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So far senghangl has created 1 blog entries.
24 2024-09

[External Activity]: “Let Love Flow” Community Care Campaign 2024


The following information is provided by Missionary Area of Macau and posted by Student Affairs Office

參加者年齡:12至 22歲青年
1) 設計配合主題的關愛行動,並在身處的社群中推行;
2) 提交時附上作品簡介 ( 50-100文字檔 ) ,供評審了解創作原意和構思理念;
3) 請以手機或相機等器材拍攝清晰可見的短影音影片,片長2 至 3 分鐘;
4) 作品圖像尺寸標準16:9,解析度不低於1920 X 1080 ( full HD) 以上的橫式影片;
5) 繳交影片格式為 .MP4 之作品完成檔;
查詢電話﹕28353867 鄭小姐
#讓愛流動 #社區關愛行動2024 #聖公會澳門傳道地區 #聖公會澳門社會服務處 #珍惜生命 #關愛社區 #活得精彩

Remarks: The organizer only provides the Chinese content to Student Affairs Office. For inquiry, please contact Mr. Chong (Email: timchong@um.edu.mo, Tel: 8822 4901) for details.

[External Activity]: “Let Love Flow” Community Care Campaign 20242024-11-10T00:01:43+08:00
16 2024-09

[Mental Health Tips] Self-Compassion, starting from today








– 你每天至少有 7-8 小時的睡眠嗎?
– 你有時間做自己喜歡的事情,比如看劇、聽音樂或運動嗎?
– 你最近有和朋友出去放鬆一下嗎?
– 你有時候會覺得學業壓力大到無法應付嗎?





 5 個簡單步驟,讓自我關愛成為你生活的一部分

  1.  每天小小的休息,讓大腦重啟
    每學習 1 小時,就給自己 10 分鐘的休息,站起來活動一下,聽聽音樂或者看看窗外。這樣做不僅讓你感覺更放鬆,還能提高學習效率。別忘了,身體和大腦都需要喘口氣!
  2.  設定睡眠時間,告別熬夜
  3. 和朋友聊聊天,放鬆一下
  4. 嘗試學點新東西,激發熱情
  5. 別忘了每天鼓勵自己







Have you been taking good care of yourself? Is college life so busy that you can hardly breathe? With academics, social life, and part-time jobs all piling up, does life feel like an endless assignment? Have you ever stopped to think:

Am I taking good care of myself?

Most college students don’t prioritise “self-care,” often seeing it as a “luxury” to be considered later. But in reality, neglecting self-care only plunges you into a deeper stress vortex. Don’t worry, let’s explore how to find your balance in a busy life.

Have you been caring for yourself lately?

Take a simple quiz to see if you’ve been taking good care of yourself recently:

  • Do you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every day?
  • Do you have time to do things you enjoy, like watching shows, listening to music, or exercising?
  • Have you gone out with friends to relax recently?
  • Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by academic pressure?

If you answered “no” to more than half of these questions, it might be time to take better care of yourself. Don’t worry, the following simple steps can help you regain balance in life.

Stella’s Story: Growth and Awakening Amidst Stress

Stella is a sophomore whose academic pressure is overwhelming. To meet her family’s expectations, she devotes almost all her time to studies and part-time jobs, gradually losing the joy of life. Worse, she realises she doesn’t even like her current major but is afraid to stop.

As Stella’s physical and mental health deteriorates, she gradually realises she needs to adjust her life rhythm and learn to care for herself. She sets a regular schedule, allocates leisure time for herself, and rediscovers her passion for life. In the end, she not only learns to manage stress but also begins to think about her interests and future development.

