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3 2025-01

【Macao Humanities Forum】Pedagogical Grammar: Its Status and Formation in the International Education of Chinese by Prof Lening Liu from Columbia University (1 Smart Point and 15 CS)


Participating students will be awarded 1 SAO Smart Point and 15 CS on“Knowledge integration” in the Whole Person Development Award Programme







時間:16:00  17:30







The Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FAH) is delighted to announce that the 3rd Lecture of the Macao Humanities Forum (2024/2025) will be held on 15 January 2025. The forum aims to provide a platform for world-renowned scholars from diverse humanities fields to share their research with the FAH community and other UM scholars. All members of the UM community are cordially invited to this splendid event.

In this upcoming forum, we are honored to have Professor Lening Liu as our guest speaker to deliver a lecture on “Pedagogical Grammar: Its Status and Formation in the International Education of Chinese.” Professor Liu is a Professor of East Asian Languages and Cultures at Columbia University and co-director of The Certificate Program of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages. He holds a BA in Chinese Language and Literature and MA in History of Chinese Language from Shaanxi Normal University, and a PhD in Linguistics from the University of Florida. Since 1995, he has been teaching at Columbia University, where he served as Director of Chinese Language Program and Director of Confucius Institute. His research interests include syntax, discourse grammar, and Chinese language pedagogy, among others. His publication record includes influential works such as “A Teacher’s Manual for the Instruction of Chinese: Methods and Techniques” and “A Course on Intercultural Communication.” He has also co-edited widely-adopted textbook series including “Approaching China: Elementary Chinese” and “Understanding China: Advanced Chinese.” He currently serves as a member of the Executive Committee of The International Society for Chinese Language, Editor-in-Chief of International Chinese Language Education, and as an editor for TCSOL Studies.

 Details of the forum are as follows:

Speaker: Professor Lening Liu

Topic: Pedagogical Grammar: Its Status and Formation in the International Education of Chinese

Date: 15 January 2025 (Wed)

Time: 16:00 – 17:30

Venue: E21A-G035 

Language: English (with onsite simultaneous interpretation into Mandarin)

*Light refreshments will be served on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please register for the forum by 13 Jan 2025 (Mon) via https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ah5ixv3FTJaa9Xo


This lecture explores the nature of pedagogical grammar within the field of International Education of Chinese and examines its development. The speaker argues that the core objective of the discipline should be the creation of a pedagogical grammar and its associated teaching methodologies, rather than focusing solely on peripheral areas such as language policy, theories of second language acquisition, and cross-cultural communication. We will begin by redefining grammar through the lens of Constructional Grammar, which posits that grammar comprises a set of constructions systematically stored in the human mind that link linguistic forms to their meanings—encompassing semantic, syntactic, pragmatic, and cultural aspects. These constructions are not abstract rules but rather reflections of actual language use. To formulate a pedagogical grammar, it is essential to integrate the latest linguistic insights from various theoretical frameworks—be they formal or functional—into concrete teaching strategies and activities. This process must adhere to general pedagogical principles, including accuracy, conciseness, and sufficiency, and should be tailored to the specific language context. The acquisition errors typical of language-specific learners and their native language knowledge must also be taken into account. Only after establishing such a pedagogical grammar for Chinese can we effectively identify appropriate methods for teaching its structures and uses. The lecturer will provide examples to illustrate how this grammar is developed and applied in practice.



【Macao Humanities Forum】Pedagogical Grammar: Its Status and Formation in the International Education of Chinese by Prof Lening Liu from Columbia University (1 Smart Point and 15 CS)2025-01-16T00:00:13+08:00
24 2024-10

Reminder:【Macao Humanities Forum】Unidirectionality of Grammaticalization and Scope by Prof. Heiko Narrog from Tohoku University (1 Smart Point and 15 CS)


On-site Participating Students will be awarded 1 SAO Smart Point and 15 CS on“Knowledge integration” in the Whole Person Development Award Programme

鏡海人文論壇(2024/2025)第講將於2024年1029日舉行。人文學院定期邀請來自不同人文領域的世界知名學者,與師生分享其研究成果。 我們誠摯邀請澳大同仁參加本次精彩的論壇。

人文學院邀請Heiko Narrog教授擔任本次鏡海人文論壇的演講嘉賓,講題為「語法化的單向性與轄域」。Narrog教授現任日本東北大學教授,曾分別於波鴻魯爾大學和東京大學獲得博士學位。Narrog教授的研究方向包括語言類型學、情態、語法演變(尤其是語法化)以及語義地圖。其著作涵蓋多部由牛津大學出版社出版的專著和合編手冊,包括《日語情態與小句層級結構》(約翰・本傑明出版公司,2009)、《情態、主觀性與語義演變:跨語言視角》(牛津大學出版社,2012)、《語法化》(牛津大學出版社,2021,與Bernd Heine教授合著),以及與Bernd Heine教授合編、由牛津大學出版社出版的《牛津語言分析手冊》(2009/2015)、《牛津語法化手冊》(2011/2021)和《類型學視角下的語法化》(2018)。


講者:Heiko Narrog教授



時間:14:00 – 15:30*

地點: E21B-G016/ 線上ZOOM




歡迎有興趣參與的同事及同學於2024年10月27日(星期日)或之前透過https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3KjCmsA0bbEnccC 報名。

The Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FAH) is delighted to announce that the 2nd Lecture of the Macao Humanities Forum (2024/2025) will be held on 29 October 2024. The forum aims to provide a platform for world-renowned scholars from diverse humanities fields to share their research with the FAH community and other UM scholars. All members of the UM community are cordially invited to this splendid event.

In this upcoming forum, we are honored to have Prof. Heiko Narrog as our guest speaker to deliver a lecture on the topic “Unidirectionality of Grammaticalization and Scope”. Prof. Narrog is a professor at Tohoku University, Japan. He received two PhDs from Ruhr University Bochum and the University of Tokyo respectively. His publications include the monographs Modality in Japanese and the Layered Structure of Clause (Benjamins, 2009), Modality, Subjectivity, and Semantic Change: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective (Oxford University Press, 2012), and Grammaticalization (Oxford University Press, 2021, co-authored with Bernd Heine), as well as three co-edited volumes with Bernd Heine The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Analysis (Oxford University Press, 2009/2015), The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization (Oxford University Press, 2011/2021),  and Grammaticalization from a Typological Perspective (Oxford University Press, 2018).

