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6 2025-01

Reminder : The Importance of Renewing Stay Permit for Non-Local Students



根據澳門法律,所有非本地學生必需辦理「逗留特別許可」(以下簡稱「特逗」),否則將觸犯法律而引致逾期居留,後果相當嚴重 (最嚴重者將被驅逐出境并禁止兩年內不能到訪澳門),故尚未辦理續期的同學請攜帶往來港澳通行證之正本立刻前往以下任一地點辦理。

另外;已獲批「逗留特別許可」的同學必須於指定限期內攜帶有效之往來港澳通行證或其他旅遊證件前往以下任一地點拍咭領取逗留許可憑條方為完成整個申請程續。如欲了解相關申請進度,請瀏覽其網上系統 https://www.fsm.gov.mo/psp/smgquerysystem/crec.aspx


(1) 北安出入境事務大樓正門 (辦公時間)

(2) 北安出入境事務大樓側門 (24小時) 

(3) 澳門政府綜合服務大樓-政府24小時自助服務中心

(4) 離島政府綜合服務中心-政府24小時自助服務中心

(5) 關閘出入境事務站入境大堂出口處

(6) 新口岸警司處分站(24小時)

(7) 路環警司處澳門大學分站(24小時)

(8) 筷子基-政府24小時自助服務中心

(9) 湖畔-政府24小時自助服務中心

(10) 橫琴口岸澳門口岸區出入境事務站(24小時)

(11) 中華廣場-政府24小時自助服務中心氹仔警司處(24小時)

(12) 離島市民服務中心-石排灣分站政府24小時自助服務中心

(13) 二龍喉-政府24小時自助服務中心



同學A是一位大四學生並將於年內畢業。然而,他未於「特逗」有效期前辦理續期。當時他因逾期16日未辦續期故被科處罰款8,000澳門元 (逾期罰款科以每日500澳門元),但該同學於稍後時間再次忘記辦理續期。故此治安警察局將同學A視為非法移民並於一年內禁止入境。


a. 有效之個人旅遊證件正本(包括資料頁)
b. 「逗留許可憑條」正本

a. 有效之往來港澳通行證正本
b. 「逗留許可憑條」正本







(853) 2872 5488 


(853) 8897 0300






09:00 – 17:45
09:00 – 17:30




Dear Students,

In accordance with the Macau Law, all non-local students must apply for a stay permit. Failing to comply with this requirement will result in violation of the law and serious consequence (The violator may be expelled from Macao and prohibited to enter Macao again within two years). For those students who have not completed the renewal procedure, please approach to any of the following location by presenting the original “Two-way Exit Permit” for travelling to and from HK and Macau” to complete it as soon as possible.

In addition, those students who are granted “Special Authorization to Stay” MUST approach to any of the following location to collect the slip of “Special Authorization to Stay” for completing the whole application procedure. For more details progress of application , please visit the online system https://www.fsm.gov.mo/psp/smgquerysystem/crec.aspx 


(1) Exit at the Arrival Hall of the Border Gate Checkpoint

(2) Edifico China Plaza-Centro de Servicos de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo

(3) Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo da RAEM das Ilhas

(4) Checkpoint of Macao Port Zone of Hengqin Port Subdivision (24 hours)

(5) University of Macao Police Station of Coloane Subdivision (24 hours)

(6) Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo no Centro de Serviocs da RAEM

(7) Fai Chi Kei-Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo

(8) Flora-Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo 

(9) Police Station of ZAPE Subdivision (24 hours)

(10) Edificio de Servicos de Migracao em Pac On-Porta Principal (Office hour)

(11) Edificio de Servicos de Migracao em Pac On-Porta Lateral (24 hours)

(12) Edif. do Largo-Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo 

(13) Centro de Prestacao de Servicos ao Publico das Ilhas-Posto de Seac Pai Van-Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo 


Below is a real case:

Student A is a senior student and will graduate within a year. He forgot to renew the stay permit and expired for 16 days. As such, he is requested to pay for the penalty MOP8,000 (MOP500 per overdue day). However, he forgot to renew the stay permit before the valid due date again. As such, he was regarded as an illegal immigrant and refused to entry Macao for one year.

If you fail to renew the stay permit, the case mentioned above may come to you!
The following documents are required for stay permit renewal:
(1) (For non-local students, except Mainland China students)
a. Original valid travel document
b. Original “Slip of Authorization to Stay” 

(2) (For Mainland China students ONLY)
a. Original valid “Two-way Exit Permit” for travelling to and from HK and Macau”
b. Original “Slip of Authorization to Stay” 

Always keep your eyes on the valid date of the stay permit and renew it before the expiry date!!


Macau Public Security Police Force Immigration Service


 Edf. do Serviço de Migração Travessa Um do Cais de Pac On, Taipa, Macau


(853) 2872 5488


(853) 8897 0300




Office Hour:

Monday to Thrursday

09:00 – 17:45
09:00 – 17:30

(Note:No break at lunch hour)


Student Resources Section
Student Affairs Office

Reminder : The Importance of Renewing Stay Permit for Non-Local Students2025-01-31T23:59:24+08:00
4 2024-12

External Activity: [Asian Youth Drama Festival] organized by the Theatre Farmers


The following information is provided by the Theatre Farmers and forwarded by the Student Resources Section.


External Activity: [Asian Youth Drama Festival] organized by the Theatre Farmers2024-12-09T23:59:08+08:00
29 2024-11

Reminder : The Importance of Renewing Stay Permit for Non-Local Students



根據澳門法律,所有非本地學生必需辦理「逗留特別許可」(以下簡稱「特逗」),否則將觸犯法律而引致逾期居留,後果相當嚴重 (最嚴重者將被驅逐出境并禁止兩年內不能到訪澳門),故尚未辦理續期的同學請攜帶往來港澳通行證之正本立刻前往以下任一地點辦理。

另外;已獲批「逗留特別許可」的同學必須於指定限期內攜帶有效之往來港澳通行證或其他旅遊證件前往以下任一地點拍咭領取逗留許可憑條方為完成整個申請程續。如欲了解相關申請進度,請瀏覽其網上系統 https://www.fsm.gov.mo/psp/smgquerysystem/crec.aspx


(1) 北安出入境事務大樓正門 (辦公時間)

(2) 北安出入境事務大樓側門 (24小時) 

(3) 澳門政府綜合服務大樓-政府24小時自助服務中心

(4) 離島政府綜合服務中心-政府24小時自助服務中心

(5) 關閘出入境事務站入境大堂出口處

(6) 新口岸警司處分站(24小時)

(7) 路環警司處澳門大學分站(24小時)

(8) 筷子基-政府24小時自助服務中心

(9) 湖畔-政府24小時自助服務中心

(10) 橫琴口岸澳門口岸區出入境事務站(24小時)

(11) 中華廣場-政府24小時自助服務中心氹仔警司處(24小時)

(12) 離島市民服務中心-石排灣分站政府24小時自助服務中心

(13) 二龍喉-政府24小時自助服務中心



同學A是一位大四學生並將於年內畢業。然而,他未於「特逗」有效期前辦理續期。當時他因逾期16日未辦續期故被科處罰款8,000澳門元 (逾期罰款科以每日500澳門元),但該同學於稍後時間再次忘記辦理續期。故此治安警察局將同學A視為非法移民並於一年內禁止入境。


a. 有效之個人旅遊證件正本(包括資料頁)
b. 「逗留許可憑條」正本

a. 有效之往來港澳通行證正本
b. 「逗留許可憑條」正本







(853) 2872 5488 


(853) 8897 0300






09:00 – 17:45
09:00 – 17:30




Dear Students,

In accordance with the Macau Law, all non-local students must apply for a stay permit. Failing to comply with this requirement will result in violation of the law and serious consequence (The violator may be expelled from Macao and prohibited to enter Macao again within two years). For those students who have not completed the renewal procedure, please approach to any of the following location by presenting the original “Two-way Exit Permit” for travelling to and from HK and Macau” to complete it as soon as possible.

