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So far senghangl has created 2 blog entries.
13 2024-06

External Activity: “Awareness in Growth: Understanding the Needs of Adolescent Development” online workshop


以下資料由 聖公會澳門社會服務處 提供,由學生事務部代傳。
This information is provided by the Sheng Kung Hui Macau Social Services Coordination Office and posted by the Student Affairs Office.




6/21 青少年專場


6/28 家長專場

如有查詢可Inbox fb聖公會氹仔中心親子地帶 或28825109李姑娘,鄭先生。請廣傳給身邊的朋友、家人,成為彼此的支援。

Remarks: The Sheng Kung Hui only provides the Chinese content to Student Affairs Office. For English details, please contact Mr. Chong (Tel: 88224901 email: timchong@um.edu.mo) from UM Student Counselling Section

External Activity: “Awareness in Growth: Understanding the Needs of Adolescent Development” online workshop2024-06-30T00:01:35+08:00
2 2024-05

[Mental Health Tips] Do you have self-efficacy?





  • 使人們為了達成目標而選擇特定行動之能力。
  • 使人們願意花費的努力。
  • 使人們在面臨挑戰及失敗時的毅力與韌性(resilience)
  • 使人們對於與自我選擇相關的需求做出判斷和決策。




  1. 自我掌握的經驗(mastery experiences):指的是自己透過努力或克服困難之後所獲得的「具掌握性的」成功經驗。
  2. 他人典範的經驗:指的是看到他人透過持續努力而成功之經歷,會提高觀察者產生「我也具備成功所需的能力」之信念。
  3. 被他人激勵的經驗:他人對於自己的激勵往往能夠使自己動員更多努力堅持下去。


Do you have self-efficacy?

The article quote from https://wellbeing.mohw.gov.tw/nor/pstunt/1/1809

Every person has their own ideals and goals to pursue at different stages of life, such as finding a suitable dream job after graduating from university. What are the important reasons that motivate us to achieve various life goals, and how do we decide how to act to achieve them? In 1997, a Harvard University scholar named Bandura proposed the concept of self-efficacy, which he described as a person’s belief in their ability to organize and execute actions to achieve specific accomplishments. Having a sense of self-efficacy has important impacts on people:

  • It enables people to choose specific actions to achieve their goals.
  • It determines the effort people are willing to put forth.
  • It influences people’s perseverance and resilience in the face of challenges and failures.
  • It affects people’s judgments and decisions related to their own choices.

In the campus setting, self-efficacy refers to a student’s self-awareness of their learning ability or capacity to perform actions in assigned tasks or assignments. After Bandura introduced this concept to the education field, many subsequent scholars found that self-efficacy affects students’ learning, motivation, achievement, and self-regulation. Compared to students who doubt their abilities, those with high self-efficacy tend to participate more, work harder, persist longer, show more interest in learning, and ultimately achieve higher levels of performance. For instance, some college students can simultaneously engage in club activities or sports while maintaining academic excellence, primarily because they have a sense of efficacy in these different experiences. As a result, they know how to navigate their paths to achieve goals in various domains and enjoy the enriching and challenging process. In the workplace, entrepreneurs with higher self-efficacy have confidence in starting and operating new businesses, set challenging goals for themselves and their companies, and these difficult goals, in turn, motivate the entrepreneurs themselves and their employees to work harder and persist, ultimately improving the overall company’s performance and results. For example, some entrepreneurs can manage diverse businesses, and without imposing too many rules and regulations on employees, their employees can still achieve the company’s predetermined goals or even pursue their own ideal performance. The key reason is that employees derive a sense of efficacy from their work, enabling them to achieve specific goals and enjoy the sense of accomplishment, even without external constraints from the company.