5 Simple Steps to Make Self-Care a Part of Your Life

  1. Take small breaks every day to reboot your brain. For every hour of study, give yourself a 10-minute break to move around, listen to music, or look out the window. This not only makes you feel more relaxed but also improves learning efficiency. Don’t forget, both your body and brain need a breather!
  2. Set a sleep schedule and say goodbye to staying up late Do you often stay up late writing reports or binge-watching shows? Try setting a fixed bedtime to help your body adjust. Adequate sleep will make you feel more energetic during the day, no longer drowsy.
  3. Chat with friends and relax When you feel overwhelmed, don’t bear it alone. Invite friends to chat or go for a walk. Social support is the best stress reliever, and chatting over a cup of milk tea can greatly improve your mood.
  4. Try learning something new to spark passion. Whether it’s learning to cook a simple dish or acquiring a new skill, set a small goal for yourself. This not only gives you a sense of achievement but also makes life more interesting.
  5. Don’t forget to encourage yourself every day. Spend a few minutes before bed reviewing today’s achievements, no matter how big or small. Write down something that made you proud, like completing an assignment on time or sticking to exercise. This will make you feel like you’re progressing every day.

Daily Self-Care Practice

Self-care is not just an abstract concept; it can be practice through small daily actions. To help you practice self-care every day, you can refer to this small calendar and follow the daily guidance for a little self-care exercise. These simple exercises are practical and easy to implement, helping you regain inner balance in a busy life. Small daily actions will bring long-term positive changes.

Conclusion: Self-Care Starts Today

You deserve to be cared for, and most importantly, this care should start with yourself. College life is undoubtedly busy, but you can make yourself happier and more motivated through these simple steps. Starting today, try caring for yourself a little each day, and you’ll find that life can be more interesting and fulfilling than you imagined.

Self Care

Quote from : https://actionforhappiness.org/


週一至週四: 9:00am – 1:00p.m.; 2:00p.m. – 5:45p.m. 
週五: 9:00am – 1:00p.m.; 2:00p.m. – 5:30p.m.

地址: 學生活動中心(E31) 2樓2009室
電話:8822 9000
電郵: sao.counsellor@um.edu.mo

有關我們的服務, 請瀏覽以下網頁:

Psychological Counselling Service

Opening Hours 
Monday to Thursday: 9:00am – 1:00p.m.; 2:00p.m. – 5:45p.m. 
Friday: 9:00am – 1:00p.m.; 2:00p.m. – 5:30p.m.

Our Counselling Rooms
Address: Room 2009, 2nd Floor, Student Activity Centre (E31)
Tel. 8822 9000
Email: sao.counsellor@um.edu.mo

Welcome to visit our website for details:

[Mental Health Tips] Self-Compassion, starting from today2024-09-30T00:00:09+08:00
28 2024-08

Macao Healthy Campus Series – Drug Abuse Prevention Message


This information is provided by Social Welfare Bureau and posted by Student Affairs Office.



本月的健康訊息推廣是 “面對新挑戰可以做的事


  1. 主動參與:面對新環境容易感到孤獨,建議同學可以主動了解及參與校園活動,有助結識朋友,熟悉社交環境,從而增加歸屬感。
  2. 時間管理:大學上課時間不像中學般緊密,學習時間管理,以確保學業和生活上的平衡,甚至能擴展新的興趣或專業領域。
  3. 裝備自己:升上大學後,有不少學習方式與中學大不相同,心態上也要調整,坊間及網上有不少關於學習、上台報告甚至是生活自理等資訊,透過裝備自己減低面對挫折或生活自理等不安感,同時更加因為掌握技巧而得心應手。
  4. 自我照顧:適當的休息、飲食均衡、運動和心理健康,找到良好減壓和放鬆方法,因為有好的身心狀態才能更好地面對不同挑戰。
  5. 尋求支援:如果出現焦慮、憂鬱、失眠等狀況,不要害怕或覺得奇怪,除了找信任的人傾訴或向校園學生輔導員諮詢外,倘有需要,可尋求以下支援:





Facebook專頁:YMCA – 大專生活動計劃



電話:2830 2600 吳先生(Lance)/蕭先生(Richard)

Remarks: Social Welfare Bureau only provided the Chinese content to Student Affairs Office. For details, please contact 28302600 Mr. SIO or email to richardsio@ymca.org.mo, or scan the QR code.

Macao Healthy Campus Series – Drug Abuse Prevention Message2024-09-30T00:01:08+08:00
27 2024-08

[Reminder] Macau Youth Index 2024 Social Survey


The following information is provided by the Gabinete Coordenador dos Servicos Sociais Sheng Kung Hui Macau and posted by the Student Affairs Office.






