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6 2025-01

Reminder: “My Notion of Societal Security” Video Competition


為加深學生及青少年對維護國家安全的認識和深思,抒發自身對維護國家安全的情懷,及進一步從多角度認識社會安全的重要性,展現本澳青少年的愛國愛澳情懷以及國家安全意識;澳門特別行政區政府和中央人民政府駐澳門特別行政區聯絡辦公室聯合舉辦 “我心中的社會安全”短視頻比賽


1. 參賽對象: 就讀學士學位課程學生

2. 短視頻比賽章程(按此)

3. 短視頻比賽作品提交(按此) (截止時間: 2025年2月5日中午12:00)



如有查詢,請與學生事務部林先生或鍾小姐聯絡 (電話: 8822 9918 / 8822 4640)。



The content is presented in Chinese only. If you request any information in English, please contact Mr. Lam at 88229918. 

Reminder: “My Notion of Societal Security” Video Competition2025-02-05T00:00:27+08:00
4 2024-12

“My Notion of Societal Security” Video Competition


為加深學生及青少年對維護國家安全的認識和深思,抒發自身對維護國家安全的情懷,及進一步從多角度認識社會安全的重要性,展現本澳青少年的愛國愛澳情懷以及國家安全意識;澳門特別行政區政府和中央人民政府駐澳門特別行政區聯絡辦公室聯合舉辦 “我心中的社會安全”短視頻比賽


1. 參賽對象: 就讀學士學位課程學生

2. 短視頻比賽章程(按此)

3. 短視頻比賽作品提交(按此) (截止時間: 2025年2月5日中午12:00)



如有查詢,請與學生事務部林先生或鍾小姐聯絡 (電話: 8822 9918 / 8822 4640)。



The content is presented in Chinese only. If you request any information in English, please contact Mr. Lam at 88229918. 

“My Notion of Societal Security” Video Competition2025-02-05T00:00:28+08:00
15 2024-11

Notice of the Graduation Committee: 2024-2025 Guideline for purchasing Undergraduate Graduation Gown


本通告由 澳門大學學生會 畢業生委員會學會 製作,學生發展處代傳。
This bulletin is produced by Graduation Committee, UMSU and posted by Student Development Section, SAO.


第 5/2024 號畢業生委員會通告

2024-2025 學士學位畢業生購買畢業袍細則及須知

  1. 經協商,本屆學士學位畢業袍套裝價格為每套 MOP380,畢業袍套裝包含禮袍、帽子、披肩及領帶。畢業生應可因應自身情況選擇單件配件購買,價格如下:




MOP 380


MOP 240


MOP 155


MOP 140


MOP 75


  1. 澳門大學學生會畢業生委員會將會在各項目收取約10%的行政費(為方便收款,價格有 MOP1-2元的差異,不便之處敬請見諒)。行政費用將用作其他畢業系列活動(如:畢業紀念品及畢業背景板的製作)的資金。


  1. 同學如欲購買畢業袍或其相關配件,可點擊以下 Google form 連結填寫進行預訂購買。填寫表格截止日期提為 2024年11月22日下午 6 時正,逾期不再接受預訂。

買袍報名表 Google Form :https://forms.gle/bUhYv3eUkRmZiVdXA


  1. 畢委會將安排製袍公司於指定日期前往澳門大學為購買畢業袍的同學們進行量袍服務,以確保同學們之畢業袍尺寸合適。


  1. 量袍時同學需於當日於現場一併支付畢業袍所需之費用。付款方式為現金付款(不設找續)以及中國銀行轉帳。


  1. 畢業袍量袍及繳費日期為 2024年 11 月 18-22日 地點為E31-1013 。各學系具體量袍時間如下,請同學務必遵從時間表上各學系之時段前往量袍,以免造成混亂。


  1. 2024-2025 畢業袍訂製為批量統一訂製,本學年訂製機會僅此一次。同學若錯過此次訂製,將不接受任何形式的補訂。不便之處,敬請見諒。
  2. 所填寫之 google form 只作統計畢業袍數據之用,同學是否成功預訂購買畢業袍是根據現場收到畢業袍款項為成功購買。
  3. 同學量袍時需帶備學生證作身份核實。
  4. 若該時間未能出席, 請與本會聯繫。


如有疑問,歡迎同學電郵至畢委會郵箱 umsu.gradcom@connect.um.edu.mo 或聯繫各學系代表垂詢,祝各位同學畢業快樂!



