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10 2024-07

Pay Attention to Heat Stroke Prevention










(Ref: HSEO-S002/2024)

Dear Colleagues,

The recent weather in Macao has been extremely hot, and the Meteorological Bureau has issued “high temperature” warning.  Work environment with high temperature and intense sunlight will cause excessive sweating and other physical discomforts. In severe cases, it may cause heat stroke and affect our health. If people work in outdoor environment with extreme heat and humidity for a long time, it may cause dysfunction of the central nervous system, making the body unable to sweat and control body temperature, resulting in heat dissipation in the body and eventually causes heat stroke. The early symptoms of heat stroke include feeling thirsty, fatigue, nausea and headache. Later, the victim may experience shortness of breath, rapid pulse, dizziness, confusion or even loss of consciousness and convulsion. Heat stroke could be life-threatening.  We therefore have to take the following measures when working outdoors to prevent heat stroke:

Wearing light-coloured, light-weighted and breathable working clothes can reduce heat absorption and help sweat volatilization;
Water and electrolytes should be supplemented regularly;
Should not drink alcoholic beverages to avoid posing work hazards and the risk of dehydration;
Reasonably arrange work rotation – people who work long hours in outdoor environment should be arranged regularly to take a break in a cool and well-ventilated place. 


Severe heat stroke may pose risks to one’s life, therefore outdoor workers must pay close attention and take appropriate measures to prevent heat stroke.  

Safety first, never get hurt!

Office of Health, Safety & Environmental Affairs

Source: Macau Labour Affairs Bureau

Pay Attention to Heat Stroke Prevention2024-08-30T00:01:08+08:00
6 2024-06

June 8 World Oceans Day – Sunscreen and Coral Bleaching



為了讓大眾了解海洋的重要性和提高他們對海洋保育的意識,聯合國將六月八日訂立為世界海洋日。海洋健康與地球和人類生活息息相關,它為我們提供無數的服務,猶如世界生態系統的肺部,為我們帶來呼吸所需的一半的氧氣量。然而,海洋正面臨著日益嚴峻的威脅,需要採取緊急行動應對。那麼我們可以為海洋做些甚麼? 保育海洋,從認識防曬霜開始!讓我們看看以下一些較環保的防曬方法:


資料來源: 世界自然基金會

Ref# HSEO-EP006/2024

Dear Colleagues and Students, 

In order to enhance public understanding of the importance of the oceans and raise awareness about marine conservation, the United Nations has designated June 8 as World Oceans Day. The health of the oceans is closely related with the Earth and human life. The oceans provide us with many services, acting as the lungs of the global ecosystem and supplying half of the oxygen we need to breathe. However, the oceans are now facing increasingly severe threats that require urgent action.  So what can we do for the oceans? We may conserve the oceans by beginning to understand the impact of sunscreen. Let’s explore some more environmentally friendly sunscreen methods:

Office of Health, Safety and Environmental Affairs

Source: WWF

June 8 World Oceans Day – Sunscreen and Coral Bleaching2024-07-06T00:00:40+08:00
27 2024-05

World Environment Day Activities 2024


World Environment Day Carnival
Time :
Date :
Venue :
Amizade Plaza
Activities :
Game booths, stage activities, EP Fun recycling booth


(Ref: HSEO-EP005/2024)


Lights Off for One Hour
Date :
Time :
20:30 – 21:30


齊齊關掉家裡非必要的燈,黑夜中感受 1 小時。
You are encouraged to switch off unnecessary lightings at home during the activity.

Our University is joining the “1-hour Lights Off Campaign” which will take place at 20:30 on 5 June. Part of the lighting system on campus will be switched off for an hour.

Let’s action to reduce carbon emission and save energy!






  1. 外出時,自備環保袋及環保餐具,減少塑膠袋及餐具等一次性物品的使用。
  2. 選購食材或外出用餐時,響應「珍惜食物,減少浪費」。
  3. 日常生活中盡量做到少用新、多重用、再回收。
  4. 參與大學回收計劃,培養珍惜資源、乾淨回收的習慣。
  5. 不使用電腦時,關掉電腦的顯示屏,尤其是開會及午飯時間,並盡量提早在下班前十五分鐘,關掉冷氣設備。
  6. 關掉不必要的電燈、電腦設備及不使用的電器,尤其下班時間。


Carbon Reduction Initiatives for Civil Servants

Targets: Civil Service Sector

Purpose: To appeal for energy reduction actions in developing green living habits 

1.    Bring your own eco-friendly bags and tableware when dining out, reduce the use of plastic bags and disposable tableware.
2.    Bear in mind the concept of “Don’t waste food” when purchasing food or when dining out.
3.    Try your best to “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle” in the daily life whenever possible.
4.    Participate in UM recycling programs and cultivate habits of resource conservation and clean recycling.
5.    Turn off the screen of your PC whenever not in use, especially during meetings and lunch hours.  When possible, switch off the air conditioner 15 minutes before departure time.
6.    Switch off unnecessary lightings, computer equipment and electrical appliances, especially after office hours.






  • 為配合公務人員減廢節能行動之室內空調系統溫度,澳門特別行政區政府全體公務人員,如非因公務所需而必須穿著制服,或因進行對外官式活動而需穿著套裝者,請穿著輕便及涼爽的便服上班。特別是因公務必須穿著制服的員工,應儘可能在不影響公務人員專業形象下,選擇輕便的制服樣式,或不穿外套、或除去領呔等,支持節能。


  • 便服應以整齊得體及不失莊重為前提,以維持公務人員應有之正面及專業的形象;
  • 衣服宜選擇輕便、涼爽但不透明之質料,顏色則以純色及淺色為主;
  • 男士可選擇恤衫或有領T恤,女士則可選擇有袖襯衣,配搭西褲等便服;
  • 應避免穿著短褲、背心、拖鞋及其他過分暴露身體之服裝。


Dress Casual Summer


Responding to global climate change, we should reduce the power consumption of air conditioners in offices, promote the culture of dressing casual, and promote energy saving as well as emission reduction.


