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18 2023-10

【Invitation】Communication Soiciety, UMSU: Social Current Affairs Video Shooting Competition (Theme: Fraud Prevention) Finals cum Award Ceremony【Oct 18; E31-theatre; 17:30】



The content is provided by the Communication Society of UMSU, reposted by SAO.



由澳門大學學生會傳播學會主辦,學生事務部合辦,宏利District 520獨家保險贊助,司法警察局、社會科學學院、澳門大學學生會、蓮花衛視、工銀澳門支持,首屆社會時事短片拍攝比賽【主題:防騙】將於本週三進行決賽暨頒獎典禮。謹此,誠摯地邀請各位出席這場精彩的比賽,詳請如下:







Dear students, 

Organized by Communication Society, UMSU, co-organized by SAO, insurance exclusive sponsored by Manulife 520 District, supported by Judiciary Police, FSS, UMSU, Lotus Macau, ICBC and more. The first Social Current Affairs Video Shooting Competition (Theme: Fraud Prevention) Finals cum Award Ceremony will be held on this Wednesday. You are cordially invite to attend this exciting competition. Arragnements are as follow:

Date: Oct 18 (Wed)

Time: 17:30 (entering)

Venue: E31-Theatre

Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis. See you on Oct 18! 

Communication Society, UMSU

Enquiry: umsu.commso@um.edu.mo



  1. 倘若同學以不誠實的行為取得至叻星分數,一經發現將被取消相關的至叻星並予以電郵警告,且違紀學生將被取消參加由學生事務部主辦的暑期交流計劃的資格。此外,學生事務部將保留向違紀學生提起學生紀律程序的權利。

1. Students who attend the WHOLE activity and arrive ON TIME will be given one Smart Point
2. Students who arrive late or leave early within 10 minutes will be given only half a Smart Point
3. Students who arrive late or leave early over 10 minutes will NOT be given any Smart Point
4. Students who leave the venue during the activity for over 15 minutes will NOT be given any Smart Point
5. Students are required to check in/out of the activity with Student ID Card. For those who do not respect the activity or neglect the staff’s guidance, SAO reserves the right to cancel his/her Smart Point

  • Point to note:

    • Student who obtains any smart point by dishonest behavior will receive a warning email and the smart point will be cancelled. The student will also be disqualified from participating Summer Exchange Programme organized by SAO. In addition, SAO reserves the right to conduct disciplinary action against the student.
【Invitation】Communication Soiciety, UMSU: Social Current Affairs Video Shooting Competition (Theme: Fraud Prevention) Finals cum Award Ceremony【Oct 18; E31-theatre; 17:30】2023-10-19T00:00:06+08:00
11 2023-10

External activity: ELION & Treelion Foundation: The 2nd Kubuqi Award International Desert Sustainable Developemnt Proposal Competition (Registration Deadline: Oct 23)



This information is provided by the organizaer, and posted by SAO-SDS. 


由億利公益基金會和創益基金會(TREELION Foundation)主辦。中聯辦教育科技部、香港教育局、香港投資推廣署、香港地球之友、粵港澳大灣區經貿協會等在內的眾多機構支持。比賽旨在鼓勵年輕人關注全球氣候環境議題,思考全球和國家的沙漠治理及可持續發展。並提出創新且可行的沙漠可持續發展方案,以推動解決當前土地荒漠化問題,響應全球碳中和政策目標。

國際組的比賽形式以線上進行,參賽者需為全球所有大學全日制大學生或研究生。每個隊伍需由 2至4 名成員組成,參賽者可以自行組隊參賽,成員可以來自不同院校、年級及學系。每名參賽者只可加入一個參賽隊伍,各校的參賽隊伍名額不限。參賽隊伍需要製作一份計劃書,本次計劃書的主題需包含以下其中一項:「沙漠零碳新城設計計劃書」、「沙漠生態旅遊商業計劃書」、「沙漠能源及水資源可持續利用計劃書」、「沙漠生態系統保護和恢復計劃書」。參賽者上載初賽作品後,評審團將進行線上評分並選出入圍隊伍。為鼓勵參賽者積極參與,大會為前十名決賽入圍隊伍提供專家培訓和專業指導。入圍隊伍將在指導下完善作品,並參加線上展示及答辯,評審團將在現場評分,選出優勝隊伍。



如有任何疑問,請隨時致電 (852) 9325 3164或電郵至 info2@kubuqiaward.com 與陳小姐(Ms. Jakal Chan)聯絡。

** Only Chinese content is provided by the organizer. For details in English, please contact the organizer. 

External activity: ELION & Treelion Foundation: The 2nd Kubuqi Award International Desert Sustainable Developemnt Proposal Competition (Registration Deadline: Oct 23)2023-10-24T00:00:06+08:00
29 2023-09

Communication Soiciety, UMSU: LIKE for the “My Favourite Award” of Social Current Affairs Video Shooting Competition【Theme: Fraud Prevention】(Deadline: Oct 13 at 23:59)



The content is provided by the Communication Society of UMSU, reposted by SAO.


