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20 2025-01

Library News — Important Notice About UM Qualtrics


Dear UM Qualtrics Users,

As stated in the University Library Notice (https://e-bulletin.um.edu.mo/notice/327480/), please be informed that Qualtrics will no longer be available at UM starting 1st January 2026. The Library is considering QuestionPro, a survey tool with similar features, as an alternative to replace Qualtrics. QuestionPro will be available for a trial run beginning in June 2025, along with user guides and data migration instructions.

What You Need to Do:

  • Back Up Your Data: To prevent data loss, the Library strongly recommends downloading and backing up all your surveys and data in Qualtrics on or before 31st December 2025. Please note that all surveys and data in your Qualtrics account will be permanently deleted after this date.
  • Plan Accordingly: If you are using or planning to use Qualtrics for surveys, please consider the potential impact of this survey tool transition on your research or work.

For any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact us at lib_ref@um.edu.mo.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

Best regards,
UM Library

尊敬的澳大Qualtrics 用戶:

根據大學圖書館公告(https://e-bulletin.um.edu.mo/notice/327480/),Qualtrics 將於 2026 1 1 日起停止使用。圖書館正考慮採用功能相近的問卷調查工具 QuestionPro 作為替代方案。QuestionPro 將於 2025 6 開始試用,屆時將提供用戶指南及數據遷移說明。


  • 備份數據:為防止數據丟失,圖書館強烈建議您於 2025 12 31 日或之前 下載並備份您在 Qualtrics 中的所有問卷及數據。請注意,您的Qualtrics帳戶中的所有問卷及數據將於此日期後被永久刪除
  • 提前規劃:如果您正在使用或計劃使用 Qualtrics 進行問卷調查,請務必考慮此次問卷調查工具更替對您的研究或工作帶來的潛在影響。

如有任何問題或建議,請隨時通過 lib_ref@um.edu.mo 聯繫我們。




Library News — Important Notice About UM Qualtrics2025-02-20T00:01:40+08:00
3 2025-01

Library News — University Library Databases and Survey Tool Updates for 2025


Dear Library Users,

In order to better utilize the resources, the University Library, after communicating with the academic units, has terminated a number of less used databases and newly subscribed to some e-resources for 2025 which are important to our teaching, learning and research in the year to come. The details can be found in the attached lists.

Meanwhile, the University Library is planning to terminate the survey tool Qualtrics starting from 1st January 2026, due to budget allocation issues. The survey tool QuestionPro, which is with similar features and has been used in the institutions in Hong Kong and worldwide for some years, is being considered to serve as the alternative for Qualtrics at UM.  The new survey platform QuestionPro will be released for a trial run from June 2025, along with user guides and instructions for data migration. The Library reminds users who are currently using Qualtrics for surveys or planning to use Qualtrics as a survey tool to consider the potential impact of transitioning to QuestionPro on your research or work. We welcome your comments and suggestions.

The complete list of databases is available at:


We are sorry for the inconvenience caused by the database termination and change.

Should you have any other concerns or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us at lib_ref@um.edu.mo

Thank you for your kind attention and understanding.


UM Library











Attachment I : New database subscriptions for 2025



ASCE Library

The ASCE Library is the world’s largest full-text database of civil engineering research and practical publications. It offers unprecedented online access to more than 200,000 technical and professional papers –

2.5 million pages of content. More than 5,000 papers are added annually. https://libezproxy.um.edu.mo/login?url=https://ascelibrary.org/ 

(Standard Edition) 


DiVoMiner is an online data mining and analysis platform designed to assist research. It is centered around content analysis methodology, utilizing machine learning coding and a workflow that combines human and platform operations. The entire content analysis process is completed online, offering flexible and powerful research execution and management capabilities. 

(To access the database, please contact the Library by emailing lib_ref@um.edu.mo )

(1 user)

Factiva provides worldwide full text coverage of local and regional newspapers, trade publications, business newswires, press release wires, media transcripts, news photos, business-rich Web sites, investment analyst reports, market research reports, country and regional profiles, company profiles, historical market data.

(To access the database, please enquire at Reference Desk, G/F of the Library.)