如有任何疑問,歡迎致電2835 3081與陳浩輝先生(Jack Chan)或盧海新先生(Gary Lou)聯絡。



Remarks: The organizer only provides the Chinese content to Student Affairs Office. For details, please contact Tel: 28353081 Mr. Chan or Mr. Lou

[Reminder] Macau Youth Index 2024 Social Survey2024-09-30T00:01:08+08:00
27 2024-08

Recruitment of Student Trainees for the Psychological Counselling Centre of Student Affairs Office (Deadline: 1 Sep)


Dear Students,

The Student Affairs Office – Psychological Counselling Centre is now recruiting student trainee(s) to assist in reception, general administrative and clerical tasks.

Please find details for your information:

  1. Target applicants:

    • Postgraduate students are preferred;
    • Both local and Non-local students are welcomed;
  1. Hourly rate: MOP 48 per hour;

  2. Expected Commencement Period : September, 2024

  3. Applicants should possess the following abilities:

    • Knowledge of Microsoft Offices;
    • Fluent in English and Mandarin, basic listening of Cantonese;
    • Translate document from Chinese to English/English to Chinese;
    • Good interpersonal skills;
    • Having customer or counter service working experience is an advantage;
    • With Graphic design experience is an advantage;
    • With Social Media operation experience is an advantage;
    • With Video Editing experience is an advantage; 
  1. Required Working time : Monday to Friday

  2. Application Deadline:  1 Sep
    For further information, please contact Mr. Sam lei at senghangl@um.edu.mo  or  8822 9916. 

Apply now
Recruitment of Student Trainees for the Psychological Counselling Centre of Student Affairs Office (Deadline: 1 Sep)2024-09-02T00:00:08+08:00
16 2024-08

[Mental Health Tips] Dancing with Emotions: Finding Inner Balance






知名心理學家Lisa Feldman Barrett指出,情緒並非我們被動接受的結果,而是大腦主動構建的體驗。情緒不是固定的反應,而是基於過去經驗和當前情境的大腦動態創造。這意味著,我們可以通過改變對情緒的理解來改變自己的情緒體驗。







Dancing with Emotions: Finding Inner Balance

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by emotions, like waves crashing over you? Xiao Hua experienced this. Last semester, his grades were disappointing, and he felt a surge of sadness. The pressure from his internship and challenges in relationships made his emotions even more complex, affecting his daily life. One day, he remembered a quote from a psychology book: “Emotions are like the weather, unpredictable but each has its value.” This changed his perspective from suppression to acceptance.

Understanding Our Emotions

Whether it’s joy, sadness, or anger, emotions are our innate system, alerting us to important information about ourselves and our environment. Society often encourages us to suppress negative emotions, but learning to accept and manage them can help us heal and grow.

Renowned psychologist Lisa Feldman Barrett explains that emotions are not passive experiences but actively constructed by the brain. They are dynamic creations based on past experiences and current contexts. This means we can change our emotional experiences by altering our understanding of them.

Accepting Every Emotion

We all experience a range of emotions, forming our rich inner world. By accepting all emotions, we can better understand our needs and learn from each emotional experience. Acceptance doesn’t mean letting negative emotions run wild but understanding their origins and responding positively.

Giving Yourself Space to Care for Emotions

When facing negative emotions, self-care is crucial. Give yourself space and time to feel and process these emotions. Xiao Hua chose to run, letting nature’s beauty and fresh air soothe his mind. Accepting our emotions helps us find the strength to move forward.

Becoming the Master of Your Emotions

The key to emotional management is acknowledging and accepting your feelings, not avoiding or suppressing them. Learning to control emotions, rather than being controlled by them, is vital for mental and physical health. By reconciling with negative emotions and becoming their master, we can truly find inner balance.



週一至週四: 9:00am – 1:00p.m.; 2:00p.m. – 5:45p.m. 
週五: 9:00am – 1:00p.m.; 2:00p.m. – 5:30p.m.

