UM Recreational Club Interest Class in November: “Acupressure Class”
yoyolau2023-11-25T00:00:11+08:00興趣班名稱: Course Title: |
穴位及經絡按摩班 |
上課時間: Course Schedule: |
24/11/2023 (星期五 / Friday) (如有需要,參加者可自行預備輕便午餐在場進食。Participants may bring their own light lunch to eat on-site if necessary.) |
總時數: No. of Hours: |
1.5 小時/hours |
內容: Content: |
講解經絡和穴位的原理,介紹應對日常常見不適的穴位取用以及按壓手法,讓學員學以致用,以簡單的操作手法達到自我保健的效果。 Explain the principles of Acupressure, and introduce the pressing techniques of some acupoints to deal with common daily discomforts, allowing participants to achieve self-care with simple operations. |
導師: Trainer: |
何家明中醫生(註冊中醫生) |
費用: Fee: |
全免 Free of Charge |
名額: Class Size: |
最多30人 |
語言: Language: |
廣東話 Cantonese |
地點: Venue: |
E11-1009 |
對象: Targets: |
所有職員及其家屬 |
報名方法及截止日期: Enrollment Form and Deadline: |
Enrollment Link 09/11/2023 (星期四/Thursday) |