“Briefing on Microsoft Teams“ was successfully held
“Microsoft Teams講解會” 順利舉行

As Zoom no longer sold its service to the University starting from January 1st, 2025, to ensure continuity of online collaboration, ICTO is actively working on providing Microsoft Teams as a transitional solution.
In order to introduce more about Microsoft Teams, ICTO invited unit representatives and AITSAG members to join the “Briefing on Microsoft Teams” which was held this Wednesday. In the briefing, we shared about Microsoft Teams features, account types, and common functions such as create or schedule meeting, meeting invitation and admittance, recording etc. This helped enhance understanding how to use Microsoft Teams.
Reference Bulletins:
Termination of Zoom service from January 1st, 2025
ICTO Service Introduction: Microsoft Teams
ICTO Help Desk
Location : | Room 2085, 2/F, Central Teaching Building (E5) eMap |
Telephone : | 8822 8600 |
Email : | icto.helpdesk@um.edu.mo |
由於Zoom於2025年1月1日起不再向大學銷售其服務,為了確保線上協作的連續性,ICTO 正在積極致力於提供 Microsoft Teams 作為過渡解決方案。
為更好介紹Microsoft Teams,ICTO邀請部門代表和電腦教學技術支援諮詢小組 (AITSAG)成員參加本週三舉行的「Microsoft Teams講解會」。 在講解會中,我們介紹了Microsoft Teams的功能、帳戶類型以及常見功能,例如建立或排程會議、會議邀請和接納、錄製等,這有助於加強同事們了解Microsoft Teams的功能及操作。
位置 : | 中央教學樓東5座(E5)2085室 電子地圖 |
電話 : | 8822 8600 |
電郵 : | icto.helpdesk@um.edu.mo |