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1 2024-07

Reminder : The Importance of Renewing Stay Permit for Non-Local Students



根據澳門法律,所有非本地學生必需辦理「逗留特別許可」(以下簡稱「特逗」),否則將觸犯法律而引致逾期居留,後果相當嚴重 (最嚴重者將被驅逐出境并禁止兩年內不能到訪澳門),故尚未辦理續期的同學請攜帶往來港澳通行證之正本立刻前往以下任一地點辦理。

另外;已獲批「逗留特別許可」的同學必須於指定限期內攜帶有效之往來港澳通行證或其他旅遊證件前往以下任一地點領取逗留許可憑條方為完成整個申請程續。如欲了解相關申請進度,請瀏覽其網上系統 https://www.fsm.gov.mo/psp/smgquerysystem/crec.aspx


(1) 北安出入境事務大樓正門 (辦公時間)

(2) 北安出入境事務大樓側門 (24小時) 

(3) 澳門政府綜合服務大樓-政府24小時自助服務中心

(4) 離島政府綜合服務中心-政府24小時自助服務中心

(5) 關閘出入境事務站入境大堂出口處

(6) 新口岸警司處分站(24小時)

(7) 路環警司處澳門大學分站(24小時)

(8) 筷子基-政府24小時自助服務中心

(9) 湖畔-政府24小時自助服務中心

(10) 橫琴口岸澳門口岸區出入境事務站(24小時)

(11) 中華廣場-政府24小時自助服務中心氹仔警司處(24小時)

(12) 離島市民服務中心-石排灣分站政府24小時自助服務中心

(13) 二龍喉-政府24小時自助服務中心



同學A是一位大四學生並將於年內畢業。然而,他未於「特逗」有效期前辦理續期。當時他因逾期16日未辦續期故被科處罰款8,000澳門元 (逾期罰款科以每日500澳門元),但該同學於稍後時間再次忘記辦理續期。故此治安警察局將同學A視為非法移民並於一年內禁止入境。


a. 有效之個人旅遊證件正本(包括資料頁)
b. 「逗留許可憑條」正本

a. 有效之往來港澳通行證正本
b. 「逗留許可憑條」正本







(853) 2872 5488 


(853) 8897 0300






09:00 – 17:45
09:00 – 17:30




Dear Students,

In accordance with the Macau Law, all non-local students must apply for a stay permit. Failing to comply with this requirement will result in violation of the law and serious consequence (The violator may be expelled from Macao and prohibited to enter Macao again within two years). For those students who have not completed the renewal procedure, please approach to any of the following location by presenting the original “Two-way Exit Permit” for travelling to and from HK and Macau” to complete it as soon as possible.

In addition, those students who are granted “Special Authorization to Stay” MUST approach to any of the following location to collect the slip of “Special Authorization to Stay” for completing the whole application procedure. For more details progress of application , please visit the online system https://www.fsm.gov.mo/psp/smgquerysystem/crec.aspx 


(1) Exit at the Arrival Hall of the Border Gate Checkpoint

(2) Edifico China Plaza-Centro de Servicos de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo

(3) Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo da RAEM das Ilhas

(4) Checkpoint of Macao Port Zone of Hengqin Port Subdivision (24 hours)

(5) University of Macao Police Station of Coloane Subdivision (24 hours)

(6) Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo no Centro de Serviocs da RAEM

(7) Fai Chi Kei-Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo

(8) Flora-Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo 

(9) Police Station of ZAPE Subdivision (24 hours)

(10) Edificio de Servicos de Migracao em Pac On-Porta Principal (Office hour)

(11) Edificio de Servicos de Migracao em Pac On-Porta Lateral (24 hours)

(12) Edif. do Largo-Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo 

(13) Centro de Prestacao de Servicos ao Publico das Ilhas-Posto de Seac Pai Van-Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo 


Below is a real case:

Student A is a senior student and will graduate within a year. He forgot to renew the stay permit and expired for 16 days. As such, he is requested to pay for the penalty MOP8,000 (MOP500 per overdue day). However, he forgot to renew the stay permit before the valid due date again. As such, he was regarded as an illegal immigrant and refused to entry Macao for one year.

If you fail to renew the stay permit, the case mentioned above may come to you!
The following documents are required for stay permit renewal:
(1) (For non-local students, except Mainland China students)
a. Original valid travel document
b. Original “Slip of Authorization to Stay” 

(2) (For Mainland China students ONLY)
a. Original valid “Two-way Exit Permit” for travelling to and from HK and Macau”
b. Original “Slip of Authorization to Stay” 

Always keep your eyes on the valid date of the stay permit and renew it before the expiry date!!


