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So far lavinacheong has created 3 blog entries.
30 2024-08

Reminder: UM Volunteer Programme Recruitment (Deadline: 6 Sep)


Registration 報名方法:
If you are interested in the UM Volunteer Programme, please contact your Residential College or Postgraduate House Office, which is shown below, for application by 6 Sep .
對澳大義工隊感興趣的同學, 請在9月6日前向以下書院代表或研究生宿舍辨公室報名.

CKPC: Andrew Ng 吳雲峰                      CKLC: Kevin Huang 黃才試
CYTC: Diane  Lu 呂靜慧 CKYC: Lantz Wu 胡梓聰
FPJC: Andrew Lao 劉振釗 LCWC: Coffee Chao 周國暉
MLC: Gary Fung 馮家維
MCMC: Alice Hong 洪盈惠
SPC: Jinjin Liu 劉京京 SEAC: Saul Chan 陳宇威
PGH: Michelle Wong 黃敏嫻


For more information, please contact 如欲了解更多, 請聯絡:
Student Affairs Office 學生事務部
Tel電話: 88224641
Email電郵: lavinacheong@um.edu.mo


UMVP  Website 澳大義工隊網站:


Reminder: UM Volunteer Programme Recruitment (Deadline: 6 Sep)2024-09-06T00:00:03+08:00
19 2024-08

UM Volunteer Programme Recruitment (Deadline: 6 Sep)



Registration 報名方法:
If you are interested in the UM Volunteer Programme, please contact your Residential College or Postgraduate House Office, which is shown below, for application by 6 Sep .
對澳大義工隊感興趣的同學, 請在9月6日前向以下書院代表或研究生宿舍辨公室報名.

CKPC: Andrew Ng 吳雲峰                      CKLC: Kevin Huang 黃才試
CYTC: Diane  Lu 呂靜慧 CKYC: Lantz Wu 胡梓聰
FPJC: Andrew Lao 劉振釗 LCWC: Coffee Chao 周國暉
MLC: Gary Fung 馮家維
MCMC: Alice Hong 洪盈惠
SPC: Jinjin Liu 劉京京 SEAC: Saul Chan 陳宇威
PGH: Michelle Wong 黃敏嫻


For more information, please contact 如欲了解更多, 請聯絡:
Student Affairs Office 學生事務部
Tel電話: 88224641
Email電郵: lavinacheong@um.edu.mo

UMVP  Website 澳大義工隊網站:


UM Volunteer Programme Recruitment (Deadline: 6 Sep)2024-08-30T17:04:15+08:00
28 2024-05

Volunteer Recruitment


活動 : 「同你藝趣遊園遊會」活動 – 義工招募
日期 : 6月1日/ 6月2日 (六/日)
時間 : 13:00-18:30
地點 : 科學館心形樹前地
報名 : https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bmjkWllPd3BDkaO


Remarks: The organizer only provides the Chinese content to the Student Affairs Office. For details, please contact the organizer (Empathy Charity). 


Volunteer Recruitment2024-06-01T00:00:12+08:00
3 2024-05

UM Volunteer joined 2024 “Crystal Fish” campus evacuation drill



Recently, the members of UM Volunteer Programme participated in the 2024 “Crystal Fish” campus evacuation drill. The purpose of the drill is to test the emergency operation and improve the coordination abilities in preparation for the approaching typhoon season. It also promotes students’ awareness of emergency evacuation and enhances their understanding of disaster prevention work. During the event, volunteer team members simulated a power outage accident caused by a typhoon and carried out evacuation according to the instructions of the relevant emergency units of the University. The attending volunteer team students expressed that understanding the overall disaster response capability of the campus is beneficial not just to themselves, but also to help other students seek refuge during extreme weather or disaster.


UM Volunteer joined 2024 “Crystal Fish” campus evacuation drill2024-05-11T00:00:11+08:00
19 2024-04

Campus Evacuation Drill Student Volunteer Recruitment (27 April, 15:30-17:30)



演習日期: 2024年4月27日 (星期六)
時間: 15:30-17:30
地點: 澳大校園
義工名額: 50
報名: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9KxSxhAbhBoOjFs

*其他出席的同學有20CS 公民責任心範疇分數

We will conduct an evacuation drill on campus to support the “Crystal Fish” 2024. We are recruiting student volunteers to simulate the execution of the typhoon and storm evacuation plans. This will help UM members better prepare for emergencies and enhance their ability to respond to disasters effectively.

Date: April 27, 2024 (Sat)
Time: 15:30-17:30
Location: University of Macau campus
Volunteer quota: 50
Registration: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9KxSxhAbhBoOjFs

*Volunteer hours will be counted for members of the UMVP
*Other students will receive 20 CS points in the category of Responsible citizenship.