From these examples, we can understand that a sense of self-efficacy is a crucial element in achieving goals and can be seen as the process of continuously discovering our self-worth and enhancing our motivation to act on the path to goal attainment. Therefore, in life, encourage everyone to cultivate habits that emphasize the following experiences to accumulate a sense of self-efficacy:

  1. Mastery experiences: Refer to the “mastery” successful experiences gained through personal effort or overcoming difficulties.
  2. Vicarious experiences: Observing others’ success through sustained effort can increase the observer’s belief that “I also possess the abilities needed for success.”
  3. Verbal persuasion: Encouragement from others can often motivate us to mobilize more effort and perseverance.
  4. Interpreting physiological and emotional responses when facing stress, setbacks, or challenges. Making positive interpretations can boost self-confidence.
[Mental Health Tips] Do you have self-efficacy?2024-05-31T00:01:10+08:00
19 2024-04

【Application】The practical way toward well-being (2024/04/24)





導師:李昇恆先生  澳門大學心理輔導員



時間:下午兩點半至四點(共1.5 小時)

地點: E3-1032 室

名額:30 名(額滿即止)

報名網址: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eRoV2u5mOjklQ3A

任何垂詢,請電郵至senghangl@um.edu.mo 或致電8822 9916與李先生聯繫,謝謝。


Introduction: In our busy lives, it’s easy to fall into a trap of mental exhaustion, losing sight of the way forward. In this lecture, you will discover that well-being can be cultivated. Learn how to break free from mental drain and reclaim the peace and joy within.

Purpose: To help students rediscover the science of well-being and use practical methods to practice improving mental health and well-being.

Instructor:  Mr.Sam Lei, Counsellor of University of Macau

Target audience:  UM Student

Date: Wednesday, April 24, 2024

  Time: 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm (1.5 hours total)

地點: E3-1032 

Quota: 30

Application:   https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eRoV2u5mOjklQ3A

For any inquiries, please email senghangl@um.edu.mo or call Mr. Lei at 88229916. Thank you.


Remarks: This activity has been included in the “Healthy Living” project in the “Full Person Development Award Scheme”. Students who attend the whole activity on time will be given 15.0 “Competency Score” 


立即報名 Application
【Application】The practical way toward well-being (2024/04/24)2024-04-25T00:00:05+08:00
18 2024-03

【Reminder】Mental Health workshop – “Three way to sleep well” (2024/03/20, 15CS)



導師:李昇恆先生  澳門大學心理輔導員
日期: 2024年03月20日(星期三)
時間:下午兩點半至四點(共1.5 小時)
地點: E3-1032 室
任何垂詢,請電郵至senghangl@um.edu.mo 或致電88229916與李先生聯繫,謝謝。

Three way to sleep well

Overview: There are many ability in university, such as leadership, self insight, etc. Besides, there are another ability we need to learn – how to have a good sleep. Through this class, you will know how to sleep well.

Purpose: understand the importance of sleep, explain the functions of sleep, educate on sleep hygiene and provide suitable help for students who suffer from insomnia.

Lecturer: Mr. Sam Lei (Counsellor of University of Macau)
Target: UM Students
Date: 20 March  2024(Wed)
Time: 14:30 – 16:00 (1.5 hours in total)
Location: E3-1032
Quota: 30 students
Register website: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3e18my2dLEZ5poW

Should you have any enquiries, please email senghangl@um.edu.mo or contact Mr. Sam Lei through 88229916 for further information, thank you.
Note: This activity is included in the “Healthy living” of the Whole Person Development Programme. Full participants will be given 15 Competencies Score(CS).


立即報名 Application
【Reminder】Mental Health workshop – “Three way to sleep well” (2024/03/20, 15CS)2024-03-20T00:00:10+08:00
14 2024-03

