About yoyolau
This author has not yet filled in any details.So far yoyolau has created 3 blog entries.
Reminder: UM Chinese New Year Gathering 2025 will be held on 21 February (this Friday)
Dear Colleagues,
The 2025 UM Chinese New Year Gathering will be held on 21 February 2025 (this Friday) at 18:30 at the Grand Ballroom of Grand Hyatt Macau, please find the following important information and reminder for your attention.
Best regards,
UM Chinese New Year Gathering Organizing Committee 2025
入場券 Ticket:
For those registered colleagues, please contact your faculty/department representative for the tickets, and please be reminded to bring your ticket to the dinner.
部門代表名單 Unit Representative List
大抽獎 Lucky Draw:
The prizes this year are amazing! To avoid long waits at the reception, kindly write your name and unit on the cut-off portion of the ticket and drop it into the lucky draw box for a chance to win fantastic prizes.
Grand Hyatt Macau – Grand Ballroom
泊車資訊 Parking Information:
Grand Hyatt Macau car park provides 4 hours of free self-parking
*車位有限 先到先得 Spaces are limited and on a first-come-first-served basis*
穿梭巴士服務 Shuttle Bus Service:
For participants who have reserved this service, please take note of the following schedule. For better arrangement, kindly arrive at the pick-up point on time.
去程: 澳門大學 -> 新濠天地側門 (近澳門君悅酒店大堂) UM -> City of Dreams side door (near Macau Grand Hyatt hotel lobby) |
出發地點 Departing Point |
出發時間 Departure Time |
行政樓(N6)巴士站 Administration Building (N6) Bus Stop |
18:10 | |
研究生宿舍南一座(S1)巴士站 Postgraduate House (S1) Bus Stop |
18:10 | |
回程: 新濠天地側門 (近澳門君悅酒店大堂) -> 澳門 / 澳門大學/ 氹仔 City of Dreams side door (near Macau Grand Hyatt hotel lobby) -> Macau / UM/ Taipa |
出發地點 Departing Point |
目的地 Destination |
出發時間 Departure Time |
新濠天地側門 (近澳門君悅酒店大堂) |
澳門南灣國際銀行 Nam Van Luso International Banking Ltd |
21:30 |
先經:澳大S1巴士站 |
21:30 |
公共交通資訊 Public Transportation Information:
Bus station and LRT station are available nearby, please click the following routing for more details.
路線 Routings:
Please refer to the latest information released by the bus company for any change of bus route.
兒童活動 Kids Activities:
A Kids’ Corner with some toys will be arranged and you are welcome to bring your kids there!
嬰兒座位 Baby Seats:
The number of baby chairs is limited, you are welcome to bring your own baby trolley or baby seat if necessary. Extra chairs for placing baby seats can be requested on site from the banquet staff if needed.
Training Courses Organized by the Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau (SAFP) (2nd Series of January 2025)

Dear Colleagues,
Please click this link to find the list of the newly released training courses organized by the Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau (SAFP) for your reference. Course details and enrollment can be accessed from Assuntos Governamentais Note (Information only available in Chinese and Portuguese), for those who are interested, kindly enroll on or before the application deadlines.
Please check your own schedule availability prior to your submission. Applicants are not recommended to withdraw from the course(s) without ground reason(s).
All enrolments will be considered as confirmed only after formal notification from the SAFP is obtained (either in official letter format or in SMS format).
Note: Assuntos Governamentais
The enrollment of courses organized by the Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau (SAFP) and the Centro de Formação Jurídica e Judiciária (CFJJ) have to be conducted through the Assuntos Governamentais. The application and approval processes will be done through the Assuntos Governamentais by logging in “Personnel Login Account (工作人員登入號)” with the steps illustrated below:
Please click this link (Chinese version) for guidance of application and approval procedures via the Assuntos Governamentais.
To register “Personnel Login Account (工作人員登入號)”, please fill out the e-form and submit the signed hard copy to Ms. Josephine Wu or Ms. Cathy Lin of Human Resources Section (ext. 8696/8583). SAFP will then confirm the registration by sending the “activation code” via SMS. Please follow the instructions in the SMS to activate your account by then.
– Ms. Yoyo Lau (ext. 8591, hr_training@um.edu.mo), Human Resources Section
– Mr. Tony Cheong (ext. 8680, hr_training@um.edu.mo), Human Resources Section
Thank you for your kind attention.