澳門大學學生會 畢業生委員會主席



University of Macau Students’ Union

Notice of the Graduation Committee of UMSU No. 5/2024

2024-2025 Guideline for Purchasing Undergraduate Graduation Gown


  1. After negotiating with the supplier, the total cost of a set of undergraduate graduation gowns is MOP380. The set includes a gown, a cap, a hood, and a black tie. Students are allowed to purchase single items due to their personal needs. The prices of the items are shown as follows:




(Administration fee included.)

Graduation gown set

MOP 380


MOP 240


MOP 155


MOP 140


MOP 75


2. An administration fee (approximately 10% of each price) will be charged for each item. Its purpose will be to prepare for other graduation activities, such as photography backdrops and souvenirs.

3. If students are interested in purchasing the graduation gown, please fill in the form below for reservation. The deadline for submitting the application is 18:00, 22nd Nov 2024. Late applications will not be accepted.

Google form for a reservation: https://forms.gle/bUhYv3eUkRmZiVdXA

4. The Graduation Committee will arrange fitting services for students at the university according to the time scheduled below.

5. Students must pay on the day of their chosen fitting time slot. Students can only pay by cash or Bank of China transfer.

6. The fitting services date is from 18th – 22nd  November 2024. The venue is E31-1013. The detailed timetable for each of the majors is shown as follows. Students are strictly required to follow the timetable for the fitting services; exceptions are made only by personal request, and reasons will be considered accordingly.


  • 2024-2025 Graduation Gown Ordering is a bulk order and will only be done once during the academic year. If you miss this order, we will not accept any replacement order. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. The Google form filled out is only for data collection. Successful reservation is completed only via payment during the fitting services.
  • Students are required to bring their student ID during the fitting services.
  • For the students who cannot attend both the scheduled and rearranged dates, please contact us by sending an email to umsu.gradcom@connect.um.edu.mo.


If you have any questions, please email umsu.gradcom@connect.um.edu.mo or contact representatives of various majors for more information. The graduation committee wishes you all a happy graduation!



President of Graduation Committee

Kam Chon U

Notice of the Graduation Committee: 2024-2025 Guideline for purchasing Undergraduate Graduation Gown2024-11-24T00:00:55+08:00
15 2024-11

Notice of UMPA Graduation Committee : 2024-2025 Guideline for purchasing postgraduate Graduation Gown


本通告由 澳門大學研究生會 畢業生委員會學會 製作,學生發展處代傳。
This bulletin is produced by Graduation Committee, UMPA and posted by Student Development Section, SAO.


5/2024 號畢業生委員會通告



1、經協商,本屆碩士學位畢業袍套裝價格為每套 MOP400,博士學位畢業袍套裝價格為每套 MOP950,畢業袍套裝包含禮袍、帽子、披肩及領帶。畢業生應可因應自身情況選擇單件配件購買(註:博士由於工藝特殊,廠家只接受全套預訂),價格如下:




MOP 400


MOP 950


MOP 230


MOP 140


MOP 120


MOP 50


3、同學如欲購買畢業袍或其相關配件,可掃描右方二維碼進行信息填寫與預訂購買。填寫表格及繳費截止日期為 2024 年 11 月 22 日下午 6 時整,逾期不再接受一切預訂!



