 Liu ZongChen (Captain) FAH SHEAC 
王奕歡 Wang YiHuan FSS CYTC
鍾雨晞 Zhong YuXi FBA CKPC


Office of Sports Affairs (OSA)

【Sports Team】UM Tennis Team won the 5th Place of Men’s Team Group at “26th All China University Tennis Championship”2023-09-21T00:00:06+08:00
21 2023-08

【Sports Activity】: SJM X UM Tennis Experience Camp 2023 was Completed Successfully



Closing Ceremony

Opening Ceremony

Activity Highlights


The Tennis Experience Camp 2023 was jointly organized by SJM Resorts, S.A. and UM and it was completed successfully. It attracted 16 teenagers participating in the experience camp and the camp consisted of six sessions (24, 26, 28, 31 July and 2, 4 August). Four instructors were from UM active UM Tennis Team members and UMSU Tennis Club members, in addition, UM also send 14 sports volunteers to support logistics. Throughout the activity, it allows teenagers to experience the fun of tennis and encourages them to actively participate in sports activities. The certificate presentation ceremony was held on 4 Aug at the Grand Lisboa Palace Resort (Macau) and it is also a recognition of the 16 teenagers who successfully completed the camp.

The Director of Sports Affairs, Ms. Grace, Chau, representatives of SJM, tennis instructors, volunteers and participant’s parents were invited to the certificate ceremony to share the joy and their tennis learning experience of the past two weeks.

Office of Sports Affairs (OSA)





【Sports Activity】: SJM X UM Tennis Experience Camp 2023 was Completed Successfully2023-09-17T00:00:04+08:00
11 2023-07

【Sports Teams】UM Tennis Team won 1st Runner-up in “2023 Tennis Tech Carnival”




Group photo

UM Tennis Team got 1st Runner-up

Competition Highlights

UM Tennis Team won 1st Ruuer-up  at “2023 Tennis Tech Carnival”

The “2023 Tennis Tech Carnival” was held from 8-9 Jul 2023 in Zhuhai. UM Tennis Team sent 5 members and 1 Macao Fellow from FHS to participate in the category of Science and Technology (科創組).

There are a total of 22 teams namely

  1. Guanggongzhongzhi (廣工眾智)
  2. City Vocational Supernorva Tennis (城職超新星網球)
  3. University of Macau (澳門大學)
  4. Xishanju little snail (西山居小蝸牛)
  5. Kewi Tennis Team (科為網球隊)
  6. Ocean (海洋洋)
  7. Huagong Zhuhai Alumni (華工珠海校友)
  8. Yunshan Cloud Network United Team (雲山雲網聯隊)
  9. Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai (北師大珠海校區)
  10. Zhuhai Tongxin United (珠海同心聯隊)
  11. Zhuhai Aohua United (珠海傲華聯隊) 
  12. Automation and North Lizhu United (自動化及北理珠聯隊)
  13. ICBC Software Development (工行軟件開發)
  14. Mo Tianyu (摩天宇) 
  15. Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University Staff (北師港浸大教工)
  16. Kingsoft Office Tennis Team (金山辦公網球隊)
  17. Doumen Association for Science and Technology (斗門科協)
  18. Haiqing (海清清) 
  19. Bank of Communications (交通銀行)
  20. Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Alliance (香港科技創新聯隊)
  21. Jinan University Dawn Team (暨大晨曦隊)
  22. Zhuhai Association for Science and Technology Team (珠海科協隊)

First round: University of Macau vs Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University Staff (UM won)
Quarter final: Guanggongzhongzhi vs University of Macau (UM won)
Semi-final: University of Macau vs Zhuhai Association for Science and Technology Team (UM won)
Final: University of Macau vs Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Alliance (UM lost)

Finally, UM Tennis Team got the 1st Runner-up in this competition. 


Office of Sports Affairs (OSA)

UM Tennis Team


【Sports Teams】UM Tennis Team won 1st Runner-up in “2023 Tennis Tech Carnival”2023-08-18T17:43:41+08:00
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