Macau Public Security Police Force Immigration Service


 Edf. do Serviço de Migração Travessa Um do Cais de Pac On, Taipa, Macau


(853) 2872 5488


(853) 8897 0300




Office Hour:

Monday to Thrursday

09:00 – 17:45
09:00 – 17:30

(Note:No break at lunch hour)


Student Resources Section
Student Affairs Office

Reminder : The Importance of Renewing Stay Permit for Non-Local Students2024-07-31T18:00:59+08:00
25 2024-06

[Duplicated] Reminder : Locker Clearing of AY2023/2024 (Deadline: 30 June)




若學生在清理儲物箱的最後期限仍未清理儲物箱內的物件及拿走其扣鎖時,儲物箱內物件將由本校處理 (食物或飲料將會被立刻棄置);學生亦須繳付處理費100澳門元。

另外,根據<<儲物箱租借須知 2023>>:


如有垂詢,可透過電郵 duncanho@um.edu.mo 或於辦工時間內致電 8822 9902 與何先生聯絡。


學生事務部 │ 學生資源處

To: Locker Users

We would like to remind you that the deadline of locker clearing is 30 June. Please make sure to clear up your locker and take away the padlock on or before that date.

According to Rule No. 5 of “Rules for Locker Rental”:
If a student does not clear the locker and take away the padlock by the deadline of locker clearing, the properties inside the locker will be handled by the University (food or beverage will be disposed immediately) and a handling fee of MOP100 will be charged to the student.

Also, according to “Locker Rental Information 2023”:
Items in the lockers will be removed and kept in SAO’s storeroom until 30 June 2025, while UM shall not be held responsible for any of the lost or damage occurred herein. UM shall dispose them without further notice if students fail to collect them by the deadline.

For the Rules for Locker Rental and Locker Rental Information 2023, you may refer to the link below:

Should you have any queries, you may contact Mr. Ho by email: duncanho@um.edu.mo or Tel: 8822 9902 during office hours.

Thank you for your attention.

Student Resources Section │ Student Affairs Office

[Duplicated] Reminder : Locker Clearing of AY2023/2024 (Deadline: 30 June)2024-06-30T23:59:34+08:00
17 2024-06

Reminder : The Importance of Renewing Stay Permit for Non-Local Students



根據澳門法律,所有非本地學生必需辦理「逗留特別許可」(以下簡稱「特逗」),否則將觸犯法律而引致逾期居留,後果相當嚴重 (最嚴重者將被驅逐出境并禁止兩年內不能到訪澳門),故尚未辦理續期的同學請攜帶往來港澳通行證之正本立刻前往以下任一地點辦理。

另外;已獲批「逗留特別許可」的同學必須於指定限期內攜帶有效之往來港澳通行證或其他旅遊證件前往以下任一地點領取逗留許可憑條方為完成整個申請程續。如欲了解相關申請進度,請瀏覽其網上系統 https://www.fsm.gov.mo/psp/smgquerysystem/crec.aspx


(1) 北安出入境事務大樓正門 (辦公時間)

(2) 北安出入境事務大樓側門 (24小時) 

(3) 澳門政府綜合服務大樓-政府24小時自助服務中心

(4) 離島政府綜合服務中心-政府24小時自助服務中心

(5) 關閘出入境事務站入境大堂出口處

(6) 新口岸警司處分站(24小時)

(7) 路環警司處澳門大學分站(24小時)

(8) 筷子基-政府24小時自助服務中心

(9) 湖畔-政府24小時自助服務中心

(10) 橫琴口岸澳門口岸區出入境事務站(24小時)

(11) 中華廣場-政府24小時自助服務中心氹仔警司處(24小時)

(12) 離島市民服務中心-石排灣分站政府24小時自助服務中心

(13) 二龍喉-政府24小時自助服務中心



同學A是一位大四學生並將於年內畢業。然而,他未於「特逗」有效期前辦理續期。當時他因逾期16日未辦續期故被科處罰款8,000澳門元 (逾期罰款科以每日500澳門元),但該同學於稍後時間再次忘記辦理續期。故此治安警察局將同學A視為非法移民並於一年內禁止入境。


a. 有效之個人旅遊證件正本(包括資料頁)
b. 「逗留許可憑條」正本

a. 有效之往來港澳通行證正本
b. 「逗留許可憑條」正本







(853) 2872 5488 


(853) 8897 0300






09:00 – 17:45
09:00 – 17:30




Dear Students,

In accordance with the Macau Law, all non-local students must apply for a stay permit. Failing to comply with this requirement will result in violation of the law and serious consequence (The violator may be expelled from Macao and prohibited to enter Macao again within two years). For those students who have not completed the renewal procedure, please approach to any of the following location by presenting the original “Two-way Exit Permit” for travelling to and from HK and Macau” to complete it as soon as possible.

