Morning Express: UM Today 《今日澳大》(for students), 12/01/2024-15/01/2024

  Monday, January 15, 2024  

Time 時間 Today’s Events 今日活動 Venue 地點
10:30 – 12:00 FBA Seminar Series: “Neighbors as Strangers or Friends? How Consumer’s Self-Construal Affects the Weight of Neighbor Information in Residence Decisions” by Dr. Linying (Sophie) FAN工商管理學院研討會系列“Neighbors as Strangers or Friends? How Consumer’s Self-Construal Affects the Weight of Neighbor Information in Residence Decisions”, 范林瑩教授 E22-G015
11:00 – 12:30 SKL-AMSV / IME Distinguished Lecture: Microfluidic chip combined with mass spectrometer for cell metabolite analysis模擬與混合信號超大規模集成電路國家重點實驗室 / 微電子研究院研究講壇: Microfluidic chip combined with mass spectrometer for cell metabolite analysis Room 3004, 3/F, Research Building (N21)
13:00 – 13:30 Summer Programme General Briefing暑假交流簡介會 E31-G001 Student Activity Centre Theatre
More events 更多活動 / Submit an event 發佈活動
News & Upcoming Activities 新聞及活動預告 Dept. 部門
UM holds Open Day in Macao and Hengqin, showcasing its vision and development direction澳大開放日澳琴聯動體現大學發展定位 CO
ICMS/SKLQRCM Distinguished Guest Seminar Series (2024-002): ‘Composing the Scientific Paper on the Land’ by Prof. Youyong ZHU from Yunnan Agricultural University ICMS
ICMS/SKLQRCM Distinguished Guest Seminar Series (2024-003): ‘Scientific and Technological Innovation of Chinese Medicinal Materials in the Forest’ by Prof. Xiahong HE from Southwest Forestry University ICMS
UM National Flag Team Successfully Held the Flag Raising Ceremony for UM Open Day 2024澳門大學國旗儀仗隊為慶2024年澳門大學開放日成功舉辦升旗儀式 SAO-SRS
Snapshots of Daily Campus Tours校園導賞花絮 CO-PRS
Office of Sports Affairs (OSA) Monthly Activity Photo Sharing (December 2023)體育事務部 (OSA) 每月活動照片分享 (2023年12月) OSA
Seminar on “Gambling Disorder Prevention and Treatment in Macao” (24 Jan, 15:00-16:30, 1 smart point ; 15CS)“澳門賭博失調防治服務專題”講座 (24 Jan, 15:00-16:30, 1粒至叻星及15CS) SAO-SDS
APAEM Seminar Series: iRobot: The Evolving Role of AI and Humanoid Robots in Hospitality (23 Jan)亞太經濟與管理研究所研討會系列:iRobot:人工智能與類人型機器人在款待業的角色演變 (1月23日) APAEM
Choi Kai Yau College organized a mediation workshop for student leaders蔡繼有書院為學生領袖舉辦調解工作坊 RC-CKYC
More news 更多新聞 / Submit news 發佈新聞
Internal Notices 校內通告 Dept. 部門
Reminder: “My Notion of National Cyber Security” Chinese Writing and Video Competition“我心中的網絡安全” 徵文比賽及短視頻比賽 SAO-SDS
PhD Oral Defense in Faculty of Science and Technology, by Mr. Yunrui YU, on 18 January 2024 FST
Recruitment Advertisement of 5 Academic Positions ADMO-HRS
CMMS Mobile Page is Available for Maintenance Request Submission歡迎使用CMMS手機版網頁申請維修服務 CMDO-EMS
[For Staff Only] Electrical box improvement works will be performed at N6 data center from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm on January 21, 2024 (Sunday)[僅供職員] N6 數據中心將於2024年1月21日(星期日)上午9時至下午6時進行電箱改善工程 ICTO-IUS
[For Staff Only] Friendly Reminder: Annual Call for Staff Housing Application 2024[僅供職員] 提提你:教職員宿舍住宿2024年度申請 CMDO-SFS
[For Staff Only] Call for Application: 2024 National Natural Science Foundation of China Grants[僅供職員] 項目徵集:2024年度國家自然科學基金項目 RSKTO
[For Staff Only] UM Recreational Club Interest Class in January: “Dining Etiquette Workshop”[僅供職員] 澳大康樂會一月興趣班:「餐桌禮儀工作坊 」 ADMO-HRS
All active notices 所有內部通告
Student Notices 學生通告 Dept. 部門
REMINDER:【 Career Training Workshop Series】Preparing a Well-written Resume and Cover Letter (for job application in Macao) (Application Deadline: 15 Jan)溫馨提示:【就業培訓工作坊系列】妙寫履歷及求職信(澳門求職)(截止報名日期:1月15日) SAO-SCS
【Tea with Professor】Prof. Guoxing SUN of IAPME (Registration Deadline: 22 Jan)【與教授茶聚】應用物理及材料工程研究院 – 孫國星教授 (截止報名日期:1月22日) SAO-SCS
REMINDER:【 Career Training Workshop Series】Mastering Your Job Interviews (for job application in Mainland China) (Application Deadline: 29 Jan)溫馨提示:【就業培訓工作坊系列】面試出招(內地求職)(截止報名日期:1月29日) SAO-SCS
REMINDER:【Career Training Workshop Series】Preparing a Well-written Resume and Cover Letter (for job application in Mainland China) (Application Deadline: 22 Jan)溫馨提示:【就業培訓工作坊系列】妙寫履歷及求職信(內地求職)(截止報名日期:1月22日) SAO-SCS
Recruitment of Student Trainees for Registry (Application Deadline: 2 February 2024)註冊處招請學生助理 (截止日期:2024年2月2日) AAO-REG
Reminder:【Non-local Postgraduate Programme Introduction Session】HKU Business School (17 Jan | 2:30PM | E33-G021)溫馨提示:【外地研究生課程簡介會】香港大學經管學院 (1月17日 | 2:30PM | E33-G021) SAO-SCS
Morning Express: UM Today 《今日澳大》(for students), 12/01/2024 CO
News Express: UM holds Open Day in Macao and Hengqin, showcasing its vision and development direction新聞快訊:澳大開放日澳琴聯動體現大學發展定位 CO-PRS
All active student notices 所有學生通告
“UM Today” is a daily internal e-newsletter released by the Communications Office, which aims to provide UM members with the up-to-date information about events, seminars, news, internal notices and student activities. To review the previous issues of UM Today, please access the UM Today Database. Should you have any enquiries about UM Today, please feel free to contact the Communications Office at 88228090 or


First Released time首次發佈時間: 15/01/2024 09:00