In addition, those students who are granted “Special Authorization to Stay” MUST approach to any of the following location to collect the slip of “Special Authorization to Stay” for completing the whole application procedure. For more details progress of application , please visit the online system https://www.fsm.gov.mo/psp/smgquerysystem/crec.aspx 


(1) Exit at the Arrival Hall of the Border Gate Checkpoint

(2) Edifico China Plaza-Centro de Servicos de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo

(3) Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo da RAEM das Ilhas

(4) Checkpoint of Macao Port Zone of Hengqin Port Subdivision (24 hours)

(5) University of Macao Police Station of Coloane Subdivision (24 hours)

(6) Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo no Centro de Serviocs da RAEM

(7) Fai Chi Kei-Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo

(8) Flora-Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo 

(9) Police Station of ZAPE Subdivision (24 hours)

(10) Edificio de Servicos de Migracao em Pac On-Porta Principal (Office hour)

(11) Edificio de Servicos de Migracao em Pac On-Porta Lateral (24 hours)

(12) Edif. do Largo-Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo 

(13) Centro de Prestacao de Servicos ao Publico das Ilhas-Posto de Seac Pai Van-Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo 


Below is a real case:

Student A is a senior student and will graduate within a year. He forgot to renew the stay permit and expired for 16 days. As such, he is requested to pay for the penalty MOP8,000 (MOP500 per overdue day). However, he forgot to renew the stay permit before the valid due date again. As such, he was regarded as an illegal immigrant and refused to entry Macao for one year.

If you fail to renew the stay permit, the case mentioned above may come to you!
The following documents are required for stay permit renewal:
(1) (For non-local students, except Mainland China students)
a. Original valid travel document
b. Original “Slip of Authorization to Stay” 

(2) (For Mainland China students ONLY)
a. Original valid “Two-way Exit Permit” for travelling to and from HK and Macau”
b. Original “Slip of Authorization to Stay” 

Always keep your eyes on the valid date of the stay permit and renew it before the expiry date!!


Macau Public Security Police Force Immigration Service


 Edf. do Serviço de Migração Travessa Um do Cais de Pac On, Taipa, Macau


(853) 2872 5488


(853) 8897 0300




Office Hour:

Monday to Thrursday

09:00 – 17:45
09:00 – 17:30

(Note:No break at lunch hour)


Student Resources Section
Student Affairs Office

Reminder : The Importance of Renewing Stay Permit for Non-Local Students2024-12-31T23:59:26+08:00
10 2024-10

Reminder : Update / Terminate “Special Authorization to Stay” for Non-local Graduate Students (Change of Degree Programmes)







  1. 已於外地學生「逗留特別許可」網上綜合系統提交申請,但仍未完成辦理餘下手續(如:錄取指紋)的新生,必須於逗留期限屆滿前帶備入境時所使用的護照/旅行證件/身份證明文件正本及「申請二維碼」親臨出入境事務大樓辦理餘下申請手續,以免發生逾期逗留情況。
  2. 已於上述系統提交申請,並已完成辦理申請手續的新生,必須在《申請收據》上指定的日期前,透過治安警察局自助服務機或親臨出入境事務大樓領取《逗留許可憑條》,以便合法在本澳逗留。







(853) 2872 5488 


(853) 8897 0300






09:00 – 17:45
09:00 – 17:30






Dear Students,


In accordance with the Macao Law, for those graduated non-local students who plan to pursue another degree programmes in Macao, please terminate the original “Special Authorization to Stay” and re-apply for it by using the new degree programmes identity. Therefore, please approach to the Macao Immigration Building for terminating the “Special Authorization to Stay” before the expiration date. For those students who would like to extend the limit of stay in Macao, please apply for the ordinary “Authorization to Stay” on the same day after terminating the original “Special Authorization to Stay” in order to avoid overstaying in Macao.


In addition, Student Resources Section (SRS) has arranged the application for “Special Authorization to Stay” to all non-local freshmen on the commencement of new academic year, please be reminded to keep an eye on the following information

  1. For freshmen who have submitted an application via the Integrated Online System for “Special Authorization to Stay” but have not completed the procedures (such as taking fingerprint), please prepare the original passport/ travel document and the “application QR Code” generated by the online system to the Immigration Building in person to complete the remaining procedures to avoid overstaying.

  2. For freshmen who have completed the application procedures, please be reminded to collect the “Authorization to Stay Receipt” via the self-service machine of the Public Security Police Force or approach to the Immigration Building in person before the valid date specified on the “application receipt” in order to stay in Macao legally.

Caution: In accordance with the Macao Law, all non-local students MUST obtained the “Special Authorization to Stay”. Failing to comply with this requirement will result in violation of the law and serious consequence.


Immigration Building


 Immigration Building of the Public Security Police Force, Travessa Um do Casis de Pac On, Taipa, Macao


(853) 2872 5488


(853) 8897 0300




Office Hour:

Monday to Thrursday

09:00 – 17:45
09:00 – 17:30

(Note:No break at lunch hour)


Thank you for your attention!