In addition, those students who are granted “Special Authorization to Stay” MUST approach to any of the following location to collect the slip of “Special Authorization to Stay” for completing the whole application procedure. For more details progress of application , please visit the online system https://www.fsm.gov.mo/psp/smgquerysystem/crec.aspx 


(1) Exit at the Arrival Hall of the Border Gate Checkpoint

(2) Edifico China Plaza-Centro de Servicos de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo

(3) Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo da RAEM das Ilhas

(4) Checkpoint of Macao Port Zone of Hengqin Port Subdivision (24 hours)

(5) University of Macao Police Station of Coloane Subdivision (24 hours)

(6) Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo no Centro de Serviocs da RAEM

(7) Fai Chi Kei-Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo

(8) Flora-Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo 

(9) Police Station of ZAPE Subdivision (24 hours)

(10) Edificio de Servicos de Migracao em Pac On-Porta Principal (Office hour)

(11) Edificio de Servicos de Migracao em Pac On-Porta Lateral (24 hours)

(12) Edif. do Largo-Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo 

(13) Centro de Prestacao de Servicos ao Publico das Ilhas-Posto de Seac Pai Van-Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo 


Below is a real case:

Student A is a senior student and will graduate within a year. He forgot to renew the stay permit and expired for 16 days. As such, he is requested to pay for the penalty MOP8,000 (MOP500 per overdue day). However, he forgot to renew the stay permit before the valid due date again. As such, he was regarded as an illegal immigrant and refused to entry Macao for one year.

If you fail to renew the stay permit, the case mentioned above may come to you!
The following documents are required for stay permit renewal:
(1) (For non-local students, except Mainland China students)
a. Original valid travel document
b. Original “Slip of Authorization to Stay” 

(2) (For Mainland China students ONLY)
a. Original valid “Two-way Exit Permit” for travelling to and from HK and Macau”
b. Original “Slip of Authorization to Stay” 

Always keep your eyes on the valid date of the stay permit and renew it before the expiry date!!


Macau Public Security Police Force Immigration Service


 Edf. do Serviço de Migração Travessa Um do Cais de Pac On, Taipa, Macau


(853) 2872 5488


(853) 8897 0300




Office Hour:

Monday to Thrursday

09:00 – 17:45
09:00 – 17:30

(Note:No break at lunch hour)


Student Resources Section
Student Affairs Office

Reminder : The Importance of Renewing Stay Permit for Non-Local Students2024-06-30T18:00:34+08:00
13 2024-06

Reminder : Locker Clearing of AY2023/2024 (Deadline: 30 June)




若學生在清理儲物箱的最後期限仍未清理儲物箱內的物件及拿走其扣鎖時,儲物箱內物件將由本校處理 (食物或飲料將會被立刻棄置);學生亦須繳付處理費100澳門元。

另外,根據<<儲物箱租借須知 2023>>:


如有垂詢,可透過電郵 duncanho@um.edu.mo 或於辦工時間內致電 8822 9902 與何先生聯絡。


學生事務部 │ 學生資源處

To: Locker Users

We would like to remind you that the deadline of locker clearing is 30 June. Please make sure to clear up your locker and take away the padlock on or before that date.

According to Rule No. 5 of “Rules for Locker Rental”:
If a student does not clear the locker and take away the padlock by the deadline of locker clearing, the properties inside the locker will be handled by the University (food or beverage will be disposed immediately) and a handling fee of MOP100 will be charged to the student.

Also, according to “Locker Rental Information 2023”:
Items in the lockers will be removed and kept in SAO’s storeroom until 30 June 2025, while UM shall not be held responsible for any of the lost or damage occurred herein. UM shall dispose them without further notice if students fail to collect them by the deadline.

