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So far carriechong has created 3 blog entries.
21 2023-08

“Alumni Association of University of Macau Students’ Union Scholarship for Best Student Leaders” is now open for application (Application deadline: 31 Aug 2023 17:30)

“Alumni Association of University of Macau Students’ Union Scholarship for Best Student Leaders”
is now open for application!

In order to recognize the contribution of outstanding student leaders who have served the University, their fellow students, and the affiliated student organizations, the University of Macau and the Alumni Association of University of Macau Students’ Union (AAUMSU) have established the Scholarship for Best Student Leaders to praise their dedication and efforts, as well as to encourage them to lead the development of student organizations actively.


  1. Applicant must be the student leader or member of UM Students’ Union (UMSU), or student leader of its sub-organizations.
  2. Applicant must have served in UMSU or sub-organizations for at least two years.
  3. Applicant must achieve a GPA of 2.3 or above.
  4. If the applicant has been granted the “China Life Scholarship for Best Student Leaders”, the application for the AAUMSU scholarship will not be included in the selection.

Application Method:
Please submit the application form via email to sao.leadership@um.edu.mo before the application deadline (i.e. 31 Aug 2023, 17:30). Late application is not accepted. 

Award Method:

  1. The applications will be passed to AAUMSU for selection.
  2. The Scholarship will be presented to the recipients at the University of Macau Scholarship Presentation Ceremony.
  3. There are two scholarship quotas available and each recipient will receive MOP 5,000.

The related details could be browsed on the SDS website (Other Scholarships):

(Note: AAUMSU reserves the final right of interpretation for details and issuance of “Alumni Association of University of Macau Students’ Union Scholarship for Best Student Leaders “.

Student Development Section
Tel: 8822 4640 / 8822 4638
Email: sao.leadership@um.edu.mo




  1. 申請人須為澳門大學學生會領導機關或工作單位成員、或其附屬組織的管理機關成員。
  2. 申請人須於學生會或其附屬組織服務至少二年
  3. 申請人須獲平均分2.3 或以上。
  4. 若申請人已獲得「中國人壽傑出學生領袖獎學金」,其學生會校友會獎學金的申請將不納入甄選名單中。

申請人須於截止申請日期 (即2023年8月31日17時30分) 前填妥表格,電郵至 sao.leadership@um.edu.mo。逾期申請不予受理。


  1. 申請表會轉交至澳門大學學生會校友會進行甄選。
  2. 有關獎學金將於澳門大學獎學金頒獎典禮中頒發。
  3. 獎學金共有兩個名額,每名得獎者可獲得5,000澳門元。



電話: 8822 4640 / 8822 4638

“Alumni Association of University of Macau Students’ Union Scholarship for Best Student Leaders” is now open for application (Application deadline: 31 Aug 2023 17:30)2023-08-31T00:00:04+08:00
18 2023-08

“China Life Scholarship for Best Student Leaders” is now open for application (Application deadline: 30 Aug 2023 17:30)

“China Life Scholarship for Best Student Leaders”
is now open for application!

In order to recognize the contribution of outstanding student leaders who have served the University, their fellow students, and the affiliated student organizations, the University of Macau and China Life Insurance (Overseas) Company Limited have established the Scholarship for Best Student Leaders to praise their dedication and efforts, as well as to encourage them to lead the development of student organizations actively.


  • Applicant must be the student leader of the University of Macau Students’ Union (UMSU), University of Macau Postgraduate Association (UMPA), or their sub-organizations.
  • Applicant must be a local student of bachelor, master, or doctoral programmes of the University of Macau.

Application Method:
Please submit the application form via email to sao.leadership@um.edu.mo AND submit the original form directly to the Student Development Section at E31-2006 before the application deadline (i.e. 30 Aug 2023, 17:30).

Award Method:

  • The three applicants with the highest assessment scores will receive the “China Life Outstanding Student Leader Scholarship”.
  • The Scholarship will be presented to the recipients at the University of Macau Scholarship Presentation Ceremony.
  • Each recipient will receive a scholarship of MOP 10,000.

The related details could be browsed on the SDS website:

(Note: SDS reserves the final right of interpretation for details and issuance of Scholarship of the China Life Scholarship for Best Student Leaders”.

