External Activity: Publicity Department of the People’s Government of Doumen District, Zhuhai City: Creative Advertisement Design Competition for Promotion of Civic Enhancement

校外活動: 中共珠海巿斗門區委宣傳部: "愛斗門 更文明" 2023年斗門區公益廣告創意設計大賽

下資料由 中共珠海巿斗門區委宣傳部提供,學生事務部代傳。
The following information is provided by Publicity Department of the People’s Government of Doumen District, Zhuhai City and posted by the Student Affairs Office.

中共珠海巿斗門區委宣傳部聯合南方報業傳媒集團海分社正舉辦 “愛斗門 更文明” 2023年斗門區公益廣告創意設計大賽,現誠譤大灣區高校生參賽。

截止投稿時間: 9月30日, 下午6時


+86 0756-781164 (杜小姐)