Details of the forum are as follows:

Speaker: Prof. Heiko Narrog

Topic: Unidirectionality of Grammaticalization and Scope

Date: 29 Oct 2024 (Tue)

Time: 14:00 – 15:30*

Venue: On-Site (E21B-G016) / ZOOM

Language: English (Simultaneous interpretation into Mandarin will be provided on Zoom)

*Light refreshments will be provided on a first-come-first-served basis


In this presentation, I will discuss the concepts of unidirectionality in grammaticalization in terms of the idea of unidirectional increase in discourse orientation and of directionality of scope in grammaticalization. With respect to the former, when grammatical categories develop, they become increasingly speaker-oriented, hearer-oriented, and text-oriented, for which I use the superordinate label “discourse-oriented.” Concomitantly, they also rise in the hierarchy of syntactic categories. This often expresses itself in movement towards peripheral clause position. This involves an expansion of scope. For over twenty years, a controversy about the change of scope in grammaticalization persisted. On the one hand, in a traditional structuralist approach to grammaticalization, it has been claimed that “structural scope” decreases. However, later, other researchers have claimed just the opposite, namely scope expansion in grammaticalization. In response to the conflicting claims, some scholars have even concluded that there is no directionality. In this presentation, I resolve the apparent contradiction. In conclusion, the “structural scope” in traditional grammaticalization research refers to something entirely different from “scope” in the rest of linguistics. Conversely, both the claim about shrinking scope and expanding scope are correct with respect to the notion of scope to which they refer.

Please register for the forum by 27 Oct 2024 (Sun) via https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3KjCmsA0bbEnccC

Reminder:【Macao Humanities Forum】Unidirectionality of Grammaticalization and Scope by Prof. Heiko Narrog from Tohoku University (1 Smart Point and 15 CS)2024-10-30T00:00:34+08:00
8 2024-10

【Macao Humanities Forum】Unidirectionality of Grammaticalization and Scope by Prof. Heiko Narrog from Tohoku University (1 Smart Point and 15 CS)


On-site Participating Students will be awarded 1 SAO Smart Point and 15 CS on“Knowledge integration” in the Whole Person Development Award Programme

鏡海人文論壇(2024/2025)第講將於2024年1029日舉行。人文學院定期邀請來自不同人文領域的世界知名學者,與師生分享其研究成果。 我們誠摯邀請澳大同仁參加本次精彩的論壇。

人文學院邀請Heiko Narrog教授擔任本次鏡海人文論壇的演講嘉賓,講題為「語法化的單向性與轄域」。Narrog教授現任日本東北大學教授,曾分別於波鴻魯爾大學和東京大學獲得博士學位。Narrog教授的研究方向包括語言類型學、情態、語法演變(尤其是語法化)以及語義地圖。其著作涵蓋多部由牛津大學出版社出版的專著和合編手冊,包括《日語情態與小句層級結構》(約翰・本傑明出版公司,2009)、《情態、主觀性與語義演變:跨語言視角》(牛津大學出版社,2012)、《語法化》(牛津大學出版社,2021,與Bernd Heine教授合著),以及與Bernd Heine教授合編、由牛津大學出版社出版的《牛津語言分析手冊》(2009/2015)、《牛津語法化手冊》(2011/2021)和《類型學視角下的語法化》(2018)。


講者:Heiko Narrog教授



時間:14:00 – 15:30*

地點: E21B-G016/ 線上ZOOM




歡迎有興趣參與的同事及同學於2024年10月27日(星期日)或之前透過https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3KjCmsA0bbEnccC 報名。

The Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FAH) is delighted to announce that the 2nd Lecture of the Macao Humanities Forum (2024/2025) will be held on 29 October 2024. The forum aims to provide a platform for world-renowned scholars from diverse humanities fields to share their research with the FAH community and other UM scholars. All members of the UM community are cordially invited to this splendid event.

In this upcoming forum, we are honored to have Prof. Heiko Narrog as our guest speaker to deliver a lecture on the topic “Unidirectionality of Grammaticalization and Scope”. Prof. Narrog is a professor at Tohoku University, Japan. He received two PhDs from Ruhr University Bochum and the University of Tokyo respectively. His publications include the monographs Modality in Japanese and the Layered Structure of Clause (Benjamins, 2009), Modality, Subjectivity, and Semantic Change: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective (Oxford University Press, 2012), and Grammaticalization (Oxford University Press, 2021, co-authored with Bernd Heine), as well as three co-edited volumes with Bernd Heine The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Analysis (Oxford University Press, 2009/2015), The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization (Oxford University Press, 2011/2021),  and Grammaticalization from a Typological Perspective (Oxford University Press, 2018).

Details of the forum are as follows:

Speaker: Prof. Heiko Narrog

Topic: Unidirectionality of Grammaticalization and Scope

Date: 29 Oct 2024 (Tue)

Time: 14:00 – 15:30*

Venue: On-Site (E21B-G016) / ZOOM

Language: English (Simultaneous interpretation into Mandarin will be provided on Zoom)

*Light refreshments will be provided on a first-come-first-served basis


In this presentation, I will discuss the concepts of unidirectionality in grammaticalization in terms of the idea of unidirectional increase in discourse orientation and of directionality of scope in grammaticalization. With respect to the former, when grammatical categories develop, they become increasingly speaker-oriented, hearer-oriented, and text-oriented, for which I use the superordinate label “discourse-oriented.” Concomitantly, they also rise in the hierarchy of syntactic categories. This often expresses itself in movement towards peripheral clause position. This involves an expansion of scope. For over twenty years, a controversy about the change of scope in grammaticalization persisted. On the one hand, in a traditional structuralist approach to grammaticalization, it has been claimed that “structural scope” decreases. However, later, other researchers have claimed just the opposite, namely scope expansion in grammaticalization. In response to the conflicting claims, some scholars have even concluded that there is no directionality. In this presentation, I resolve the apparent contradiction. In conclusion, the “structural scope” in traditional grammaticalization research refers to something entirely different from “scope” in the rest of linguistics. Conversely, both the claim about shrinking scope and expanding scope are correct with respect to the notion of scope to which they refer.