Student Resources Section
Student Affairs Office

Reminder : Update / Terminate “Special Authorization to Stay” for Non-local Graduate Students (Change of Degree Programmes)2024-11-29T18:01:00+08:00
30 2024-08

Academic Year 2024/2025 – Arrangement for Postgraduate Freshmen to Apply for Stay Permit (13-25 Sept)



據澳門相關法例規定,來澳修讀高等院校課程之非本地學生必須辦理「逗留特別許可」(俗稱“學生簽證”),該許可是逗留澳門地區的有效證件。故所有非本地學生必需辦理,否則將觸犯法律而引致逾期居留,後果相當嚴重 (最嚴重者將被驅逐出境並禁止兩年內不能到訪澳門)。有關資訊可瀏覽治安警察局網頁:https://www.fsm.gov.mo/psp/cht/main.html

另外;由2024年0815日起,所有非本地學生須通過澳門治安警察局新推出的「外地學生之「逗留特別許可」網上綜合系統」代替過往的紙質申請表作辦理。學生可登入澳門治安警察局網頁:fsm.gov.mo/psp/stdapp/info.aspx 或掃描下方二維碼提交網上申請。為照顧非本地學生(包括本科生及研究生)辦理「逗留特別許可」,現統一由學生資源處組織集體辦理。同學須根據以下的時間表於指定地點集合前往出入境事務大樓,辦證時間預計約2小時。


A. 日期:2024年09月13-14日、16-17日、19-21日及23-25日(共10天)

B. 集合地點:研究生宿舍(S3)巴士站

C. 時間表:研究生新生簽證時間表

D. 所需資料:

  1. 申請二維碼截圖。
  2. 證件正本:a.中國內地之學生 – 有效的《往來港澳通行證》及逗留簽注;b.其他國家/地區之學生 – 有效的護照/旅行證件。
  3. 如學生未有在上述系統上載照片,須提交1吋半黑白或彩色、白底正面免冠近照一張。

E. 備註:

  1. 治安警察局於09月14日及21日兩個週六特意為本校研究新生辦理,故新生務必按照時間表參與。
  2. 逾時者需自行前往出入境事務大樓辦理所需手續。
  3. 學生名單及辦證日期已發往治安警察局,故無法更改辦理時間。
  4. 完成後請自行安排交通,可參考以下路線 (從北安大馬路搭乘 #36 到湖畔大廈轉乘 #72回校園 )。
  5. 附件一。
  6. 附件二

8822 9902 / 8822 9912


Dear student,

In accordance with Macao Law,  all non-local students (taking a Higher Education Programme at a Higher Institute in Macao are required to apply for “Special Authorization to Stay” (aka “student visa”). This document serves as a valid permit to stay in Macao. Failing to comply with this requirement will result in violation of the law and serious consequence (The violator may be expelled from Macao and prohibited to enter Macao again within two years). For more information about it, please visit: https://www.fsm.gov.mo/psp/eng/main.html.

In addition, all non-local students have to submit online applications instead of the previous paper application form for “Special Authorization to Stay” via the “Integrated Online System for Special Authorization to Stay for Non-resident Students” newly launched by the Macao Public Security Police Force with effect from 15 August, 2024. Students are required to log in to the website of the Macao Public Security Police Force fsm.gov.mo/psp/stdapp/info.aspx or scan the QR code below to complete the online application. Student Resources Section will arrange the non-local students (including both undergraduates and postgraduates) to the Immigration Department for applying the mentioned Authorization. While it takes approximately 2 hours for the application.

After submitting the online application, please strict follow the schedule by presenting the documents below to Immigration Office for completing the procedure (see attachment 1 and attachment 2)

A. Date13-14, 16-17, 19-21, and 23-25 Sept 2024 (10 days in total)

B. Assembly Point:PGH-S3 Bus Station

C. Schedule: PG Stay Permit Schedule

D. Documents to be prepared:

  1. QR code screenshot of application;
  2. Original document:
    a. Students from Mainland China  – a valid “P.R.C. Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macao” and “Type D – Stay” endorsement;
    b. Students from other countries / regions  – a valid passport / travel document;
  3. A recent 1.5-inch, full-face, no-hat, white-background, colored or black-and-white photo of the interested person is required if the photo has not been uploaded in the above system.

E. Remarks: 

  1. The Public Security Police Force will hold special sessions especially for UM PG freshmen on two consecutive Saturdays 14 and 21 Sept, freshmen are required to participate in accordance with the schedule;
  2. Late comer are required to approach the Immigration Office by self;
  3. The schedule has been sent to the Public Security Police Force and not able to amend;
  4. Freshmen are required to head back to campus by self, please refer to the route (take #36 from EST. PAC ON to EDIFICIO DO LAGO then transfer #72 to campus) ;
  5. Attachment 1;
  6. Attachment 2.

For any enquiries, please contact Mr. HO or Ms. NGAI
Phone: 8822 9902 / 8822 9912
Email: sao.services@um.edu.mo

Student Resources Section
Student Affairs Office

Academic Year 2024/2025 – Arrangement for Postgraduate Freshmen to Apply for Stay Permit (13-25 Sept)2024-09-26T18:00:03+08:00
22 2024-08

Academic Year 2024/2025 – Arrangement for Non-Local Undergraduate Freshmen Medical Check-up (29 Aug-16 Sept)




1. 入境時之身份證明文件及其副本(如通行證)。
2. 預防破傷風疫苗接種記錄(俗稱針簿或衛生手冊)。
3. 澳門大學體格檢查表 連結(請檢查是否已填妥第一頁的內容,包括個人資料、問答題、貼上照片及學生簽名等)。


  • 體檢日期︰2024年08月29-30日、09月02-06日、09-13日、16日(共13天)。
  • 體檢時間︰09:00 及 14:00。
  • 集合地點︰研究生宿舍 (S3) 巴士站。
  • 是次檢查不需要禁食。
  • 有近視者,於檢查當天不能配戴隱形眼鏡,請轉戴有框眼鏡。
  • 月經期間不能作尿液檢查,經期完結三天後才可作尿液檢查。如體檢當天未能完成此項目者,須於經期完結後自行前往醫院補辦,以完成體格檢查,否則院方不會發出報告。
  • 懷孕期間不能作X光檢查。
  • 胸部X光檢查須在鏡湖醫院進行。
  • 基本體檢項目(檢查小便、胸片等等)費用約為450澳門元,預防破傷風針約為200澳門元(不能出示相關有效證明者才需做此項) 。
  • 本處將透過電郵通知各學院有關新生辦理體檢之事宜。
  • 請依時集合,逾時者或不按照編定組別的同學將不予以受理。另外,體檢名單已發往鏡湖醫院,故無法更改。


電話: 8822 9902 / 8822 9912
電郵: sao.services@um.edu.mo


Dear students,

In order to facilitate the non-local undergraduate freshmen on the medical check-up and complete the registration successfully, Student Resources Section will arrange the medical check-up for the mentioned students. 

Required documents for Medical Examination:

  • The identification document used when entering Macao and its copy. (e.g. Two-way Exit Permit)
  • Tetanus vaccination records.
  • University of Macau Medical Check-up Form LINK (Please check whether the contents on first page are filled, including personal information, questions, pasted photo and student’s signatures).

Please note the following:

  • Date: 29-30 Aug, 02-06, 09-13 and 16 Sept 2024(13 days in total).
  • Time: 09:00 & 14:00.
  • Assembly Point: PGH-S3 Bus Station.
  • Fasting is not necessary for the exam.
  • Students with myopia should not wear contact lens, please wear glasses instead.
  • For students who are expecting menstrual period, please be reminded that you can only have the urinalysis after three days of your period. Those who could not complete this item are required to return to the hospital to complete the exam, otherwise the hospital will not issue the report.
  • For students who are pregnant, please be reminded that you cannot take the X-ray examination.
  • The chest radiograph must be completed in Kiang Wu Hospital.
  • The basic medical exam (urinalysis, chest radiograph etc.) will cost MOP400.00 and the cost of tetanus vaccine will be MOP150.00 (only necessary if the student could not prove that the vaccine was taken before).
  • SRS will inform the respective faculty regarding the check-up arrangement.
  • Please be punctual and late comer will NOT be entertained. Meanwhile, the schedule has been sent to the Kiang Wu Hospital and not able to amend.