Global Science Press Package

The Global Science Press Package offers 14 mathematics journals published by Global Science Press, providing comprehensive access to high-quality scientific content in mathematics, chemistry, physics, and computational sciences.


Project Muse
(Humanities Collection & Social Sciences Collection)

Provides access to journals published by the Johns Hopkins University Press. Disciplines covered are humanities, social sciences, and mathematics. A brief bibliographic description of each title is given. Note: The UM Library is currently subscribing to Humanities Collection and Social Sciences Collection


ProQuest One

ProQuest One Literature is for scholars who must engage with an exhaustive and diverse set of scholarly resources around a given literary topic for research and course planning.

It contains 3 million literature citations from thousands of journals, monographs, dissertations, and more than 500,000 primary works – including rare and obscure texts, multiple versions, and non-traditional sources like comics, theatre performances, and author readings. https://libezproxy.um.edu.mo/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/pq1lit/

Attachment II: Terminated databases from 1st January, 2025



AACR Journals Online




Ethnologue : Languages of the World


Translation Studies Bibliography



Library News — University Library Databases and Survey Tool Updates for 20252025-02-03T00:00:29+08:00
3 2025-01

Library News — Textbook & Reference Book Information for Undergraduate Courses (The 2nd Semester of Academic Year 2024/2025)


The following information of textbooks and reference books is provided by Academic Units of UM and posted by University Library.

以下之教科書及參考書資訊由 澳大各學術單位 提供、大學圖書館代傳。



Dear Students,

Greetings in the new semester from the University Library!

Below please find the websites of textbook and reference book information for undergraduate courses in the academic units of the 2nd Semester of Academic Year 2024/2025. We hope the information is helpful to you for purchasing your textbooks and reference books.

Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FAH)

Faculty of Business Administration (FBA)

Faculty of Education (FED)

Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS)

Faculty of Law (FLL)

–Bachelor of Law in Chinese Language (Daytime)

–Bachelor of Law (Conducted In Chinese And Portuguese)

–Bachelor of Law in Portuguese Language

Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS)

Faculty of Science and Technology (FST)

Thank you for your kind attention and wish you all a successful academic year!


University Library


Bookshop Information

Below please find a list of the major bookstores in Macao for your reference:


Plaza Cultural Macau, LDA.

Tel: 6301 2972 ; 2830 5613

Address University of Macau – Southern wing of the Library (E2-G005); Avenida Do Conselheiro Ferreira De Almeida No. 32-G, Macau

Website: http://www.pcmbook.com/


Livraria Seng Kwong

Tel: 8599 3110

Address: Meng Tak Building, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Rua de Luís Gonzaga Gomes

Website: http://www.skbooks.com.mo/


Livraria Portuguesa

Tel: 2851 5915

Address: 16 R. de São Domingos, Macau


For more bookshop information, please refer to https://library.um.edu.mo/lib_services/acquisition/book_vendors_en





為方便同學們購買新學期教科書和參考書籍,下列為 2024/2025學年第二學期各學術單位的本科課程教科書和參考書清單,供各位參考。

人文學院 (FAH)

工商管理學院 (FBA)

教育學院 (FED)

健康科學學院 (FHS)

法學院 (FLL)

–中文法學士課程 (日間)

–法學士學位課程 (中葡雙語授課)


社會科學學院 (FSS)

科技學院 (FST)







電話:6301 2972 ; 2830 5613

地址: 澳門大學店 – 圖書館南翼E2 – G005室; 澳門荷蘭園大馬路32號G




電話:8599 3110

地址: 澳門高美士街澳門理工學院明德樓地下




電話:2851 5915




Library News — Textbook & Reference Book Information for Undergraduate Courses (The 2nd Semester of Academic Year 2024/2025)2025-02-03T00:00:30+08:00
31 2024-12

Library News — University Library’s Opening & Service Hours in 2025 (Jan to June)


Dear Library Users,

Special Library opening and service hours during the following dates in 2025 (Jan to June) can be found as follows:


Opening Hours

Counter Service Hours

1 Jan 2025

CLOSED (New Year’s Day)

28 Jan 2025

8:00 – 24:00

9:00 – 12:45

29 Jan 2025 to
31 Jan 2025

CLOSED (Lunar New Year)

4 Apr 2025

8:00 – 24:00


18 Apr 2025 to
19 Apr 2025

21 Apr 2025*

1 May 2025

5 May 2025

31 May 2025

2 June 2025*

*Compensatory rest day set forth in No. 4 of Article 79 of the ETAPM

Please refer to the library web page to find the library opening hours during normal days.

