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21 2024-01

CCE organises a training course on Medicine and Life Science for students of Guilin Medical University






CCE organises a training course on Medicine and Life Science for students of Guilin Medical University

The University of Macau (UM) Centre for Continuing Education (CCE) organised training course on Medicine and Life Science for 40 students from Guilin Medical University during Jan 17 to 21. We received positive feedback from students.

The five-day training course is rich and compact in content, and the course includes Precision Medicine and Big Data-Revolution and Business Opportunities, Wonders in Life Science and Health: Biomedical Science Technology, Nuclear factor activates leukocytes and regulates message transmission, Chinese Medicine in the Healthcare Industry: Application and Development. During the off-campus visits, the students visited Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau and Kiang Wu Hospital. The students have a good understanding of the medical environment and nursing development in Macau.

Guilin Medical University is a general institution of higher learning directly under the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. It is one of the first batch of pilot universities for the “Excellent Doctor Education and Training Program” project of the Ministry of Education and an excellent university for the evaluation of undergraduate teaching work by the Ministry of Education. This is the second student exchanging program for Guilin Medical University. CCE continues to carry out high-quality training courses to strengthen educational cooperation between UM and universities in mainland.

CCE organises a training course on Medicine and Life Science for students of Guilin Medical University2024-02-22T00:00:16+08:00
17 2023-11

CCE holds Training course on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data for students of Guangzhou Institute of Science and Technology







CCE holds Training course on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data for students of Guangzhou Institute of Science and Technology

The University of Macau (UM) Centre for Continuing Education (CCE) organised training course on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data for 40 students from Guangzhou Institute of Science and Technology during Nov 13 to 17. We received positive feedback from students.

The five-day training course consisted of a series of lectures delivered by UM professors. The course covered many themes and gave the students a good understanding of the development of AI in Macao. Moreover, students joined campus tour guided by PR Student Ambassadors and also visited the State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City (SKL-IOTSC). The students expressed that they gained a lot from the training course.

Guangzhou Institute of Science and Technology (GZIST) is a university approved by China’s Ministry of Education (MOE). The school was established in 2000, and was renamed as Guangzhou Institute of Science and Technology in 2020. Appraised by the Department of Education of Guangdong Province and the Ministry of Education for the status of an independent private-owned non-profit undergraduate college since 2019, GZIST has been offered numerous honors such as “Top Ten Independent Undergraduate Colleges of Guangdong Province” and “Advanced Institution for Employment”.

CCE is committed to promoting and promoting exchanges and cooperation with mainland universities, and hopes to strengthen cooperation between UM and Bay Area universities through exchanges and training.

CCE holds Training course on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data for students of Guangzhou Institute of Science and Technology2023-12-18T00:00:12+08:00
12 2023-11

CCE collaborated with HKU SPACE to organize an interdisciplinary training program for students from Guangzhou University



澳門大學持續進修中心於11月6至10日,為廣州大學學生舉辦“跨學科應用專題 – 新媒體、科技創新、藝術與數據挖掘”培訓班。來自廣州大學各學科專業的優秀學子,經嚴格選拔,共45名本科生和45名碩士研究生獲選分成兩班參與培訓班。



CCE collaborated with HKU SPACE to organize an interdisciplinary training program for students from Guangzhou University

From November 6th to 10th, the University of Macau (UM) Centre for Continuing Education (CCE) conducted the “Interdisciplinary programme – New Media, Technological Innovation, Art and Data Mining” for students from Guangzhou University. A total of 45 undergraduate and 45 Master students from various majors at Guangzhou University were selected to participate in the training program, divided into two groups.

The five-day training consisted of a series of special lectures. The students first arrived in Hong Kong, where they attended a two-day lecture series at one Centre of the University of Hong Kong’s School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKU SPACE). The subsequent three days were spent at UM, with professors delivering lectures and conducting group presentation. Through the training, the students experienced high-quality distinctive education in both Hong Kong and Macau, and also got a glimpse of the student life in both places. The participants have gained a lot of knowledge and experience.

This training event received strong support from HKU SPACE, realizing a cross-city academic exchange between Hong Kong and Macau. This event has written a new chapter for the development of the continuous education cooperation model in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, enhancing mutual understanding and exchange among students. It also promotes the integrated development of higher education in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau.

CCE collaborated with HKU SPACE to organize an interdisciplinary training program for students from Guangzhou University2023-12-13T00:01:10+08:00
23 2023-10

The 2nd Intake of “Program on Deepening Cooperation between Guangzhou and Macao, to Help the Development of the Greater Bay Area” successfully held at UM







The 2nd Intake of “Program on Deepening Cooperation between Guangzhou and Macao, to Help the Development of the Greater Bay Area” successfully held at UM

The 2nd Intake of “Program on Deepening Cooperation between Guangzhou and Macao, to Help the Development of the Greater Bay Area”, jointly organized by CCE and ZUMRI, was successfully held at UM from October 16 to 20. Sixteen leaders from various departments, including the Guangzhou Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, participated in the event.

