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24 2025-02

Graduation Committees of UMSU & UMPA: Invitation to Graduation Photo taking for Academics


This bulletin is produced by the Graduation Committees of UMSU & UMPA, and posted by the Student Development Section, SAO.



The Graduation Committees of UMSU and UMPA are organizing Graduation Photo Taking 2024/2025. All academics are cordially invited to participate. Students look forward to having you in their graduation photos, creating an unforgettable memory.

Academics will take individual photo shots, which will be digitally combined into the graduation photograph. Please find the Graduation Photo 2023/2024 for your reference >>> LINK

Details of the photo-taking for Academics 
Date: March 21, 2025 (Friday)

Time: 10:00-13:00, 15:00-17:00

Venue: N2 University Hall
Dress Code: formal or academic dress-up

Registration link: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8vIKTIW3uGOQb8q 

* Each session will be held for around 10–15 minutes.
* Kindly complete the registration form in advance for better arrangements.
* Please fill out the registration form before March 14. 


For any inquiries, please feel free to contact Ms. Carmen Sin at 8822 9907 or by email at carmensin@um.edu.mo.


Graduation Committees of UMSU & UMPA: Invitation to Graduation Photo taking for Academics2025-02-24T17:12:34+08:00
18 2025-02

Notice of the UMSU Graduation Committee: Notice of Rental for UG Graduation Grown 2024/2025


本通告由 澳門大學學生會 畢業生委員會學會 製作,學生發展處代傳。
This bulletin is produced by Graduation Committee, UMSU and posted by Student Development Section, SAO.

第8/2024 號畢業生委員會通告

因應 2025年畢業照拍攝需要,學校將提供有限的畢業袍出租。若有意租借畢業袍的同學,請提前於網上確認所需租借日數及日期,並於線上完成繳費,填妥表格並完成付款者方可租袍。由於畢業袍數量有限,名額有限先到先得。



押金為 MOP500,租金為MOP 90 /天(包含 MOP 25 /天的 行政費用)

取袍日期:2025年 3 月 22、23、29日

辦公時間:8:00 – 13:00, 14:00 – 18:00




  • 學校提供的畢業袍只有 S、M、 L 三個尺寸,可租借數量為130件。
  • 租借的畢業袍可能會存在破損、色差及禮帽碼數不正等情況。
  • 在領取畢業袍時需支付MOP500按金,屆時只接受現金付款。
  • 如畢業袍在交還時發現嚴重損壞,押金將不會被退還。
  • 租借天數以工作日為計算單位,且必須於 2025年 3 月 30 日下午 17:00 前歸還。若未能及時歸還畢業袍,將被收取一定滯納金(同租用費用一致,從逾期之日起按每天元繳交滯納金)。

如果有任何垂詢,可聯繫各專業的畢業代表或電郵 致umsu.gradcom@connect.um.edu.mo 查詢。

澳門大學學生會 畢業生委員會主席

University of Macau Students’ Union Graduation Committee
Graduation Committee No. 8/2024 Notice
Notice of Rental for Graduation Grown

To meet the needs of the 2025 graduation photo shoot, a limited number of gowns will be available for rental. If you are interested in renting a graduation gown, please confirm the number of days and dates of rental in advance and complete the online payment form, only those who have completed the form and made the payment can rent the gown. Due to the limited number of gowns available, places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.

Registration link: https://forms.gle/vHN2RaoMnkUPUSFA9

Rental Fees:

*Bachelor’s gown : Deposit is MOP500 , Rental fee is MOP90 /day (including MOP25 /day administrative fee).

Gown collection date: 22, 23, 29 March 2025

Office hours: 8:00 – 13:00, 14:00 – 18:00

Gown Collection Venue: University Hall (N2)


  • Gowns provided by the University are only available in sizes S, M and L. The Rental quantity is 130 pieces.
  • Rental robes may be torn, have different colours, and have incorrect cap sizes.
  • A deposit of MOP500  is required at the time of collection and only cash will be accepted at that time.
  • The deposit will not be refunded if the gown is found to be severely damaged upon return.
  • The rental days are counted as working days and must be returned by 30 March 2025 at 17:00hrs. Failure to return the Graduation Gown in time will result in a late fee (in line with the rental fee, which is $ per day from the date of late return).

If you have any inquiries, please contact the graduation representatives of the respective disciplines or email umsu.gradcom@connect.um.edu.mo.