[Mental Health Tips] 6 tips for better sleep






  1. 第一個秘訣是規律,固定時間上床睡覺、起床。規律的睡眠能幫助睡眠建立基礎,同時改善睡眠的長度與品質。在大腦中,有一個精密的睡眠時中,需要在規律的情況下能有好的發揮。
  2. 第二個秘訣是溫度,保持舒適的溫度。我們的大腦和身體都需要降低核心溫度大概攝氏1度,才會開始睡覺並保持沈睡。這也是為什麼在冷的房間比熱的房間更容易入睡,也建議把臥室溫度調整在攝氏18度高一點。
  3. 第三個秘訣是黑暗。暗能讓我們釋放一種稱為褪黑激素的賀爾蒙,能調節睡眠的最佳時機。因此上床前一小時,最好暫停使用電腦螢幕、手機或平板電腦,並把房間的亮度減半,我們會發現自己開始想睡。如果可以,也可以戴上眼罩,或是拉上遮光的窗簾,都能幫助我們調整睡眠賀爾蒙:褪黑激素。
  4. 第四個秘訣是下床,不要醒著待在床上太久。如果你嘗試入睡,但是25分鐘左右都睡不著,或是醒來後也睡不著,會建議下床去做別的事,因為大腦會把睡不著和床做連結,下床可以讓這個連接切斷,也讓大腦學會床是用來長時間睡覺的地方。
  5. 第五個秘訣是避免酒精和咖啡因,盡量在下午或晚上攝取咖啡因,也不要在睡前喝得太醉。
  6. 最後一個秘訣是建立起讓自己放鬆的作息,很多人都希望能在夜晚上床、關燈,以為睡覺就是關燈,我們就會馬上入睡,但睡覺並非如此。睡覺比較像是飛機降落,需要花時間讓大腦慢慢沈澱到適合睡眠的穩定基礎上。因此上床前20分鐘或半小時,放下你的電腦和手機,做些能放鬆的事,找出適合自己的方式,並把這件事變成你的作息。


6 tips for better sleep

The article quote from https://wellbeing.mohw.gov.tw/nor/pstunt/2/3015

Everyone has times when they can’t sleep well, so how can we improve the length and quality of our sleep?

According to scientific evidence, here are six tips:

The first tips is regularity – going to bed and waking up at the same time. Regular sleep helps establish a foundation for sleep and improves both the length and quality of sleep. In the brain, there is a precise sleep clock that needs regularity to function well.

The second tips is temperature – maintaining a comfortable temperature. Our brain and body need to lower the core temperature by about 1 degree Celsius to start sleeping and stay asleep. This is why it’s easier to fall asleep in a cool room than a hot one, and it’s recommended to set the bedroom temperature just above 18 degrees Celsius.

The third tips is darkness. Darkness allows us to release a hormone called melatonin, which regulates the optimal timing of sleep. Therefore, an hour before bedtime, it’s best to stop using computer screens, phones, or tablets, and dim the room’s brightness by half. We’ll find ourselves starting to feel sleepy. If possible, wear an eye mask or pull light-blocking curtains to help adjust the sleep hormone melatonin.

The fourth tips is getting out of bed – don’t stay awake in bed for too long. If you try to fall asleep but can’t after about 25 minutes, or if you wake up and can’t fall back asleep, it’s recommended to get out of bed and do something else. The brain will associate not sleeping with the bed, so getting out of bed can break this connection and teach the brain that the bed is for long periods of sleep.

The fifth tips is avoiding alcohol and caffeine, especially consuming caffeine in the afternoon or evening, and not drinking too much before bed.

The final tips is establishing a relaxing routine. Many people hope to go to bed at night, turn off the lights, and think that sleep is just turning off the lights and we’ll fall asleep immediately, but sleep isn’t like that. Sleep is more like an airplane landing, it takes time for the brain to slowly settle onto a stable foundation suitable for sleep. So 20 minutes or half an hour before bed, put down your computer and phone, and do something relaxing. Find a way that works for you and make it your routine.

Lastly, if you suffer from sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, these methods may not help you. Just as a fitness trainer cannot treat your ankle injury, the same goes for sleep. If you think you have a sleep disorder, it’s recommended to seek help from a professional.


[Mental Health Tips] 6 tips for better sleep2024-04-01T00:00:21+08:00
11 2024-03

【Application】Sleep Mental Health workshop – “Three way to sleep well” (2024/03/20)



導師:李昇恆先生  澳門大學心理輔導員
日期: 2024年03月20日(星期三)
時間:下午兩點半至四點(共1.5 小時)
地點: E3-1032 室
任何垂詢,請電郵至senghangl@um.edu.mo 或致電88229916與李先生聯繫,謝謝。

Three way to sleep well

Overview: There are many ability in university, such as leadership, self insight, etc. Besides, there are another ability we need to learn – how to have a good sleep. Through this class, you will know how to sleep well.

Purpose: understand the importance of sleep, explain the functions of sleep, educate on sleep hygiene and provide suitable help for students who suffer from insomnia.