由澳門大學學生會傳播學會主辦,學生事務部合辦,宏利District 520獨家保險贊助,司法警察局、社會科學學院、澳門大學學生會、蓮花衛視、工銀澳門支持,首屆社會時事短片拍攝比賽【主題:防騙】現公開接受投選 “人氣獎” 作品。

即日至2023年10月13日23:59止,大家可以到傳播學會 Instagram(@Comm_soc)點讚具評審資格的參賽作品(共十一份),最多人點讚的作品可獲得人氣獎,贏取現金獎1,000澳門元、港澳船票及豐富獎品。


  1. 在Instagram 上追蹤 @comm_soc 、@pjmacao 及@um.sao
  2. 讚好心水參賽隊伍影片




Dear Students,

Organized by Communication Society, UMSU, co-organized by SAO, insurance exclusive sponsored by Manulife 520 District, supported by Judiciary Police, FSS, UMSU, Lotus Macau, ICBC and more. The first Social Current Affairs Video Shooting Competition (Theme: Fraud Prevention) is now open for voting for the “Most Favorite Award”.

You are invited to “LIKE” the qualified entries (11) which have been uploaded onto the official Instagram account of Communication Society (@Comm_soc). The entry that received the most “LIKE” by Oct 13 at 23:59 is winning this award and will receive a cash prize of MOP1,000, HK-Macau ferry tickets, and other prizes.

You only have to complete two steps to show supportiveness to your favorite entry:

  1. Follow @comm_soc, @pjmacao and @um.sao on Instagram
  2. “LIKE” any entry(s) you like

This voting is open to the public and there is no limit to the number of “LIKE”. Please feel free to share on your personal social media. We look forward to seeing you at the Final cum Award Ceremony at Student Activity Center (E31) – Theatre on Oct 18. 

Communication Society, UMSU

Enquiry: umsu.commso@um.edu.mo

Communication Soiciety, UMSU: LIKE for the “My Favourite Award” of Social Current Affairs Video Shooting Competition【Theme: Fraud Prevention】(Deadline: Oct 13 at 23:59)2023-10-14T00:00:05+08:00
22 2023-09

CMSA, UMSU: 2023 CMSA Photography Competition (Application: Sep 24 to Oct 8)


This bulletin is produced by CMSA, UMSU, and reposted by SAO-SDS. 







  • 參賽選手每人提交最多三張照片。若提交超過三張,僅取前三張參與比賽。
  • 參賽者不重複獲獎。按個人最好成績頒發獎品。
  • 參賽者須對作品進行必要的文字簡述
  • 參賽作品須為原創
  • 僅允許適當數碼修改(如裁剪,除塵,合理調整曝光,顔色和對比度等)
  • 如作品有發表或刊登過,請註明(所有參賽的主辦方不為商用,僅用於展示)





Dear students,

This photography competition is one of the events organized by the University of Macau Student Union Mainland Student Association to celebrate the 74th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and the 24th anniversary of the establishment of the Macao Special Administrative Region.

In Macao, the collision and integration of various cultures, including Chinese and Portuguese, can be witnessed everywhere. It’s the bus announcements in four different languages, and it’s the wide variety of global cuisines found on every street corner. In Macao, Chinese culture has taken root and flourished, whether in the form of old Shanghai dumpling shops on the street, Northern and Sichuan restaurants, or the sudden eruption of hometown dialects from passing tourists. With the “click” of the camera shutter, we aim to capture the concrete expressions of this rich cultural tapestry as seen through your eyes.

Theme: Capturing tangible representations of Macao’s Chinese-Portuguese cultural exchange or Mainland Chinese culture.

Submission Requirements:

  • Each participant can submit a maximum of three photos. If more than three photos are submitted, only the first three will be considered for the competition.
  • Participants cannot win multiple awards. Prizes will be awarded based on individual best performance.
  • Participants must provide a brief description of their work.
  • Submitted works must be original.
  • Only limited digital modifications are allowed (such as cropping, dust removal, reasonable adjustments to exposure, color, and contrast, etc.).
  • If the work has been previously published or displayed, please indicate (all entries will not be used for commercial purposes, only for exhibition).

Registration Period: September 24 to October 8

Registration Link: https://wj.qq.com/s2/13095203/9bf2/

All award-winning works will be showcased during the CMSA National Day Celebration on November 5.