For the Rules for Locker Rental and Locker Rental Information 2023, you may refer to the link below:

Should you have any queries, you may contact Mr. Ho by email: duncanho@um.edu.mo or Tel: 8822 9902 during office hours.

Thank you for your attention.

Student Resources Section │ Student Affairs Office

Reminder : Locker Clearing of AY2023/2024 (Deadline: 30 June)2024-06-30T23:59:35+08:00
12 2024-06

UM won “GEG Macau Cup – the 16th Youth National Education Competition”


UM won “GEG Macau Cup – the 16th Youth National Education Competition”2024-07-31T23:59:01+08:00
10 2024-05

Reminder : Update / Terminate “Special Authorization to Stay” for Non-local Graduate Students (Change of Degree Programmes)






學生資源處將於新學年開學後統一安排所有非本地新生 (包括完成任何學位課程後,繼續升讀本校其他學位課程的學生)前往出入境事務大樓辦理首次「逗留特別許可」的申請,請務必留意相關校內學生電子公告欄及學生郵箱有關「逗留特別許可」的通知及公告。







(853) 2872 5488 


(853) 8897 0300






09:00 – 17:45
09:00 – 17:30






Dear Students,


In accordance with the Macao Law, for those graduated students who plan to pursue another degree programmes in Macao, you are required to terminate the original “Special Authorization to Stay” and re-apply for it by using the new degree programmes identity. Therefore, please approach to the Macao Immigration Building for terminating the “Special Authorization to Stay” before the expiration date. If you would like to extend the limit of stay in Macao, please apply for the ordinary “Authorization to Stay” on the same day after terminating the original “Special Authorization to Stay” in order to avoid overstaying in Macao.


Student Resources Section (SRS) will arrange the first time application for “Special Authorization to Stay” to all non-local freshmen (including those graduated students who pursing the new degree programmes) on the commencement of new academic year, please stay tune with the relevant information to be released via student e-bulletin and e-mail.

Caution: In accordance with the Macao Law, all non-local students MUST obtained the “Special Authorization to Stay”. Failing to comply with this requirement will result in violation of the law and serious consequence.


Residence and Stay Affairs Department of Macao Public Security Police Force


 Immigration Building of the Public Security Police Force, Travessa Um do Casis de Pac On, Taipa, Macao


(853) 2872 5488


(853) 8897 0300




Office Hour:

Monday to Thrursday

09:00 – 17:45
09:00 – 17:30

(Note:No break at lunch hour)


Thank you for your attention!


Student Resources Section
Student Affairs Office

Reminder : Update / Terminate “Special Authorization to Stay” for Non-local Graduate Students (Change of Degree Programmes)2024-06-30T18:00:34+08:00
8 2024-05

Reminder : Locker Clearing of AY2023/2024 (Deadline: 30 June)




若學生在清理儲物箱的最後期限仍未清理儲物箱內的物件及拿走其扣鎖時,儲物箱內物件將由本校處理 (食物或飲料將會被立刻棄置);學生亦須繳付處理費澳門元100。

另外,根據<<儲物箱租借須知 2023>>:


如有垂詢,可透過電郵 duncanho@um.edu.mo 或於辦工時間內致電 8822-9902 與何先生聯絡。


學生事務部 │ 學生資源處

To: Locker Users

We would like to remind you that the deadline of locker clearing is 30 June. Please make sure to clear up your locker and take away the padlock on or before that date.

According to Rule No. 5 of “Rules for Locker Rental”:
If a student does not clear the locker and take away the padlock by the deadline of locker clearing, the properties inside the locker will be handled by the University (food or beverage will be disposed immediately) and a handling fee of MOP100 will be charged to the student.

Also, according to “Locker Rental Information 2023”:
Items in the lockers will be removed and kept in SAO’s storeroom until 30 June 2025, while UM shall not be held responsible for any of the lost or damage occurred herein. UM shall dispose them without further notice if students fail to collect them by the deadline.

For the Rules for Locker Rental and Locker Rental Information 2023, you may refer to the link below:

Should you have any queries, you may contact Mr. Ho by email: duncanho@um.edu.mo or Tel: 8822-9902 during office hours.

Thank you for your attention.

