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22 2024-07

[Duplicated] Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 1 has been hoisted


Dear Students, Residents and Colleagues,

According to announcement from the Macao Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (SMG), Tropical Cyclone Signal no. 1 has been hoisted since 07:30 on 20 July.  For latest update, please refer to SMG website <https://www.smg.gov.mo/en>.

Before leaving your offices or hostels, please:

  • secure any outdoor flowerpot and furniture or move such objects to a safe place;
  • lock the doors and windows properly;
  • ensure that there is no blockage in rainwater channels and manholes;
  • do not open or get close to the glass doors that are exposed to the wind or with potential danger.

To minimize the impact of adverse weather, it will be highly appreciated if the general office of various faculties can help checking the offices of your faculty staff to ensure all windows and doors are closed before leaving today.

Besides, residents on campus are highly recommended to stay indoors when the signal is in force.

Should you encounter any difficulty in closing your windows and doors, or need any help in taking the precautionary actions, please contact the Security Centre at ext. 4126 or Campus Management Hotline at ext. 8700.

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,

Security and Facilities Services Section




    • 將放置在室外的花盆及家具等物件牢固或移到安全地方;
    • 鎖緊門窗;
    • 疏通平台排水口;
    • 如非必要,請勿靠近或開啟當風、對外或有潛在危險的玻璃門。



    如門窗出現問題或於防風措施方面需要協助,請即致電保安中心(內線4126)校園管理熱線(內線 8700)求助。


保安及設施服務處 謹啟

[Duplicated] Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 1 has been hoisted2024-07-22T23:00:52+08:00
1 2024-02

Control and handling of stray animals on Campus


Dear Students and Colleagues,

To ensure campus safety and public health, we do keep a close eye on the situation of stray animals on campus. In order to reduce the safety and health risks that stray animals may bring, we would like to share with you the following information on animal epidemic prevention and control, which is provided by the Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM). Let’s work together to build a healthy campus, your participation counts!

For more information, please visit the IAM’s website for the Animal Epidemic Prevention Law, the Animal Protection Law and a series of infographics:


If stray animals are found on campus, please contact the Campus Management Hotline at 8822 8700 or Security Centre at 8822 4000 for help.

Best Regards,

Security and Facilities Services Section






如於校內發現流浪動物,可聯絡校園管理熱線(8822 8700)或保安中心(8822 4000)協助處理。


保安及設施服務處 謹啟

Control and handling of stray animals on Campus2025-01-01T00:01:30+08:00
8 2023-10

Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 8 will be hoisted at 16:30 on 8 Oct – Koinu


Dear Students, Residents and Colleagues,

According to announcement from the Macao Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (SMG), Tropical Cyclone Signal no. 8 will be hoisted at 16:30 on 8 October.  For latest update, please refer to SMG website <https://www.smg.gov.mo/en>.

Before leaving your offices or hostels, please:

  • secure any outdoor flowerpot and furniture or move such objects to a safe place;
  • lock the doors and windows properly;
  • do not open or get close to the glass doors that are exposed to the wind or with potential danger.

For your safety, you are highly recommended to stay indoors where it is safe and avoid going outdoors when the signal is still in force.

Should you encounter any difficulty in closing your windows and doors, or need any help in taking the precautionary actions, please contact the Security Centre at ext. 4126 or Campus Management Hotline at ext. 8700.

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,

Security and Facilities Services Section



      • 將放置在室外的花盆及家具等物件牢固或移到安全地方;
      • 鎖緊門窗;
      • 如非必要,請勿靠近或開啟當風、對外或有潛在危險的玻璃門。




保安及設施服務處 謹啟

Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 8 will be hoisted at 16:30 on 8 Oct – Koinu2023-10-08T20:00:05+08:00
17 2023-07

Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 8 will be hoisted at 05:30 on 17 July 2023 – “Talim”





    • 將放置在室外的花盆及家具等物件牢固或移到安全地方 ;
    • 鎖緊門窗 ;
    • 如非必要,請勿靠近或開啟當風、對外或有潛在危險的玻璃門。


  如門窗出現問題或於防風措施方面需要協助,請即致電保安中心(內線4126)校園管理熱線(內線 8700)求助。
保安及設施服務處 謹啟

Dear Students, Residents and Colleagues,

According to announcement from the Macao Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (SMG), Tropical Cyclone Signal no. 8 will be hoisted at  05:30 on 17 July 2023.  For the latest update, please refer to SMG website <https://www.smg.gov.mo/en>.

Before leaving your offices or hostels, please:

  • secure any outdoor flowerpot and furniture or move such objects to a safe place;
  • lock the doors and windows properly;
  • do not open or get close to the glass doors that are exposed to the wind or with potential danger.

For your safety, you are highly recommended to stay indoors where it is safe and avoid going outdoors when the signal is still in force.

Should you encounter any difficulty in closing your windows and doors, or need any help in taking the precautionary actions, please contact the Security Centre at ext. 4126 or Campus Management Hotline at ext. 8700.

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,

Security and Facilities Services Section

Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 8 will be hoisted at 05:30 on 17 July 2023 – “Talim”2023-07-20T15:10:24+08:00
16 2023-07

Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 3 was issued at 17:30 on 16 July 2023





    • 將放置在室外的花盆及家具等物件牢固或移到安全地方;
    • 關好所有門窗。

  如門窗出現問題或於防風措施方面需要協助,請即致電保安中心(內線4126)校園管理熱線(內線 8700)求助。
保安及設施服務處 謹啟

Dear Students, Residents and Colleagues,

According to announcement from the Macao Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (SMG), Tropical Cyclone Signal no. 3 was issued at 17:30 on 16 July 2023.  For the latest update, please refer to SMG website <https://www.smg.gov.mo/en>.

To minimize the impact of adverse weather, before leaving your offices or hostels, please:

  • secure any outdoor flowerpot and furniture or move such objects to a safe place;
  • close all windows and doors.

Should you encounter any difficulty in closing your windows and doors, or need any help in taking the precautionary actions, please contact the Security Centre at ext. 4126 or Campus Management Hotline at ext. 8700.

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,

Security and Facilities Services Section

Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 3 was issued at 17:30 on 16 July 20232023-07-20T15:10:24+08:00
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