Thank you for your attention.


UM Library



大學圖書館於2025年 (一月至六月) 下列日期之特別開放及服務時間如下:







8:00 – 24:00

9:00 – 12:45

2025年1月29 – 31日



8:00 – 24:00


2025年4月18 – 19日

8:00 – 24:00












Library News — University Library’s Opening & Service Hours in 2025 (Jan to June)2025-01-31T00:00:26+08:00
27 2024-11

Library News — Extension of Library Opening Hours During the Examination Period



為了給學生們在晚間提供更多的寧靜溫習空間,圖書館將在大學考試期間 (2024年12月02日 – 12 月18日) 延長開放時間。詳情如下:

  • 正常開放時間: 08:00 – 24:00
  • 延長開放時間: 08:00 – 02:00 (翌日)

* 凌晨12:00 – 02:00考試延長開放期間,請使用正門出入。




Dear library users,

To provide students with quieter nighttime study space, the Library will extend the opening hours during the examination period (02 Dec – 18 Dec 2024). Details are as follows:

  • Regular opening hours: 08:00 – 24:00
  • Opening hours after extension: 08:00 – 02:00 (the next day)

* Please use the entrance/exit at the front door of the Library between 12:00am to 02:00am.

Regular library opening hours will resume on 19 Dec 2024.

Thank you!


UM Library

Library News — Extension of Library Opening Hours During the Examination Period2024-12-27T00:00:24+08:00
30 2024-10

Library News — Chinese and Portuguese Academicians shared the Value and Significance of the Incunabulum of Euclid’s Elements acquired by UM


In the afternoon of October 28, a sharing session titled “Mathematical Classics and Knowledge Dissemination: The Value and Significance of the Incunabulum of Euclid’s Elements” was held in the lecture hall of the Research Building (N21) of the University of Macau. Firstly, Prof. Rui Martins, Vice Rector (Global Affairs) of the University of Macau introduced how the 1491 edition of Euclid’s Elements  acquired by on the University of Macau Library and became one of the most precious rare books. Then, Prof. Tang Tao, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and president of Guangzhou Southern University, discussed the significance of collecting this book and the history of how the book Elements spread over China. Prof. José Francisco Rodrigues, academician of Academy of Sciences of Lisbon and professor of the University of Lisbon, gave detailed explanations and wonderful sharing on the historical background of the incunabulum and differences between the 1491 and the 1482 editions of the Elements. At the end, guest speakers answered questions raised by students and participants. This sharing session was conducted successfully through a combination of online and offline methods, with nearly a hundred teachers, students and librarians attended.

10月28日下午,在澳門大學科研大樓(N21)演講廳舉行了一場題為《數學經典與知識傅播:幾何原本搖籃本的價值和意義》的分享會。澳門大學馬許願副校長(全球事務)首先介紹了1491年版《幾何原本》入藏澳大圖書館並成為館藏古籍中最珍貴的藏品之一的經過。隨後,中國科學院院士、廣州南方學院校長湯濤教授就收藏本書的意義及幾何原本在中國傳播的歷史,以及葡萄牙里斯本科學院院士、里斯本大學教授Prof. José Francisco Rodrigues就搖籃本產生的歷史背景以及1491年版與1482年版《幾何原本》的區別分別作詳細的講解和精彩的分享,同時也回答了在場學生的提問,現場氣氛熱鬧。本次分享會以線上線下融合方式進行,近百位師生和圖書館員出席。

Library News — Chinese and Portuguese Academicians shared the Value and Significance of the Incunabulum of Euclid’s Elements acquired by UM2024-11-30T00:03:01+08:00
20 2024-09

Library News — Deng Fen Art Foundation donates precious calligraphy and painting works to the University of Macau


In the afternoon of 20 September 2024, the University of Macau Library held a donation ceremony of Deng Fen’s works on the closing day of the “Cultural Heritage: Deng Fen Documents Exhibition”. Mr Kwai Lau of the Deng Fen Art Foundation, also a descendant of Deng Fen, donated seven original works of Deng Fen’s paintings and calligraphy, as well as his electronic archive of research on Deng Fen’s works to the University of Macau.