President of Graduation Committee
Kam Chon U President


更多詳情請瀏覽網站 https://srs.sao.um.edu.mo/um-guest-house/?lang=zh-hant
電話:+853 8822 8397 或 +853 8822 4156(辦公時間)

UM Guest House provides limited guest rooms to the families of graduates visiting Macau as a temporary stay. Each graduate can apply for a maximum of 2 guest rooms and each room can accommodate for up to 2 guests.
Interested applicants should complete the online application form at https://webdocs.um.edu.mo/sites/eform/sao/srs/Lists/N1Student/NewForm.aspx
For more detail, please visit: https://srs.sao.um.edu.mo/um-guest-house/?lang=zh-hant
For enquiry and reservation about UM Guest House, please feel free to contact the Student Resources Section:
Tel.: +853 8822 8397 or +853 8822 4156 (Office hour)
E-mail: N1.booking@um.edu.mo

Notice of the UMSU Graduation Committee: Notice of Rental for UG Graduation Grown 2024/20252025-03-01T00:00:49+08:00
18 2025-02

Notice of the UMSU Graduation Committee: Notice about the UG Graduation Photo Shooting 2024/2025


本通告由 澳門大學學生會 畢業生委員會學會 製作,學生發展處代傳。
This bulletin is produced by Graduation Committee, UMSU and posted by Student Development Section, SAO.

第7/2024 號畢業生委員會通告









3月22日    8:00-19:00

3月23日    8:00-19:00


價錢: MOP150

  • 學系照一張(電子檔)
  • 學院照一張(電子檔)
  • 全校照一張(電子檔)



3月29日   9:00-16:00







  • 各畢業生需填妥報名表及繳費方可進場拍攝。
  • 各畢業生請準時按集合時間到達拍攝場地,無合理理由缺席者將不獲補拍。
  • 拍攝當天須憑 學生證及付款截圖 方可進場,請妥善保管。
  • 各畢業生須按照官方衣著要求,才可參加畢業照拍攝。
  • 每個專業都已安排適當時間拍攝,各畢業生請提早 20至30 分 鐘到達拍攝場地準備,如專業因遲到人數過多將不獲補時拍攝。
  • 為保障現場秩序,攝影當天親友不可進入 N2 大學會堂,請親友在校內其餘地方自由拍攝。
  • 照片預計會在六月製作完成,畢委會於收到照片後,將透過電郵發送電子檔給各畢業生。


  • 準畢業生必須穿著長袖白恤衫、純黑色西褲或西裙、黑領呔、純黑色鞋、畢業袍及畢業帽。畢業生必須熨燙畢業袍出席畢業典禮,並須自備髮夾及扣針以作固定畢業袍及畢業帽之用。
  • 只有衣著符合者,才能參加當日的畢業照拍攝。



如有疑問,歡迎電郵至 umsu.gradcom@connect.um.edu.mo 查詢。



澳門大學學生會 畢業生委員會主席

University of Macau Students’ Union Graduation Committee
Graduation Committee No. 7/2024
Notice about the Graduation Photo Shooting

Dear Potential Graduates:

The graduation photo shooting of the 2024/2025 graduates of the University of Macau will be held on March 22 and 23, 2025. Details are as follows:





3/22 & 3/23

*Photo Shooting for each major

3/22   8:00-19:00
3/23   8:00-19:00

University Hall(N2)

Price: MOP150
1 Major photo (electronic file)
1 Faculty photo (electronic file)
1 University photo (electronic file)


*Personal supplementary photo

3/29   9:00-16:00

Student Activity Centre

An additional fee of MOP30 for the extra photo editing cost

Photograph Company: Maxim’s Photographic Equipment

Online Application Period:2/18-2/28

Online Application Link: https://forms.gle/66YptqkD2rFTABqYA 


  • All graduates must fill out the Google form and finish the payment for the photo shoot.
  • All graduates, please arrive at the shooting venue on time for the meeting. Those absent without a reasonable reason will not be given a supplementary photo.
  • Please keep your student ID card and payment screenshot in a safe place on the day of the photo shoot
  • Graduates must follow the official dress code before participating in the graduation photo shoot.
  • Each faculty will be arranged an appropriate time for photo shoot ; graduates should arrive at the shooting venue 20~30 minutes in advance to prepare. If the faculty has too many late students, they will not be given additional time for filming.
  • To ensure the order on-site, relatives and friends are not allowed to enter the N2 – University Hall on the day of the shooting. Relatives and friends are welcome to take pictures in other areas of the campus.
  • The photos are expected to be completed in June. After receiving the photos, the graduation committee will send the photos through email.

Dress Code for Graduates

If you have any questions, please email us (umsu.gradcom@connect.um.edu.mo)

President of Graduation Committee
Kam Chon U President


更多詳情請瀏覽網站 https://srs.sao.um.edu.mo/um-guest-house/?lang=zh-hant
電話:+853 8822 8397 或 +853 8822 4156(辦公時間)

UM Guest House provides limited guest rooms to the families of graduates visiting Macau as a temporary stay. Each graduate can apply for a maximum of 2 guest rooms and each room can accommodate for up to 2 guests.
Interested applicants should complete the online application form at https://webdocs.um.edu.mo/sites/eform/sao/srs/Lists/N1Student/NewForm.aspx
For more detail, please visit: https://srs.sao.um.edu.mo/um-guest-house/?lang=zh-hant
For enquiry and reservation about UM Guest House, please feel free to contact the Student Resources Section:
Tel.: +853 8822 8397 or +853 8822 4156 (Office hour)
E-mail: N1.booking@um.edu.mo

Notice of the UMSU Graduation Committee: Notice about the UG Graduation Photo Shooting 2024/20252025-03-01T00:00:50+08:00
18 2025-02

Notice of UMPA Graduation Committee : Notice of graduation gown rental 2025


本通告由 澳門大學研究生會 畢業生委員會學會 製作,學生發展處代傳。
This bulletin is produced by Graduation Committee, UMPA and posted by Student Development Section, SAO.