地址: 學生活動中心(E31) 2樓2009室
電話:8822 9000
電郵: sao.counsellor@um.edu.mo

有關我們的服務, 請瀏覽以下網頁:

Psychological Counselling Service

Opening Hours 
Monday to Thursday: 9:00am – 1:00p.m.; 2:00p.m. – 5:45p.m. 
Friday: 9:00am – 1:00p.m.; 2:00p.m. – 5:30p.m.

Our Counselling Rooms
Address: Room 2009, 2nd Floor, Student Activity Centre (E31)
Tel. 8822 9000
Email: sao.counsellor@um.edu.mo

Welcome to visit our website for details:

[Mental Health Tips] Dancing with Emotions: Finding Inner Balance2024-09-30T00:02:08+08:00
16 2024-08

Psychological Counselling Service – Referral


Psychological Counselling Service – Referral

When a student is going through stress, unstable emotion or unusual behaviors may be observed. It’s always a signal for help!

Welcome to refer them to us for psychological counselling. We are also happy to discuss with you whether a referral is necessary and how to present the referral to the students. 

An indication that a referral may be needed:

  • Need for better self-understanding, to enhance interpersonal relationships, to explore and develop potentials, and to improve emotional wellness;
  • Sudden changes in school performance, e.g. a serious drop in grades and class attendance;
  • Marked changes in body weight, personal grooming, and hygiene;
  • Unusual or exaggerated emotional response which is inappropriate to the situation;
  • Feeling difficulty in adjusting to university life and powerless in coping with problems;
  • Feeling sad, anxious, stressed, or troubled for a long period;
  • Highly disruptive behaviour (hostile, aggressive, or violent);
  • Inability to communicate clearly (garbled, slurred speech; unconnected or disjointed thoughts);
  • Loss of contact with reality (seeing/hearing things which “aren’t there”; beliefs that are greatly at odds with reality or probability);
  • Threats of self-harm or harm to others (Call 999 immediately in case of emergency).


Special remarks for making referrals:

  • It is usually helpful that you discuss the possibility of using a psychological counselling service with the student before making a referral. An anonymous referral often makes it difficult for our psychological counsellor to develop trust with the student. Most students appreciate candid caring and support from people around them in their times of difficulty.
  • Except in dangerous situations, e.g. threats of self-harm or harm to others, the decision to accept or reject the referral is ultimately the student’s.
  • A referral may be made for consultation purposes, where our psychological counsellor meets with the student, makes an assessment, and offers recommendations to the staff member who made the referral.
  • A referral may be made for counselling purposes, where our psychological counsellor meets with the student, makes an assessment, develops a treatment plan, and begins the counselling process.
  • Under the obligation of confidentiality, all student information is kept strictly confidential. Our psychological counsellor is unable to disclose any information about the student to anyone, including the staff member who made the referral, without written consent from the student. If the referrer wants to know about the counselling progress of the student, please contact the student directly.
  • If you need immediate support during non-office hours, please contact the University Security Centre (Tel: 8822 4000). The student in need may also use the 24-hour Macau Caritas Life Hope Hotline (Tel: 2852 5222 / 2852 5777) or the Emergency Room (Tel:999) in case of emergency.

The following are the referral guidelines For Psychological Counselling Services: 

Referral Guideline


學生在面對生活及學習上的壓力時,常會出現波動的情緒或有反常的行為表現,這可能是一個求助警號 !


  • 希望增加自我了解、改善人際關係、探索並發展自我潛能、以及提升心理素質
  • 學習表現突變,如成績嚴重下跌或上課出席率變低
  • 體重、個人自理或衛生方面有顯著改變
  • 對事情有不尋常或過分誇張的情緒反應
  • 覺得難以適應學校的生活,對解決問題感到無力
  • 長期處於悲傷、緊張、壓抑或其他困擾的情緒
  • 出現具破壞性的行為,如有攻擊性、挑釁性或暴力的行為
  • 無法清晰地與他人溝通,如說話含糊不清、語義混淆或思想混亂
  • 與現實脫軌,如有幻覺或妄想等
  • 有傷害自己或他人的傾向 (遇緊急狀況時請電999)