Enquiry: umsu.cmsa@um.edu.mo

CMSA, UMSU: 2023 CMSA Photography Competition (Application: Sep 24 to Oct 8)2023-10-09T00:00:06+08:00
12 2023-09

Ichibankai Club, UMSU: The 9th Japanese Singing Competition (Application Deadline: Sep 15, 2023)



The information is provided by Ichibankai Club, UMSU, and reposted by SAO-SDS.

The organizer provide Chinese poster only, please contact the organizer for EN version. 



皆さん 久しぶり:




今屆的主題為 夢想

參賽報名時間:即日起至 9月15日








凡參與活動還會獲得30CS point!以及一番會吉祥物メコちゃん香薰片一份(送完即止)

同時參與我們的大抽獎有機會獲得Marshall 藍牙喇叭一個又或是由愉鶴日本語教育的免費試堂券





Dear students, 

Hello everyone, long time no see.

We are about to have our first event of this semester.

The 9th Japanese Singing Competition

The event will be held on September 20th.

The theme of this year’s competition is Dreams

Registration for the competition is open from now until September 15th.

Preliminary rounds will be held on September 18th.

Audience ticket reservations are available from now until September 19th.

Members can enjoy a special offer! Reserve your tickets for free from now until September 15th

You can also participate in our grand prize draw

So, bring your friends and come join us for this great deal

For more details, please scan the QR code on the poster

We look forward to meeting everyone who loves Japanese culture

Participants will receive 30 CS points and a Meko-chan aromatherapy sheet (while supplies last).

By participating in our grand prize draw , you have a chance to win a Marshall Bluetooth speaker or a free trial lesson voucher from Yuhe Japanese Education

Don’t miss this opportunity if you are interested in Japanese language and culture!

Ichibankai Club, UMSU


Ichibankai Club, UMSU: The 9th Japanese Singing Competition (Application Deadline: Sep 15, 2023)2023-09-16T00:00:04+08:00
8 2023-09

UMSU: Macao Youth / Student Municipal and Social Affairs Quiz Competition (Application: Sep 8-30)



The information is provided by the organizer, and reposted by SDS-SAO. 





活動詳情可電郵澳門大學學生會(info@umsu.org.mo),或致電澳門大學學生會唐珮琳理事長(電話6636 0998)查詢。


Macao Youth/Student Municipal and Social Affairs Quiz Competition calls for application

To enhance the knowledge of young people and students on current municipal and social affairs, the Municipal Affairs Bureau, with assistance from the University of Macau Students’ Union (UMSU), will organize the Macao Youth/Student Municipal and Social Affairs Quiz Competition 2023. The preliminary and final rounds of the competition will be held at the University of Macau on 7 October and 21 October respectively. Students from higher education institutions and secondary schools in Macao are welcome to form their teams to participate in the competition. The deadline for registration is 30 September. For more information, please visit https://go.um.edu.mo/fo9ljh5p. To register for the competition, please visit https://go.um.edu.mo/l9n1g161. For enquiries, please contact UMSU at info@umsu.org.mo or 8822 4599/6636 0998.

UMSU: Macao Youth / Student Municipal and Social Affairs Quiz Competition (Application: Sep 8-30)2023-09-30T00:00:05+08:00
21 2023-08

Communication Society, UMSU: Social Current Affairs Video Shooting Competition 【Theme: Fraud Prevention】(Opened for registration till Aug 31)



The content is provided by the Communication Society of UMSU, reposted by SAO.


由澳門大學學生會傳播學會主辦,學生事務部合辦,宏利District 520獨家保險贊助,司法警察局、社會科學學院、澳門大學學生會、蓮花衛視、工銀澳門支持,首屆社會時事短片拍攝比賽【主題:防騙】即日起接受報名。

比賽獎金獎品總值逾$30,000澳門元,冠軍更可獨得現金 $5,000 澳門元。報名請8月31日或之前掃海報二維碼。成功報名,可參加免費培訓備戰。有興趣投身拍攝、多媒體創作的同學仔,切勿錯過!



Dear students,

Organized by Communication Society, UMSU, co-organized by SAO, insurance exclusive sponsored by Manulife 520 District, supported by Judiciary Police, FSS, UMSU, Lotus Macau, ICBC and more. The very first Social Current Affairs Video Shooting Competition (Theme: Fraud Prevention) is now open for application.

The total value of prizes is more than MOP30,000, the Champion will receive a cash prize of MOP$5,000. Scan the QR code and apply on or before Aug 31. ACT NOW!

Please scan the QR code on the poster for more details. Enquiry: umsu.commso@um.edu.mo .