For any enquiries, please contact Mr. HO or Ms. NGAI
Phone: 8822 9902 / 8822 9912
Email: sao.services@um.edu.mo

Student Resources Section
Student Affairs Office

Academic Year 2024/2025 – Arrangement for Non-Local Undergraduate Freshmen Medical Check-up (29 Aug-16 Sept)2024-09-16T18:00:07+08:00
21 2024-08

Academic Year 2024/2025 – Details of Student Medical Insurance Scheme





  • 新生:自註冊當日起至2025年07月31日  
  • 在讀學生:2024年08月01日至2025年07月31日










(澳門) 2892 2822;

(氹仔) 8295 4001



(澳門) 2831 3731



(澳門) 2852 4468;

(氹仔) 2882 0127



(澳門) 2858 9000;

(氹仔) 2883 6992



(澳門) 2853 0556



(澳門) 2837 2283;2852 6190



(澳門) 8822 4123




(珠海) 0756-252 8888



(珠海) 0756-332 5114



(珠海) 0756-222 2569



(珠海) 0756-231 0190



(珠海) 0756-813 6023;

(珠海) 0756-813 6555



(橫琴) 0756-331 3273



(橫琴) 0756-331 3572





澳門元 (MOP)


1. 住院及膳食費用



2. 住院服務費



3. 麻醉師費用





中型: 750

小型: 375

4. 手術室費用

5. 外科手術費用



複雜: 10,000

大型: 5,000

中型: 2,500

小型: 1,250

6. 住院醫生巡房費用



7. 住院專科醫生費用*





二、門診費用                                                                                         澳門元

1. 西醫門診費用

限額: ( [1.] + [2.] + [3.] + [4.] 的最高賠償次數為每學年5次)



2. 中醫費用

3. 物理治療治療*

4. 專科門診費用*

(婦科、骨科/創傷科、 耳鼻喉科、 眼科及皮膚科之專科轉介信可被豁免)

5. 指定處方藥物費




6. 門診X光及化驗費用*





  1. 先天性異常(指出生時已存在之醫學性畸型)。
  2. 因戰爭、罷工、騷亂、革命或任何軍事活動所引致之疾病或損傷。
  3. 因參加非法活動而引起之損傷。
  4. 不論在神智清醒或精神錯亂下自殺、企圖自殺或自招之損傷。
  5. 不必要的醫療服務、僱員賠償條例或其他法例上可賠償之治療費用。
  6. 任何美容整型手術、矯視眼鏡/眼鏡、矯視手術、助聽器的檢查、購買或使用特殊支架、各項配置或裝置。
  7. 牙科護理及治療,因意外引起致牙齒損傷除外。
  8. 濫用藥或酒精中毒。
  9. 有關避孕、不育、懷孕或由懷孕而引致之治療或測試。
  10. 由精神病、心理、情緒、精神或行為的條件或障礙而引致之治療或測試。
  11. 實驗性質及非標準的醫學治療。
  12. 非因病理所需或意外所致之例行健康檢查、預防治療及藥物、防疫注射、純屬休養之治療及聘請特別護士之費用。
  13. 性病、後天缺乏免疫力症及其他後遺症。
  14. 直接或間接由參與各項危險活動或運動所致之受傷,如:滑翔、乘坐雪橇、越野障礙賽、搏擊、潛水、登山運動、攀石等。
  15. 由核武、核原料、電離輻射、核燃料或核廢料或燃燒核燃料的放射性污染所引致的疾病。
  16. 其他按保單條款內規定。


  1. 所有索償表格均可在學生資源處(學生活動中心E31,2007室)索取或於學生資源處網站下載。
  2. 一切賠償款項將根據有關主保單上的條文計算。
  3. 索償表格未完全填妥或未有提供足夠理賠資料,賠償處理可能會被延誤。
  4. 整個索償程式需時約4-6個星期,有關費用將以劃線支票支付。同學須擁有澳門任何一間銀行的澳門元帳戶。


  1. 填妥「醫療保險-住院及手術」索償表格,索償人及主診醫生需在適當位置填寫及簽署。
  2. 在出院後七十天內,索償人必須將此索償表格連同有關收據正本(須有醫院或門診醫生簽名及蓋章)提交予學生資源處處理,逾期無效。


  1. 向主診醫生索取列明以下資料的正式收據及疾病證明,並填妥索償表格。
  2. 專科門診/ 物理治療/ 脊椎治療 /處方藥物/ 門診X光及化驗服務,須附上主診醫生所簽發之轉介信。如屬同一病症,轉介信有效期為六個月。 如該病症需要覆診,請於每次賠償申請時,附上該轉介信的副本。
  3. 同學須在診治後七十天內把索償表格連同有關之正式收據及疾病證明正本交回學生資源處(學生活動中心E31,2007室),逾期無效。影印本皆不接納。


  1. 診症日期
  2. 診治病因及病症
  3. 診治方法
  4. 診治病人姓名
  5. 醫院或門診醫生簽名及蓋章


電話: 8822 9902 / 8822 9912
電郵: sao.services@um.edu.mo


Dear Students,

To align with the development of the University and provide better medical coverage, the University continues to provide a comprehensive medical insurance plan for all registered students that covers both in-patient and out-patient services. The insurance premium is MOP120 for the current academic year, while the related debit note will be issued on mid of September. Please review the following important details to ensure you are fully aware of the insurance coverage and claim procedures.


  • New Students: From the date of registration until July 31, 2025
  • Current Students: From August 01, 2024, to July 31, 2025


To further enhance service quality, the number of designated medical service providers has been increased from 07 to 14 and also extend to the below hospital in Zhuhai as well as Hengqin, offering more comprehensive medical coverage.



Medical Service Providers

Telephone Number

Existing Providers


Hospital Kiang Wu

(Macao) 2892 2822;

(Taipa) 8295 4001


Hospital Conde de São Januário (CHCSJ)

(Macao) 2831 3731


Centro Medico – Diagnostico Popular

(Macao) 2857 7790;

(Taipa) 2852 4468


Grupo Medico Hope

(Macao) 2858 9000;

(Taipa) 2883 6992


Policlinica Chan’s de Macau

(Macao) 2853 0556


Centro de Radiologia de Macau Lda.