Student Resources Section │ Student Affairs Office

Reminder : Locker Clearing of AY2023/2024 (Deadline: 30 June)2024-06-30T18:00:34+08:00
3 2024-05

Reminder : The Importance of Renewing Stay Permit for Non-Local Students



根據澳門法律,所有非本地學生必需辦理「逗留特別許可」(以下簡稱「特逗」),否則將觸犯法律而引致逾期居留,後果相當嚴重 (最嚴重者將被驅逐出境并禁止兩年內不能到訪澳門),故尚未辦理續期的同學請攜帶往來港澳通行證之正本立刻前往以下任一地點辦理。

另外;已獲批「逗留特別許可」的同學必須於指定限期內攜帶有效之往來港澳通行證或其他旅遊證件前往以下任一地點領取逗留許可憑條方為完成整個申請程續。如欲了解相關申請進度,請瀏覽其網上系統 https://www.fsm.gov.mo/psp/smgquerysystem/crec.aspx


(1) 北安出入境事務大樓正門 (辦公時間)

(2) 北安出入境事務大樓側門 (24小時) 

(3) 澳門政府綜合服務大樓-政府24小時自助服務中心

(4) 離島政府綜合服務中心-政府24小時自助服務中心

(5) 關閘出入境事務站入境大堂出口處

(6) 新口岸警司處分站(24小時)

(7) 路環警司處澳門大學分站(24小時)

(8) 筷子基-政府24小時自助服務中心

(9) 湖畔-政府24小時自助服務中心

(10) 橫琴口岸澳門口岸區出入境事務站(24小時)

(11) 中華廣場-政府24小時自助服務中心氹仔警司處(24小時)

(12) 離島市民服務中心-石排灣分站政府24小時自助服務中心

(13) 二龍喉-政府24小時自助服務中心



同學A是一位大四學生並將於年內畢業。然而,他未於「特逗」有效期前辦理續期。當時他因逾期16日未辦續期故被科處罰款澳門圓8,000 (逾期罰款科以每日澳門元500),但該同學於稍後時間再次忘記辦理續期。故此治安警察局將同學A視為非法移民並於一年內禁止入境。


a. 有效之個人旅遊證件正本(包括資料頁)
b. 「逗留許可憑條」正本

a. 有效之往來港澳通行證正本
b. 「逗留許可憑條」正本







(853) 2872 5488 (共6條線)


(853) 8897 0300






09:00 – 17:45
09:00 – 17:30




Dear Students,

In accordance with the Macao Law, all non-local students must apply for a stay permit. Failing to comply with this requirement will result in violation of the law and serious consequence (The violator may be expelled from Macao and prohibited to enter Macao again within two years). For those students who have not completed the renewal procedure, please approach to any of the following location by presenting the original “Two-way Exit Permit” for travelling to and from HK and Macau” to complete it as soon as possible.

In addition, those students who are granted “Special Authorization to Stay” MUST approach to any of the following location to collect the slip of “Special Authorization to Stay” for completing the whole application procedure. For more details progress of application , please visit the online system https://www.fsm.gov.mo/psp/smgquerysystem/crec.aspx 


(1) Exit at the Arrival Hall of the Border Gate Checkpoint

(2) Edifico China Plaza-Centro de Servicos de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo

(3) Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo da RAEM das Ilhas

(4) Checkpoint of Macao Port Zone of Hengqin Port Subdivision (24 hours)

(5) University of Macao Police Station of Coloane Subdivision (24 hours)

(6) Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo no Centro de Serviocs da RAEM

(7) Fai Chi Kei-Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo

(8) Flora-Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo 

(9) Police Station of ZAPE Subdivision (24 hours)

(10) Edificio de Servicos de Migracao em Pac On-Porta Principal (Office hour)

(11) Edificio de Servicos de Migracao em Pac On-Porta Lateral (24 hours)

(12) Edif. do Largo-Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo 

(13) Centro de Prestacao de Servicos ao Publico das Ilhas-Posto de Seac Pai Van-Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo 


Below is a real case:

Student A is a senior student and will graduate within a year. He forgot to renew the stay permit and expired for 16 days. As such, he is requested to pay for the penalty MOP8,000 (MOP500 per overdue day). However, he forgot to renew the stay permit before the valid due date again. As such, he was regarded as an illegal immigrant and refused to entry Macau for one year.

If you fail to renew the stay permit, the case mentioned above may come to you!
The following documents are required for stay permit renewal:
(1) (For non-local students, except Mainland China students)
a. Original valid travel document
b. Original “Slip of Authorization to Stay” 

(2) (For Mainland China students ONLY)
a. Original valid “Two-way Exit Permit” for travelling to and from HK and Macau”
b. Original “Slip of Authorization to Stay” 

Always keep your eyes on the valid date of the stay permit and renew it before the expiry date!!