At the opening ceremony, Vice Rector Dr. Claudia Xu, introduced UM’s recent developments and achievements in industry-academia-research, as well as the cooperative gains with other cities in the Greater Bay Area. Sun Xiang, Deputy Director of the Guangzhou Science and Technology Bureau, introduced the latest developments in Guangzhou’s high-tech sector. Prof. Guokai Chen, Interim Director of ZUMRI, and Ms. Amelia Tam, Functional Head of CCE, also attended the ceremony.

The event was rich and compact in its itinerary. The participants first arrived Hengqin to visit ZUMRI and the Hengqin Guangdong-Macau Deep Cooperation Zone Exhibition Hall. Then they visited several departments of UM to fully understand the latest scientific and technological achievements of UM. The participants also visited DSEDT and MYEIC to discuss the possibility of Guangzhou-Macau technological innovation cooperation. In addition to exchanges and visits, the event also arranged seven thematic seminars, which were lectured by UM professors and experts. The content included the development of the Greater Bay Area’s scientific innovation, management and transformation of scientific projects, management of scientific research teams, innovation management, enterprise inheritance and innovative entrepreneurial thinking, cultivation of financial talents, and applications and transformations in the big health industry. The Guangzhou Science and Technology Development Research Center introduced the 2023 Sea Trade Fair to the teachers and students of the University of Macau. Through visits and exchange seminars, participants fully understood the current situation of Macao’s economic and technological development, actively explored specific work on industry-academia-research cooperation between Guangzhou and Macau, and jointly explored how to promote the integrated development of technological innovation in the Greater Bay Area.

The participants included Sun Xiang, Lei Ting, Pan Haichao, Peng Yong, Lin Ying, Li Chenxi, Zhuang Bin, Wang Shihua, Shu Yan, Luo Yan, Zeng Huifen, Li Xiang, Lu Zhibiao, Li Ran, Zhao Guangwen, Liu Rujie.

The 2nd Intake of “Program on Deepening Cooperation between Guangzhou and Macao, to Help the Development of the Greater Bay Area” successfully held at UM2023-11-24T00:01:10+08:00
17 2023-09

CCE and FBA co-organise a seminar on “Macau’s ‘1+4’ Moderately Diversified Development Strategy and Practice” for a delegation of Qingdao Municipal Government leaders





CCE and FBA co-organised a seminar on “Macau’s ‘1+4’ Moderately Diversified Development Strategy and Practice” for a delegation of Qingdao Municipal Government leaders

A delegation of 23 leaders from municipal offices and state-owned enterprises in Qingdao, organized by the Qingdao Municipal People’s Government Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau Affairs Office, visited UM on September 16th to attend a seminar on “Macau’s ‘1+4’ Moderately Diversified Development Strategy and Practice”. The seminar was organized by CCE and supported by Executive Education and BRTC of FBA.

Dr. XU Jian, Vice Rector (Administration) of UM, attended the seminar and delivered a welcome speech, introducing UM’s work and progress in industry-academia collaboration. As a platform for this type of collaboration, UM has strengthened its cooperation with many industries, promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements as well as innovation and entrepreneurship. CCE Director Prof. Matthew LIU and Prof. Henry LEI from FBA served as keynote speakers for the seminar. They both provided a detailed introduction and sharing into the background and key projects of Macau’s “1+4” industry diversification strategy, as well as the situation of integrated development between Macao & Hengqin.

Afterwards, the guests visited University Gallery and Library. Many participants were satisfied and had gained a lot, and believed there could be more opportunities for industry-academia collaboration between the two places in the future.

CCE and FBA co-organise a seminar on “Macau’s ‘1+4’ Moderately Diversified Development Strategy and Practice” for a delegation of Qingdao Municipal Government leaders2023-10-18T00:01:06+08:00
31 2023-08

CCE and Department of Communication co-organise a summer camp for students from College of Media and International Culture of Zhejiang University







CCE and Department of Communication co-organise a summer camp for students from College of Media and International Culture of Zhejiang University

The University of Macau (UM) Centre for Continuing Education (CCE) and the Department of Communication jointly held “ZJU-UM Digital Cultural Communication Camp” for 40 students of Zhejiang University during August 27 to 31. Most of students are from College of Media and International Culture, Zhejiang University.

The 5-day training camp has rich and compact content, and 6 seminars are given by senior professors from the Department of Communication. The content covers the development of digital cultural communication in various fields in Macao, including public relations, advertising and promotion industries, news and media industries, cultural and creative industries, and Culture and entertainment industry. In addition, the students visited the Creative Media lab, UM Wu Yee Sun Library, University Gallery and Residential College area.  Students also went to MGM Cotai and TDM for off-campus visiting. The student representative shared at the graduation ceremony that they participated in the camp to experience the high-quality teaching from UM professors, and left a deep good impression on Macao.

Zhejiang University is located in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. It is an institution of higher learning with a long history and outstanding reputation. It is a key comprehensive university directly under the Ministry of Education and one of the first batch of “Double First-class Class A” universities. It ranks 44th in the latest QS World University Rankings and 67th in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings.  College of Media and International Culture of Zhejiang University was established in 2006. Its Department of Journalism, founded in 1958, however, is one of the earliest journalism education departments in China.