Please register for the forum by 27 Oct 2024 (Sun) via https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3KjCmsA0bbEnccC

【Macao Humanities Forum】Unidirectionality of Grammaticalization and Scope by Prof. Heiko Narrog from Tohoku University (1 Smart Point and 15 CS)2024-10-30T00:00:35+08:00
3 2024-09

【Macao Humanities Forum】Imagine A Great Empire? A Study of Forged Li Gonglin’s Wanfang Zhigongtu by Prof. Ge Zhaoguang from Fudan University (1 Smart Point and 15 CS)


On-site Participating Students will be awarded 1 SAO Smart Point and 15 CS on“Knowledge integration” in the Whole Person Development Award Programme

鏡海人文論壇(2024/2025)第講將於2024年913日舉行。論壇定期邀請來自不同人文領域的世界知名學者,與學院師生分享其研究成果。 我們誠摯邀請澳大師生參加本次精彩的論壇。


本次鏡海人文論壇,人文學院榮幸地邀請到葛兆光教授 (Prof. Ge Zhaoguang) 擔任演講嘉賓,演講主題為「想像天下帝國?從(偽)李公麟《萬方職貢圖》說起」。葛兆光教授是復旦大學文史研究院及歷史系文科資深教授,復旦大學文史研究院創院院長,曾任清華大學教授。葛教授本科及碩士畢業於北京大學,並獲得香港教育大學人文榮譽博士學位,於2009年被美國普林斯頓大學選為第一屆「普林斯頓全球學人」。葛教授曾獲第26屆日本”亞洲·太平洋獎”大獎、第三屆韓國”坡州圖書獎”、第八屆”香港書獎”等獎項。主要著作包括《中國禪思想史——從6世紀到9世紀》(北京大學出版社,1995)、《中國思想史》兩卷本(復旦大學出版社,1998、2001)、《宅茲中國——重建有關「中國」的歷史論述》(中華書局,2011)等。



主講者:葛兆光教授 (Prof. Ge Zhaoguang)



時間:14:00 – 15:30*

地點: E21B-G016/ 線上ZOOM






歡迎有興趣參與的同事及同學於2024年911日(星期三)或之前透過https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_07ArIzblwO31WWa 報名。

We are very pleased to announce that the 1st Lecture of the FAH Macao Humanities Forum (2024/2025) will be held on 13 September 2024. The forum aims to provide a platform for world-renowned scholars from diverse humanities fields to share their research with the FAH community and other UM scholars. All members of the UM community are cordially invited to this splendid event.


In this upcoming forum, we are honored to have Prof. Ge Zhaoguang as our guest speaker to deliver a lecture on the topic “Imagine A Great Empire? A Study of Forged Li Gonglin’s Wanfang Zhigongtu”. Prof. Ge is a Distinguished Professor and the Founding Director of National Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies at Fudan University. A graduate from Peking University and formerly a Professor at Tsinghua University, Prof. Ge was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Humanities by the Hong Kong Education University, and recognised by Princeton University as the “Princeton Global Scholar” in 2009. Prof. Ge‘s accolades include: the winner of the “Asia-Pacific Award” in Japan and “Paju Book Award” in South Korea and Hong Kong Book Award, among others. His influential publications include: A History of Chinese Zen Buddhist Thought: From the 6th to 9th Century (Peking University Press, 1995), An Intellectual History of China (Volumes 1-2) (Fudan University Press, 1998, 2001), and Here in China: Reconstructing the Historical Narratives about “China” (Chung Hwa Book Company, 2011).


Details of the forum are as follows:

Speaker: Prof. Ge Zhaoguang葛兆光教授

Topic: Imagine A Great Empire? A Study of Forged Li Gonglin’s Wanfang Zhigongtu  想像天下帝國?從(偽)李公麟《萬方職貢圖》說起

Date: 13 Sept 2024 (Fri)

Time: 14:00 – 15:30*

Venue: On-Site (E21B-G016) / ZOOM

Language: Mandarin (Simultaneous interpretation into English will be provided on Zoom)

*Light refreshments will be provided on a first-come-first-served basis


“Zhigongtu” has a long-standing influence on Chinese artistic history and also presents a characteristic intellectual history in China. The pride and confidence of the empire were expressed through the contrast of the exotic features of foreign envoys who arrived in an imaginative great empire that was prominent to the surrounding tributaries. This tradition was handed down even to the Song dynasty at a time of territory decreasing and national assimilation. This talk presents a case study of forged Li Gonglin’s Wanfang zhigongtu, and examines the tribute exchanges between the Northern Song and its neighboring countries. It compares the artistic work and the historical facts, and aims to show that not a small part of this work originated from historical memories and the empire’s imagination even though the other parts might have been in keeping with the truth. The study proves that the Song dynasty still indulged itself in the dream of an overwhelming empire despite the fact it did not possess the thriving power of the Han and Tang dynasties. It points out in particular that this artistic tradition went on to the Qing dynasty with the imaginative empire consciousness, which reflects the lasting and profound influence of the traditional Chinese self-conception and worldview.


Please register for the forum by 11 Sept 2024 (Wed) via https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_07ArIzblwO31WWa

【Macao Humanities Forum】Imagine A Great Empire? A Study of Forged Li Gonglin’s Wanfang Zhigongtu by Prof. Ge Zhaoguang from Fudan University (1 Smart Point and 15 CS)2024-09-14T00:00:04+08:00
23 2024-08

Reminder: Recruitment of student trainees in article writing and design positions for the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (Deadline: 2024/08/26)


Dear students,

The Faculty of Arts and Humanities is recruiting student trainees in article writing and design positions. We invite UM students to showcase their writing and design talents while gaining valuable work experience. Please review the details below for more information.

Position 1

Student Trainee for article writing


  • Prepare press releases;
  • Prepare newsletter;
  • Provide Chinese-English translation and proofreading services;
  • Collect data and information;
  • Assist in organising events or activities;
  • Perform simple data input and analysis;
  • Offer additional administrative support as needed.


  • UM student (excluding exchange students);
  • Bachelor or Master students, preferably in fields such as Chinese/English Translation Studies, Linguistics, Literature, Journalism, or Communication;
  • Passionate about writing;
  • Excellent writing skills in both English and Chinese;
  • Strong communication skills;
  • Demonstrates responsibility and a proactive work approach.

Working Time:

Monday to Friday or as determined by work progress

Hourly Rate:

MOP 66 per hour

Working Location:

General Office, Faculty of Arts and Humanities / Remote work from home



Position 2

Student Trainee for Design


  • Execute design projects;
  • Conduct design research to gather insights;
  • Capture photos;
  • Provide additional administrative support as assigned.