6、畢業袍量袍日期為 2024 年 11 月 23-24日 上午9時至12時,下午1時至6時,地點為E31-1013。



1、2024-2025 研究生畢業袍訂製為批量統一訂製,本學年訂製機會僅此一次。同學若錯過此次訂製,畢委會將不接受任何形式的補訂。不便之處,敬請見諒;


如有疑問,歡迎同學電郵至研究生畢委會郵箱 umpa.gradcom@connect.um.edu.mo







University of Macau Postgraduate Association

Notice for General Assembly Graduation Committee No. 5/2024

2024-2025 Guideline for Purchasing Postgraduate Graduation Gown


1. After negotiation, the price of this Master’s degree graduation gown set is MOP400 per set, and the price of the Doctor’s degree graduation gown set is MOP950 per set. The set includes a gown, a cap, a hood, and a black tie. Students are allowed to purchase a single item due to their personal needs (note: Due to the unique process of the Doctor’s degree graduation gown, the manufacturer only accepts a complete set of reservations); the price is as follows:



(Administration fees included)

Master’s graduation gown set

MOP 400

PhD graduation gown set

MOP 950

Master’s Gown

MOP 230

Master’s Cap

MOP 140

Master’s Hood

MOP 120

Master’s Tie

MOP 50


2. The Graduate Committee of the UMPA will charge an administrative fee of about 6% for each project (The price varies by MOP 1-2 for payment convenience, sorry for any inconvenience). The administrative fee will be used to fund other graduation series activities.

3. If students want to purchase the graduation gown or its related accessories, please scan the QR code on the right side to make a reservation. The deadline for completing the form and payment is 6 pm on 22 November 2024. Late bookings will not be accepted!

4. The Graduation Committee will arrange for the gown-making company to go to the University of Macau on the specified date to measure the gown of the students to ensure that the size of the graduation gown is appropriate.

5. Students who have completed the questionnaire must transfer money to the Bank of China Macau account provided in the questionnaire as soon as possible and keep the transfer screenshot. Present the transfer screenshot after arriving at the scene for registration and then measure the size.

6. The time of measuring is from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., on November 23-24, 2024, at E31-1013.



1、The 2024-2025 graduation gown is a batch uniform order, and this academic year’s order opportunity is only once. If students miss this order, the Graduation Committee will not accept any replacement order. We apologize for any inconvenience caused;

2、The questionnaire filled in is only for statistics of graduation gowns. Whether students have successfully booked and purchased graduation gowns is subject to the receipt left after the on-site confirmation and successful measurement. Please take good care of this receipt.


 For any further enquiries please send an email to the Graduation Committee: umpa.gradcom@um.edu.mo


President of Graduation Committee of 19th UMPA   

Lai Hongrui



Notice of UMPA Graduation Committee : 2024-2025 Guideline for purchasing postgraduate Graduation Gown2024-11-25T00:00:56+08:00
22 2024-10

Macao Youth’s Video Collection of Love for the Country and Macao – Vote for UM Students




– 2
– 22
– 24

# 投票規則:
– 活動面向所有觀眾開放投票。
– 每個帳號每天可投票一次(最多5票)。
– 每天不能對同一作品重複投票。

# 投票截止日期:2024年10月31日



Macao Youth Love China and Macao Video Collection and Screening🎥-Vote for the works of UM Students

Please open the following link in your mobile WeChat and agree to log in 🔗.

Enter the following numbers in the 🔍 search box to support the three UM students respectively:
– 2
– 22
– 24

# Voting rules:
– The event is open to all viewers to vote.
– Each account can vote once per day (maximum 5 votes).
– You cannot vote for the same video twice per day.

# Voting deadline: 31 October 2024

Please support the works of UM students and vote every day! Thank you for your participation!


Macao Youth’s Video Collection of Love for the Country and Macao – Vote for UM Students2024-10-31T00:00:36+08:00
27 2024-08

The Cocktail and Coffee Learning Society of UMSU (CCLSUMSU) is recruiting new members now



The content is provided by the CCLS, UMSU, reported by SAO.