第 2/2025 號畢業生委員會通告




若有意租賃畢業袍的同學,請於填寫表單進行登記並线上預付一日租金MOP80。https://www.wjx.cn/vm/tCUKUFM.aspx#  畢委會將根據繳費順序決定畢業袍租賃的先後順序。數量有限,敬請諒解!如因袍數量不足,預訂不成功,租金會原路退回



碩士袍:押金為 MOP500,租金為 MOP80/天(包含 MOP15/天的行政費用)
博士袍:押金為 MOP1500,租金為 MOP80/天(包含 MOP15/天的行政費用)


1. 取袍时將押金裝入信封裡,並寫上自己的姓名、學系和學生編號;
2. 把已裝入押金的信封一同交至現場畢委會工作人員;
3. 歸還租用畢業袍時,押金將原封退還;
4. 請自備零錢,現場不設找零。





University of Macau Postgraduate Association
Notice for General Assembly Graduation Committee No. 2/2025
Notice of graduation gown rental

Dear students,

Greetings! How time flies and here comes the graduation season! Congratulations on your graduation!

To support the 2024/2025 graduation photo shooting, UM will offer a limited number of graduation gowns for rent. Limited quantity. First-come, first-served.

If you are interested in renting a graduation gown, please fill out the form to register and pay the one-day rental fee of MOP80 in advance online.:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/tCUKUFM.aspx#  The graduation committee will decide the order of graduation gown rental according to the order of payment. Please understand that the quantity is limited.

Questionnaire QR Code

The deadline for the questionnaire is: February 28, 2025;

Rental fee:
The rent of graduation gowns is as follows:
Master’s Degrees – MOP 80 each day with MOP 500 deposit (include MOP 15 / day is charged as administrative fee)
Doctoral Degrees – MOP 80 each day with MOP 1,500 deposit (include MOP 15 / day is charged as administrative fee)

Gown pickup date: March 23, 2025
Office hours13:00 -20:00
Pick-up location: University Hall (N2)

Payment instruction:
1. Put the deposit in the envelope with your name, major and your student number written on it. Deposit can be counted as one day’s rent.
2. Submit the envelope (which has your deposit) and the rent in cash to the Graduation committee.
3. The deposit will be reimbursed upon return of the gown.
4. Please bring your own change, there will be no replenishment on site.
5. The date, time and venue of the collection and return of the gown will be notified separately.

* Students who have finished renting gowns are advised to pick them up at the rental collection office 15-20 minutes before the shooting check-in time of their own college, in case the queuing for renting gowns may affect their subsequent graduation photo shooting.
*If you can’t register in person, you can ask your friend to pay for it and provide the size of the gown. Late Applications will not be accepted.
*A sample will be provided for your reference. Only M, L and a small number of S-size gowns are provided.
*Please note that the rental gowns are reused items, some damages and flaws may appear on the gown, hood and cap.
*The deposit will not be refunded if the gown is returned with any damage.
* Rental days start with the collection of rental gowns and must be returned within 24 hours. The overdue fine (80MOP/day)will be charged if the students fail to return on time.
*All registration fees are non-refundable.

For any inquiries, please contact umpa.gradcom@um.edu.mo, or contact graduation representatives. Thank you for your cooperation.

Congratulations again on your graduation!


President of Graduation Committee 
of 19th UMPA   
Hongrui Lai


更多詳情請瀏覽網站 https://srs.sao.um.edu.mo/um-guest-house/?lang=zh-hant
電話:+853 8822 8397 或 +853 8822 4156(辦公時間)

UM Guest House provides limited guest rooms to the families of graduates visiting Macau as a temporary stay. Each graduate can apply for a maximum of 2 guest rooms and each room can accommodate for up to 2 guests.
Interested applicants should complete the online application form at https://webdocs.um.edu.mo/sites/eform/sao/srs/Lists/N1Student/NewForm.aspx
For more detail, please visit: https://srs.sao.um.edu.mo/um-guest-house/?lang=zh-hant
For enquiry and reservation about UM Guest House, please feel free to contact the Student Resources Section:
Tel.: +853 8822 8397 or +853 8822 4156 (Office hour)
E-mail: N1.booking@um.edu.mo

Notice of UMPA Graduation Committee : Notice of graduation gown rental 20252025-03-01T00:00:50+08:00
18 2025-02

Notice of UMPA Graduation Committee : Notice of graduation photo-taking and payment 2025


本通告由 澳門大學研究生會 畢業生委員會學會 製作,學生發展處代傳。
This bulletin is produced by Graduation Committee, UMPA and posted by Student Development Section, SAO.