Lecturer: Mr. Sam Lei (Counsellor of University of Macau)
Target: UM Students
Date: 20 March  2024(Wed)
Time: 14:30 – 16:00 (1.5 hours in total)
Location: E3-1032
Quota: 30 students
Register website: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3e18my2dLEZ5poW

Should you have any enquiries, please email senghangl@um.edu.mo or contact Mr. Sam Lei through 88229916 for further information, thank you.
Note: This activity is included in the “Healthy living” of the Whole Person Development Programme. Full participants will be given 15 Competencies Score(CS).


立即報名 Application
【Application】Sleep Mental Health workshop – “Three way to sleep well” (2024/03/20)2024-03-20T00:00:11+08:00
8 2024-03

【Application】Sleep Mental Health workshop – “Three way to sleep well” (2024/03/20)



導師:李昇恆先生  澳門大學心理輔導員
日期: 2024年03月20日(星期三)
時間:下午兩點半至四點(共1.5 小時)
地點: E3-1032 室
任何垂詢,請電郵至senghangl@um.edu.mo 或致電88229916與李先生聯繫,謝謝。

Three way to sleep well

Overview: There are many ability in university, such as leadership, self insight, etc. Besides, there are another ability we need to learn – how to have a good sleep. Through this class, you will know how to sleep well.

Purpose: understand the importance of sleep, explain the functions of sleep, educate on sleep hygiene and provide suitable help for students who suffer from insomnia.

Lecturer: Mr. Sam Lei (Counsellor of University of Macau)
Target: UM Students
Date: 20 March  2024(Wed)
Time: 14:30 – 16:00 (1.5 hours in total)
Location: E3-1032
Quota: 30 students
Register website: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3e18my2dLEZ5poW

Should you have any enquiries, please email senghangl@um.edu.mo or contact Mr. Sam Lei through 88229916 for further information, thank you.
Note: This activity is included in the “Healthy living” of the Whole Person Development Programme. Full participants will be given 15 Competencies Score(CS).


立即報名 Application
【Application】Sleep Mental Health workshop – “Three way to sleep well” (2024/03/20)2024-03-11T10:17:00+08:00
16 2024-01

Recruitment of Student Trainees for the Psychological Counselling Centre of Student Affairs Office (Deadline: 26 Jan)


Dear Students,

The Student Affairs Office – Psychological Counselling Centre is currently recruiting student trainee(s) for assisting in reception, general administrative and clerical tasks.

Please find details for your information:

  1. Target applicants:

    • Postgraduate student are preferred;
    • Both local and Non-local students are welcomed;
  1. Hourly rate: MOP 48 per hour;

  2. Expected Commencement Period : January, 2024

  3. Applicants should possess the following abilities:

    • Knowledge of Microsoft Offices;
    • Fluent in English and Mandarin, basic listening of Cantonese;
    • Translate document from Chinese to English/English to Chinese;
    • Good interpersonal skills;
    • Having customer or counter service working experience is an advantage;
    • With Graphic design experience(AI, Photoshop etc.) is an advantage;
    • With Social Media experience (WeChat official account) is an advantage;
  1. Required Working time : Monday to Friday

  2. Application Deadline:  26 Jan
    For further information, please contact Mr. Sam lei at 8822 9916. 

Apply now
Recruitment of Student Trainees for the Psychological Counselling Centre of Student Affairs Office (Deadline: 26 Jan)2024-01-27T00:00:12+08:00
4 2024-01

Psychological Counselling Service – Referral


Psychological Counselling Service – Referral

When a student is going through stress, unstable emotion or unusual behaviors may be observed. It’s always a signal for help!

Welcome to refer them to us for psychological counselling. We are also happy to discuss with you whether a referral is necessary and how to present the referral to the students. 

An indication that a referral may be needed:

  • Need for better self-understanding, to enhance interpersonal relationships, to explore and develop potentials, and to improve emotional wellness;
  • Sudden changes in school performance, e.g. a serious drop in grades and class attendance;
  • Marked changes in body weight, personal grooming, and hygiene;
  • Unusual or exaggerated emotional response which is inappropriate to the situation;
  • Feeling difficulty in adjusting to university life and powerless in coping with problems;
  • Feeling sad, anxious, stressed, or troubled for a long period;
  • Highly disruptive behaviour (hostile, aggressive, or violent);
  • Inability to communicate clearly (garbled, slurred speech; unconnected or disjointed thoughts);
  • Loss of contact with reality (seeing/hearing things which “aren’t there”; beliefs that are greatly at odds with reality or probability);
  • Threats of self-harm or harm to others (Call 999 immediately in case of emergency).