Macao Public Security Police Force Immigration Service


 Edf. do Serviço de Migração Travessa Um do Cais de Pac On, Taipa, Macau


(853) 2872 5488 (6 lines)


(853) 8897 0300




Office Hour:

Monday to Thrursday

09:00 – 17:45
09:00 – 17:30

(Note:No break at lunch hour)


Student Resources Section
Student Affairs Office

Reminder : The Importance of Renewing Stay Permit for Non-Local Students2024-05-31T18:00:10+08:00
23 2024-04

External Activity: National Conditions Education (Macau) Association: “GEG Macau Cup – the 16th Youth National Education Competition (Application deadline: 2 May 2024)


以下資料由 國情教育 (澳門) 協會 提供,學生資源處代傳。

The following information is provided by the National Conditions Education (Macau) Association and posted by Student Resources Section.


慶祝中華人民共和國成立75周年  澳門特別行政區成立25周年


          加快生態文明體制改革,建設美麗中國是我國全面推進中國式現代化的重要發展目標,是實現中華民族偉大復興中國夢的重要內容。國家主席習近平指出,今後 5 年是美麗中國建設的重要時期,要牢固樹立和踐行綠水青山就是金山銀山的理念,把建設美麗中國擺在強國建設、 民族復興的突出位置,推動城鄉人居環境明顯改善、美麗中國建設取得顯著成效,以高品質生態環境支撐高品質發展。 傳統生產力是人類改造自然和征服自然的能力,在數字經濟、人工智能、工業互聯網高速發展的時代,新質生產力大大超越了傳統生產力。

        習近平主席指出:“發展新質生產力是推動 高質量發展的內在要求和重要著力點,必須繼續做好創新這篇大文章,推動新質生產力加快發 展。”放眼世界,在激烈的國際競爭中,科技創新已成為戰略博弈主戰場,必須不斷開闢新領 域新賽道、搶佔未來戰略制高點。因此,加快發展新質生產力是當務之急,對我國拓展經濟發展迴旋空間、取得國際競爭主動權、實現中國式現代化都具有重要而深遠的戰略意義。


        為了讓廣大澳門青少年深入瞭解我國生態文明建設、提升新質生產力等領域的卓越成就和 國家戰略的重要意義,銀河娛樂集團、國情教育(澳門)協會將聯合社會各界,舉辦以「加強生態文明•提高新質生產」為活動主題的「銀娛澳門盃—第十六屆青少年國情知識競賽」。活動將緊緊圍繞主題,加強澳門青少年對國情知識的認知和瞭解,提升澳門青少年對國家的歸屬感和民族自豪感,喜迎建國 75 周年和澳門回歸祖國 25 周年。





日期:2024年6月6日 (暫定)

有興趣參與的同學,請把下列資料於5月2日或以前電郵至sao.services@um.edu.mo 或致電 8822 9902 與學生資源處何先生聯絡。

  1. 學生姓名
  2. 學生證編號
  3. 聯絡資料 (電話號碼及電郵地址)

詳情請參閱國情教育 (澳門) 協會網址: http://www.guoqingmo.com/page-242

Remark: Please note that the organizer has only provided Chinese content to the Student Resources Section. For further details, please contact the organizer directly at 2872 8249. Thank you.

External Activity: National Conditions Education (Macau) Association: “GEG Macau Cup – the 16th Youth National Education Competition (Application deadline: 2 May 2024)2024-05-03T00:00:07+08:00
30 2024-01

Reminder : The importance of renewing “Stay Permit” for non-local students



根據澳門法律,所有非本地學生必需辦理「逗留特別許可」(以下簡稱「特逗」),否則將觸犯法律而引致逾期居留,後果相當嚴重 (最嚴重者將被驅逐出境并禁止兩年內不能到訪澳門),故尚未辦理續期的同學請攜帶往來港澳通行證之正本立刻前往以下地點辦理。

(1) 北安出入境事務大樓正門 (辦公時間)

(2) 北安出入境事務大樓側門 (24小時) 

(3) 澳門政府綜合服務大樓-政府24小時自助服務中心

(4) 離島政府綜合服務中心-政府24小時自助服務中心

(5) 關閘出入境事務站入境大堂出口處

(6) 新口岸警司處分站(24小時)

(7) 路環警司處澳門大學分站(24小時)

