Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau (SAFP): Training Courses (3rd Series of April 2023)
行政公職局:培訓課程 (2023年4月份第3期)

Dear Colleagues,
Please find the information of the training courses organized by the Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau (SAFP) for your reference.
Seq. No. | Course Name | Application Deadline |
1 | Portuguese Conversation – Public Reception (Advanced) | 16/06/2023 |
2 | Developing Advanced Proficiency in Portuguese | 31/05/2023 |
3 | Portuguese Course: – Level A1 (for Beginners) – Level A2 (Basic) – Level B1 (Elementary) – Level B2 (Intermediate) – Level C1 (Advanced) |
31/05/2023 |
4 | Applied Chinese Writing (in Cantonese) | 24/05/2023 |
Course details can be downloaded from the following link:
For those who are interested, please enroll through the G2E Platform Note on or before the application deadlines.
Please check your own schedule availability prior to your submission. Applicants are not recommended to withdraw from the course(s) without ground reason(s).
All enrollments will be considered as confirmed only after formal notification from the SAFP is obtained (either in official letter format or in SMS format).
Note: Management and Services Platform for Civil Servants (G2E Platform)
Starting from 27 September 2020, the enrollment of courses organized by the Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau (SAFP) and the Centro de Formação Jurídica e Judiciária (CFJJ) have to be conducted through the “Management and Services Platform for Civil Servants (G2E Platform)”. The application and approval processes will be done through the G2E Platform by logging in “Personnel Login Account (工作人員登入號)” with the steps illustrated below:
Please click the attached PDF files and links for guidance of application and approval procedures via the G2E platform:
To register “Personnel Login Account (工作人員登入號)”, please fill out the e-form and submit the signed hard copy to Ms. Josephine Wu of Human Resources Section (ext. 8696). SAFP will then confirm the registration by sending the “activation code” via SMS. Please follow the instructions in the SMS to activate your account by then.
- Ms. Yoyo Lau (ext. 8591,, Human Resources Section
- Mr. Tony Cheong (ext. 8680,, Human Resources Section
Thank you for your kind attention.
Human Resources Section
現附上行政公職局舉辦之培訓課程資料,以供 閣下參閱。
序號 | 課程名稱 | 截止報名日期 |
1 | 葡語會話課程 – 公眾接待 (進階班) | 16/06/2023 |
2 | 培養葡語高階能力課程 | 31/05/2023 |
3 | 葡語課程: – A1級 (入門) – A2級 (初級) – B1級 (基礎) – B2級 (中級) – C1級 (高級) |
31/05/2023 |
4 | 中文公文寫作課程 (廣州話) | 24/05/2023 |
有興趣報名之同事,請於截止報名日期前透過G2E平台 註 報名。
註:公務人員管理及服務平台 (簡稱G2E平台)
由2020年9月27日起,報讀由行政公職局 (SAFP) 或法律及司法培訓中心 (CFJJ) 舉辦之培訓課程時,需透過「工作人員登入號」登入到 “公務人員管理及服務平台(簡稱G2E平台)” 進行。申請及審批程序如下圖:
如需開啟「工作人員登入號」,可填寫網上報名表,將填妥表格列印並簽署後交到人力資源處胡小姐 (內線:8696) 收。行政公職局會以短訊形式確認登記並發送「啟動碼」到登記人的手提電話,屆時請按照短訊內的指示啟動登入號。
- 人力資源處劉小姐 (內線8591,
- 人力資源處張先生 (內線8680,