(Macao) 2837 2283, 28526190


Medical Center of University of Macau

(Macao) 8822 4123

New Providers


The Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University

(Zhuhai) 0756-252 8888


Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine, Zhuhai

(Zhuhai) 0756-332 5114


Zhuhai People’s Hospital

(Zhuhai) 0756-222 2569


Zhuhai Center for Maternal and Child Health Care

(Zhuhai) 0756-231 0190


Zhuhai Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine

(Zhuhai) 0756-813 6023;

(Zhuhai) 0756-813 6555


Hengqin Branch of Zhuhai People’s Hospital

(Hengqin) 0756-331 3273


First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University Hengqin Hospital

(Hengqin) 0756-331 3572



Maximum Limit of Reimbursement



A.  Hospitalization Benefit 

1. Daily Room & Board

Limit per day

(Max. day per disability: 30)


2. Hospital Special Services

Limit per disability


3. Anesthetists’ Fees

Limit per disability (up to 30% of the reimbursable surgical fees)


Complex – 3,000

Major – 1,500

Intermediate – 750

Minor – 375


4. Operation Theatre Fees

5. Surgical Fees

Limit per disability

According to the Surgical Schedule of Asia Insurance Co., Ltd.,

Complex – 10,000

Major – 5,000

Intermediate – 2,500

Minor – 1,250

6. In-hospital Physician’s Visit

Limit per day

(Max. day per disability: 30)


7. In-hospital Specialist Consultation (*)

Limit Per disability



B. Out-patient Expenses  


1. Out-Patient Physician’s Visit

Per visit ( [1.] + [2.] + [3.] + [4.]: Max. 5 visits per academic year)

※Note: Max. 1 visit per day


2. Chinese Medicine / Bonesetter

3. Physiotherapist’s / Chiropractor’s Visit (*)

4. Specialist’s Consultation (*)

5. Prescription Medicine

(Outside Clinic) (*)

Max. limit per academic year


6. X-ray and Laboratory Test (*)

Max. limit per academic year


 ※Note: (*)Written referral from the attending physician is required. The relative referral letter and prescription for medicines should be submitted with claim document. For Specialist’s consultation, referral letter for Gynaecology, Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Otorhinolaryngology(ENT), Ophthalmology, and Dermatology is waived.


  1. Congenital abnormalities or defects existing at the time of birth or wherever to be diagnosed.
  2. Directly or indirectly as a result of disease or natural causes or from war (whether declared or not), strikes, riots, civil war, revolution or any warlike operations or join the military.
  3. Disabilities arising from the Insured Person’s offences or participation in any illegal acts (except traffic offences and pedestrian offences).
  4. Investigation and treatment of psychosis, psychological, emotional, mental or behavioral conditions or disorders; treatment of chronic alcoholism or drug abuse or any other complications arising therefrom; rest cures or convalescence; Suicide, attempted suicide or intentionally self-inflicted injury whether sane or insane.
  5. Eye refraction, fitting of glasses or surgical procedure for correction of eye refraction (except necessitated by accidental injuries or as a result of disease), examination for fitting of hearing aids, procurement or use of special braces, prosthetic appliances or equipment such as artificial limbs and cosmetic surgery or treatment for beautification purposes.
  6. Dental care and treatment including amalgam or composite fillings, orthodontics, (except necessitated by accidental injuries to sound natural teeth).
  7. Pregnancy, resulting childbirth, abortion, miscarriage or conditions resulting therefrom, genetic testing or counseling, artificial fertilization treatment or treatment related to birth control or infertility.
  8. Cost or expense of whatsoever nature arising out of daily room and board, accompany fee, SRN nursing care, meal fee, extra bed fee which are not medically necessary.
  9. Special nursing care, routine physical examinations, health checks or tests not incidental to treatment or diagnosis of a disability or any elective treatments or services which are not medically necessary for any preventive treatments, medicines or examinations (incl. CT, MRI, X-ray, Lab. Test etc.), vaccinations, immunizations, or vaccinations.
  10. Conditions related to sexually transmitted diseases, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or AIDS Related Complex (ARC).
  11. Disabilities arising from racing of any kind (except on foot racing), skydiving, mountain or rock climbing, professional sports, aviation or aeronautics (other than travelling as a fare-paying passenger in commercial airplanes).
  12. Treatment not by a registered doctor or legal operation hospital.
  13. Care or treatment for which payment is not required or is waived or is recoverable from a third party or under any other insurance including (without limitation) Employees’ Compensation Insurance.
  14. Experimental medical treatment which, at the time it is provided, is not considered safe, effective and appropriate for the injury or sickness, and is not accepted as standard treatment for the injury or sickness.
  15. Disabilities arising from nuclear weapons material, ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste or from the combustion of nuclear fuel. For the purpose of this Exclusion, combustion shall include any self-sustaining process of nuclear fission.
  16. Other as per Policy.


  1. The necessary medical claim forms required for filling the claims are readily available at the website of/and Student Resources Section (Student Activity Centre E31, Room 2007).
  2. Claim payment will be subjected to the terms and conditions set out in the corresponding master Policy.
  3. Incomplete form or omission of required information may cause delay in processing.
  4. The reimbursement of the claim takes around 4-6 weeks and it will be settled by account payee cheque. Students should have a bank account in any of the banks in Macao with the currency of “MOP”.

6. Hospitalization & Surgical Claim:

  1. A “Medical Insurance – Hospitalization & Surgical” claim form should be completed and signed by both claimant and attending doctor.
  2. The form and original official hospital invoice/ statement (with hospital or registered medical practitioner’s signature and chop) must be submitted to Student Resources Section within 70 days from the date of discharge from hospital. Otherwise, the claim shall be declined for reimbursement.

7. Out-patient Claim:

  1. Request for the original official receipt and medical report after each consultation. It must include the following information and complete the claim form,
  2. For Laboratory & X-Ray Tests/ Physiotherapist’s visit/ Chiropractor’s visit/ Specialist Consultation/ Prescription Medicine, a referral letter from attending Physician is required. The referral letter is valid for 6 months for same diagnosis. Should there be more than one claim for the same diagnosis; copy of the same referral letter should be attached together with each claim.
  3. Claim form, original official receipts, and medical report must be submitted to Student Resources Section within 70 days from the date of consultation. Otherwise, the claim shall be declined for reimbursement. No copy shall be entertained

Medical Report should include:

  1. Date of consultation
  2. Diagnosis
  3. Treatment
  4. Patient’s name
  5. Hospital or registered medical practitioner’s signature and chop

For any enquiries, please contact Mr. HO or Ms. NGAI

Phone: 8822 9902 / 8822 9912
Email: sao.services@um.edu.mo

Student Resources Section
Student Affairs Office

Academic Year 2024/2025 – Details of Student Medical Insurance Scheme2024-09-30T18:00:08+08:00
19 2024-08

Academic Year 2024/2025 – Student Medical Insurance Scheme, Waiver and Additional Benefits for Hospitalization (Application Period: 19-31 Aug)


Academic Year 2024/2025 – Student Medical Insurance Scheme

To be in line with the development of University, and to enhance students’ health awareness, as well as to provide better medical services and coverage, UM student medical insurance is mandatory for all registered students, except students who are approved for exemption.

For academic year 2024/2025, the insurance scheme period starts from 1 August 2024 to 31 July 2025 and covers out-patient visits and hospitalization benefits. The insurance premium is MOP120 , while the debit note will be issued in the mid of September.