1/2025 號畢業生委員會通告










價錢:MOP 150

  • 學系照一張(電子檔)
  • 1 學院照一張(電子檔)
  • 1 全校照一張(電子檔)


3月29日 9:00-16:00







*拍攝當天須憑 學生證及付款截圖 方可進場,請妥善保管。


  • 請同學們依照已安排之學系拍攝時間表(後續會發送至郵箱及公眾號)提前10~15分鐘抵達集合地點進行簽到並按序進入拍攝場地,無故缺席者將不獲補時拍攝。
  • 每個專業都已安排適當時間拍攝,如專業因遲到人數過多將不獲補拍。
  • 已付費之同學須按要求穿著全套正式畢業袍
  • 為保障現場秩序,攝影當天親友不可進入N2禮堂,請親友在校內其餘地方自由拍攝。
  • 照片預計會在五月或者六月製作完成,畢委會於收到照片後,會安排郵件發送畢業照電子檔。


  • 準畢業生們必須穿著白色長袖襯衫,純黑色的西褲,黑色領帶,黑色鞋,畢業袍(連同所屬專業的披肩及方帽)。女生則可穿著黑裙,配黑色長襪或絲襪,請避免穿著太高的黑色高跟鞋。
  • 只有衣著符合者,才能參加當日的畢業照拍攝。關於更多畢業袍衣著要求,可瀏覽以下網址:https://reg.um.edu.mo/graduation/graduation-gown/demonstration-on-proper-wearing-of-academic-dress/
  • 如有任何垂詢,請詢問各畢業生代表或者電郵至gradcom@connect.um.edu.mo。





University of Macau Postgraduate Association
Notice for General Assembly Graduation Committee No. 1/2025
Notice of graduation photo-taking and payment

Dear students,

The graduation photo shoot of the 2024/2025 postgraduates of the University of Macau will be taken on March 23, 2025. Details are as follows:





March 23   
*Photographed by Faculty

13:00- 20:00     (Please pay attention to the subsequent notice for the specific registration time on the shooting day of each department (Doctor by category, regardless of department).)

University Hall

Price: MOP 150
1 Major photo (electronic file)
1 Faculty photo (electronic file)
1 University photo (electronic file)

March 29    
*Personal         supplementary photo-taking

March 29
9:00- 16:00

Student Activity Centre

Price: 180MOP, Addition fee 30MOP for the extra photo editing cost

  • The options above include the costs of photographer, assistants and photo editing.
  • Students who have not registered and paid will not be admitted to the group photo session.
  • Students who are unable to attend the shooting during the registered time will have to bear the additional costs incurred for the follow-up shooting.
  • All registration fees are non-refundable.
  • All late applications are not accepted.


Photography Company: Maxim’s Photographic Equipment
For Application and Payment: https://www.wjx.cn/vm/wZCuEmc.aspx  
Date: Feb 17 -Feb 28, 2025


  • All graduates, please arrive at the shooting venue 10 to 15 minutes before registration. Those who are absent without a reasonable reason will not be given a supplementary photo.
  • Please follow the shooting schedule. If the faculty has too many late students, they will not be given additional time for filming.
  • Graduates must follow the official dress code and bring the receipt before participating in the graduation photo shoot.
  • To ensure the order on site, relatives and friends are not allowed to enter the N2 – U Hall on the day of the shooting.
  • The photos are expected to be ready in May or June. The Graduation Committee will send an email with the photos in time.

Dress Code for Graduates

  • Potential graduates must wear a white long-sleeved shirt, black pants, black tie, black shoes, and graduation gown (along with their department’s hood and square hat). Women may wear a black dress with black stockings or pantyhose. Please avoid wearing black high heels, too.
  • The cap’s tassel should be on the left-hand side when taking graduation photos.
  • Only those who wear according to the dress code can participate in the graduation photo shoot.
  • For more information about the dress code for graduation gown, please visit the following website:https://reg.um.edu.mo/graduation/graduation-gown/demonstration-on-proper-wearing-of-academic-dress/

For any enquiry, please contact your Major Graduation Representatives or email umpa.gradcom@connect.um.edu.mo.

Congratulations again on your graduation!

