The Sixth Zhuhai International Student Festival – The International Student Good Voice Competition
The following information is provided by “第六屆珠海留學生節組委會” and posted by the Student Affairs Office.
一、參賽對象: 1. Participants: |
(一)目前在中國高校學習的外籍學生 ; 1. Foreign students currently studying at Chinese colleges and universities; (二)曾在中國留學且目前在華工作生活的外籍人員。 2. Foreigners who once studied in China, and are w0rking or living in China. |
二、參賽要求: 2. Participation requirements: |
(一)歌曲內容健康向上,傳播積極的正能量,反映留學生的良好精神風貌,鼓勵原創作品參賽 ;
(二)演唱形式為獨唱或組合唱 (組合唱不得多於5人) 2. Solo or group performances are allowed, but the number of members in a group should not exceed five; (三)參賽歌手不按唱法分組,統一進行比賽。 3. Participating singers will compete in a unified manner without being grouped by singing style. |
三、網上海選: 3. Online preliminary Selection: |
請於10月20日至11月20日期間,填寫報名表 (掃描以下二維碼獲取) 並錄制參賽視頻發送至大賽海選郵箱 :。 From October 20th to November 20th, please fill out the registration form (to be accessed by scanning the QR code), record a singing video for the competition, and send it to the competition’s preliminary selection email: . |
四、視頻要求: 4. Video requirements: |
(二)視頻時長不少於30秒,不超過2分鐘; 2. The video should be not less than 30 seconds and not more than 2 minutes; (三)視頻格式為mov或mp4。 3. The video format should be mov or mp4. |
五、 海選參賽獎勵: 5. Rewards for participation in preliminary selection: |
凡報名參賽者均可獲得參賽證書及精美文創禮品一份。 Each participant will receive a participation certificate and an exquisite cultural and creative gift. |
六、海選評選規則: 6. Preliminary selection evaluation rules: |
由三名專業評審獨立評分,分數總和為參賽歌手最終得分,按分數高低,評選出排名前12的選手進入決賽。 Three professional judges will rate the participants independently, and the top 12 participants based on final scores will be admitted to the finals. |
七、決賽 – 巔峰對決 7. Finals – Peak Battle |
前12名優秀選手將受邀來到美麗的珠海市參加第六屆留學生節活動,在現場觀眾和專業評委的共同見證下,火力全開,爭奪冠軍。 The 12 finalists will be invited to the Sixth International Student Festival in the beautiful city of Zhuhai, and compete for the championship in front of a live audience and professional judges. 時間: 2024年12月28日 地點: 珠海高新區唐滌生大戲院 Time: December 28th, 2024 Venue: Tang Disheng Grand Theatre, Shangfang Road, Zhuhai Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone 主辦方將為入圍決賽的12名優秀選手報銷交通費用並統一安排食宿,同時依據決賽名次給予現金獎勵。 The organizer will reimburse transport costs, and arrange unified board and lodging for the 12 finalists, and offer cash rewards based on their rankings at the finals.
八、豐富獎勵,助你閃耀! 8. Generous prizes for you! |
冠軍: 獎金20,000元人民幣 亞軍: 獎金10,000元人民幣 季軍: 獎金6,000元人民幣 入圍決賽的其他選手:獎金3,000元人民幣/名次 Champion: RMB 20,000 Runner-up: RMB 10,000 Third place: RMB 6,000 Other finalists: RMB 3,000 each |
Student Affairs Office