2024/2025學年 – 學生醫療保險計劃



For more information about the UM Medical Insurance Scheme, please visit the below documents:


English version: Student medical scheme

Website 網站:https://srs.sao.um.edu.mo/medical-insurance/

For any enquiries, please contact Mr. Ho or Ms. Ngai.
Tel 電話: 8822 9902 / 8822 9912
Email 電郵: sao.services@um.edu.mo
Office 地址: Student Activity Centre (E31) Room 2007 學生中心 E31- 2007室

Thank you for your attention. 謝謝!

Student Resources Section │ Student Affairs Office
學生事務部 │學生資源處

Academic Year 2024/2025 – Application for Student Medical Insurance Exemption

Students who meet one of the criterions in the UM Student Medical Insurance Fee Waiver Guidelines (Attachment #1) can apply for exemption from UM Student Medical Insurance Scheme for AY2024/2025. Upon approval, students are exempted to pay the medical insurance fee. Results will be announced by September.

Apply for exemption:

Application period: 19 – 31 August 2024 (Late application will not be accepted)

Application link: https://go.um.edu.mo/wjbvg27s (available from 19 – 31 August 2024)

Required documents:
1. Declaration of Medical Insurance Exemption (Attachment #2);
2. Proof of exemption criteria, such as:
– Insurance plan with hospitalization coverage in Macao (coverage period: 1 August 2024 – 31 July 2025)
– Acesso a Cuidados de Saúde (衞生護理證)
– Oral defense date confirmation (for postgraduate students)
– Out-going exchange period confirmation

2024/2025學年 – 學生醫療保險豁免申請




申請連結:https://go.um.edu.mo/wjbvg27s(連結有效期: 2024年8月19日至31日)

1. 醫療保險豁免聲明書 (附件#2)
2. 豁免憑證,如:
– 自行購買的保險計劃,必須包括澳門的住院醫療保障(保障期必須包括2024年8月1日至2025年7月31日)
– 衞生護理證
– 論文的答辨時間證明 (研究生)
– 參加交流計劃證明

Attachment 附件:
1. Medical Insurance Fee Waiver Guidelines 醫療保險豁免規定 

2. Declaration of Medical Insurance Exemption 醫療保險豁免聲明書

For any enquiries, please contact Mr. Ho or Ms. Ngai.
Tel 電話: 8822 9902 / 8822 9912
Email 電郵: sao.services@um.edu.mo
Office 地址: Student Activity Centre (E31) Room 2007 學生中心 E31- 2007室

Thank you for your attention. 謝謝!

Student Resources Section │ Student Affairs Office
學生事務部 │學生資源處

Academic Year 2024/2025 – Voluntary Top-up Benefits for Hospitalization

Pay an annual premium MOP170, Hospitalization benefits will be upgraded to (Leaflet link)

Application period: 19 – 31 Aug 2024 (Late application will not be accepted)


  1. complete the application form;
  2. settle the payment via the designed bank (EASY TRANSFER is recommended) ;
  3. email the signed application form together with the payment evidence (ex. bank slip/ transaction print screen) to medical@asiainsurance.com.mo
  • Bank: Tai Fung Bank Limited
  • Account No: 201-1-08629-9
  • Credit to: Asia Insurance Co., Lid.


2024/2025學年 – 自願性住院福利提升計劃

繳納年費澳門元170,住院醫療保險計劃可升級至 (小冊子連結)

申請期: 2024年8 月19-31日(不接受逾期申請)


  1. 填妥 申請表;
  2. 通過以下指定銀行繳納費用 (建議使用過數易) ;
  3. 電郵已簽署的申請表連同入帳通知書(銀行單據/交易記錄截圖) 致 medical@asiainsurance.com.mo
  • 銀行: 大豐銀行股份有限公司
  • 帳戶編號: 201-1-08629-9
  • 收款抬頭: 亞洲保險有限公司

For any enquiries, please contact Mr. Ho or Ms. Ngai.
Tel 電話: 8822 9902 / 8822 9912
Email 電郵: sao.services@um.edu.mo
Office 地址: Student Activity Centre (E31) Room 2007 學生中心 E31- 2007室

Thank you for your attention. 謝謝!

Student Resources Section │ Student Affairs Office
學生事務部 │學生資源處

Academic Year 2024/2025 – Voluntary Top-up Benefits for Student Personal Accident Insurance

In order to provide better coverage to all registered students, especially the sport team members who represent the University in various high-risk sport competitions, starting from AY 2023/2024. we are pleased to launch the Voluptuary Top-up Benefits for Student Personal Accident Insurance.  

For those registered students who get injured when participating in the activities organized by the University, they are eligible to apply for Personal Insurance Accident. Previously the maximum amount of accidental medical expense is MOP10,000. By joining the voluntary top-up benefit, the maximum amount of accident medical expense would double up to MOP20,000 or even MOP50,000.


  • Plan 1 – Accidental Death & Disablement MOP500,000, Accidental Medical Expense MOP20,000
  • Plan 2 – Accidental Death & Disablement MOP500,000, Accidental Medical Expense MOP50,000


  • Plan 1 – MOP70/academic year (1 Aug 2024 – 31 Jul 2025)
  • Plan 2 – MOP143/academic year (1 Aug 2024 – 31 Jul 2025)

Application period: 19 – 31 Aug 2024 (Late application will not be accepted)


  1. complete the application form PA
  2. settle the payment via the designed bank (EASY TRANSFER is recommended) ;
  3. email the signed application form together with the payment evidence (ex. bank slip/ transaction print screen) to Macau.Info@bhspecialty.com
  • Bank: The Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp. Limited, Sucursal de Macau
  • Account No: 001-588219-091 
  • Credit to: Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance Company 


2024/2025學年 – 自願性學生個人意外保險福利提升計劃


若註冊學生在參加學校組織的活動時受傷,可以申請學生個人意外保險。 現行因意外所構成的醫療費用的最高賠償限額為澳門元10,000。 倘加入自願性學生個人意外保險福利提升計劃後,因意外所構成的醫療費用的最高賠償限額為將增加至澳門元20,000或甚至澳門元50,000。


  • 計劃 1 – 意外死亡 & 傷殘 澳門元500,000, 因意外所構成的醫療費用 澳門元20,000
  • 計劃 2 – 意外死亡 & 傷殘 澳門元500,000, 因意外所構成的醫療費用 澳門元50,000


  • 計劃 1 – 澳門元70/學年 (2024年8月1日 – 2025年7月31日)
  • 計劃 2 – 澳門元143/學年 (2024年8月1日 – 2025年7月31日)

申請期: 2024年8 月19-31日(不接受逾期申請)


  1. 填妥 申請表;
  2. 通過以下指定銀行繳納費用 (建議使用過數易) ;
  3. 電郵已簽署的申請表連同入帳通知書(銀行單據/交易記錄截圖) 致Macau.Info@bhspecialty.com
  • 銀行: 香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司(澳門分行)
  • 帳戶編號: 001-588219-091 
  • 收款抬頭: 巴郡保險公司

For any enquiries, please contact Mr. Ho or Ms. Ngai.
Tel 電話: 8822 9902 / 8822 9912
Email 電郵: sao.services@um.edu.mo
Office 地址: Student Activity Centre (E31) Room 2007 學生中心 E31- 2007室

Thank you for your attention. 謝謝!