調酒與咖啡研究會( CCLSUMSU )致力於推廣且普及澳門大學師生對於調酒和咖啡的興趣,並提供平台給咖啡愛好者和調酒愛好者進行交流。本會定期舉辦面向廣大師生的調酒和咖啡活動,以在澳大推廣調酒及咖啡文化。除培訓與工作坊外,調酒與咖啡研究會還有各項豐富的活動,例如迎新活動、部門聚餐等,幫助幹事建立友誼及交流平台,豐富課餘生活,融入CCLSUMSU大家庭。




( 詳細的部門介紹在報名連接內 )






  • 除了一般的工作坊的參加資格還有咖啡師入門班
  • 酒類品鑒會
  • 更多體驗做咖啡師或調酒師的機會


對酒、咖啡或會內事務有興趣的學生 ( 包括本科生/研究生/交流生 )


Instagram : CCLSUMSU

微信公眾號:UM 調酒與咖啡研究會 


The Cocktail and Coffee Learning Society of UMSU (CCLSUMSU) is recruiting new members now.


CCLSUMSU is committed to promoting and popularizing the interests of UM faculty and students in bartending and coffee and providing a platform for coffee lovers and bartending enthusiasts to communicate. The association regularly organizes bartending and coffee activities for the UM community to promote bartending and coffee culture on campus. In addition to training and workshops, CCLSUMSU also has a variety of activities, such as orientation activities and department dinners, to help officers build friendships, establish communication platforms, enrich their extracurricular lives, and integrate into the CCLSUMSU family.


In addition to promoting the interest in bartending and coffee among UM faculty and students, the association has also added introductory classes for baristas, sommeliers, or bartenders this year, hoping to be helpful to students who want to join the industry in the future.


The association has four departments: Public Relations, Publicity, Planning, and Finance.

(A detailed department introduction is in the registration link)

Even without skills, you can join us as an officer if you like wine or coffee.


The Cocktail and Coffee Learning Society of UMSU looks forward to your joining!



✓ In addition to the general workshop qualifications, there is also an introductory barista training

✓ Wine Tasting Session

✓ More opportunities to experience being a barista or bartender


Recruitment requirements:

Students who are interested in wine, coffee, or internal affairs (including undergraduate/graduate/exchange students)


Instagram: CCLSUMSU

WeChat public account: CCLSUMSU

Registration link: https://forms.gle/aEBL7voXmZkrNVEL9

The Cocktail and Coffee Learning Society of UMSU (CCLSUMSU) is recruiting new members now2024-09-12T00:01:06+08:00
26 2024-08

MBCS, UMSU – UM Campus Contest of CFA Institute Research Challenge HK was launched! (Registration deadline: 2024.8.30 23:59)



The content is provided by the MBCS, UMSU, reported by SAO.

CFA證書是投資領域最受推崇的專業資格認證之一。 CFA Institute每年舉辦的全球性的CFA Institute Research Challenge比賽,在商科領域具有超高含金量。此項賽事是澳大的強項,澳大代表隊在往年的比賽中曾打敗香港一眾名校並作為香港地區代表隊最終取得東亞賽區冠軍。

今年,澳門大學學生會商賽學會UMSU MBCS將首次主辦該賽事的澳門大學校內選拔賽,兩支勝出的隊伍將代表澳大參加香港賽區決賽,並有機會代表香港參與東亞甚至在紐約華爾街舉行的全球比賽。


為配合此次賽事,澳門大學學生會MBCS商賽學會會將圍繞CFA研究挑載賽與Equity Research能力開展一系列的校內、章程講解、技能培訓與經驗分享活動。


截止報名時間:2024.8.30 23:59


The CFA certificate is one of the most prestigious professional qualifications in the investment field. The global CFA Institute Research Challenge, held annually by the CFA Institute, is highly regarded in the business field. This competition is a strong suit of the University of Macau (UM), with the UM team having defeated many prestigious colleges in Hong Kong in past competitions and ultimately winning the East Asia regional championship as the representative team of the Hong Kong region.