  • UM student (excluding exchange students);
  • Bachelor or Master students, preferably in Communication or a design-related field;
  • Passion for both photography and design;
  • Proficiency in relevant design software such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, or InDesign;
  • Strong communication skills;
  • Demonstrates responsibility and a proactive work approach.

Working Time:

Monday to Friday or as determined by work progress

Hourly Rate:

MOP 66 per hour 

Working Location:

General Office, Faculty of Arts and Humanities / Remote work from home


For any enquiries, please contact Ms. Lisa Lam (Tel: 8822 8910; Email: lisalam@um.edu.mo). Thank you!

Best Regards,

Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Reminder: Recruitment of student trainees in article writing and design positions for the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (Deadline: 2024/08/26)2024-08-27T00:00:03+08:00
13 2024-08

Recruitment of student trainees in article writing and design positions for the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (Deadline: 2024/08/26)


Dear students,

The Faculty of Arts and Humanities is recruiting student trainees in article writing and design positions. We invite UM students to showcase their writing and design talents while gaining valuable work experience. Please review the details below for more information.

Position 1

Student Trainee for article writing


  • Prepare press releases;
  • Prepare newsletter;
  • Provide Chinese-English translation and proofreading services;
  • Collect data and information;
  • Assist in organising events or activities;
  • Perform simple data input and analysis;
  • Offer additional administrative support as needed.


  • UM student (excluding exchange students);
  • Bachelor or Master students, preferably in fields such as Chinese/English Translation Studies, Linguistics, Literature, Journalism, or Communication;
  • Passionate about writing;
  • Excellent writing skills in both English and Chinese;
  • Strong communication skills;
  • Demonstrates responsibility and a proactive work approach.

Working Time:

Monday to Friday or as determined by work progress

Hourly Rate:

MOP 66 per hour

Working Location:

General Office, Faculty of Arts and Humanities / Remote work from home



Position 2

Student Trainee for Design


  • Execute design projects;
  • Conduct design research to gather insights;
  • Capture photos;
  • Provide additional administrative support as assigned.


  • UM student (excluding exchange students);
  • Bachelor or Master students, preferably in Communication or a design-related field;
  • Passion for both photography and design;
  • Proficiency in relevant design software such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, or InDesign;
  • Strong communication skills;
  • Demonstrates responsibility and a proactive work approach.

Working Time:

Monday to Friday or as determined by work progress

Hourly Rate:

MOP 66 per hour 

Working Location:

General Office, Faculty of Arts and Humanities / Remote work from home


For any enquiries, please contact Ms. Lisa Lam (Tel: 8822 8910; Email: lisalam@um.edu.mo). Thank you!

Best Regards,

Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Recruitment of student trainees in article writing and design positions for the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (Deadline: 2024/08/26)2024-08-27T00:00:04+08:00
8 2024-08

【FAH】 The Second Issue of “FOOTSTEPS—FAH Newsletter” is launched!


Dear Colleagues and Students,

Warm greetings from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities!

We are thrilled to announce the release of the second issue of FOOTSTEPS—FAH Newsletter! The newsletter is scheduled to be published each semester. This newsletter showcases the vibrancy of our academic community, offering a unique lens into the accomplishments of our faculty, recent events, exchange programs, and the introduction of new staff.

To explore the complete newsletter, please visit our website by clicking https://fah.um.edu.mo/newsletter/

Thank you for your support!


Faculty of Arts and Humanities

University of Macau


我們很高興宣布第二期《足音:人文學院快訊》現已推出!人文學院快訊計劃於每學期出版,內容包括學院成果、近期活動、交流計劃、出版物,及新成員介紹等。歡迎點擊網址 https://fah.um.edu.mo/newsletter/ 閱讀第二期《足音:人文學院快訊》。


澳門大學人文學院 謹啟


【FAH】 The Second Issue of “FOOTSTEPS—FAH Newsletter” is launched!2025-01-31T00:01:25+08:00
10 2024-04

【FAH】Catch the final opportunity! Join the UM Language and Culture Day – Cultural Treasure Hunt and win AirPods! (Deadline: 2024/04/16)





展期:27/03/2024 – 16/04/2024

地點:E21A 人文學院地面層




獎品 數量
APPLE AirPods 1份
Booster ^MaseTina 按摩槍 1份
Monster 藍牙喇叭 1份
MOMAX 10000mAh 行動電源 1份
GIGGAS 電煮鍋 1份
$200 超市禮券 1份
$100 超市禮券 1份



  1. 每人只得一次抽獎機會及只限中獎一次。若覺得回答錯誤,可以重新填表作答。
  2. 抽獎只限澳門大學師生參加。
  3. 人文學院行政人員及籌辦本次活動的教職員不可參與抽獎。
  4. 得獎者會有專人致電領獎。得獎者必須於2024年5月1日前領取獎品, 所有逾期換領將不獲受理。
  5. 人文學院保留隨時更改或終止此抽獎活動,以及修訂有關條款及細則的權利。如有任何爭議,人文學院保留最終決定權。


UM Language and Culture Day 2024 

We are excited to announce the return of the UM Language and Culture Day! This event aims to celebrate linguistic and cultural diversity while preserving mother tongues on the UM campus, as well as in Macau in general. Building on the success of last year, we have prepared a series of engaging and interactive activities, including the Opening Ceremony (Organised), various handcraft workshops (Organised), games booths (Organised), and the Cultural Treasure Hunt. Catch the final opportunity to participate in the Cultural Treasure Hunt for a chance to win prizes such as Airpods, power banks, and supermarket cash coupons, among others.


Date: 27/03/2024 – 16/04/2024

Venue: E21A Faculty of Arts and Humanities  – Ground Floor

The ground floor of the FAH currently showcases cultural insights. Discover answer clues and respond to all questions correctly online to qualify for entry into the ultimate prize draw.

Draw results will be announced on 23 April 2024 on the faculty website.





1 pc

Booster ^MaseTina Fascia Gun

1 pc

Monster Bluetooth Speaker

1 pc

MOMAX Power Bank 10000mAh

1 pc

GIGGAS Electric Caldron

1 pc

$200 Supermarket cash coupon

1 pc

$100 Supermarket cash coupon

1 pc


Terms & Conditions

  1. Each person is eligible for one draw and can win only one prize.

  2. Participation in the lucky draws is limited to UM members only.

  3. FAH administrative staff and organising committees are not eligible for the Lucky Draw.

  4. The winner will receive a phone call for prize collection. The winner must redeem the Prize before 01/05/2024 otherwise the prize will be forfeited.