Responding to the activity “Waste Reduction and Energy Saving Actions for Civil Servants”, please dress casually if you are not attending official or formal activities.  If staff have to wear uniforms for official reasons, one should choose to wear “lightweight uniform” such as avoid wearing coats or ties to support energy saving while maintaining professional image.

Guidelines for casual dress code:

  • Casual wear should be chosen under the premise of dressing in a presentable way, so as to maintain the positive and professional image that a civil servant should have;
  • Choose clothing made with lightweight, cool and opaque materials. Plain or light colours are preferred;
  • Male staff may wear shirts or polo shirts, while female staff may choose casual wear such as blouses and suit pants;
  • Avoid wearing vests, sandals and shorts or other revealing clothes;
World Environment Day Activities 20242024-09-01T00:04:09+08:00
21 2024-03

March 22 World Water Day – Save Water When Taking Bath





Ref# HSEO-EP004/2024

Dear Colleagues and Students, 

The United Nations has designated March 22nd each year as “World Water Day”, with the aim of raising global awareness on the importance of freshwater and advocating sustainable management of freshwater resources.  Water conservation starts from the little things in life, which we can easily incorporate into our daily routines. For instance, simply reducing shower time requires minimal effort but yields significant results.  We can protect water resources, let’s start from ourselves! Please refer to the following EP tips “Save Water When Taking Bath”:

Office of Health, Safety and Environmental Affairs

March 22 World Water Day – Save Water When Taking Bath2024-04-21T00:00:37+08:00
19 2024-03

Photo Sharing: Exploring the Pavilion of Animal Specimens





Dear Students and Colleagues,

HSEO has organized UM members to participate in the Green Week Activity – Exploring the Pavilion of Animal Specimens.  With the captivating explanations from the tour guide, we were able to learn about Macau’s unique species, endangered species, and invasive alien species, etc.  The tour was informative by understanding the animals’ role and impact on the ecosystem.

Office of Health, Safety and Environmental Affairs 

(Ref. no.: HSEO-EP003/2024)

Photo Sharing: Exploring the Pavilion of Animal Specimens2024-03-26T00:00:14+08:00
11 2024-03

Green Week Activity: Exploring the Pavilion of Animal Specimens

Green Week Activity: Exploring the Pavilion of Animal Specimens2024-03-20T00:00:11+08:00
6 2024-02

2024 “Recycling the Red Packets is Very Easy” Activity

2024 “Recycling the Red Packets is Very Easy” Activity2025-02-04T16:55:27+08:00
19 2024-01

Reminder: Fire Drill for E21 & E31-E34 will be conducted on 22 and 25 January 2024 respectively




日期 時間 建築物 集合地點
 2024年1月22日 11:20 E21 中央大道 (E22側地段)
 2024年1月25日 15:50 E31, E32, E33&E34 學生活動中心廣場




(Ref: HSEO-S001C/2024)

Dear Colleagues and Students,

Please be reminded of the fire drill below:

Date Time Buildings Assembly Place
22 January 2024 11:20 E21 Central Avenue (next to E22)
25 January 2024 15:50 E31, E32, E33&E34  Student Activity Centre Plaza


Fire alarm will be activated at the start of the drill. Drivers who need to pass through the road outside the building are reminded to drive slowly.

Thanks for your attention to the above. Your participation is highly encouraged.

Best Regards,
Office of Health, Safety and Environmental Affairs

Reminder: Fire Drill for E21 & E31-E34 will be conducted on 22 and 25 January 2024 respectively2024-01-26T00:00:13+08:00
15 2024-01

Reminder: Fire Drill for E22 will be conducted on 16 January 2024




日期 時間 建築物 集合地點
 2024年1月16日 11:20 E22 中央大道 (E21側地段)





(Ref: HSEO-S001B/2024)

Dear Colleagues and Students,

Please be reminded of the fire drill below:

Date Time Buildings Assembly Place
16 January 2024 11:20 E22 Central Avenue (next to E21)


Fire alarm will be activated at the start of the drill. Drivers who need to pass through the road outside the building are reminded to drive slowly.

Thanks for your attention to the above. Your participation is highly encouraged.

Best Regards,
Office of Health, Safety and Environmental Affairs

Reminder: Fire Drill for E22 will be conducted on 16 January 20242024-01-17T00:00:12+08:00
10 2024-01

Reminder: Fire Drill for E3-E7 will be conducted on 11 January 2024




日期 時間 建築物 集合地點
 2024年1月11日 15:50 E3-E7 圖書館廣場 (近E1方向)





(Ref: HSEO-S001A/2024)

Dear Colleagues and Students,

Please be reminded of the fire drill below:

Date Time Buildings Assembly Place
11 January 2024 15:50 E3-E7 Library Plaza (near E1)


Fire alarm will be activated at the start of the drill. Drivers who need to pass through the road outside the building are reminded to drive slowly.

Thanks for your attention to the above. Your participation is highly encouraged.

Best Regards,
Office of Health, Safety and Environmental Affairs

Reminder: Fire Drill for E3-E7 will be conducted on 11 January 20242024-01-12T00:00:13+08:00
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