Human Resources Section
現附上最新由行政公職局舉辦之培訓課程列表,以供 閣下參閱。培訓課程大綱及報名可於公務通註 瀏覽。有興趣報名之同事,請於截止報名日期前報名。
報讀由行政公職局 (SAFP) 或法律及司法培訓中心 (CFJJ) 舉辦之培訓課程時,需透過「工作人員登入號」登入到 公務通 進行。申請及審批程序如下圖:
如需開啟「工作人員登入號」,可填寫網上報名表,將填妥表格列印並簽署後交到人力資源處胡小姐或林小姐 (內線:8696/8583) 收。行政公職局會以短訊形式確認登記並發送「啟動碼」到登記人的手提電話,屆時請按照短訊內的指示啟動登入號。
– 人力資源處劉小姐 (內線8591, hr_training@um.edu.mo)
– 人力資源處張先生 (內線8680, hr_training@um.edu.mo)
UM Recreational Club Interest Class in January: “Traditional Chinese Medicine Wellness and Beauty Workshop”
Dear Colleagues,
The UM Recreational Club is going to organize the following interest class for you in January. Join us now!
興趣班名稱: Course Title: |
中醫養生美容工作坊 |
上課時間: Course Schedule: |
24/01/2025 (星期五 Friday) (如有需要,參加者可自行預備輕便午餐在場進食。Participants may bring their own light lunch to eat on-site if necessary.) |
總時數: No. of Hours: |
共1.5小時 (一節) Total 1.5 hours (1 session) |
內容: Contents: |
皮膚是人體大的器官,也是對營養缺乏及老化最敏感及最易顯現的器官。本次培訓會從皮膚的構造開始,結合傳統中醫理論,剖析各類皮膚問題,教大家保養皮膚,從內而外保持年輕活力。 Participants can learn about the caring methods for various skin problems from the perspective of Chinese Medicine theories. |
導師: Trainer: |
何家明中醫生(註冊中醫生) |
費用: Fee: |
全免 Free of Charge |
名額: Class Size: |
最多30人 Maximum 30 pax |
語言: Language: |
廣東話 Cantonese |
地點: Venue: |
TBC (in UM campus 澳大校園內) |
對象: Targets: |
所有職員及其家屬 All staff and their family members |
報名表及截止日期: Enrollment Form and Deadline: |
按此連結 Enrollment Link 21/01/2025 (星期二 Tuesday) |
- 為公平起見,如報名人數超過特定名額,報名將會以抽籤形式進行,但澳大全職員工優先。為了更能善用資源,懇請學員於報名獲確認後依時出席及參與。
- 最終成班須視乎報名人數。
- 報名後如須退出,必須於報名截止日期前向人力資源處提出。
- If the number of enrollment exceeds the maximum quota, the enrollment will be drawn at random, but UM full-time staff will have the first priority. For a better use on the resources, kindly go to the class on schedule once the enrollment has been confirmed.
- The confirmation of the class is subject to the no. of participants.
- Withdrawal within the enrollment period is acceptable, please inform Human Resources Section accordingly.
聯絡 Contact:羅小姐 Ms. Queenie LO / 張先生 Mr. Tony CHEONG (ext. 8681/8680 or email: HR_recreation@um.edu.mo)
康樂會網頁及詳情 / UMRC webpage and details:https://hrs.admo.um.edu.mo/recreational-classes-2025/
人力資源處 Human Resources Section
UM Chinese New Year Gathering 2025
Dear Colleagues,
The year 2025 is just around the corner! Let’s embark on the new year with good health and prosperity!
一月下旬將迎來中國農曆新年,為慶祝新春佳節,大學將舉辦2025年澳大新春聯歡晚宴。自助餐晚宴詳情及截止報名日,請見下列內容, 誠邀各位同事和家人一同參與!
We will be welcoming the Chinese New Year in late January. To celebrate this joyful and festive occasion, the University is delighted to announce the 2025 UM Chinese New Year Gathering. Kindly refer to the information below for details regarding the buffet dinner and the registration deadline. We warmly invite all colleagues and their families to join us!
Best regards,
UM Chinese New Year Gathering Organizing Committee 2025
Grand Hyatt Macau – Grand Ballroom
泊車資訊 Parking Information:
Grand Hyatt Macau car park provides 4 hours of free self-parking
*車位有限 先到先得 Spaces are limited and on a first-come-first-served basis*
公共交通資訊 Public Transportation Information:
Bus station and LRT station are available nearby, please click the following routing for more details.
UM Recreational Club Interest Class in December: “Pastries and Dessert Class”
Dear Colleagues,
The UM Recreational Club is going to organize the following interest class for you in December. Join us now!