  5. FAH reserves the right to amend the Terms and Conditions and may withdraw or discontinue the Lucky Draw without prior notice. All matters and disputes will be subject to the final decision of FAH.


【FAH】Catch the final opportunity! Join the UM Language and Culture Day – Cultural Treasure Hunt and win AirPods! (Deadline: 2024/04/16)2024-04-17T00:00:32+08:00
22 2024-03

Reminder :【FAH】Join the UM Language and Culture Day and win AirPods! (2024/03/27)







時間: 13:00 – 14:00

地點:E21A 人文學院大堂

時間 活動
12:15-12:45 換領抽獎券*






獎品 數量
APPLE AirPods with Lightning Charging Case 1份
Fujifilm 富士即影即有相機 1份
松下護髮負離子風筒 1份
MOMAX 10000mAh 行動電源 1份
$200 超市禮券 2份
$100 超市禮券 2份



2. 手作工作坊


時間:14:00 – 15:00




葡萄牙傳統刺繡甜心手帕 |14:00 – 15:00| E21A-G049 (SI Lab)


名額: 15人

甜心手帕是用細麻布或棉布製成的手帕,上面繡有各種圖案。 它是葡萄牙北部典型的手工藝品和服裝,由適婚年齡的婦女穿著。 按照習俗,戀愛中的女孩會繡上自己的手帕,送給心愛的人。 手帕上可以繡有有關友誼、愛情和忠誠的詩句、圖畫,以及純潔天真的愛的宣言。

日本茶道   |14:00–15:00|E21A-G040

語言: 英語

名額: 16 人


京劇臉譜工作坊   |14:00–15:00|E21A-G037

語言: 普通話及英語

名額: 10人


青瓷葡貼   |14:00––15:00| E21A-G038

語言: 普通話及葡文

名額: 12人


落紙煙雲畫扇工作坊   |14:00 – 15:00| E21A-G039

語言: 普通話及英語

名額: 25人


葡語社區:團體比賽 | 14:00–15:00|E21A-G036 黑盒劇場

語言: 英語

名額: 30人

葡萄牙語在世界各地的影響力不斷擴大,許多社區和國家都將其用於日常互動、教學和學習目的。 每天都有各種各樣用葡萄牙語創造的文化表現形式,如音樂、文學、藝術和電影等。 另外值得注意的是,葡萄牙語在網路上廣泛使用。 在一個充滿多樣性的世界裡,熟悉不同的語言和文化可以幫助我們成為更好的全球公民,更善於駕馭差異。 在工作坊中,我們將舉辦小組比賽,透過圖像、聲音、影片和一般資訊來加深對葡語國家的了解。 最後,我們將集體學習並唱一首葡萄牙語歌曲。 請勇躍參加!!

飛鏢大師  |14:00 – 15:00| FAH 學習共享空間


縱觀歷史和不同文化,哲學確實有許多 “hits (成功的人與概念)”,就是思想、理論和人物影響深遠,決定性地影響了我們對宇宙運行、我們是誰以及幸福是什麼樣子等問題的理解。我們的遊戲希望能夠提醒你們哲學 “擊中要害 “的力量:以最嚴謹、最系統的方式提出並解決最重要、最困難的問題。快來加入我們,瞭解主要思想家和重要觀點,同時練習飛鏢的精准度和專注力。哲學充滿樂趣,但也需要一些技巧!

題圖句求偶   |14:00 – 15:00| FAH 學習共享空間



葡語及文化小常識   | 14:00 – 15:00  | FAH 學習共享空間


葡語及文化小常識提供2個小遊戲。遊戲一:參與者將學習葡萄牙語中從 1 到 20 的數字。 然後他們將參加賓果遊戲。遊戲二:參與者將查看葡語國家的地圖及其國旗 ,然後他們需要找尋對應的拼圖來製作旗幟。



展期:27/03/2024 – 16/04/2024

地點:E21A 人文學院地面層




獎品 數量
APPLE AirPods 1份
Booster ^MaseTina 按摩槍 1份
Monster 藍牙喇叭 1份
MOMAX 10000mAh 行動電源 1份
GIGGAS 電煮鍋 1份
$200 超市禮券 1份
$100 超市禮券 1份



  1. 每人只得一次抽獎機會及只限中獎一次。若覺得回答錯誤,可以重新填表作答。
  2. 抽獎及工作坊只限澳門大學師生參加。
  3. 人文學院行政人員及籌辦本次活動的教職員不可參與抽獎。
  4. 得獎者會有專人致電領獎。得獎者必須於2024年5月1日前領取獎品, 所有逾期換領將不獲受理。
  5. 人文學院保留隨時更改或終止此抽獎活動,以及修訂有關條款及細則的權利而不作另行通知。如有任何爭議,人文學院保留最終決定權。


UM Language and Culture Day 2024 

We are excited to announce the return of the UM Language and Culture Day! As one of the flagship events of the FAH, this year’s UM Language and Culture Day will take place on 27 March 2024 (Wed), with the theme “Cherish Mother Tongues; Embrace All Cultures.” The event aims to celebrate linguistic and cultural diversity while preserving mother tongues on the UM campus, as well as in Macau in general. Building on the success of last year, we have prepared a series of engaging and interactive activities, including the Opening Ceremony, various handcraft workshops, games booths, and the Cultural Treasure Hunt. Additionally, participants will have the chance to win prizes such as Airpods, an instant camera, power banks, a speaker, and supermarket cash coupons, among others. We warmly invite all UM members to join us!


Date: 27th Mar 2024

Time: 13:00 – 14:00

Venue: E21A FAH Lobby




Redeem Raffle Tickets


Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony

Cultural Performances

Lucky Draw




APPLE AirPods with Lightning Charging Case

1 pc

Fujifilm Instax Mini 12 Blue

1 pc

PANASONIC Hair dryer

1 pc

MOMAX Power Bank 10000mAh

1 pc

$200 Supermarket cash coupon

2 pcs

$100 Supermarket cash coupon

2 pcs

* Offer valid while stocks last.