(8) 筷子基-政府24小時自助服務中心

(9) 湖畔-政府24小時自助服務中心

(10) 橫琴口岸澳門口岸區出入境事務站(24小時)

(11) 中華廣場-政府24小時自助服務中心氹仔警司處(24小時)

(12) 離島市民服務中心-石排灣分站政府24小時自助服務中心

(13) 二龍喉-政府24小時自助服務中心


同學A是一位大四學生並將於年內畢業。然而,他未於「特逗」有效期前辦理續期。當時他因逾期16日未辦續期故被科處罰款澳門元8,000 (逾期罰款科以每日澳門元500),但該同學於稍後時間再次忘記辦理續期。故此治安警察局將同學A視為非法移民並於一年內禁止入境。


a. 有效個人旅遊證件正本及複印本(包括資料頁)
b. 「逗留許可憑條」正本及複印本
c. 前往指定地點辦理自助續期, 詳程: http://www.fsm.gov.mo/psp/cht/psp_top5.html

a. 往來港澳通行證正本及複印本(包括資料頁及最新來澳簽注 D)
b. 「逗留許可憑條」正本及複印本
c. 前往指定地點辦理自助續期, 詳程: http://www.fsm.gov.mo/psp/cht/psp_top5.html







(853) 2872 5488 (共6條線)


(853) 8897 0300






09:00 – 17:45
09:00 – 17:30




Dear Students,

In accordance with the Macao Law, all non-local students must apply for a stay permit. Failing to comply with this requirement will result in violation of the law and serious consequence (The violator may be expelled from Macao and prohibited to enter Macao again within two years). For those students who have not completed the renewal procedure, please approach to the following location by presenting the original “Two-way Exit Permit” for travelling to and from HK and Macau” to complete it as soon as possible

(1) Exit at the Arrival Hall of the Border Gate Checkpoint

(2) Edifico China Plaza-Centro de Servicos de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo

(3) Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo da RAEM das Ilhas

(4) Checkpoint of Macao Port Zone of Hengqin Port Subdivision (24 hours)

(5) University of Macao Police Station of Coloane Subdivision (24 hours)

(6) Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo no Centro de Serviocs da RAEM

(7) Fai Chi Kei-Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo

(8) Flora-Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo 

(9) Police Station of ZAPE Subdivision (24 hours)

(10) Edificio de Servicos de Migracao em Pac On-Porta Principal (Office hour)

(11) Edificio de Servicos de Migracao em Pac On-Porta Lateral (24 hours)

(12) Edificio do Largo-Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo 

(13) Centro de Prestacao de Servicos ao Publico das Ilhas-Posto de Seac Pai Van-Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo 

Below is a real case:

Student A is a senior student and will graduate within a year. He forgot to renew the stay permit and expired for 16 days. As such, he is requested to pay for the penalty MOP8,000 (MOP500 per overdue day). However, he forgot to renew the stay permit before the valid due date again. As such, he was regarded as an illegal immigrant and refused to entry Macau for one year.

If you fail to renew the stay permit, the case mentioned above may come to you!
The following documents are required for stay permit renewal:
(1) (For non-local students, except Mainland China students)
a. Original valid travel document
b. Original and copy of “Slip of Authorization to Stay” / “Stamp of Authorization to Stay (if no slip was received)”
c. Approach to the specific point for self-service kiosk of renewing the stay permit, detail: http://www.fsm.gov.mo/psp/cht/psp_top5.html

(2) (For Mainland China students ONLY)
a. Original “Two-way Exit Permit” for travelling to and from HK and Macau”
b. Original and copy of “Slip of Authorization to Stay” / “Stamp of Authorization to Stay (if no slip was received)”
c. Approach to the specific point for self-service kiosk of renewing the stay permit, detail: http://www.fsm.gov.mo/psp/cht/psp_top5.html

Always keep your eyes on the valid date of the stay permit and renew it before the expiry date!!


Macao Public Security Police Force Immigration Service


 Edf. do Serviço de Migração Travessa Um do Cais de Pac On, Taipa, Macau


(853) 2872 5488 (6 lines)


(853) 8897 0300




Office Hour:

Monday to Thrursday

09:00 – 17:45
09:00 – 17:30

(Note:No break at lunch hour)


Student Resources Section
Student Affairs Office

Reminder : The importance of renewing “Stay Permit” for non-local students2024-02-29T18:00:15+08:00
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