This year, the University of Macau Student Union Model Business Competition Society (UMMBCS) will host the university’s internal selection competition for the first time. The two winning teams will represent UM in the Hong Kong regional finals and have the opportunity to represent Hong Kong in the East Asia regional competition and even the global competition held on Wall Street in New York.

To support this competition, the MBCS will organize a series of on-campus activities, including charter explanations, skill training, and experience sharing sessions centered around the CFA Research Challenge and Equity Research capabilities.

We welcome students from all majors and grades to actively participate in this competition! We believe that by participating, you will improve in areas such as analysis and research, report writing, public speaking, and teamwork.

Let’s progress together in the competition, achieve great results, and bring glory to our university!

Registration link: https://forms.gle/HA54LmHdM4wAeyLf7

Registration deadline: 2024.8.30 23:59

Feel free to ask if you need any more help! Email: umsu.mbcs@um.edu.mo

MBCS, UMSU – UM Campus Contest of CFA Institute Research Challenge HK was launched! (Registration deadline: 2024.8.30 23:59)2024-09-02T00:00:09+08:00
2 2024-08

2024/2025 Campus Training Programme Recruitment (Application Deadline: 25 Aug 2024)






辦公室行政組 – 參與日常辦公室營運的工作,包括行政、平面設計、前線服務,以及籌備各類學生活動。
司儀組 – 學習成為具專業知識與經驗並重的活動司儀。
活動親善大使 – 主要學習在正式場合接待嘉賓的禮儀和溝通技巧。
社交媒體專員 – 學習營運流行的社交媒體,包括內容編採、文案撰寫、與相關單位溝通及製作。


  • 豐富學生校園生活
  • 為將來投身社會工作的同學作好準備
  • 讓同學在課餘期間獲得工作經驗
  • 加強學生對澳門大學的歸屬感


  • 提升自信心、自我成長及學習如何待人接物
  • 在校內獲得培訓及實習經驗
  • 優先參加由學生事務部組織的培訓工作坊
  • 參與夏季交換生計劃
  • 累積畢業後求職時的競爭力
  • 培訓津貼


  • 在讀學生(大一優先)
  • 良好的中英文書寫能力
  • 能操流利廣東話、英語及普通話
  • 電腦知識
  • 有設計/拍攝/錄影/剪輯知識更佳(適用於辦公室行室組及社交媒體專員)


1. 填妥電子報名表格->




2. 填寫表格後。合適的同學會另行通知面試時間,敬請留意你的校園電子郵箱及聯絡電話。

如有查詢,歡迎與我們聯絡。(電話: 8822 9918 / 8822 9915 或電郵: WayLam@um.edu.mo)


Dear Students,

The “Campus Training Programme” is open for application now!

The Campus Training Programme (CTP) provides opportunities for students to apply knowledge to practical work. Students can utilize their spare time to gain real working experience through the on-the-job training provided by the Student Affairs Office, as well as participation in university activities. It aims to enhance students’ competitiveness and build their sense of belongings in the University and society.

There are four streams of trainees in the Programme:

Office administrative trainees – they are trained to assist in administrative work, frontline services, organizing activities, designing promotion materials, etc.
Masters of ceremony – they are trained to equip with the knowledge and responsibilities of being a professional emcee.
Activity ambassadors – they are trained to receive guests and assist in ceremonies with professional etiquette and communication skills.
Social media planners – they are trained to run mainstream social media, including content planning, communication with relevant parties, and production skills.

“Campus Training Programme” aims to

  • Enrich students’ university life
  • Equip students before entering the job market
  • Provide practical work experiences for students

Benefits for the Trainees of “Campus Traning Programme”:

  • Opportunity to build self esteem, maturity, and interpersonal skills
  • Opportunity to have training and working experience in different units of UM
  • Training workshops offered by Student Affairs Office
  • Competitiveness enhanced in the job market upon graduation
  • Training stipend

Who can apply?