  • 請你盡量在轉介前先與該同學討論一下他的情況以及我們的心理轉導服務。若同學不知道是誰人作出轉介或不了解自己為什麼需要轉介,我們的心理輔導員將很難與同學建立信任關係。其實大部分的同學在面對困難時,都希望得到周遭親友坦誠的關懷及支持。
  • 除危急狀況外(如傷害自己或傷害他人),同學有權決定是否接受服務
  • 你可以轉介同學前來諮詢。心理輔導員會與同學會面及進行評估,並在同學的書面同意下的向轉介者提供適當的建議或安排。
  • 你可以轉介同學前來接受心理輔導。輔導員會與同學會面、進行評估、擬定計劃並開始輔導過程。
  • 基於保密原則,我們必需將同學的所有資料嚴格保密。除非獲學生本人的書面同意,我們的心理輔導員不會向任何人士透露學生的資料,包括該同學的轉介者。
  • 如遇緊急情況,可致電保安中心(電話:8822 4000),在非辦公室時間需要緊急的輔導服務,致電24小時澳門明愛生命熱線(電話:2852 5222)。如情況緊急,請直接到急症室(電話:999)求助。



Psychological Counselling Service

Opening Hours 
Monday to Thursday: 9:00am – 1:00p.m.; 2:00p.m. – 5:45p.m. 
Friday: 9:00am – 1:00p.m.; 2:00p.m. – 5:30p.m.

Our Counselling Rooms
Address: Room 2009, 2nd Floor, Student Activity Centre (E31)
Tel. 8822 9000
Email: sao.counsellor@um.edu.mo

Welcome to visit our website for details:


週一至週四: 9:00am – 1:00p.m.; 2:00p.m. – 5:45p.m. 
週五: 9:00am – 1:00p.m.; 2:00p.m. – 5:30p.m.

地址: 學生活動中心(E31) 2樓2009室
電話:8822 9000
電郵: sao.counsellor@um.edu.mo

有關我們的服務, 請瀏覽以下網頁:

Psychological Counselling Service – Referral2024-09-30T15:00:07+08:00
13 2024-06

External Activity: “Awareness in Growth: Understanding the Needs of Adolescent Development” online workshop


以下資料由 聖公會澳門社會服務處 提供,由學生事務部代傳。
This information is provided by the Sheng Kung Hui Macau Social Services Coordination Office and posted by the Student Affairs Office.




6/21 青少年專場


6/28 家長專場

如有查詢可Inbox fb聖公會氹仔中心親子地帶 或28825109李姑娘,鄭先生。請廣傳給身邊的朋友、家人,成為彼此的支援。

Remarks: The Sheng Kung Hui only provides the Chinese content to Student Affairs Office. For English details, please contact Mr. Chong (Tel: 88224901 email: timchong@um.edu.mo) from UM Student Counselling Section

External Activity: “Awareness in Growth: Understanding the Needs of Adolescent Development” online workshop2024-06-30T00:01:35+08:00
2 2024-05

[Mental Health Tips] Do you have self-efficacy?





  • 使人們為了達成目標而選擇特定行動之能力。
  • 使人們願意花費的努力。
  • 使人們在面臨挑戰及失敗時的毅力與韌性(resilience)
  • 使人們對於與自我選擇相關的需求做出判斷和決策。




  1. 自我掌握的經驗(mastery experiences):指的是自己透過努力或克服困難之後所獲得的「具掌握性的」成功經驗。
  2. 他人典範的經驗:指的是看到他人透過持續努力而成功之經歷,會提高觀察者產生「我也具備成功所需的能力」之信念。
  3. 被他人激勵的經驗:他人對於自己的激勵往往能夠使自己動員更多努力堅持下去。


Do you have self-efficacy?

