About stellangai

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So far stellangai has created 4 blog entries.
19 2024-09

External Activity: Promote Macao as a City of Gastronomy. Tell the story of your experience with Macao’s cuisine. 🇲🇴


The following information is provided by the Macau Economic and Livelihood Alliance and forwarded by the Student Resources Section.



External Activity: Promote Macao as a City of Gastronomy. Tell the story of your experience with Macao’s cuisine. 🇲🇴2024-11-10T20:00:44+08:00
13 2024-09

External Activity: [Black Box Theatre Performance Plan 2024] Session One and Session Two: “Lai Feng Comedy” from Xiamen to perform the interactive improv theatre piece “Choice” (Xiamen Version) and a “Stand-up + Improv Comedy Mix” in Macao


The following information is provided by the Theatre Farmers and forwarded by the Student Resources Section.


External Activity: [Black Box Theatre Performance Plan 2024] Session One and Session Two: “Lai Feng Comedy” from Xiamen to perform the interactive improv theatre piece “Choice” (Xiamen Version) and a “Stand-up + Improv Comedy Mix” in Macao2024-09-30T20:00:07+08:00
13 2024-09

The University of Macau Holds a Seminar for Members of the Cultural and Arts U-teams


The University of Macau Holds a Seminar for Members of the Cultural and Arts U-teams2024-09-30T20:00:08+08:00
10 2024-09

Minzu University of China Visits the University of Macau for Cultural Exchange and Flash Mob Performance


Minzu University of China Visits the University of Macau for Cultural Exchange and Flash Mob Performance2024-09-30T00:00:09+08:00
14 2024-08

UM Portuguese Debating Team 2024/2025 Recruitment (Application Deadline: 30 August, 2024)



Sobre a equipa
A Equipa de Debate em Língua Portuguesa da Universidade de Macau (UM PDT) foi oficialmente criada em 2014, com o objetivo de promover a língua portuguesa no campus e cultivar o interesse dos estudantes pela língua. A equipa representa a Universidade de Macau no Concurso de Debate em Língua Portuguesa para Instituições de Ensino Superior da Ásia e compete com equipas de outras instituições, empenhando-se em alcançar o nível mais alto.
1. Estudantes da UM (os estudantes do Departamento de Português são considerados preferencialmente)
2. Boas habilidades de leitura e comunicação em português
3. Valorização do trabalho em equipe
4. Com a capacidade de pensar criticamente e prestar atenção aos assuntos atuais
5. Participar regularmente em treinamentos


Via o código QR no cartaz 

A Equipa de Debate em Língua Portuguesa enviará um e-mail a todos os candidatos, independentemente de a sua candidatura ser bem-sucedida ou não, no meio de setembro.

Se tiver alguma dúvida, por favor, não hesite em entrar em contato por e-mail com umpdtmember@gmail.com ou ligar para a Sra. Ngai da Secção de Recursos para os Estudantes do Gabinete de Assuntos dos Estudantes  (telefone: 8822 9912, e-mail: stellangai@um.edu.mo).

Equipa da Debate em Língua Portuguesa:https://srs.sao.um.edu.mo/portuguese-debating-team/



Established in 2014, the UM Portuguese Debating Team (PDT) aims at promoting the Portuguese language on campus. We organize regular trainings for team members to improve members’ Portuguese and debating skills. PDT represents the University of Macau to compete in the Portuguese-speaking Asian Universities Debating Competition annually.


  1. UM Students (priority will be given to students of the Department of Portuguese)
  2. Good reading and communication skills in Portuguese
  3. Value teamwork
  4. With the ability to think critically and pay attention to current affairs
  5. Attend regular training


Please scan the QR code on the poster

The Portuguese Debating Team will email all applicants, regardless of whether their application is successful or not, in the middle of September.

Should you have any inquiries, please contact us via email at umpdtmember@gmail.com or contact Ms. Ngai from Student Resources Section via telephone no. 8822 9912 or email stellangai@um.edu.mo.

UM Portuguese Debating Team: https://srs.sao.um.edu.mo/portuguese-debating-team/

澳門大學葡語辯論隊正式成立於2014 年,致力於校園中推廣葡語及培養學生對葡語之興趣,葡語辯論隊定期舉行集訓,提高學生葡語水平及辯論技巧,相互學習。本辯論隊在辯論比賽中代表澳門大學參加亞洲高校葡語辯論賽及與其他院校的辯論隊交流較技,力爭辯出自己的最高水準。
1. 澳大學生 (葡文系同學優先)
2. 良好的葡語閱讀和溝通能力
3. 重視團隊合作
4. 思維能力良好且關注時事者
5. 定期參加訓練





如有任何查詢,歡迎電郵聯繫 umpdtmember@gmail.com 或致電學生資源處魏小姐 (電話:8822 9912,電郵 stellangai@um.edu.mo)。


UM Portuguese Debating Team 2024/2025 Recruitment (Application Deadline: 30 August, 2024)2024-08-31T23:59:06+08:00
14 2024-08

UM Dance Troupe 2024/2025 1st semester Recruitment (Application deadline: 24 August 2024)


The UM Dance Troupe (UMDT) is a happy and enthusiastic dance team that aims to cultivate outstanding dance talents in a rich and diverse campus art culture. Established in October 2014, the UM Dance Troupe aims to cultivate UM students’ interest in dance art, enrich campus art culture, provide more diversified performances, and cultivate dance talents. The dance team recruits students from various colleges, and the team members will not only receive guidance from professional instructors regularly but also have the opportunity to show their fists and perform their choreographed dances.
The objectives of the Dance Troupe are
1. To provide a platform for dance enthusiasts to perform and exchange dance knowledge.
2. To improve the performance and training quality of members.
3. To enhance members’ dance interest, enthusiasm, and communication and build up good friendships through training and performances.
4. To promote dance culture on campus.
Please scan the QR code on the poster and fill in your personal information.
Should you have any inquiries, please contact us via email at umdancetroupe@hotmail.com or contact Ms. Ngai from the Student Resources Section via telephone no. 8822 9912 or email to stellangai@um.edu.mo.
1. 為舞蹈愛好者提供演出及交流的平台。
2. 提昇隊員的演出水平和訓練質素。
3. 培養隊員對舞蹈的興趣及熱誠,並透過排練及演出建立友誼。
4. 在校內推廣舞蹈藝術文化。