Student Development Section
Tel: 8822 4640 / 8822 4638
Email: sao.leadership@um.edu.mo



1. 申請人須為澳門大學學生會、研究生會或其附屬組織的學生領袖。
2. 申請人須為澳門大學學士、碩士或博士課程之本地學生。

申請人須於截止申請日期 (即2023年8月30日17時30分) 前填妥表格,電郵至 sao.leadership@um.edu.mo  遞交申請表正本到學生發展處(E31-2006)。

1. 評核分數最高的三名申請人將獲得獎學金。
2. 有關獎學金將於澳門大學獎學金頒獎典禮中頒發。
3. 每名得獎者將獲得10,000澳門元之獎學金。



電話: 8822 4640 / 8822 4638

“China Life Scholarship for Best Student Leaders” is now open for application (Application deadline: 30 Aug 2023 17:30)2023-08-31T00:00:04+08:00
4 2023-04

Student Leadership Training Programme: Patriotic Sentiment Activity “Footprints of Eminence in Macao- Kou Ho Ning”





日期:2023年4月13日(星期四)- 2023年4月14日(星期五)

地點:E4 戶外長廊



日期:2023年4月13日(星期四)- 2023年4月14日(星期五)


地點:E4 戶外長廊


獎品:勝出遊戲者將有機會獲得128GB USB、卡包或精美文具

Objective: Introduce the great man in modern Macao, Mr. Kou Ho Ning, to UM students so that they can learn about his life and his spirit of perseverance, overcoming adversity, and great love to share.


Activity I: Kou Ho Ning Exhibition

Date: 13 April 2023 (Thur)- 14 April 2023 (Fri)

Venue: E4- Booth area


Activity II: Booth Game

Date: 13 April 2023 (Thur)- 14 April 2023 (Fri)

Time: 11:30-16:00

Venue: E4- Booth area

Target: UM students and staff 

Award: Winning participants will have a chance to get the 128GB USB, card holder, or stationary

Student Leadership Training Programme: Patriotic Sentiment Activity “Footprints of Eminence in Macao- Kou Ho Ning”2023-04-15T00:00:54+08:00
23 2023-03

UM invites NPC deputies and CPPCC National Committee members to share core messages of ‘Two Sessions’ with faculty members and students









The University of Macau (UM) recently held a sharing session to deliver the core messages of the annual sessions of the 14th National People’s Congress (NPC) and the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) to faculty members and students to ensure a correct understanding of the messages among them. Speakers invited to share the key takeaways from the ‘Two Sessions’ included NPC deputies Chui Sai Peng and Vong Hin Fai, as well as CPPCC National Committee members Iau Teng Pio and Kou Kam Fai. The event attracted a full-house audience.

Chui shared China’s economic outlook and strategies to achieve its growth target, including creating jobs, stabilising the economy, and reducing the unemployment rate. In terms of science and technology, he suggested launching an experience centre in Macao to showcase China’s R&D achievements and that Macao should step up efforts to strengthen its role as a platform between China and Portuguese-speaking countries, so as to align with national strategies, promote Macao’s financial development, and facilitate the integration of technology and culture.

Vong emphasised that ensuring long-term prosperity and stability in Hong Kong and Macao is essential to promoting national rejuvenation, adding that the ‘One Country, Two Systems’ policy should be upheld steadfastly and Macao already achieved a series of breakthroughs in the implementation of the policy. According to him, the central government will continue to support Macao in promoting adequate economic diversification and facilitating the development of the Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin. He also talked about the ‘Legislation Law of the People’s Republic of China’, as well as the related improvements and amendments.

Iao said that the core messages of the CPPCC session include emphasising the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through a Chinese path to modernisation, upholding and improving the multi-party cooperation and political consultation system under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and strengthening friendly exchanges with foreign countries to promote the creation of a community with a shared future for mankind. According to him, CPPCC members should earnestly study and abide by the CPPCC Constitution and work in unity to promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation at all fronts.

Kou pointed out that the Government Work Report provided a direction for Macao to develop its education sector, emphasising the need to thoroughly implement the instructions from the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and promote high-quality development. In terms of education reform, he suggested enhancing the youth’s sense of national identity, improving online public opinion education, and strengthening education and exchanges with the mainland to promote patriotism and the love for Macao among adolescents and their education. He also proposed extending a national programme to select college graduates to work as village officials to Macao university students studying in mainland China.

As the moderator of the event, UM Vice Rector Mok Kai Meng exchanged ideas with the guests on how young people in Macao should plan their careers and prepare themselves for job opportunities in the Greater Bay Area. They also discussed the promotion of the constitution of China and the Basic Law of Macao SAR. Kou advised young adults to equip themselves for career development and seize the opportunity to integrate into national development, such as pursuing a career in the Greater Bay Area. Chui encouraged students to study in mainland China and experience the culture for themselves. They should also consider working in mainland China before starting their own businesses. Vong pointed out that young adults should understand and respect the holistic view of national security to ensure the implementation of the ‘One Country, Two Systems’ policy and safeguard the development of the country. Iao said that members of all sectors of Macao are very supportive of the revision of the National Security Law of Macao, adding that the revision is a very good promotion and education process. He added that UM is actively engaged in research work and editing books to enable young people in Hong Kong and Macao to better understand the national security law.