President of Graduation Committee 
of 19th UMPA   

Hongrui Lai



更多詳情請瀏覽網站 https://srs.sao.um.edu.mo/um-guest-house/?lang=zh-hant
電話:+853 8822 8397 或 +853 8822 4156(辦公時間)

UM Guest House provides limited guest rooms to the families of graduates visiting Macau as a temporary stay. Each graduate can apply for a maximum of 2 guest rooms and each room can accommodate for up to 2 guests.
Interested applicants should complete the online application form at https://webdocs.um.edu.mo/sites/eform/sao/srs/Lists/N1Student/NewForm.aspx
For more detail, please visit: https://srs.sao.um.edu.mo/um-guest-house/?lang=zh-hant
For enquiry and reservation about UM Guest House, please feel free to contact the Student Resources Section:
Tel.: +853 8822 8397 or +853 8822 4156 (Office hour)
E-mail: N1.booking@um.edu.mo

Notice of UMPA Graduation Committee : Notice of graduation photo-taking and payment 20252025-03-01T00:00:50+08:00
7 2025-02

Literature Club, UMSU: Lantern Festival Activities – Special Project of the Literature Club of UMSU at the Day


本通告由 澳門大學學生會文學創作社製作,學生發展處代傳。
This bulletin is produced by the Literature Club of UMSU and posted by Student Development Section.







地點:E31 天幕

備注: 參與者可獲得1粒至叻星及20個「文化參與」的分數(即CS)


The moon sheds its full light, while fish and dragon lanterns dance all night.

During the Lantern Festival, the Literature Club of University of Macau Student‘s union cordially invites everyone to join our Lantern Festival Garden Party.

A lantern-making workshop will be set up, where participants can experience the joy of hands-on creation. You may also gather with friends and family around the lanterns for a tea session, sharing the warmth of this festive reunion. Additionally, those dressed in traditional “Hanfu” will have the opportunity to take memorable photos in front of the lantern wall, capturing the essence of this beautiful celebration.

Hot and steaming rice dumplings will be prepared on-site for everyone to enjoy. Meanwhile, a series of traditional performances and hairpin puzzle games will add more charm to this Lantern Festival night.

We look forward to meeting you under the full moon tonight, to celebrate this wonderful moment together.

Date and time: Feb 12(Wed)15:00-17:00

Location: E31 Outdoor Plaza

Tips: Participants can receive 20 CS points of “Cultural engagement” and 1 Smart Point

Scan the QR code of the poster to have the registration 

1. Students who attend the WHOLE activity and arrive ON TIME will be given one Smart Point
2. Students who arrive late or leave early within 10 minutes will be given only half a Smart Point
3. Students who arrive late or leave early over 10 minutes will NOT be given any Smart Point 
4. Students who leave the venue during the activity for over 15 minutes will NOT be given any Smart Point 
5. Students are required to check in/out of the activity with Student ID Cards. For those who do not respect the activity or neglect the staff’s guidance, SAO reserves the right to cancel his/her Smart Point 

*同學需要於進場時出示學生證登記; 若同學不尊重活動場合或不遵守工作人員的指示,學生事務部有權取消其獲得至叻星的資格

** 全程參加活動及準時到達將獲得全人發展獎勵計劃 “文化參與” 項的20個CS分數。
** Students who attended the WHOLE seminar will be awarded 20 “UM Competencies (CS)” on “Cultural engagement” in the Whole Person Development Award Program.

Literature Club, UMSU: Lantern Festival Activities – Special Project of the Literature Club of UMSU at the Day2025-02-13T00:00:36+08:00
23 2024-09

UMSU: Election of the 27th Management Board of UMSU – Voting Period & Polling Stations


本通告由 澳門大學學生會選舉委員會 製作,學生發展處代傳。
This bulletin is produced by the Election Committee of UMSU and posted by Student Development Section.



哇! 大家最期待的投票日嚟啦


1. 工商管理學院(E22)書院方向入口
2. 教育學院(E33)書院方向入口
3. 中央教學樓東四座(E4)正門巴士站入口方向左方
4. 中央教學樓東六座(E6)學習共享空間
5. 澳大綜合體育館(N8)地面層
6. 薈萃坊(S8)地面層樓梯處背面

1. 人文學院(E21A)書院方向入口
2. 社會科學學院(E21B)學習共享空間
3. 法學院(E32)學習共享空間
4. 中央教學樓東四座(E4)正門巴士站入口方向左方
5. 中央教學樓東六座(E6)學習共享空間
6. 薈萃坊(S8)地面層樓梯處背面

1. 科技學院(E11)書院方向入口
2. 健康科學學院(E12)書院方向入口
3. 中央教學樓東六座(E6)學習共享空間
4. 薈萃坊(S8)地面層樓梯處背面
5. 澳大綜合體育館(N8)地面層
6. 研究生宿舍(主校區)西三十二座(W32)室外地面


如有疑問 歡迎向我哋選舉委員會查詢電郵: umsu.electbd@connect.um.edu.mo

Whoa ! The most awaited voting day is coming

The voting day will be from 11:00-20:00 on 24-26 September
All UM students should make good use of your sacred vote!
Your vote will determine the future of UMSU management board