** Winners must immediately come on stage to receive their awards, or else they will forfeit.


2. Handcraft Workshops

Date: 27th Mar 2024

Time: 14:00-15:00


Remarks: Successfully registered participants will receive a confirmation email by 20 March 2024. If a registered participant is unable to attend, please notify us (Email: lisalam@um.edu.mo) by 23 March 2024; otherwise, it may impact your eligibility for future activities organised by FAH. Therefore, please review your schedule carefully before completing registration.

The “Sweetheart Handkerchief” – A Portuguese Traditional Embroidery |14:00––15:00| E21A-G049 (SI Lab)

Language: English

Quota: 15 participants

The sweetheart handkerchief is a fine linen or cotton handkerchief embroidered with various motifs. It is a traditional handicraft and garment from northern Portugal, worn by women of marriageable age. According to custom, a girl in love would embroider a handkerchief and gift it to her beloved. The handkerchiefs feature embroidered verses, drawings, and declarations related to friendship, love, fidelity, and pure, innocent love. 

Japanese Tea Ceremony |14:00–15:00|E21A-G040

Language: English

Quota: 16 participants

The tea ceremony is an embodiment of traditional etiquette, where finely-ground green tea is prepared and offered by a host for the pleasure of esteemed guests. This philosophy of hospitality in the tea ceremony resonates with contemporary Japanese practices of entertaining guests. The essence of the tea ceremony lies in embracing the spirit of hospitality and savoring the joy of tea tasting. We aspire to share with everyone the warm hospitality of Japan, the brilliance of its traditional culture, and the exquisite taste of matcha through the ritual of the tea ceremony.

Peking Opera Facial Makeup Workshop |14:00–15:00|E21A-G037

Language: Mandarin & English

Quota: 10 participants

Peking Opera facial makeup is a distinctive makeup technique steeped in Chinese cultural tradition and a vital element of Peking Opera’s performing arts. It utilizes a vivid palette of colors, patterns, and symbols to depict the personality, status, and traits of the characters on the actors’ faces.

POR[CELAIN]TUGUESE |14:00––15:00| E21A-G038

Language: Mandarin & Portuguese

Quota: 12 participants

What kind of spark arises when the elements of Chinese blue and white porcelain meet Portuguese design motifs? This workshop introduces the emblematic cultural symbols of China and Portugal, guiding participants to create their own art by arranging porcelain shards on canvases featuring Portuguese elements. It’s an opportunity to craft a unique personal piece that merges these distinct cultural heritages.

Calligraphy Workshop  |14:00 – 15:00|E21A-G039

Language: Mandarin & English

Quota: 25 participants

Chinese character calligraphy is not only an artistic expression of Chinese culture but also a jewel of the world’s cultural heritage. In our calligraphy workshop, participants will independently complete their calligraphy artworks under the guidance of our staff, discovering the endless allure of traditional calligraphy. They will experience the ancient charm of brush writing and the elegance of Chinese line art. Participants are encouraged to unleash their imagination, blending their creativity and aesthetic taste, as they create on round or folding fans—allowing their brush to flow freely, capturing their emotions and artistic flair.

Portuguese Speaking Communities: A Group Competition Game |14:00–15:00| E21A-G036 Black Box Theatre

Language: English

Quota: 30 Participants

The Portuguese language has experienced an increasing presence worldwide, with numerous communities and countries adopting it for day-by-day interaction, teaching, and learning purposes. Each day, a wide range of cultural expressions, including music, literature, arts, and cinema… are created in Portuguese. It is also noteworthy that Portuguese is widely used on the internet. In a world marked by vast diversity, familiarizing ourselves with different languages and cultures can help us become a better global citizen and more adept at navigating differences. In our workshop, we will organize a group competition to enhance our understanding of Portuguese-speaking countries through images, sounds, videos, and general information. To conclude, we will collectively learn and sing a song in Portuguese. Join us!!

Philosophy Hits  |14:00 – 15:00| FAH Learning Commons

Quota: No registration required. Unlimited participants. Join at any time!

Throughout history and across different cultures, philosophy has certainly delivered numerous “hits”—influential ideas, theories, and figures that have profoundly shaped our understanding of the universe, our identity, and the nature of happiness. Our game is designed to showcase the power of philosophy to “strike the core” of these subjects, posing and solving the most significant and complex questions in the most rigorous and systematic ways. Join us to explore the thoughts of leading philosophers and their pivotal concepts while honing your darts’ precision and focus. Philosophy is not only deeply engaging—it also requires skill!

Completing the Couplet  |14:00 – 15:00| FAH Learning Commons

Quota: No registration required. Unlimited participants. Join at any time!

The couplet is a hallmark of traditional Chinese culture—a crafty and profound phrase that captures the essence of a photograph through the use of rhythmic cadence. Whether it narrates, describes, expresses emotions, or conveys moral lessons, it employs a variety of rhetorical techniques. This not only allows one to appreciate the aesthetic beauty of the photograph but also to revel in the linguistic grace, rhetorical elegance, conceptual depth, and melodic charm of the couplet. When a couplet is meticulously crafted to mirror the rhythm, part of speech, and structure of its paired sentence, it emerges as an exquisitely aligned and harmoniously resonant gem. Why not challenge yourself to create a couplet that complements the given photo, achieving a seamless and delightful pairing?

Portuguese Language & Culture Games  | 14:00 – 15:00| FAH Learning Commons

Quota: No registration required. Unlimited participants. Join at any time!

Game 1: The participants will learn the numbers from 1 to 20 in Portuguese. Then they’ll take part in the BINGO game.
Game 2: The participants will look at the map of the Portuguese-speaking countries and their flags. Then they will make puzzles to form the flags.



Date: 27/03/2024 – 16/04/2024

Venue: E21A FAH Ground Floor

Find answer clues around the ground floor of FAH and answer all questions online to enter the Ultimate Lucky Draw.

Draw results will be announced on 23 April 2024 on the faculty website.





1 pc

Booster ^MaseTina Fascia Gun

1 pc

Monster Bluetooth Speaker

1 pc

MOMAX Power Bank 10000mAh

1 pc

GIGGAS Electric Caldron

1 pc

$200 Supermarket cash coupon

1 pc

$100 Supermarket cash coupon

1 pc


Terms & Conditions

  1. Each person is eligible for one draw and can win only one prize.

  2. Participation in the lucky draws and workshops is limited to UM members only.

  3. FAH administrative staff and organising committees are not eligible for the Lucky Draw.

  4. The winner will receive a phone call for prize collection. The winner must redeem the Prize before 01/05/2024 otherwise the prize will be forfeited.