Student Affairs Office

Campus Evacuation Drill Student Volunteer Recruitment (27 April, 15:30-17:30)2024-04-28T00:00:04+08:00
17 2024-04

Campus Evacuation Drill Student Volunteer Recruitment (27 April, 15:30-17:30)



演習日期: 2024年4月27日 (星期六)
時間: 15:30-17:30
地點: 澳大校園
義工名額: 50
報名: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9KxSxhAbhBoOjFs

*其他出席的同學有20CS 公民責任心範疇分數

We will conduct an evacuation drill on campus to support the “Crystal Fish” 2024. We are recruiting student volunteers to simulate the execution of the typhoon and storm evacuation plans. This will help UM members better prepare for emergencies and enhance their ability to respond to disasters effectively.

Date: April 27, 2024 (Sat)
Time: 15:30-17:30
Location: University of Macau campus
Volunteer quota: 50
Registration: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9KxSxhAbhBoOjFs

*Volunteer hours will be counted for members of the UMVP
*Other students will receive 20 CS points in the category of Responsible citizenship.


Student Affairs Office

Campus Evacuation Drill Student Volunteer Recruitment (27 April, 15:30-17:30)2024-05-17T00:01:13+08:00
2 2024-04

Scam Prevention Talk (10 April, 15:00), [0.5 Smart Point & 10 CS]



As many college students have recently been targeted by phone and internet scams and have incurred serious losses, it is important to strengthen students’ awareness of scam calls and avoid becoming the next victim. The Student Affairs Office holds a talk on the prevention of scam calls, which includes the latest scam call tactics, case analysis and prevention, etc. Please refer to the information below: 

日期: 2024年4月10日(三)
時間: 15:00-16:00
地點: E4-G051
語言: 普通話 
主講: 蘇桂龍博士(學生輔導處處長)
報名連結: 按此

Time: 10 April, 2024 (Wednesday)
Date: 15:00-16:00
Venue: E4-G051
Language: Mandarin 
Speaker: Dr. Elvo SOU (Head of Student Counselling Section)
Registration: Click here


如有任何查詢, 請聯絡88224821, 或電郵致sao.development@um.edu.mo
If you have any questions, you may contact 88224821, or email sao.development@um.edu.mo.


Student Affairs Office

Scam Prevention Talk (10 April, 15:00), [0.5 Smart Point & 10 CS]2024-04-03T00:00:20+08:00
28 2024-03

Scam Prevention Talk (10 April, 15:00), [0.5 Smart Point & 10 CS]



In view of the fact that many college students have recently been targeted by phone and internet scams and incurred serious losses, to strengthen students’ awareness of scam calls and avoid becoming the next victim. Student Affairs Office holds a talk on the prevention of scam calls, which includes the latest scam call tactics, case analysis and prevention, etc. Details are as follows:

日期: 2024年4月10日(三)
時間: 15:00-16:00
地點: E4-G051
語言: 普通話 
主講: 蘇桂龍博士(學生輔導處處長)
報名連結: 按此

Time: 10 April, 2024 (Wed)
Date: 15:00-16:00
Venue: E4-G051
Language: Mandarin 
Speaker: Dr. Elvo SOU (Head of Student Counselling Section)
Registration: Click here


如有任何查詢, 請聯絡88224821, 或電郵致sao.development@um.edu.mo
Please contact 88224821, or email sao.development@um.edu.mo for more details.



Student Affairs Office

Scam Prevention Talk (10 April, 15:00), [0.5 Smart Point & 10 CS]2024-04-03T00:00:21+08:00
26 2024-02

“My Notion of National Cyber Security” Chinese Writing and Video Competition – Internal Selection Result



The internal “My Notion of National Cyber Security” Writing and Video competition organized by the Student Affairs Office received an enthusiastic response, collecting over 160 articles and short video works. After the internal preliminary selection, 50 articles and 5 video works were ultimately chosen. The top 20 articles and top 3 short video works were nominated to participate in the “我心中的網絡安全”  Writing and Video Competition (Higher Education Group) organized by the Macao SAR Government and the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao SAR.

The awardees listed below will be informed to collect the certificate and vouchers at E31-2006 during office hours.

入圍獲獎名單 Award list:

No. 號碼 Name 姓名 Student ID 學生號碼 Topic 作品題目 Prize 獎項 
1 唐 佳 琦 XC21091X 網絡安全點線面,勇挑責任擔我肩 優秀獎
2 付 致 高 XC22904X 你安全嗎?
3 劉 睿 恒 XC30817X 我心中的網絡安全
4 李 紫 軒 XC30202X 揚時代清風 築網絡安全
5 陳 翠 瑩 XC30528X 攜手並肩努力,共築長城萬里
6 陶 兆 妤 XC30191X 致敬網絡安全護航者
7 金 楊 蘇 豫 XC30240X 网络安全在我心,爱国爱澳在我行
8 戴 孜 怡 XC11024X 天網恢恢,疏而不漏
9 張 嘉 禾 XC22373X 滿江紅·惕網安
10 朱 聖 陽 XC32290X 網安然,絡人心
11 陳 路 瑤 XC32367X 揚網絡安全之帆,啟信息時代之航
12 鄭 雅 瑜 XC11579X 維護網絡安全 共建美好明天
13 黃 千 宸 XC30250X 《网络国界需守卫  幸福平安你我他》
14 陳 芷 嫻 XC22419X 矢志不渝營造清朗網絡空間,笃行不怠堅守國家信息安全
15 郎 宇 婷 XC20951X 护航网络世界 维护心中净土
16 敖 文 熙 XC32575X 大數據時代下的網絡安全
17 劉 子 昂 XC30977X 铸网络安全之盾,筑国家安全之墙
18 李 天 垚 XC11765X 網路安全之行,保家衛國之心
19 于 子 涵 XC32377X 以國為營,建網絡城墻
20 紀 广 宁 XC22709X 《以“赶考”精神答好网络“试卷”》
21 陳 涵 珂 XC30206X 《持網絡安全之炬,遞國安之勝利曙光》 優良獎
22 謝 欣 彤 XC10182X 匯聚青年力量,牢築網絡安全
23 夏 凡 XC31069X 堅持網絡安全共治,築牢國家安全防線
24 賀 子 淇 XC22425X 青年揚帆開新局,科技賦能護網安
25 張 幼 溪 XC30209X 力行平日之舉,鑄就信網長城
26 陳 敏 菁 XC01613X 大學生在社交媒體上的個人信息保護與隱私意識
27 鍾 宇 璋 XC32853X 網絡的利爪,你躲開了嗎?
28 聶 萌 遙 XC02750X 新时代网络安全,你我共同维护
29 周 航 冰 XC30201X 網絡安全衛家國,本澳青年齊守護
30 聶 穎 君 XC01312X 我心中的的網絡安全
31 王 思 哲 XC22380X 網絡主權之辯
32 劉 嘉 亨 XC12982X 守護網路安全的青年擔當
33 黃 千 宸 XC30250X 《无声的正义! 》
34 NOELIA YE XC10149X 網絡的自訴與回音
35 梁 倩 怡 XC11545X 《網絡安全——從肉體之間的碰撞到沒有硝煙的戰爭》
36 楊 詩 原 XC31006X 在砥砺前行中铺展青年责任,在接续奋斗里书写网络安全
37 龔 梓 卓 XC32332X 公安嫌疑犯
38 王 信 韜 XC22874X 網安助國安,國安為萬家
39 林 清 瑜 XC31990X 我心中的網絡安全
40 郭 鈺 琪 XC21095X 网络安全:青年力量守护国家命脉
41 歐 陽 喆 鑫 XC32297X 我心中的网络安全
42 陳 以 樂 XC32325X 無罪說
43 辛 奕 萱 XC31495X 筑牢安全屏障,建设网络强国
44 王 天 潤 XC22490X 网络安全在我心,网络卫士你我他
45 郭 子 妍 XC32373X 網絡安全在我心,吾儕青年齊奮蹄
46 NOELIA YE XC10149X 齊來築造網絡安全“防火墻”
47 鄧 莉 諭 XC22255X 網賊難防
48 王 小 賽 XC11730X 劍指網絡
49 ENDY SHI XC30151X 《夯实网络安全屏障,谱写信息强国华章》
50 王 辰 月 XC30280X 在虚拟中筑起真实的“墙”
Prize 獎項  Group Name 隊名 Topic 作品題目 Name 姓名 Student ID 學生號碼
優秀獎 紹宣隊 快遞 唐浩源 XC00349X
田野 XC32774X
馮雅琳 XC32179X
李響 XC21097X
劉欣 XC22459X
優秀獎 网安小分队 网安青年说 赵子仪 XC22365X
赵晋萱 XC21033X
李星颖 XC32397X
優秀獎 知法學法不犯法小隊 防不勝防:個人信息在網絡中泄露的危害 張嘉禾 XC22373X
彭開元 XC22108X
柳雨婷 XC22121X
優良奬 澳门大学国旗仪仗队融媒体 我和明星有個(偽)約會——向网络陷阱说不! 邵宪荟 XC01769X
陈海健 XC22439X
黄颂昕 XC22190X
邓颖珠 XC22228X
何晓盈 XC22163X
優良奬 網絡安全意識 青少年所不知道的網絡安全 吳子聰 XC32638X
梁茵桐 XC30480X
彭嘉妮 XC01391X
“My Notion of National Cyber Security” Chinese Writing and Video Competition – Internal Selection Result2024-03-22T00:01:11+08:00
23 2024-02

UM Volunteer Program (UMVP) expressed warmth and care during the spring festival




The University of Macau Volunteer Programme (UMVP) was invited to work with Macau Pengontung, Sheraton Grand Macao Hotel, and The St. Regis Macao to express Lunar New Year care and blessings to local elderly individuals. They went to the Macau community to do home cleaning for the elderly, delivering New Year’s greetings and best wishes as a show of kindness. The goal was to express warmth and cleanliness in the homes of the elderly and to celebrate good fortune in the Year of the Dragon.

UMVP members were divided into groups to chat with the elderly while cleaning and arranging every corner of their homes. They also decorated the homes with festive spring couplets and presented New Year’s gifts to the elderly, bringing warmth and joy to the community.

UM Volunteer Program (UMVP) expressed warmth and care during the spring festival2024-03-23T00:01:13+08:00
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