Voting Dates and Locations:
September 24th (Tuesday)
1. Faculty of Business Administration (E22) Faculty Entrance Facing the Residential Colleges
2. Faculty of Education (E33) Faculty Entrance Facing the Residential Colleges
3. Central Teaching Building (E4) Left Side of the Bus Stop Main Entrance  
4. Central Teaching Building (E6) Learning Commons
5. UM Sports Complex (N8) Ground Floor
6. University Mall (S8) Ground Floor Backside of Staircase 

September 25th (Wednesday)
1. Faculty of Arts and Humanities (E21A) Faculty Entrance Facing the Residential Colleges
2. Faculty of Social Sciences (E21B) Learning Commons
3. Faculty of Law (E32) Learning Commons
4. Central Teaching Building (E4) Left Side of the Bus Stop Main Entrance
5. Central Teaching Building (E6) Learning Commons
6. University Mall (S8) Ground Floor Backside of Staircase

September 26th (Thursday)
1. Faculty of Science and Technology (E11) Faculty Entrance Facing the Residential Colleges
2. Faculty of Health Sciences (E12) Faculty Entrance Facing the Residential Colleges 
3. Central Teaching Building  (E6) Learning Commons
4. University Mall (S8) Ground Floor Backside of Staircase
5. UM Sports Complex (N8) Ground Floor
6. Postgraduate House in Main Campus (W32) Outdoor Ground Floor

This year, there are a total of 12 polling stations, and the location of each station varies from day to day. Therefore, it is important to remain aware and execute your right to vote.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the election committee by: umsu.electbd@connect.um.edu.mo

UMSU: Election of the 27th Management Board of UMSU – Voting Period & Polling Stations2024-09-26T23:58:04+08:00
16 2024-09

UMSU: Voting Day and Ballot Counting for the Election of 27th Management Board of UMSU


本通告由 澳門大學學生會選舉委員會 製作,學生發展處代傳。
This bulletin is produced by the Election Committee of UMSU and posted by Student Development Section.

根據澳門大學學生會第 4/2024 號內部規章《領導機關選舉制度》關於選舉之規定,選舉形式為組閣形式選舉,並以直接及不記名投票形式進行,選舉結果將對外公佈。根據澳門大學學生會選舉委員會第1/2024號之選舉日程,第十七屆澳門大學研究生會領導機關選舉將於9月24日,9月25日及9月26日澳門標準時間 11 時至 20 時接受澳門大學學生會全體會員投票,並於9月27日進行選票核算及公佈結果。相關信息如下:

1. 工商管理學院(E22)書院方向入口
2. 教育學院(E33)書院方向入口
3. 中央教學樓東四座(E4)正門巴士站入口方向左方
4. 中央教學樓東六座(E6)學習共享空間
5. 澳大綜合體育館(N8)地面層
6. 薈萃坊(S8)地面層樓梯處背面

1. 人文學院(E21A)書院方向入口
2. 社會科學學院(E21B)學習共享空間
3. 法學院(E32)學習共享空間
4. 中央教學樓東四座(E4)正門巴士站入口方向左方
5. 中央教學樓東六座(E6)學習共享空間
6. 薈萃坊(S8)地面層樓梯處背面

1. 科技學院(E11)書院方向入口
2. 健康科學學院(E12)書院方向入口
3. 中央教學樓東六座(E6)學習共享空間
4. 薈萃坊(S8)地面層樓梯處背面
5. 澳大綜合體育館(N8)地面層
6. 研究生宿舍(主校區)西三十二座(W32)室外地面

選票核算日期及地點:9 月 27 日 10:00 澳門大學學生活動中心E31- 1001室

2.總票數中得票最高的組別當選該屆監事會;若當選組別其後被取消資格,則由緊接最⾼得 票的組別當選。若無其他組別,則會員大會主席團應按臨時管理制度開始籌組成立臨時監事會。
3. 投票率必須逹到百分之十,即1,516人投票,包括廢票及空白票,是次選舉方為有效,否則須重新投票。



澳門大學學生會選舉委員會 主席

According to the electoral provisions in the Internal Regulation No. 4/2024 of the UMSU “Leadership Election System,” the election will be conducted in the form of a cabinet, with direct and anonymous ballots. The election results will be announced publicly. According to the Election Schedule No. 1/2024 of the UMSU Election Committee, the voting days for the Election of the Management Board of the 27th UMSU will be on September 24th, 25th, and 26th from 11:00 to 20:00 Macau Standard Time, and the ballot counting and result announcement will be on September 27th. The details are as follows:

Voting Dates and Locations:
September 24th (Tuesday)
1. Faculty of Business Administration (E22) Faculty Entrance Facing the Residential Colleges
2. Faculty of Education (E33) Faculty Entrance Facing the Residential Colleges
3. Central Teaching Building (E4) Left Side of the Bus Stop Main Entrance  
4. Central Teaching Building (E6) Learning Commons
5. UM Sports Complex (N8) Ground Floor
6. University Mall (S8) Ground Floor Backside of Staircase 

September 25th (Wednesday)
1. Faculty of Arts and Humanities (E21A) Faculty Entrance Facing the Residential Colleges
2. Faculty of Social Sciences (E21B) Learning Commons
3. Faculty of Law (E32) Learning Commons
4. Central Teaching Building (E4) Left Side of the Bus Stop Main Entrance
5. Central Teaching Building (E6) Learning Commons
6. University Mall (S8) Ground Floor Backside of Staircase

September 26th (Thursday)
1. Faculty of Science and Technology (E11) Faculty Entrance Facing the Residential Colleges
2. Faculty of Health Sciences (E12) Faculty Entrance Facing the Residential Colleges 
3. Central Teaching Building  (E6) Learning Commons
4. University Mall (S8) Ground Floor Backside of Staircase
5. UM Sports Complex (N8) Ground Floor
6. Postgraduate House in Main Campus (W32) Outdoor Ground Floor

Ballot Counting Date and Location: September 27th, 10:00 UM Student Activity Center E31-1001

Election Conditions:
According to the statistics of registered students for the first semester of the 2024/2025 academic year at the University of Macau, as of September 11, 2024, the total number of registered students is 15,157. The conditions for the election are as follows:
1. If there is only one candidate group for the General Assembly Presidium and the Board of Directors, a confidence vote will be conducted. If the confidence votes exceed the non-confidence votes, the candidate group will be elected; otherwise, the General Assembly Presidium will start organizing the formation of a temporary General Assembly Presidium and Board of Directors according to the temporary management system.
2. The group with the highest number of votes will be elected as the Supervisory Board; if the elected group is disqualified, the group with the next highest number of votes will be elected. If there are no other groups, the General Assembly Presidium will start organizing the formation of a temporary Supervisory Board according to the temporary management system.
3. The voter turnout must reach 10%, i.e., 1,516 votes, including invalid and blank votes, for the election to be valid; otherwise, a re-election will be required.

The Election Committee urges UM students to actively exercise their voting rights. All members of the UMSU are welcome to participate in the voting.

UMSU Election Committee
President Liao Hanzi
September 15, 2024

(The Chinese version shall prevail)


UMSU: Voting Day and Ballot Counting for the Election of 27th Management Board of UMSU2024-09-23T09:50:12+08:00
21 2024-08

Reminder: Now Recruiting | 2024/2025 Student Leadership Training Programme (Application Deadline: Aug 23, 2024)


The programme aims to nurture and develop students’ leadership qualities through different activities and training, enhance their self-confidence, communication and independent thinking skills. Furthermore, this programme will provide opportunities and platform for students to acquire and apply knowledge and skills in interpersonal relationship, teamwork, crisis management, and power speaking, etc. The entire programme lasts for two years, mainly for Year 1 and Year 2 students.

– To recruit potential students from different majors and residential colleges
– To offer them a series of workshops, theme-based projects, exchange tour, etc. that equip them the essential soft and hard skills as the future leaders contributing to the community with their creativity and enthusiasm

– Year 1 and year 2 students
– Good command of language
– Good behavior and conduct
– Good interpersonal relationship
– CGPA 2.3 or above is an advantage
– Experience in participating students associations / training programme is an advantage

Duties of members
– Respect and follow the training arrangements
– Achieve at least 150 points of the 2-year training plan
– Receive and exchange with the delegates of incoming exchange activities
– Assist or participate in activities of SAO regarding “Service & Leadership”, such as academic seminars, ceremonies, student activities, etc.
– (Senior members) Assist in the implementation of the training plan

Benefits as members
– A certificate with appreciation signed by Dean of Students by completing the 2-year programme and achieving at least 150 points of the training plan
– 400 CS of “Service & Leadership” per academic year by achieving at least 100 points of the training plan
– Priority to join certain activities of SAO
– Members with outstanding performance:
     * Sponsorship and nomination to Summer Programme
     * Nomination to exchange/study trips of SAO
     * To be awarded the “Outstanding Award” in the annual UM Student Award Ceremony

Application Period
– from now till 23 Aug 2024
※Qualified students will be assessed based on their academic and extracurricular experiences, and by interview (if needed)

Website: https://go.um.edu.mo/98a1re5u 
Tel: (853) 8822 4904 /8822 9907
Email: sao.leadership@um.edu.mo


– 招募來自不同專業和住宿式書院的優秀學生
– 提供學生掌握和應用人際關係、團隊協作、危機處理、演說等各方面知識和技能的機會和平台
– 提供一系列的嘉賓講座、工作坊、學生交流團等,使學生具備未來領袖所需的技能,以創造力和熱情為校園和社區做出貢獻。