Student Resources Section │ Student Affairs Office
學生事務部 │學生資源處

Academic Year 2024/2025 – Student Medical Insurance Scheme, Waiver and Additional Benefits for Hospitalization (Application Period: 19-31 Aug)2024-09-01T01:00:07+08:00
19 2024-08

Academic Year 2024/2025 – Student Medical Insurance Scheme, Waiver and Additional Benefits for Hospitalization (Application Period: 19-31 Aug)


Academic Year 2024/2025 – Student Medical Insurance Scheme

To be in line with the development of University, and to enhance students’ health awareness, as well as to provide better medical services and coverage, UM student medical insurance is mandatory for all registered students, except students who are approved for exemption.

For academic year 2024/2025, the insurance scheme period starts from 1 August 2024 to 31 July 2025 and covers out-patient visits and hospitalization benefits. The insurance premium is MOP120 , while the debit note will be issued in the mid of September.


2024/2025學年 – 學生醫療保險計劃



For more information about the UM Medical Insurance Scheme, please visit the below documents:


English version: Student medical scheme

Website 網站:https://srs.sao.um.edu.mo/medical-insurance/

For any enquiries, please contact Mr. Ho or Ms. Ngai.
Tel 電話: 8822 9902 / 8822 9912
Email 電郵: sao.services@um.edu.mo
Office 地址: Student Activity Centre (E31) Room 2007 學生中心 E31- 2007室

Thank you for your attention. 謝謝!

Student Resources Section │ Student Affairs Office
學生事務部 │學生資源處

Academic Year 2024/2025 – Application for Student Medical Insurance Exemption

Students who meet one of the criterions in the UM Student Medical Insurance Fee Waiver Guidelines (Attachment #1) can apply for exemption from UM Student Medical Insurance Scheme for AY2024/2025. Upon approval, students are exempted to pay the medical insurance fee. Results will be announced by September.

Apply for exemption:

Application period: 19 – 31 August 2024 (Late application will not be accepted)

Application link: https://go.um.edu.mo/wjbvg27s (available from 19 – 31 August 2024)

Required documents:
1. Declaration of Medical Insurance Exemption (Attachment #2);
2. Proof of exemption criteria, such as:
– Insurance plan with hospitalization coverage in Macao (coverage period: 1 August 2024 – 31 July 2025)
– Acesso a Cuidados de Saúde (衞生護理證)
– Oral defense date confirmation (for postgraduate students)
– Out-going exchange period confirmation

2024/2025學年 – 學生醫療保險豁免申請




申請連結:https://go.um.edu.mo/wjbvg27s(連結有效期: 2024年8月19日至31日)

1. 醫療保險豁免聲明書 (附件#2)
2. 豁免憑證,如:
– 自行購買的保險計劃,必須包括澳門的住院醫療保障(保障期必須包括2024年8月1日至2025年7月31日)
– 衞生護理證
– 論文的答辨時間證明 (研究生)
– 參加交流計劃證明

Attachment 附件:
1. Medical Insurance Fee Waiver Guidelines 醫療保險豁免規定 

2. Declaration of Medical Insurance Exemption 醫療保險豁免聲明書

For any enquiries, please contact Mr. Ho or Ms. Ngai.
Tel 電話: 8822 9902 / 8822 9912
Email 電郵: sao.services@um.edu.mo
Office 地址: Student Activity Centre (E31) Room 2007 學生中心 E31- 2007室

Thank you for your attention. 謝謝!

Student Resources Section │ Student Affairs Office
學生事務部 │學生資源處

Academic Year 2024/2025 – Voluntary Top-up Benefits for Hospitalization

Pay an annual premium MOP170, Hospitalization benefits will be upgraded to (Leaflet link)

Application period: 19 – 31 Aug 2024 (Late application will not be accepted)


  1. complete the application form;
  2. settle the payment via the designed bank (EASY TRANSFER is recommended) ;
  3. email the signed application form together with the payment evidence (ex. bank slip/ transaction print screen) to medical@asiainsurance.com.mo
  • Bank: Tai Fung Bank Limited
  • Account No: 201-1-08629-9
  • Credit to: Asia Insurance Co., Lid.


2024/2025學年 – 自願性住院福利提升計劃

繳納年費澳門元170,住院醫療保險計劃可升級至 (小冊子連結)

申請期: 2024年8 月19-31日(不接受逾期申請)


  1. 填妥 申請表;
  2. 通過以下指定銀行繳納費用 (建議使用過數易) ;
  3. 電郵已簽署的申請表連同入帳通知書(銀行單據/交易記錄截圖) 致 medical@asiainsurance.com.mo
  • 銀行: 大豐銀行股份有限公司
  • 帳戶編號: 201-1-08629-9
  • 收款抬頭: 亞洲保險有限公司

For any enquiries, please contact Mr. Ho or Ms. Ngai.
Tel 電話: 8822 9902 / 8822 9912
Email 電郵: sao.services@um.edu.mo
Office 地址: Student Activity Centre (E31) Room 2007 學生中心 E31- 2007室

Thank you for your attention. 謝謝!

Student Resources Section │ Student Affairs Office
學生事務部 │學生資源處

Academic Year 2024/2025 – Voluntary Top-up Benefits for Student Personal Accident Insurance

In order to provide better coverage to all registered students, especially the sport team members who represent the University in various high-risk sport competitions, starting from AY 2023/2024. we are pleased to launch the Voluptuary Top-up Benefits for Student Personal Accident Insurance.  

For those registered students who get injured when participating in the activities organized by the University, they are eligible to apply for Personal Insurance Accident. Previously the maximum amount of accidental medical expense is MOP10,000. By joining the voluntary top-up benefit, the maximum amount of accident medical expense would double up to MOP20,000 or even MOP50,000.