  5. FAH reserves the right to amend the Terms and Conditions and may withdraw or discontinue the Lucky Draw without prior notice. All matters and disputes will be subject to the final decision of FAH.


Reminder :【FAH】Join the UM Language and Culture Day and win AirPods! (2024/03/27)2024-04-17T00:00:33+08:00
15 2024-03

【FAH】Join the UM Language and Culture Day and win AirPods!







時間: 13:00 – 14:00

地點:E21A 人文學院大堂

時間 活動
12:15-12:45 換領抽獎券*






獎品 數量
APPLE AirPods with Lightning Charging Case 1份
Fujifilm 富士即影即有相機 1份
松下護髮負離子風筒 1份
MOMAX 10000mAh 行動電源 1份
$200 超市禮券 2份
$100 超市禮券 2份



2. 手作工作坊


時間:14:00 – 15:00




葡萄牙傳統刺繡甜心手帕 |14:00 – 15:00| E21A-G049 (SI Lab)


名額: 15人

甜心手帕是用細麻布或棉布製成的手帕,上面繡有各種圖案。 它是葡萄牙北部典型的手工藝品和服裝,由適婚年齡的婦女穿著。 按照習俗,戀愛中的女孩會繡上自己的手帕,送給心愛的人。 手帕上可以繡有有關友誼、愛情和忠誠的詩句、圖畫,以及純潔天真的愛的宣言。

日本茶道   |14:00–15:00|E21A-G040

語言: 英語

名額: 16 人


京劇臉譜工作坊   |14:00–15:00|E21A-G037

語言: 普通話及英語

名額: 10人


青瓷葡貼   |14:00––15:00| E21A-G038

語言: 普通話及葡文

名額: 12人


落紙煙雲畫扇工作坊   |14:00 – 15:00| E21A-G039

語言: 普通話及英語

名額: 25人


葡語社區:團體比賽 | 14:00–15:00|E21A-G036 黑盒劇場

語言: 英語

名額: 30人

葡萄牙語在世界各地的影響力不斷擴大,許多社區和國家都將其用於日常互動、教學和學習目的。 每天都有各種各樣用葡萄牙語創造的文化表現形式,如音樂、文學、藝術和電影等。 另外值得注意的是,葡萄牙語在網路上廣泛使用。 在一個充滿多樣性的世界裡,熟悉不同的語言和文化可以幫助我們成為更好的全球公民,更善於駕馭差異。 在工作坊中,我們將舉辦小組比賽,透過圖像、聲音、影片和一般資訊來加深對葡語國家的了解。 最後,我們將集體學習並唱一首葡萄牙語歌曲。 請勇躍參加!!

飛鏢大師  |14:00 – 15:00| FAH 學習共享空間


縱觀歷史和不同文化,哲學確實有許多 “hits (成功的人與概念)”,就是思想、理論和人物影響深遠,決定性地影響了我們對宇宙運行、我們是誰以及幸福是什麼樣子等問題的理解。我們的遊戲希望能夠提醒你們哲學 “擊中要害 “的力量:以最嚴謹、最系統的方式提出並解決最重要、最困難的問題。快來加入我們,瞭解主要思想家和重要觀點,同時練習飛鏢的精准度和專注力。哲學充滿樂趣,但也需要一些技巧!

題圖句求偶   |14:00 – 15:00| FAH 學習共享空間



葡語及文化小常識   | 14:00 – 15:00  | FAH 學習共享空間


葡語及文化小常識提供2個小遊戲。遊戲一:參與者將學習葡萄牙語中從 1 到 20 的數字。 然後他們將參加賓果遊戲。遊戲二:參與者將查看葡語國家的地圖及其國旗 ,然後他們需要找尋對應的拼圖來製作旗幟。



展期:27/03/2024 – 16/04/2024

地點:E21A 人文學院地面層




獎品 數量
APPLE AirPods 1份
Booster ^MaseTina 按摩槍 1份
Monster 藍牙喇叭 1份
MOMAX 10000mAh 行動電源 1份
GIGGAS 電煮鍋 1份
$200 超市禮券 1份
$100 超市禮券 1份



  1. 每人只得一次抽獎機會及只限中獎一次。若覺得回答錯誤,可以重新填表作答。
  2. 抽獎及工作坊只限澳門大學師生參加。
  3. 人文學院行政人員及籌辦本次活動的教職員不可參與抽獎。
  4. 得獎者會有專人致電領獎。得獎者必須於2024年5月1日前領取獎品, 所有逾期換領將不獲受理。
  5. 人文學院保留隨時更改或終止此抽獎活動,以及修訂有關條款及細則的權利而不作另行通知。如有任何爭議,人文學院保留最終決定權。


UM Language and Culture Day 2024 

We are excited to announce the return of the UM Language and Culture Day! As one of the flagship events of the FAH, this year’s UM Language and Culture Day will take place on 27 March 2024 (Wed), with the theme “Cherish Mother Tongues; Embrace All Cultures.” The event aims to celebrate linguistic and cultural diversity while preserving mother tongues on the UM campus, as well as in Macau in general. Building on the success of last year, we have prepared a series of engaging and interactive activities, including the Opening Ceremony, various handcraft workshops, games booths, and the Cultural Treasure Hunt. Additionally, participants will have the chance to win prizes such as Airpods, an instant camera, power banks, a speaker, and supermarket cash coupons, among others. We warmly invite all UM members to join us!


Date: 27th Mar 2024

Time: 13:00 – 14:00

Venue: E21A FAH Lobby




Redeem Raffle Tickets


Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony

Cultural Performances

Lucky Draw




APPLE AirPods with Lightning Charging Case

1 pc

Fujifilm Instax Mini 12 Blue

1 pc

PANASONIC Hair dryer

1 pc

MOMAX Power Bank 10000mAh

1 pc

$200 Supermarket cash coupon

2 pcs

$100 Supermarket cash coupon

2 pcs

* Offer valid while stocks last.