  • Current active students (priority to year 1 students)
  • Good at Chinese and English writing skills
  • Fluent in Cantonese, English and Mandarin
  • Strong computer skill
  • Knowledge in promotional material design/photo shooting / video shooting and editing skills is an advantage (For office administrative trainees and social media planners)

Application Method:
Please fill in the application form through the following steps on or before 25 August 2024. Then you will have the chance to join our family!

1. Complete the application form ->
Office administrative trainees

Masters of ceremony 

Activity Ambassadors

Social media planners

2. Qualified students will be selected for interview soon.

Qualified students will receive notification by UM e-mails or telephone calls.
For details, please visit the Student Affairs Office website:

For enquiry, please contact us by tel: 8822 9918 / 8822 9915 or e-mail: WayLam@um.edu.mo

Student Affairs Office

辦公室行政組 – 參與日常辦公室營運的工作,包括行政、平面設計、前線服務,以及籌備各類學生活動。
Office administrative trainees – they are trained to assist in administrative work, frontline services, organizing activities, designing promotion materials, etc.

報名連結 Application

  • 前台接待 Reception


司儀組 – 學習成為具專業知識與經驗並重的活動司儀。
Masters of ceremony – they are trained to equip with the knowledge and responsibilities of being a professional emcee.

報名連結 Application

照片分享 Photos sharing 


活動親善大使 – 主要學習在正式場合接待嘉賓的禮儀和溝通技巧
Activity ambassadors – they are trained to receive guests and assist in ceremonies with professional etiquette and communication skills.

報名連結 Application

照片分享 Photos sharing 

提供培訓 Provide training




社交媒體專員 – 學習營運流行的社交媒體,包括內容編採、文案撰寫、與相關單位溝通及製作。
Social media planners – they are trained to run mainstream social media, including content planning, communication with relevant parties, and production skills.

報名連結 Application

內容製作 Content creating

營運社交媒體 Operate social media

主題規劃,文案創作 Content planning, copywriting


設計,排版,拍攝及剪輯 Design, typography, shooting, editing

提供培訓 Provide Training




2024/2025 Campus Training Programme Recruitment (Application Deadline: 25 Aug 2024)2024-08-31T00:00:08+08:00
28 2024-03

UM invites NPC deputies and CPPCC National Committee members to share core messages of ‘Two Sessions’








The University of Macau (UM) held a sharing session titled ‘Learning about the “Two Sessions”’ to deliver the core messages of the second annual sessions of the 14th National People’s Congress (NPC) and the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) for its students and faculty. The event aimed to enable UM members to gain a better understanding of the major national policies and Macao’s development direction. Lao Ngai Leong, Macao deputy to NPC; and Ma Chi Ngai, Iau Teng Pio and Kou Kam Fai, Macao members of the National Committee of CPPCC, were invited to share the key takeaways from the ‘two sessions’. The event was well attended by students and faculty members.

UM Rector Yonghua Song, Vice Rector Mok Kai Meng, Secretary-General of University Council Leung Kai Chun, Dean of Students Pang Chap Chong, college masters of residential colleges, and department heads of the university attended the sharing session. Speaking at the event, Mok said that UM will continue to leverage its strengths and nurture talent who love the country and Macao to contribute to the economic diversification of the Macao SAR and the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Lao first introduced the system and functions of NPC deputies. He pointed out that this year’s government work report includes substantial content on education, science and technology, and talent, which further elucidates China’s strategy for invigorating the country through science and education. He also mentioned that Hengqin is vigorously promoting cross-border e-commerce that features live streaming.

Ma discussed the concept of ‘new quality productive forces’ introduced by President Xi Jinping, which refers to productivity led by technological innovation. He also mentioned that the ‘low-altitude economy’ is expected to become a new impetus for the development of the Greater Bay Area.

Iau pointed out the need to fully and faithfully implement the ‘One Country, Two Systems’ policy and the ‘patriots administering Macao’ principle, which are fundamental to safeguarding national security. He also highlighted the importance of promoting mediation and conciliation as effective measures to reduce litigations.

