Photo Sharing: UM String Orchestra and UM Symphonic Band participated at the “Music Night for University Students from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area”
澳門大學弦樂團和管樂團於11月16日參加由澳門旅遊大學學生會主辦,澳門旅遊大學、澳門旅遊大學學生會音樂屬會及會展屬會協辦的“慶祝中華人民共和國成立75周年及澳門特別行政區成立25周年之粵港澳大灣區高校學生音樂夜” 活動。該活動吸引了來自粵港澳大灣區的近百名參加者、來賓和觀眾。
澳大管樂團代表分別為科技學院、霍英東珍禧書院四年級本科生梁裕彬,法學院、霍英東珍禧書院四年級本科生李承恩,社會科學學院、紹邦書院三年級本科生戴昊廷,工商管理學院、馬萬祺羅柏心書院一年級本科生伍海東。他們以銅管四重奏形式演奏了山下由香描繪風吹拂大地和鳥兒翱翔的天空而創作的重奏曲《Starting Line》。澳門大學衷心感謝主辦單位的邀請。
UM String Orchestra and UM Symphonic Band participated at the “Music Night for University Students from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area”
On 16 November, the String Orchestra and Symphonic Band of University of Macau participated in the event organized by the Student Association of the Macao University of Tourism (UTM), co-organized by the Music Society and the Events Society of the Macao University of Tourism (UTM). The event attracted nearly a hundred participants, guests, and audience members from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.
The representatives of the University of Macau String Orchestra were PhD student Zhang Yihan from the Faculty of Education (FED) and a Year-2 undergraduate student Ngou Man Hei from the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) and the Cheng Yu Tung College (CYTC). They performed a violin and piano duet of the guzheng piece “Fishing Boat Singing at Dusk” composed by Wei Ziyou in 1925 to depict fishermen returning home at sunset. The instructors of the performance are Mr. Cheong Wai Leong and Ms. Chang Cheok Man.
The representatives of the University of Macau Symphonic Band were a Year-4 undergraduate students Leong U Pan from the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) and the Henry Fok Pearl Jubilee College (HFPJC), a Year – 4 undergraduate student Lei Seng Ian from the Faculty of Law (FLL) and the Henry Fok Pearl Jubilee College (HFPJC), a Year-3 undergraduate student Tai Hou Teng from the Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS) and the Shiu Pong College (SPC) and a Year-1 undergraduate student Ng Hoi Tong from the Faculty of Business Administration (FBA) and the Ma Man Kei and Lo Pak Sam College (MLC). They performed a brass quartet of the ensemble piece “Starting Line,” composed by Yuka Yamashita to depict the wind sweeping across the land and birds soaring in the sky. The University of Macau sincerely thanks the organizers for their invitation.
Participants at the music night
UM String Orchestra members Zhang Yihan and Ngou Man Hou performed a violin and piano duet of “Fishing Boat Singing at Dusk”
澳大管樂團梁裕彬﹑李承恩﹑戴昊廷及伍海東以銅管四重奏演奏《Starting Line》
UM Symphonic Band members Leong U Pan, Lei Seng Ian, Tai Hou Teng and Ng Hoi Tong performed a brass quartet piece “Starting Line”