Donor Mr Kwai Lau said that the University of Macau Museum of Art has the functions of collecting and exhibiting art works, as well as teaching and conducting exchanges. It not only served the talent cultivation and discipline development of the university, but also provided a platform for the display and exchange of artistic creations for teachers, students and Macao citizens, which was respectable. He hoped that this donation would be able to contribute to the talent cultivation of the University of Macau. Wu Jianzhong, Librarian of the University of Macau, said that this donation not only enriched the collection of the UM Museum of Art, but also allows teachers, students and citizens to further understand and appreciate Lingnan traditional art and culture. He also thanked the Deng Fen Art Foundation and Mr Kwai Lau for their generous donation, and looked forward to have more cooperation and exchanges in the future to promote the inheritance and development of Chinese traditional culture and art.

Deng Fen (1894-1964) was born in Nanhai, Guangdong. Known as one of the important figures in the painting circles of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in the 20th century, Deng Fen excelled not only in painting and calligraphy, but also in poetry, seal carving, scriptwriting and playwriting, making him a true polymath.

As early as 1923, he co-founded the Guihai Painting Cooperative (癸亥合作社) with fourteen traditional Chinese painters. Later, the cooperative reorganized to be the Guangdong Painting Society (廣東國畫研究會) to inherit and develop the theories and techniques of traditional Chinese painting. During the Anti-Japanese war, he resided in Macao and frequently traveled between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. After the victory of the War, he returned to Macao and lived twice in Macao at Chi-hsien Club of Travessa do Auto Novo (清平直街寄閒俱樂部), Avenida do Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida (荷蘭園大馬路) and Travessa dos Anjos (天神巷). He was one of the painting teachers at Chü ming hsüan (居明軒), an important place to teach paintings in Macao at that time, and had a very close relationship with the local art and cultural circles. He inherited the traditions of Chinese painting while also creating a new style. Chinese literati painting master Huang Binhong (黄賓虹) praised him as the best painter in Nanhai. Chang dai-chien (張大千), a world-renowned painting master, regarded him as the only modern painter in Lingnan.

This year coincides with the 130th anniversary of the birth of Deng Fen. From the 9 to 20 of this month, the University of East Asia Open College Students’ Association and the University of Macau Library co-organized the “Cultural Heritage: Deng Fen Documents Exhibition”, with support from the UM Alumni and Development Office and the Deng Fen Art Foundation.





Library News — Deng Fen Art Foundation donates precious calligraphy and painting works to the University of Macau2024-10-20T00:00:26+08:00
20 2024-09

Library News — A people’s livelihood exhibition celebrating the 3rd anniversary of the establishment of the Hengqin-Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone is on display at the UM Library


In the afternoon of September 19, a people’s livelihood exhibition celebrating the 3rd anniversary of the establishment of the Hengqin-Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone kicked off at the UM Library. This exhibition is hosted by the Livelihood Affairs Bureau of the Cooperation Zone and co-organized by the University of Macau Library. It aims to showcase the development process of Hengqin and Macao’s deep integration over the past three years, as well as fruitful results achieved in many areas of people’s livelihood such as culture, medical care, education, social security, and Macao youth development.

Deputy Director of the Livelihood Affairs Bureau Fong Fong Tan, UM Director of Rector’s Office Wong Kei, UM Dean of Students Pang Chap Chong, UM Director of Alumni and Development Office Lam Yuk Yee, and UM Librarian Wu Jianzhong attended the event as officiating guests.

In her speech, Fong Fong Tan hoped that through this exhibition, more UM teachers and students would go deep into Hengqin, understand Hengqin, and get to know Hengqin, and stimulate their wisdom and enthusiasm to actively participate in the construction and development of the cooperation zone. Wu Jianzhong said in his speech that this exhibition will allow UM teachers and students play a more proactive role in the construction of the new Hengqin campus and contribute to the sustainable development of the cooperation zone.