To strengthen cooperation between mainland key national universities and UM, CCE is continuing to collaborate with other departments to provide training programs in the future.

CCE and Department of Communication co-organise a summer camp for students from College of Media and International Culture of Zhejiang University2023-10-01T00:01:06+08:00
21 2023-08

CCE organizes a training course on Medicine and Health Sciences for students of Southwest Medical University



澳門大學持續進修中心於8月17日至8月21日為來自西南醫科大學的40名學生舉辧 “醫藥與健康科學專題培訓班”。




CCE organizes a training course on Medicine and Health Sciences for students of Southwest Medical University

The University of Macau (UM) Centre for Continuing Education (CCE) organized a training course on Medicine and Health Sciences for 40 students of Southwest Medical University during Aug 17 to 21.

The five-day training course is rich in content, and the whole course is taught in English by UM professors. The topics include “Wonders in Life Science and Health: Biomedical Science Technology”, “The application of multi-omics integration in deciphering disease mechanisms”, “Health Sciences Everywhere: Labs and Life”, “Chinese Medicine in the Healthcare Industry: Application and Development”. We received positive feedback from students.

Southwest Medical University (SWMU) is a full-time institution of higher learning in Sichuan Province. It is located in Luzhou city in Sichuan Province — one of the Famous Chinese Historical and Cultural Cities which is at the conjunction area of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou Provinces and Chongqing Municipality. It has developed into an important base for the personnel training and scientific recreation in Sichuan, and the health care center in the joint point of 3 provinces and 1 municipality.

CCE continues to carry out high-quality training courses to strengthen educational cooperation between UM and universities in mainland.

CCE organizes a training course on Medicine and Health Sciences for students of Southwest Medical University2023-09-22T00:01:03+08:00
29 2023-07

CCE organises a training course on Business and Management for students from Gengdan Institute of Beijing University of Technology, Wuhan Institute of Technology, and Ningxia University






CCE organises a training course on Business and Management for students from Gengdan Institute of Beijing University of Technology, Wuhan Institute of Technology, and Ningxia University

The University of Macau (UM) Centre for Continuing Education (CCE) organises a training course on Business and Management for students from universities in mainland during Jul 24 to 28. Total 38 students are from Gengdan Institute of Beijing University of Technology, Wuhan Institute of Technology, and Ningxia University.

The five-day training course is rich in content, and the whole course is taught in English by UM professors and senior instructors. The topics include Marketing and Brand Strategy, Advertising and promotion in the digital age, Introduction to Macao’s economy and development opportunities in the Greater Bay Area, and Modern Enterprise Finance and Management Accounting. The student representative of the training class, Ms. Zhan from Ningxia University, said at the closing ceremony that she has a very deep and good impression on Macao and UM.

CCE continues to offer training programmes and promote collaboration between UM and higher education institutions in mainland.

CCE organises a training course on Business and Management for students from Gengdan Institute of Beijing University of Technology, Wuhan Institute of Technology, and Ningxia University2023-08-31T00:04:02+08:00
29 2023-07

CCE organises a training course on Business Communication and Leadership for students from Tianjin University of Technology, Wuhan Institute of Technology, and Ningxia University






CCE organises a training course on Business Communication and Leadership for students from Tianjin University of Technology, Wuhan Institute of Technology, and Ningxia University

The University of Macau (UM) Centre for Continuing Education (CCE) organises a training course on Business Communication and Leadership for students from universities in mainland during Jul 24 to 28. Total 54 students are from Tianjin University of Technology, Wuhan Institute of Technology, and Ningxia University.

The five-day training course is rich in content, and the whole course is taught in English by UM professors and senior instructors. The topics include Global Strategy and leadership, Business Communication Skills for Leaders, Crisis Management for Leaders, and Public speaking skills of leaders. We received positive feedback from students.

CCE continues to offer training programmes and promote collaboration between UM and higher education institutions in mainland.

CCE organises a training course on Business Communication and Leadership for students from Tianjin University of Technology, Wuhan Institute of Technology, and Ningxia University2023-08-31T00:04:03+08:00
29 2023-07

CCE organises a training course on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data for students from Anhui Agricultural University, Wuhan Institute of Technology, and Ningxia University






CCE organises a training course on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data for students from Anhui Agricultural University, Wuhan Institute of Technology, and Ningxia University

The University of Macau (UM) Centre for Continuing Education (CCE) organises a training course on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data for students from universities in mainland during Jul 24 to 28. Total 40 students are from Anhui Agricultural University, Wuhan Institute of Technology, and Ningxia University.

The five-day training course is rich in content, and the whole course is taught in English by UM professors. The topics include Big Data and Artificial Intelligence: Revolutionary Development, Artificial Intelligence and Smart City, Fintech & Block chain, and Crowd Intelligence & Systems Support for Artificial Intelligence. The students hope to come and study at UM again in future.

CCE continues to offer training programmes and promote collaboration between UM and higher education institutions in mainland.

CCE organises a training course on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data for students from Anhui Agricultural University, Wuhan Institute of Technology, and Ningxia University2023-08-31T00:04:03+08:00
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