興趣班名稱: Course Title: |
精品烘焙及甜點製作 |
上課時間: Course Schedule: |
20/12/2024 (星期五 Friday) |
總時數: No. of Hours: |
共3.5小時 (共一節) Total 3.5 hours (1 session) |
內容: Contents: |
課堂中,參加者將學習設計薑餅人的裝飾技巧並自行設計具個人特色的薑餅人,讓大家在聖誕節享用自己設計的薑餅人。 * 專業導師現場指導 Participants will learn techniques for decorating gingerbread and create their own personalized gingerbread. Each participant can take home approximately 8 pieces of cookies. |
導師: Trainer: |
費用: Fee: |
MOP350/位 pax (3-10歲小童同行及共同製作: +MOP30 |
名額: Class Size: |
8人(最少5人才開班) 8 persons (At least 5 participants for opening the class) |
語言: Language: |
廣東話 Cantonese |
地點: Venue: |
KEICA MACAU 澳門富運台28號 |
對象: Targets: |
所有職員及其家屬 (3歲以上) All staff and their family members (over 3 years old) |
報名表及截止日期: Enrollment Form and Deadline: |
按此連結 Enrollment Link 04/12/2024 (星期三 / Wednesday) |
- 為公平起見,如報名人數超過特定名額,報名將會以抽籤形式進行,但澳大全職員工優先。為了更能善用資源,懇請學員於報名獲確認後依時出席及參與。
- 最終成班須視乎報名人數。
- 報名後如須退出,必須於報名截止日期前向人力資源處提出。
- If the number of enrollment exceeds the maximum quota, the enrollment will be drawn at random, but UM full-time staff will have the first priority. For a better use on the resources, kindly go to the class on schedule once the enrollment has been confirmed.
- The confirmation of the class is subject to the no. of participants.
- Withdrawal within the enrollment period is acceptable, please inform Human Resources Section accordingly.
聯絡 Contact:劉小姐 Ms. Yoyo LAU (ext. 8591 / email: HR_recreation@um.edu.mo)
康樂會網頁及詳情 / UMRC webpage and details:https://hrs.admo.um.edu.mo/um-recreational-club-activities-2024/
人力資源處 Human Resources Section
【Enrollment Deadline: 20 November, Wednesday】In-house training course: “Review session on Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Standard Course”

Dear Colleagues,
Kindly note that the enrollment deadline for the following in-house training course is 20 November 2024 (Wednesday).
提提您,以下內部培訓課程於11月20日 (星期三) 截止報名。
Course Title: 課程名稱: |
Review session on Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Standard Course 課程重溫 – 精神健康急救標準課程 |
Course Outline: 課程大綱: |
Trainers: 導師: |
Ms. Rainbow LEONG and Mr. Timothy CHONG from Student Affairs Office (SAO) 學生事務部 – 梁彩虹小姐及鍾昕曉先生 |
Targets: 對象: |
Date and Time: 日期及時間: |
03/12/2024 (Tuesday/星期二) 10:00-13:00 |
Duration: 總時數: |
3 hours 三小時 |
Certification: 證書頒發: |
Participants who complete the whole class will be awarded a certificate 完成整個課程之學員將獲發證書 |
Language: 授課語言: |
Cantonese with Chinese training materials 廣東話輔以中文教材 |
Venue: 上課地點: |
E31-1002 |
Enrollment Deadline: 報名截止日期: |
20/11/2024 (Wednesday/ 星期三) |
Enrollment Form: 報名表: |
Click link here 按此連結 |
Please note that your application needs to be approved and submitted to the Human Resources Section via the Training and Development Application E-form on or before the mentioned deadline.
– Ms. Yoyo LAU 劉小姐 (ext. 8591, e-mail: yoyolau@um.edu.mo)
Human Resources Section
UM Recreational Club Interest Class in December: “UBound Experience”
Dear Colleagues,
The UM Recreational Club is going to organize the following interest class for you in December. Join us now!
興趣班名稱: Course Title: |
活力蹦跳體驗班 UBound Experience |
上課時間: Course Schedule: |
03/12/2024 (Tuesday/星期二)
13:00-14:00 |
總時數: No. of Hours: |
共1小時 (共一節) Total 1 hour (1 session) |
內容: Contents: |
利用不穩定的彈簧床面,增加核心肌群的使用,達到心肺耐力與下半身的肌力訓練。低衝擊顯著強度的有氧和無氧運動的組合,簡單易上手、且相當有趣的訓練課程。 |
導師: Trainer: |
高潔欣教授(科技學院) |
費用: Fee: |
免費 |
名額: Class Size: |
最多15人(最少5人才開班) Maximum 15 (At least 5 participants for opening the class) |
語言: Language: |
廣東話 Cantonese |
地點: Venue: |
N8 – 三樓跳舞室 Dance Room at 3/F in N8 |
對象: Targets: |
所有職員及其家屬 (10歲以上) All staff and their family members (over 10 years old) |
報名表及截止日期: Enrollment Form and Deadline: |
按此連結 Enrollment Link 22/11/2024 (星期五 / Friday) |
- 為公平起見,如報名人數超過特定名額,報名將會以抽籤形式進行,但澳大全職員工優先。為了更能善用資源,懇請學員於報名獲確認後依時出席及參與。
- 最終成班須視乎報名人數。
- 報名後如須退出,必須於報名截止日期前向人力資源處提出。
- If the number of enrollment exceeds the maximum quota, the enrollment will be drawn at random, but UM full-time staff will have the first priority. For a better use on the resources, kindly go to the class on schedule once the enrollment has been confirmed.