** Winners must immediately come on stage to receive their awards, or else they will forfeit.


2. Handcraft Workshops

Date: 27th Mar 2024

Time: 14:00-15:00


Remarks: Successfully registered participants will receive a confirmation email by 20 March 2024. If a registered participant is unable to attend, please notify us (Email: lisalam@um.edu.mo) by 23 March 2024; otherwise, it may impact your eligibility for future activities organised by FAH. Therefore, please review your schedule carefully before completing registration.

The “Sweetheart Handkerchief” – A Portuguese Traditional Embroidery |14:00––15:00| E21A-G049 (SI Lab)

Language: English

Quota: 15 participants

The sweetheart handkerchief is a fine linen or cotton handkerchief embroidered with various motifs. It is a traditional handicraft and garment from northern Portugal, worn by women of marriageable age. According to custom, a girl in love would embroider a handkerchief and gift it to her beloved. The handkerchiefs feature embroidered verses, drawings, and declarations related to friendship, love, fidelity, and pure, innocent love. 

Japanese Tea Ceremony |14:00–15:00|E21A-G040

Language: English

Quota: 16 participants

The tea ceremony is an embodiment of traditional etiquette, where finely-ground green tea is prepared and offered by a host for the pleasure of esteemed guests. This philosophy of hospitality in the tea ceremony resonates with contemporary Japanese practices of entertaining guests. The essence of the tea ceremony lies in embracing the spirit of hospitality and savoring the joy of tea tasting. We aspire to share with everyone the warm hospitality of Japan, the brilliance of its traditional culture, and the exquisite taste of matcha through the ritual of the tea ceremony.

Peking Opera Facial Makeup Workshop |14:00–15:00|E21A-G037

Language: Mandarin & English

Quota: 10 participants

Peking Opera facial makeup is a distinctive makeup technique steeped in Chinese cultural tradition and a vital element of Peking Opera’s performing arts. It utilizes a vivid palette of colors, patterns, and symbols to depict the personality, status, and traits of the characters on the actors’ faces.

POR[CELAIN]TUGUESE |14:00––15:00| E21A-G038

Language: Mandarin & Portuguese

Quota: 12 participants

What kind of spark arises when the elements of Chinese blue and white porcelain meet Portuguese design motifs? This workshop introduces the emblematic cultural symbols of China and Portugal, guiding participants to create their own art by arranging porcelain shards on canvases featuring Portuguese elements. It’s an opportunity to craft a unique personal piece that merges these distinct cultural heritages.

Calligraphy Workshop  |14:00 – 15:00|E21A-G039

Language: Mandarin & English

Quota: 25 participants

Chinese character calligraphy is not only an artistic expression of Chinese culture but also a jewel of the world’s cultural heritage. In our calligraphy workshop, participants will independently complete their calligraphy artworks under the guidance of our staff, discovering the endless allure of traditional calligraphy. They will experience the ancient charm of brush writing and the elegance of Chinese line art. Participants are encouraged to unleash their imagination, blending their creativity and aesthetic taste, as they create on round or folding fans—allowing their brush to flow freely, capturing their emotions and artistic flair.

Portuguese Speaking Communities: A Group Competition Game |14:00–15:00| E21A-G036 Black Box Theatre

Language: English

Quota: 30 Participants

The Portuguese language has experienced an increasing presence worldwide, with numerous communities and countries adopting it for day-by-day interaction, teaching, and learning purposes. Each day, a wide range of cultural expressions, including music, literature, arts, and cinema… are created in Portuguese. It is also noteworthy that Portuguese is widely used on the internet. In a world marked by vast diversity, familiarizing ourselves with different languages and cultures can help us become a better global citizen and more adept at navigating differences. In our workshop, we will organize a group competition to enhance our understanding of Portuguese-speaking countries through images, sounds, videos, and general information. To conclude, we will collectively learn and sing a song in Portuguese. Join us!!

Philosophy Hits  |14:00 – 15:00| FAH Learning Commons

Quota: No registration required. Unlimited participants. Join at any time!

Throughout history and across different cultures, philosophy has certainly delivered numerous “hits”—influential ideas, theories, and figures that have profoundly shaped our understanding of the universe, our identity, and the nature of happiness. Our game is designed to showcase the power of philosophy to “strike the core” of these subjects, posing and solving the most significant and complex questions in the most rigorous and systematic ways. Join us to explore the thoughts of leading philosophers and their pivotal concepts while honing your darts’ precision and focus. Philosophy is not only deeply engaging—it also requires skill!

Completing the Couplet  |14:00 – 15:00| FAH Learning Commons

Quota: No registration required. Unlimited participants. Join at any time!

The couplet is a hallmark of traditional Chinese culture—a crafty and profound phrase that captures the essence of a photograph through the use of rhythmic cadence. Whether it narrates, describes, expresses emotions, or conveys moral lessons, it employs a variety of rhetorical techniques. This not only allows one to appreciate the aesthetic beauty of the photograph but also to revel in the linguistic grace, rhetorical elegance, conceptual depth, and melodic charm of the couplet. When a couplet is meticulously crafted to mirror the rhythm, part of speech, and structure of its paired sentence, it emerges as an exquisitely aligned and harmoniously resonant gem. Why not challenge yourself to create a couplet that complements the given photo, achieving a seamless and delightful pairing?

Portuguese Language & Culture Games  | 14:00 – 15:00| FAH Learning Commons

Quota: No registration required. Unlimited participants. Join at any time!

Game 1: The participants will learn the numbers from 1 to 20 in Portuguese. Then they’ll take part in the BINGO game.
Game 2: The participants will look at the map of the Portuguese-speaking countries and their flags. Then they will make puzzles to form the flags.



Date: 27/03/2024 – 16/04/2024

Venue: E21A FAH Ground Floor

Find answer clues around the ground floor of FAH and answer all questions online to enter the Ultimate Lucky Draw.

Draw results will be announced on 23 April 2024 on the faculty website.





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Terms & Conditions

  1. Each person is eligible for one draw and can win only one prize.

  2. Participation in the lucky draws and workshops is limited to UM members only.

  3. FAH administrative staff and organising committees are not eligible for the Lucky Draw.

  4. The winner will receive a phone call for prize collection. The winner must redeem the Prize before 01/05/2024 otherwise the prize will be forfeited.

  5. FAH reserves the right to amend the Terms and Conditions and may withdraw or discontinue the Lucky Draw without prior notice. All matters and disputes will be subject to the final decision of FAH.


【FAH】Join the UM Language and Culture Day and win AirPods!2024-04-17T00:00:33+08:00
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