– 大一與大二學生
– 良好語言能力
– 良好操行與品德
– 良好的人際關係
– CGPA 2.3或以上優先
– 有參與學生社團/校內服務計劃經驗者優先

– 須於兩年內完成最少150分的培訓活動
– 接待到訪的交流團
– 協助或參與學生事務部有關 “服務與領導 “的活動,如學術研討會、儀式、學生活動等
– (資深成員)協助實施培訓計劃

– 完成為期兩年的計劃內容及累計完成150分的培訓活動,將獲得由學生事務長簽發之嘉許證書
– 每一學年完成最少100分的培訓活動,可獲授予400 “領導與服務” CS分
– 優先參加學事務部舉辦的某些活動
     * 贊助和提名參加暑期交流項目
     * 被提名參加由學生事務部舉辦的交流/學習之旅
     * 表現出色的成員將於一年一度之UM學生頒獎典禮上獲得“傑出學生領袖獎”


電話: (853) 8822 4904 / 8822 9907
電郵: sao.leadership@um.edu.mo

報名 Application
Reminder: Now Recruiting | 2024/2025 Student Leadership Training Programme (Application Deadline: Aug 23, 2024)2024-08-24T00:00:03+08:00
14 2024-08

Reminder: Now Recruiting | 2024/2025 Student Leadership Training Programme (Application Deadline: Aug 23, 2024)


The programme aims to nurture and develop students’ leadership qualities through different activities and training, enhance their self-confidence, communication and independent thinking skills. Furthermore, this programme will provide opportunities and platform for students to acquire and apply knowledge and skills in interpersonal relationship, teamwork, crisis management, and power speaking, etc. The entire programme lasts for two years, mainly for Year 1 and Year 2 students.

– To recruit potential students from different majors and residential colleges
– To offer them a series of workshops, theme-based projects, exchange tour, etc. that equip them the essential soft and hard skills as the future leaders contributing to the community with their creativity and enthusiasm

– Year 1 and year 2 students
– Good command of language
– Good behavior and conduct
– Good interpersonal relationship
– CGPA 2.3 or above is an advantage
– Experience in participating students associations / training programme is an advantage

Duties of members
– Respect and follow the training arrangements
– Achieve at least 150 points of the 2-year training plan
– Receive and exchange with the delegates of incoming exchange activities
– Assist or participate in activities of SAO regarding “Service & Leadership”, such as academic seminars, ceremonies, student activities, etc.
– (Senior members) Assist in the implementation of the training plan

Benefits as members
– A certificate with appreciation signed by Dean of Students by completing the 2-year programme and achieving at least 150 points of the training plan
– 400 CS of “Service & Leadership” per academic year by achieving at least 100 points of the training plan
– Priority to join certain activities of SAO
– Members with outstanding performance:
     * Sponsorship and nomination to Summer Programme
     * Nomination to exchange/study trips of SAO
     * To be awarded the “Outstanding Award” in the annual UM Student Award Ceremony

Application Period
– from now till 23 Aug 2024
※Qualified students will be assessed based on their academic and extracurricular experiences, and by interview (if needed)

Website: https://go.um.edu.mo/98a1re5u 
Tel: (853) 8822 4904 /8822 9907
Email: sao.leadership@um.edu.mo


– 招募來自不同專業和住宿式書院的優秀學生
– 提供學生掌握和應用人際關係、團隊協作、危機處理、演說等各方面知識和技能的機會和平台
– 提供一系列的嘉賓講座、工作坊、學生交流團等,使學生具備未來領袖所需的技能,以創造力和熱情為校園和社區做出貢獻。

– 大一與大二學生
– 良好語言能力
– 良好操行與品德
– 良好的人際關係
– CGPA 2.3或以上優先
– 有參與學生社團/校內服務計劃經驗者優先

– 須於兩年內完成最少150分的培訓活動
– 接待到訪的交流團
– 協助或參與學生事務部有關 “服務與領導 “的活動,如學術研討會、儀式、學生活動等
– (資深成員)協助實施培訓計劃

– 完成為期兩年的計劃內容及累計完成150分的培訓活動,將獲得由學生事務長簽發之嘉許證書
– 每一學年完成最少100分的培訓活動,可獲授予400 “領導與服務” CS分
– 優先參加學事務部舉辦的某些活動
     * 贊助和提名參加暑期交流項目
     * 被提名參加由學生事務部舉辦的交流/學習之旅
     * 表現出色的成員將於一年一度之UM學生頒獎典禮上獲得“傑出學生領袖獎”


電話: (853) 8822 4904 / 8822 9907
電郵: sao.leadership@um.edu.mo

報名 Application
Reminder: Now Recruiting | 2024/2025 Student Leadership Training Programme (Application Deadline: Aug 23, 2024)2024-08-24T00:00:06+08:00
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