- The confirmation of the class is subject to the no. of participants.
- Withdrawal within the enrollment period is acceptable, please inform Human Resources Section accordingly.
聯絡 Contact:劉小姐 Ms. Yoyo LAU (ext. 8591 / email: HR_recreation@um.edu.mo)
康樂會網頁及詳情 / UMRC webpage and details:https://hrs.admo.um.edu.mo/um-recreational-club-activities-2024/
人力資源處 Human Resources Section
New in-house training course: “Review session on Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Standard Course”

Dear Colleagues,
To provide opportunities for your development, the Human Resources Section is going to organize the following in-house training course in December 2024.
Course Title: 課程名稱: |
Review session on Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Standard Course 課程重溫-精神健康急救標準課程 |
Course Outline: 課程大綱: |
Trainer: 導師: |
Ms. Rainbow LEONG and Mr. Timothy CHONG from Student Affairs Office (SAO) 學生事務部 – 梁彩虹小姐及鍾昕曉先生 |
Targets: 對象: |
Date and Time: 日期及時間: |
03/12/2024 (Tuesday/星期二) 10:00-13:00 |
Duration: 總時數: |
3 hours 三小時 |
Certification: 證書頒發: |
Participants who complete the whole class will be awarded a certificate 完成整個課程之學員將獲發證書 |
Language: 授課語言: |
Cantonese with Chinese training materials 廣東話輔以中文教材 |
Venue: 上課地點: |
E31-1002 |
Enrollment Deadline: 報名截止日期: |
20/11/2024 (Wednesday/ 星期三) |
Enrollment Form: 報名表: |
Click link here 按此連結 |
Please note that your applications need to be approved and submitted to the Human Resources Section via the Training and Development Application E-form on or before the mentioned deadlines.
– Ms. Yoyo LAU 劉小姐 (ext. 8591, e-mail: yoyolau@um.edu.mo)
Human Resources Section
Arrangement for Office Hours under TYPHOON Conditions
yoyolau2024-11-12T15:00:44+08:00Dear Colleagues,
During typhoons in Macao, please pay attention to the following arrangement of office hours:
When the typhoon signal No. 8 or higher is hoisted in the following period | Status |
Before 9:00 | University is closed |
During normal office hours: 9:00 to 13:00 and 14:00 to 17:45 on Mondays to Thursdays 9:00 to 13:00 and 14:00 to 17:30 on Fridays |
University is closed immediately |
Between 13:00 and 14:30 | University is closed in the afternoon |
When the typhoon signal No. 8 or higher is lowered in the following period | Status |
Before 7:30 | University opens at the normal office hours |
Between 7:30 and 9:00 | University opens one and half hours after it is lowered |
After 9:00 to 13:00 | University opens in the afternoon |
After 13:00 to 14:30 | University opens one and half hours after it is lowered |
After 14:30 | University remains closed in the afternoon |
Enclosed please find the related information of the Dispatch of Chief Executive of Macao SAR, no. 166/2002 for your reference or you may visit ADMO-HRS homepage for more information: https://hrs.admo.um.edu.mo/typhoon-emergency-arrangements/
Dispatch of Chief Executive of Macao SAR, no.166/2002
For further information about the tropical cyclone, please listen to radio and TV announcements, and browse the Macao Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (SMG) website: https://www.smg.gov.mo/en
Please take care of your own safety and close all windows and doors before leaving.
Thank you for your kind attention.
Human Resources Section
8號或以上風球在下列時段懸掛 | 校園開放情況 |
9:00前 | 繼續關閉 |
澳大正常辦公時間內: 逢星期一至星期四: 9:00至13:00及14:00至17:45 逢星期五: 9:00至13:00及14:00至17:30 |
立即停止對外開放 |
13:00至14:30期間 | 下午不開放 |
在下列時段改掛低於8號風球的信號 | 校園開放情況 |
7:30前 | 正常辦公時間開放 |
7:30至9:00期間 | 改掛後一小時三十分開放 |
9:00後至13:00期間 | 下午開放 |
13:00至14:30期間 | 改掛後一小時三十分開放 |
14:30後 | 下午不開放 |
詳情請參閱以下第166/2002號行政長官批示附件或人力資源處網頁 https://hrs.admo.um.edu.mo/typhoon-emergency-arrangements-ch/。
有關熱帶氣旋的進一步消息,請留意電台及電視台廣播,以及瀏覽地球物理暨氣象局網頁 https://www.smg.gov.mo/zh。
順頌 時祺