  • Plan 1 – Accidental Death & Disablement MOP500,000, Accidental Medical Expense MOP20,000
  • Plan 2 – Accidental Death & Disablement MOP500,000, Accidental Medical Expense MOP50,000


  • Plan 1 – MOP70/academic year (1 Aug 2024 – 31 Jul 2025)
  • Plan 2 – MOP143/academic year (1 Aug 2024 – 31 Jul 2025)

Application period: 19 – 31 Aug 2024 (Late application will not be accepted)


  1. complete the application form PA
  2. settle the payment via the designed bank (EASY TRANSFER is recommended) ;
  3. email the signed application form together with the payment evidence (ex. bank slip/ transaction print screen) to Macau.Info@bhspecialty.com
  • Bank: The Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp. Limited, Sucursal de Macau
  • Account No: 001-588219-091 
  • Credit to: Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance Company 


2024/2025學年 – 自願性學生個人意外保險福利提升計劃


若註冊學生在參加學校組織的活動時受傷,可以申請學生個人意外保險。 現行因意外所構成的醫療費用的最高賠償限額為澳門元10,000。 倘加入自願性學生個人意外保險福利提升計劃後,因意外所構成的醫療費用的最高賠償限額為將增加至澳門元20,000或甚至澳門元50,000。


  • 計劃 1 – 意外死亡 & 傷殘 澳門元500,000, 因意外所構成的醫療費用 澳門元20,000
  • 計劃 2 – 意外死亡 & 傷殘 澳門元500,000, 因意外所構成的醫療費用 澳門元50,000


  • 計劃 1 – 澳門元70/學年 (2024年8月1日 – 2025年7月31日)
  • 計劃 2 – 澳門元143/學年 (2024年8月1日 – 2025年7月31日)

申請期: 2024年8 月19-31日(不接受逾期申請)


  1. 填妥 申請表;
  2. 通過以下指定銀行繳納費用 (建議使用過數易) ;
  3. 電郵已簽署的申請表連同入帳通知書(銀行單據/交易記錄截圖) 致Macau.Info@bhspecialty.com
  • 銀行: 香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司(澳門分行)
  • 帳戶編號: 001-588219-091 
  • 收款抬頭: 巴郡保險公司

For any enquiries, please contact Mr. Ho or Ms. Ngai.
Tel 電話: 8822 9902 / 8822 9912
Email 電郵: sao.services@um.edu.mo
Office 地址: Student Activity Centre (E31) Room 2007 學生中心 E31- 2007室

Thank you for your attention. 謝謝!

Student Resources Section │ Student Affairs Office
學生事務部 │學生資源處

Academic Year 2024/2025 – Student Medical Insurance Scheme, Waiver and Additional Benefits for Hospitalization (Application Period: 19-31 Aug)2024-08-19T11:43:59+08:00
2 2024-08

Reminder : The Importance of Renewing Stay Permit for Non-Local Students



根據澳門法律,所有非本地學生必需辦理「逗留特別許可」(以下簡稱「特逗」),否則將觸犯法律而引致逾期居留,後果相當嚴重 (最嚴重者將被驅逐出境并禁止兩年內不能到訪澳門),故尚未辦理續期的同學請攜帶往來港澳通行證之正本立刻前往以下任一地點辦理。

另外;已獲批「逗留特別許可」的同學必須於指定限期內攜帶有效之往來港澳通行證或其他旅遊證件前往以下任一地點領取逗留許可憑條方為完成整個申請程續。如欲了解相關申請進度,請瀏覽其網上系統 https://www.fsm.gov.mo/psp/smgquerysystem/crec.aspx


(1) 北安出入境事務大樓正門 (辦公時間)

(2) 北安出入境事務大樓側門 (24小時) 

(3) 澳門政府綜合服務大樓-政府24小時自助服務中心

(4) 離島政府綜合服務中心-政府24小時自助服務中心

(5) 關閘出入境事務站入境大堂出口處

(6) 新口岸警司處分站(24小時)

(7) 路環警司處澳門大學分站(24小時)

(8) 筷子基-政府24小時自助服務中心

(9) 湖畔-政府24小時自助服務中心

(10) 橫琴口岸澳門口岸區出入境事務站(24小時)

(11) 中華廣場-政府24小時自助服務中心氹仔警司處(24小時)

(12) 離島市民服務中心-石排灣分站政府24小時自助服務中心

(13) 二龍喉-政府24小時自助服務中心



同學A是一位大四學生並將於年內畢業。然而,他未於「特逗」有效期前辦理續期。當時他因逾期16日未辦續期故被科處罰款8,000澳門元 (逾期罰款科以每日500澳門元),但該同學於稍後時間再次忘記辦理續期。故此治安警察局將同學A視為非法移民並於一年內禁止入境。


a. 有效之個人旅遊證件正本(包括資料頁)
b. 「逗留許可憑條」正本

a. 有效之往來港澳通行證正本
b. 「逗留許可憑條」正本







(853) 2872 5488 


(853) 8897 0300






09:00 – 17:45
09:00 – 17:30




Dear Students,

In accordance with the Macau Law, all non-local students must apply for a stay permit. Failing to comply with this requirement will result in violation of the law and serious consequence (The violator may be expelled from Macao and prohibited to enter Macao again within two years). For those students who have not completed the renewal procedure, please approach to any of the following location by presenting the original “Two-way Exit Permit” for travelling to and from HK and Macau” to complete it as soon as possible.

In addition, those students who are granted “Special Authorization to Stay” MUST approach to any of the following location to collect the slip of “Special Authorization to Stay” for completing the whole application procedure. For more details progress of application , please visit the online system https://www.fsm.gov.mo/psp/smgquerysystem/crec.aspx 


(1) Exit at the Arrival Hall of the Border Gate Checkpoint

(2) Edifico China Plaza-Centro de Servicos de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo

(3) Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo da RAEM das Ilhas

(4) Checkpoint of Macao Port Zone of Hengqin Port Subdivision (24 hours)

(5) University of Macao Police Station of Coloane Subdivision (24 hours)

(6) Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo no Centro de Serviocs da RAEM

(7) Fai Chi Kei-Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo

(8) Flora-Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo 

(9) Police Station of ZAPE Subdivision (24 hours)

(10) Edificio de Servicos de Migracao em Pac On-Porta Principal (Office hour)

(11) Edificio de Servicos de Migracao em Pac On-Porta Lateral (24 hours)

(12) Edif. do Largo-Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo 

(13) Centro de Prestacao de Servicos ao Publico das Ilhas-Posto de Seac Pai Van-Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo 


Below is a real case:

Student A is a senior student and will graduate within a year. He forgot to renew the stay permit and expired for 16 days. As such, he is requested to pay for the penalty MOP8,000 (MOP500 per overdue day). However, he forgot to renew the stay permit before the valid due date again. As such, he was regarded as an illegal immigrant and refused to entry Macao for one year.

If you fail to renew the stay permit, the case mentioned above may come to you!
The following documents are required for stay permit renewal:
(1) (For non-local students, except Mainland China students)
a. Original valid travel document
b. Original “Slip of Authorization to Stay” 

(2) (For Mainland China students ONLY)
a. Original valid “Two-way Exit Permit” for travelling to and from HK and Macau”
b. Original “Slip of Authorization to Stay” 

Always keep your eyes on the valid date of the stay permit and renew it before the expiry date!!


Macau Public Security Police Force Immigration Service


 Edf. do Serviço de Migração Travessa Um do Cais de Pac On, Taipa, Macau


(853) 2872 5488


(853) 8897 0300




Office Hour:

Monday to Thrursday

09:00 – 17:45
09:00 – 17:30

(Note:No break at lunch hour)


Student Resources Section
Student Affairs Office

Reminder : The Importance of Renewing Stay Permit for Non-Local Students2024-11-27T23:59:58+08:00
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