Communication Society, UMSU

Communication Society, UMSU: Social Current Affairs Video Shooting Competition 【Theme: Fraud Prevention】(Opened for registration till Aug 31)2023-09-01T00:00:04+08:00
21 2023-08

Cantonese Class is open for application on this Wednesday (Aug 23, 10:00, E31-G013)













8月23日(本週三)早上10:00,前往E31-G013 報名。



如有查詢,歡迎與我們聯絡,電話: 8822 9915 或電郵: sao.leadership@um.edu.mo。


Dear Students, 

Organized by SAO, the Cantonese Interest Class (1st semester) is open for application this Wednesday.


Objective: To assist the participants in getting used to the environment in Macau.

Contents: Participants can learn the pronunciation of useful Cantonese words, how to introduce themselves, and daily communication skills.

Certificate: With an attendance rate of 80% or above and passing the examination

Medium of Language: Mandarin

Class schedule: please refer to the poster

Venue: To be announced


Registration method: Starting from 10:00, Aug 23 (Wed), 2023 at E31-G013

**Limited quota, enrolment is on a first-come-first-served basis **


For enquiry, please contact us by phone at 8822 9915 or email at sao.leadership@um.edu.mo.

Student Affairs Office

Cantonese Class is open for application on this Wednesday (Aug 23, 10:00, E31-G013)2023-08-25T00:00:04+08:00
10 2023-08

“The Way to UM” New Student Orientation: Student Fair (Aug 16-17, 10:00-20:00, E31 Student Activity Centre)



每年一度的 「澳大之道」迎新活動:學生活動同樂日,將於8月16-17日,上午10時至晚上8時,於E31學生活動中心舉行。



學生事務部 謹啟

Dear students,

The Way to UM New Student Orientation: UM Student Fair will be held on August 16-17, 2023 from 10:00 to 20:00 at E31 Student Activity Centre.

There will be various booths on that day, including more than 30 UMSU Sub-organizations, university teams, student training programmes, UM departments, bank roadshows, and many others.

All freshmen and students are welcome to spend a joyful day with us!

Best regards,
Student Affairs Office

“The Way to UM” New Student Orientation: Student Fair (Aug 16-17, 10:00-20:00, E31 Student Activity Centre)2023-08-18T00:00:04+08:00
20 2023-04

Finance Society, UMSU: Financial Week Series of Activities – Financial game (Registeration Deadline: 26 April; 13:30-16:30)



The information was provided by Finance Society of UMSU, and posted by Student Development Section, SAO

同學們,金融學會正在開展一年一度的金融週系列活動,包括教授講座,校友分享會以及趣味遊戲。 本次趣味遊戲要玩的是西方桌遊史上最受歡迎的金融類沙盤模擬遊戲——酒店風雲!它的玩法簡單來說就是模擬管理公司,和假想競爭對手進行商業上的博弈,其中包括但不限於兼併與收購、投資談判、股票買賣的範疇。我們更邀請到了專業的老師去到現場進行指導和經驗總結。








組隊規則:6-7人一組 ,6-7組,假如自己沒組到對應人數,將有主辦方幫忙分組(或先填寫報名表,加入活動群後,在裡面找隊友組隊)


獎品:  第一名團隊500mop





全程參與者可獲得30個Knowledge Integration CS points







  • 掃描海報上的二維碼


  • 關注微信公眾號(UMFS),點入活動推文了解詳情後進行報名。









UMSU Finance Society is currently organizing its annual Financial Week Series of Activities, including lecture, alumni sharing session, and financial game. This time, we will be playing the most popular financial board game in Western history, Hotel Tycoon! In simple terms, the game simulates managing a company and competing with imaginary opponents in the business world, including but not limited to mergers and acquisitions, investment negotiations, and stock trading. We have also invited professional teachers to provide guidance and summarize their experiences on-site.


Event details are as follows:


Date: April 26 (Wednesday)


Time: 13:30-16:30


Team Formation Rules: Groups of 6-7 people, with 6-7 groups in total.

If you cannot form a group with the corresponding number of people, the organizer will assist in assigning groups (or you can fill out the registration form first, join the activity group, and find teammates to form a group).



The No.1 team 500mop

The No.2 team 300mop

The No.3 team 200mop

Participants will have participation prizes


Participants who attend the entire event will receive 30 Knowledge Integration CS points and have the chance to receive a souvenir from the Finance Society.






Click on the registration link: https://forms.gle/j1tmXBMeby6A9NUL7

Scan the QR code on the poster

Follow the WeChat public number (UMFS), click on the event tweet for details and then register.


The registration deadline is April 24th at 12:00 am!



Regardless of your year of study or major, you can sign up to participate! Seats are limited and will be given on a first-come, first-served basis, with priority given to members!



If you have any inquiries, please email: fincsoc.um@gmail.com

Finance Society, UMSU: Financial Week Series of Activities – Financial game (Registeration Deadline: 26 April; 13:30-16:30)2023-04-27T00:00:08+08:00
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