Special remarks for making referrals:

  • It is usually helpful that you discuss the possibility of using a psychological counselling service with the student before making a referral. An anonymous referral often makes it difficult for our psychological counsellor to develop trust with the student. Most students appreciate candid caring and support from people around them in their times of difficulty.
  • Except in dangerous situations, e.g. threats of self-harm or harm to others, the decision to accept or reject the referral is ultimately the student’s.
  • A referral may be made for consultation purposes, where our psychological counsellor meets with the student, makes an assessment, and offers recommendations to the staff member who made the referral.
  • A referral may be made for counselling purposes, where our psychological counsellor meets with the student, makes an assessment, develops a treatment plan, and begins the counselling process.
  • Under the obligation of confidentiality, all student information is kept strictly confidential. Our psychological counsellor is unable to disclose any information about the student to anyone, including the staff member who made the referral, without written consent from the student. If the referrer wants to know about the counselling progress of the student, please contact the student directly.
  • If you need immediate support during non-office hours, please contact the University Security Centre (Tel: 8822 4000). The student in need may also use the 24-hour Macau Caritas Life Hope Hotline (Tel: 2852 5222 / 2852 5777) or the Emergency Room (Tel:999) in case of emergency.

The following are the referral guidelines For Psychological Counselling Services: 

Referral Guideline


學生在面對生活及學習上的壓力時,常會出現波動的情緒或有反常的行為表現,這可能是一個求助警號 !


  • 希望增加自我了解、改善人際關係、探索並發展自我潛能、以及提升心理素質
  • 學習表現突變,如成績嚴重下跌或上課出席率變低
  • 體重、個人自理或衛生方面有顯著改變
  • 對事情有不尋常或過分誇張的情緒反應
  • 覺得難以適應學校的生活,對解決問題感到無力
  • 長期處於悲傷、緊張、壓抑或其他困擾的情緒
  • 出現具破壞性的行為,如有攻擊性、挑釁性或暴力的行為
  • 無法清晰地與他人溝通,如說話含糊不清、語義混淆或思想混亂
  • 與現實脫軌,如有幻覺或妄想等
  • 有傷害自己或他人的傾向 (遇緊急狀況時請電999)


  • 請你盡量在轉介前先與該同學討論一下他的情況以及我們的心理轉導服務。若同學不知道是誰人作出轉介或不了解自己為什麼需要轉介,我們的心理輔導員將很難與同學建立信任關係。其實大部分的同學在面對困難時,都希望得到周遭親友坦誠的關懷及支持。
  • 除危急狀況外(如傷害自己或傷害他人),同學有權決定是否接受服務
  • 你可以轉介同學前來諮詢。心理輔導員會與同學會面及進行評估,並在同學的書面同意下的向轉介者提供適當的建議或安排。
  • 你可以轉介同學前來接受心理輔導。輔導員會與同學會面、進行評估、擬定計劃並開始輔導過程。
  • 基於保密原則,我們必需將同學的所有資料嚴格保密。除非獲學生本人的書面同意,我們的心理輔導員不會向任何人士透露學生的資料,包括該同學的轉介者。
  • 如遇緊急情況,可致電保安中心(電話:8822 4000),在非辦公室時間需要緊急的輔導服務,致電24小時澳門明愛生命熱線(電話:2852 5222)。如情況緊急,請直接到急症室(電話:999)求助。



Psychological Counselling Service
Our Team












Opening Hours 
Monday to Thursday: 9:00am – 1:00p.m.; 2:00p.m. – 5:45p.m. 
Friday: 9:00am – 1:00p.m.; 2:00p.m. – 5:30p.m.

Our Counselling Rooms
Address: Room 2009, 2nd Floor, Student Activity Centre (E31)
Tel. 8822 9000
Email: sao.counsellor@um.edu.mo

Welcome to visit our website for details:




週一至週四: 9:00am – 1:00p.m.; 2:00p.m. – 5:45p.m. 
週五: 9:00am – 1:00p.m.; 2:00p.m. – 5:30p.m.