如有任何查詢,歡迎電郵聯繫 umdancetroupe@hotmail.com 或致電學生資源處魏小姐 (電話:8822 9912,電郵 stellangai@um.edu.mo)。



UM Dance Troupe 2024/2025 1st semester Recruitment (Application deadline: 24 August 2024)2024-08-27T23:59:03+08:00
9 2024-08

The 5th “Youth Inclusion Ambassador” Youth Community Care Programme (Deadline: 9 September 2024)




The 5th “Youth Inclusion Ambassador” Youth Community Care Programme (Deadline: 9 September 2024)2024-09-06T19:00:02+08:00
29 2024-07

UM Dance Troupe has been selected to perform at the Student and Youth Show in Celebration of Macao’s Return to the Motherland cum International Youth Dance Festival







UM Dance Troupe has been selected to perform at the Student and Youth Show in Celebration of Macao’s Return to the Motherland cum International Youth Dance Festival

To celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China and the 25th Anniversary of the Macao SAR, and to align with Macao’s positioning as “One Centre, One Platform and One Base” for economic diversification, the Education and Youth Development Bureau (DSEDJ), SJM Resorts Limited, and Nam Kwong (Group) Company Limited held the “Student and Youth Show in Celebration of Macao’s Return to the Motherland cum International Youth Dance Festival” from 19 to 25 July 2024. The University of Macau Dance Troupe (UMDT) was one of the 23 local dance teams and the only local university dance team chosen. Through appreciating the performances of local and non-local dance teams, the members of UMDT also showcased their talents in the parade and outdoor performance, presenting a spectacular dance feast for the audience. The UMDT and the participating young dance enthusiasts from around the world performed brilliant dance performances on the same stage, making friends through dance. Through participating in the dance festival, the members of the UMDT can absorb the excellent experiences of dance teams from various regions and improve their own dance skills, making it a valuable learning experience for them.

The grand dance event featured participants from around the world. Non-local teams from Europe, Africa, Oceania, and Asia joined the festival, along with school dance troupes and folk dance groups from Macao. Nearly 1,500 performers came together to showcase their unique cultural dance traditions on the grand stage. This event provided a platform for young dance enthusiasts from around the world to showcase diverse dances, conduct cultural exchanges, and build friendships. Through the active participation of young people in the celebration of Macao’s return to the motherland, it demonstrated the great achievement of diversified development.

Related news: https://portal.dsedj.gov.mo/webdsejspace/internet/Inter_main_page.jsp?id=700866&langsel=C&



Opening Ceremony and Parade



Outdoor Performance at Tap Siac Square


UM Dance Troupe has been selected to perform at the Student and Youth Show in Celebration of Macao’s Return to the Motherland cum International Youth Dance Festival2024-08-15T09:30:12+08:00
9 2024-07

The 13th Small Town Film “Influence” Photography Competition (Deadline: 6 September 2024)



The 13th Small Town Film “Influence” Photography Competition (Deadline: 6 September 2024)2024-09-06T19:00:03+08:00
17 2024-06

News Clipping: UM String Orchestra and UM Dance Troupe Won Awards in the 7th National University Students Arts Showcase



澳門大學舞蹈隊和弦樂團分別於全國第七屆大學生藝術展演活動評選舞蹈類別和器樂類別中榮獲二等獎和三等獎。澳門大學舞蹈隊的作品《絢縵》以及弦樂團的《海頓G大調弦樂四重奏Op.76 No.1第一樂章》在此次展演評選中獲選藝術表演類作品獎項,充分展現出澳門大學文化藝術校隊在培養學生藝術才華的卓越成果。



UM String Orchestra and UM Dance Troupe Won Awards in the 7th National University Students Arts Showcase

UM Dance Troupe (UMDT) and String Orchestra (UMSO) respectively won second and third place awards in the dance and instrumental categories at the 7th National University Student Arts Exhibition and Performance event. The UMDT’s work《Pyrotechnic Blossom》and the UMSO’s work《Haydn String Quartet Op. 76, No. 1》were selected for the artistic performance awards in this showcase, fully demonstrating the outstanding achievements of the University of Macau’s Cultural and Arts U-teams in cultivating students’ artistic talents.

The National University Students Arts Showcase is held every three years and is the largest, highest-level, and most influential arts practice activity organized by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. The theme of this session was “Deeply rooting national sentiments, cultivating a courageous character”, the performances were divided into three levels: the university level, the provincial level, and the national level. The goal is to better reflect the achievements of art education across the country, promote artistic practice and exchanges, and provide a platform for learning, exchange, observation, and improvement for schools and students. The national-level showcase was jointly organized by the Ministry of Education and the Hubei Provincial People’s Government, and undertaken by the Hubei Provincial Department of Education and the Xiangyang Municipal People’s Government, with over 7,400 teachers and students from 282 projects representing 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, and the Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR participating. The activities included on-site performances, art exhibitions, student arts practice workshops, excellent case reports, and social practice events.



News Clipping: UM String Orchestra and UM Dance Troupe Won Awards in the 7th National University Students Arts Showcase2024-07-17T00:00:50+08:00
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