This exhibition will be on display until November 17. All are welcome to visit.





Library News — A people’s livelihood exhibition celebrating the 3rd anniversary of the establishment of the Hengqin-Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone is on display at the UM Library2024-10-20T00:00:26+08:00
13 2024-09

Library News — UM received an autographed book from Governor of People’s Bank of China


In the afternoon of 12 September 2024, UM Rector Yonghua Song met with UM Council Vice Chair Huen Wing Ming. Mr. Huen handed over an autographed copy of the book ” The road to rejuvenation for China’s large banks”, which was given to the UM Library by Dr. Pan Gongsheng, Governor of the People’s Bank of China, to Rector Song. Rector Song presented a certificate of thanks to Dr. Pan through Mr. Huen, and looked forward to Dr. Pan’s coming to the University of Macau for guidance. Vice Rector (Academic Affairs) Hui King Man and Librarian Wu Jianzhong also attended the meeting.



Library News — UM received an autographed book from Governor of People’s Bank of China2024-10-13T00:00:20+08:00
16 2024-08

Library News –Textbook & Reference Book Information for Undergraduate Courses (The 1st Semester of Academic Year 2024/2025)


以下之教科書及參考書資訊由 澳大各學術單位 提供、大學圖書館代傳。

The following information of textbooks and reference books is provided by Academic Units of UM and posted by University Library.


[Textbook & Reference Book Information]

Dear Students,

Greetings in the new semester from the University Library!

Below please find the websites of textbook and reference book information for undergraduate courses in the academic units of the 1st Semester of Academic Year 2024/2025. We hope the information is helpful to you for purchasing your textbooks and reference books.

Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FAH)


Faculty of Business Administration (FBA)


Faculty of Education (FED)


Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS)


Faculty of Law (FLL)

Bachelor of Law in Chinese Language (Daytime): https://fll.um.edu.mo/bachelor-of-law-in-chinese-language-course-outline-bibliography/

Bachelor of Law (Conducted In Chinese And Portuguese): https://fll.um.edu.mo/bachelor-of-law-conducted-in-chinese-and-portuguese-course-outline-bibliography/

Bachelor of Law in Portuguese Language: https://fll.um.edu.mo/bachelor-of-law-in-portuguese-language-course-outline-bibliography/

Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS)


Faculty of Science and Technology (FST)



Thank you for your kind attention and wish you all a successful academic year!


University Library



為方便同學們購買新學期教科書和參考書籍,下列為 2024/2025學年第一學期各學術單位的本科課程教科書和參考書清單,供各位參考。


人文學院 (FAH)


工商管理學院 (FBA)


教育學院 (FED)


健康科學學院 (FHS)


法學院 (FLL)

中文法學士課程 (日間): https://fll.um.edu.mo/bachelor-of-law-in-chinese-language-course-outline-bibliography/?lang=zh-hant

法學士學位課程 (中葡雙語授課): https://fll.um.edu.mo/bachelor-of-law-conducted-in-chinese-and-portuguese-course-outline-bibliography/?lang=zh-hant

葡文法學士課程: https://fll.um.edu.mo/bachelor-of-law-in-portuguese-language-course-outline-bibliography/?lang=zh-hant

社會科學學院 (FSS)


科技學院 (FST)






[Bookshop Information]

Below please find a list of the major bookstores in Macao for your reference:

Name of Bookshop

Tel No



Plaza Cultural Macau, LDA. (PCM)

6301 2972

2830 5613

University of Macau – Southern wing of the Library (E2-G005);

Avenida Do Conselheiro Ferreira De Almeida No. 32-G, Macau


Livraria Seng Kwong

8599 3110

Meng Tak Building, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Rua de Luís Gonzaga Gomes


Livraria Portuguesa

2851 5915

16 R. de São Domingos, Macau


For more bookshop information, please refer to https://library.um.edu.mo/lib_services/acquisition/book_vendors_en








6301 2972

2830 5613

澳門大學 – 圖書館南翼E2 – G005室;




8599 3110




2851 5915





Library News –Textbook & Reference Book Information for Undergraduate Courses (The 1st Semester of Academic Year 2024/2025)2024-09-16T00:00:08+08:00
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