地址: 學生活動中心(E31) 2樓2009室
電話:8822 9000
電郵: sao.counsellor@um.edu.mo

有關我們的服務, 請瀏覽以下網頁:

Psychological Counselling Service – Referral2024-01-31T15:00:13+08:00
28 2023-11

[Mental Health Tips] Boost Efficiency, Reduce Stress: Five Time Management Techniques for Doubling Your Productivity







  1. 設定優先級:確定哪些任務是最重要的,並將它們放在你的待辦事項列表的最上方。這樣可以保證你首先完成最關鍵的工作。
  •    例子:在每天開始時,或在前一天晚上,列出第二天的任務,並按重要性和緊急性給予它們排序。
  1. 設定具體目標:為每個任務設定清晰、可衡量的目標,這樣你可以清楚地知道什麼時候一項任務被完成了。
  •    例子:不要只是寫下“學習數學”,而是要寫下“完成數學練習冊第5章的練習題”。
  1. 規劃休息時間:持續工作而不休息可能會導致疲勞和效率下降。確保在工作日程中規劃短暫的休息時間。
  •    例子:每工作50分鐘,休息10分鐘。在休息時間內做一些伸展運動,或是短暫的散步。
  1. 學習有效拖延:將拖延行為轉化為有生產力的活動。當你不想做一項任務時,選擇完成另一項較小或更容易的任務。
  •    例子:如果你不想開始一個大的報告,可以先整理你的工作空間,這樣可以創造一個更有利於工作的環境。
  1. 回顧和調整:定期回顧你的時間管理策略,看看哪些工作得很好,哪些需要改進。根據實際情況進行調整。
  •    例子:每週檢視你的日程安排,評估任務完成情況,並根據需要調整你的計劃或方法。


Boost Efficiency, Reduce Stress: Five Time Management Techniques for Doubling Your Productivity

Meet Ming, a university student facing the upcoming final exams and feeling immense pressure. Despite studying late into the night at the library every day, his grades just won’t improve.

Students like Ming are not uncommon. Many students face time management challenges before exams. Psychological studies show that time management is not just about efficiency; it is closely linked to our emotional well-being and life satisfaction. When you effectively schedule your time, you feel more in control, which enhances your confidence and inner drive. This sense of control can reduce stress and anxiety, allowing you to face challenges with more ease.

Here are five clever tricks to help you manage your time more effectively:

  1. Set Priorities: Determine which tasks are most important and place them at the top of your to-do list. This ensures that you tackle the most critical work first.
  •    Example: At the beginning of each day or the night before, list the tasks for the next day and prioritize them based on importance and urgency.
  1. Set Specific Goals: Establish clear, measurable goals for each task so that you know exactly when a task is completed.
  •    Example: Instead of just writing “study math,” write “complete exercises from Chapter 5 of the math workbook.”
  1. Plan Break Times: Working continuously without breaks can lead to fatigue and decreased efficiency. Ensure to schedule short breaks during your work day.
  •    Example: Work for 50 minutes, then take a 10-minute break. Use the break time to do some stretching exercises or take a short walk.
  1. Learn Productive Procrastination: Transform procrastination into productive activities. When you don’t feel like doing a task, choose to complete another smaller or easier task.
  •    Example: If you don’t feel like starting a major report, start by organizing your workspace to create a more conducive environment for work.
  1. Review and Adjust: Regularly review your time management strategies to see what’s working well and what needs improvement. Make adjustments based on actual circumstances.
  •    Example: Review your schedule weekly, assess task completion, and adjust your plans or methods as needed.

Time management is a form of self-care that reflects how we address our psychological needs and life goals. By practicing effective time management techniques, you can not only improve your learning and work efficiency but also promote your mental well-being, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

In conclusion, growth mindset is a powerful mindset that can help us achieve greater success, reach our full potential, and build healthier learning and lifestyle. 

[Mental Health Tips] Boost Efficiency, Reduce Stress: Five Time Management Techniques for Doubling Your Productivity2023-12-17T00:00:11+08:00
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