Kou mentioned that several government work reports have emphasised that national security is a prerequisite for the steady and sustained development of the ‘One Country, Two Systems’ policy. He also suggested incorporating patriotic education into the existing curriculum in schools.


UM invites NPC deputies and CPPCC National Committee members to share core messages of ‘Two Sessions’2024-04-28T00:00:05+08:00
4 2024-03

UMSU Model United Nations Association: 2024 University of Macau East Asia Model United Nations Conference (Application Deadline: Mar 10, 2024)


本通告由 澳門大學學生會模擬聯合國協會 製作,學生發展處代傳。
This bulletin is produced by Model United Nations Association, UMSU and posted by Student Development Section, SAO.


澳門大學東亞模擬聯合國大會(東亞大會)是由澳門大學學生會模擬聯合國協會(澳大模聯)主辦的旨在促進澳門與其他地區文化交流、增進澳門大學與其他高校的友誼、提升青年學生國際視野學術活動。自 2015 年正式在澳門大學橫琴新址召開以來,東亞大會吸引了來自祖國各地的參與者,更因其出眾的學術設計、完善的會務服務、國際化的社交氛圍而廣受海內外模聯人之好評。









英文委員會:United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)


*詳情請留意推送信息 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/G-4IpIKogUGe98mNjHUkIA












【見附件“2024 EAMUNC 第一輪通告 First Round Announcement.PDF”】





截至日期:2024年3月10日 23:59 (GMT+8)


大會諮詢:umsu.muna@um.edu.mo 或 “澳大模聯”微信公眾號。


Introduction to EAMUNC

The University of Macau East Asia Model United Nations Conference (EAMUNC) is an annual event organized by the University of Macau Students’ Union Model United Nations Association (UMSU MUNA). It aims to promote cultural exchange between Macao and other regions, enhance friendship between the University of Macau (UM) and other institutions, and broaden the horizons of young students. The EAMUNC has attracted participants from different regions since its establishment in 2015 at UM’s new campus in Hengqin. During the past nine years of conference organization, the UMSU MUNA has always upheld its pursuit of academic excellence and participant experience, realizing the dual progress in both knowledge sharing and service proficiency.

The theme of the 2024 EAMUNC is “Challenge and Response in Eras of Change: From 1918 to the Future of Human Society”. The conference will consist of 3 independent Chinese committees and 1 independent English Committee, providing the participants with a platform to enhance knowledge, practice debate skills, and foster social abilities. The conference secretariat will also set up a tea break and a social banquet to create a fulfilling conference and social experience for all participants.


*Participants will receive a certificate of participation issued by the conference secretariat. Certificate of award will also be given to outstanding delegates.


Chinese Committees




English Committee:

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)


*For more information, please visit https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/G-4IpIKogUGe98mNjHUkIA


Conference Info:

Date: Mar 29 – Apr 1, 2024 (Easter Recess) (Registration starts on Mar 28, 2024)

Venue: UM Anthony Lau Building (E4)

Conference Size: Approx. 200 participants

Organizing Agency: University of Macau Students’ Union Model United Nations Association

Supporting Agencies: University of Macau Students’ Union, The Macao Institution of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Student Section of University of Macau Students’ Union

Sponsors: Macao Institution of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Victormap Group


Event Details:

Please refer to the attachment “2024 EAMUNC 第一輪通告 First Round Announcement.PDF”



Registration Linkhttps://wj.qq.com/s2/14129987/jj7n/


Registration Deadline: Mar 10, 2024 23:59 (GMT+8)


Conference Inquiry:

Email: umsu.muna@um.edu.mo, umsumuna2020@gmail.com

WeChat official account: MUNA-UMSU

UMSU Model United Nations Association: 2024 University of Macau East Asia Model United Nations Conference (Application Deadline: Mar 10, 2024)2024-03-27T00:00:16+08:00
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