The article quote from https://wellbeing.mohw.gov.tw/nor/pstunt/1/1809

Every person has their own ideals and goals to pursue at different stages of life, such as finding a suitable dream job after graduating from university. What are the important reasons that motivate us to achieve various life goals, and how do we decide how to act to achieve them? In 1997, a Harvard University scholar named Bandura proposed the concept of self-efficacy, which he described as a person’s belief in their ability to organize and execute actions to achieve specific accomplishments. Having a sense of self-efficacy has important impacts on people:

  • It enables people to choose specific actions to achieve their goals.
  • It determines the effort people are willing to put forth.
  • It influences people’s perseverance and resilience in the face of challenges and failures.
  • It affects people’s judgments and decisions related to their own choices.

In the campus setting, self-efficacy refers to a student’s self-awareness of their learning ability or capacity to perform actions in assigned tasks or assignments. After Bandura introduced this concept to the education field, many subsequent scholars found that self-efficacy affects students’ learning, motivation, achievement, and self-regulation. Compared to students who doubt their abilities, those with high self-efficacy tend to participate more, work harder, persist longer, show more interest in learning, and ultimately achieve higher levels of performance. For instance, some college students can simultaneously engage in club activities or sports while maintaining academic excellence, primarily because they have a sense of efficacy in these different experiences. As a result, they know how to navigate their paths to achieve goals in various domains and enjoy the enriching and challenging process. In the workplace, entrepreneurs with higher self-efficacy have confidence in starting and operating new businesses, set challenging goals for themselves and their companies, and these difficult goals, in turn, motivate the entrepreneurs themselves and their employees to work harder and persist, ultimately improving the overall company’s performance and results. For example, some entrepreneurs can manage diverse businesses, and without imposing too many rules and regulations on employees, their employees can still achieve the company’s predetermined goals or even pursue their own ideal performance. The key reason is that employees derive a sense of efficacy from their work, enabling them to achieve specific goals and enjoy the sense of accomplishment, even without external constraints from the company.

From these examples, we can understand that a sense of self-efficacy is a crucial element in achieving goals and can be seen as the process of continuously discovering our self-worth and enhancing our motivation to act on the path to goal attainment. Therefore, in life, encourage everyone to cultivate habits that emphasize the following experiences to accumulate a sense of self-efficacy:

  1. Mastery experiences: Refer to the “mastery” successful experiences gained through personal effort or overcoming difficulties.
  2. Vicarious experiences: Observing others’ success through sustained effort can increase the observer’s belief that “I also possess the abilities needed for success.”
  3. Verbal persuasion: Encouragement from others can often motivate us to mobilize more effort and perseverance.
  4. Interpreting physiological and emotional responses when facing stress, setbacks, or challenges. Making positive interpretations can boost self-confidence.
[Mental Health Tips] Do you have self-efficacy?2024-05-31T00:01:10+08:00
19 2024-04

【Application】The practical way toward well-being (2024/04/24)





導師:李昇恆先生  澳門大學心理輔導員



時間:下午兩點半至四點(共1.5 小時)

地點: E3-1032 室

名額:30 名(額滿即止)

報名網址: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eRoV2u5mOjklQ3A

任何垂詢,請電郵至senghangl@um.edu.mo 或致電8822 9916與李先生聯繫,謝謝。


Introduction: In our busy lives, it’s easy to fall into a trap of mental exhaustion, losing sight of the way forward. In this lecture, you will discover that well-being can be cultivated. Learn how to break free from mental drain and reclaim the peace and joy within.

Purpose: To help students rediscover the science of well-being and use practical methods to practice improving mental health and well-being.

Instructor:  Mr.Sam Lei, Counsellor of University of Macau

Target audience:  UM Student

Date: Wednesday, April 24, 2024

  Time: 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm (1.5 hours total)

地點: E3-1032 

Quota: 30

Application:   https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eRoV2u5mOjklQ3A

For any inquiries, please email senghangl@um.edu.mo or call Mr. Lei at 88229916. Thank you.


Remarks: This activity has been included in the “Healthy Living” project in the “Full Person Development Award Scheme”. Students who attend the whole activity on time will be given 15.0 “Competency Score” 


立即報名 Application
【Application】The practical way toward well-being (2024/04/24)2024-04-25T00:00:05+08:00
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