Participants in the sharing sessions also included Lam Kam Seng, chair of the University Council of UM; Yonghua Song, Rector of UM; Pang Chap Chong, Dean of Students of UM; Leung Kai Chun, Secretary-General of the University Council of UM; Wong Kei, Director of Rector’s Office; as well as residential college masters and department heads.

UM invites NPC deputies and CPPCC National Committee members to share core messages of ‘Two Sessions’ with faculty members and students2023-04-23T00:03:04+08:00
20 2023-03

[Reminder] Invitation to the Sharing Session: Learning about the “Two Sessions” (March 22, 15:15, E31 SAC Theatre)



主講嘉賓:  第十四屆全國人大代表崔世平博士
日期:  3月22日 (星期三)
時間:  15:15-17:00
地點:  學生活動中心劇場 (E31-G001)

如有疑問,可致電學生發展處(電話:8822 4640) 或電郵至sao.leadership@um.edu.mo

In order to encourage students to be concerned about current affairs and to understand national policy, SAO is inviting Macao’s representatives in the National People’s Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) for a sharing on the spirit of the Two Sessions.

Speaker:  Dr. CHUI Sai Peng, The 14th NPC Deputy
Mr. VONG Hin Fai, The 14th NPC Deputy
Prof. IAU Teng Pio, The 14th CPPCC Member
Dr. KOU Kam Fai, The 14th CPPCC Member
Date:  March 22 (Wednesday)
Time: 15:15-17:00
Venue:  SAC Theatre (E31-G001)

For inquiries, please feel free to contact the Student Development Section at 822 4640 or email sao.leadership@um.edu.mo.


1. Students who attend the WHOLE activity and arrive ON TIME will be given one Smart Point 
2. Students who arrive late or leave early within 10 minutes will be given only half a Smart Point
3. Students who arrive late or leave early over 10 minutes will NOT be given any Smart Point 
4. Students who leave the venue during the activity for over 15 minutes will NOT be given any Smart Point 
5. Students are required to check in/out of the activity with Student ID Cards. For those who do not respect the activity or neglect the staff’s guidance, SAO reserves the right to cancel his/her Smart Point 

*同學需要於進場時出示學生證登記; 若同學不尊重活動場合或不遵守工作人員的指示,學生事務部有權取消其獲得至叻星的資格

** 全程參加講座及準時到達將獲得全人發展獎勵計劃 “公民責任心” 項的15個CS分數。
** Students who attended the WHOLE seminar will be awarded 15 “UM Competencies (CS)” on “Responsible citizenship” in the Whole Person Development Award Program.

[Reminder] Invitation to the Sharing Session: Learning about the “Two Sessions” (March 22, 15:15, E31 SAC Theatre)2023-03-23T00:00:28+08:00
17 2023-03

UMSU held the Sharing Session on Campus Facilities


本通告由 澳門大學學生會 製作,學生發展處代傳。
This bulletin is produced by UMSU and posted by Student Development Section, SAO.

日前(三月十四日),澳門大學學生會主辦了校園設施交流分享會,希望透過分享會的方式,讓學生們更加瞭解校園管理及發展部的工作,提供一個平台讓學生發表對校園設施的意見,改善及增添設施的多元性,為學生建立一個完善的校園設施系統 。本次分享會邀請了校園管理及發展總監黎明佳先生,工程及設施維護處處長戴兆源先生、機電處處長梁嘉業先生、校園服務處處長丁紹榮博士和保安及設施服務處事務主管楊智娟女士擔任分享嘉賓。









On March 14, 2023, the University of Macau Students’ Union hosted a sharing session about campus facilities to provide students with a platform to express their opinions and improve the diversity of facilities on campus. Guests included the Director of Campus Management and Development (CMDO), the Heads of the Construction and Facilities Maintenance Section (CFM), the Electrical and Mechanical Section (EMS), the Campus Services Section (CSS), and the Functional Head of the Security and Facilities Services Section (SFS). During the session, the guests responded to the questions and suggestions from the students, including the possibility of introducing more types of shops, adding take-out tables, and promoting shared mobile power sources on campus. The session also addressed issues such as construction noise, the Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS) promotion, and the implementation of waste sorting. The exchange and sharing session provided a constructive platform for student communication and feedback.


UMSU held the Sharing Session on Campus Facilities2023-04-14T00:01:53+08:00
17 2023-03

Arrangement of Temporary Accommodation for Parents of Graduation Photo-taking 2023 (Deadline: 21 March 2023, 23:59)






* 每名學生最多只能為兩名親屬申請入住,每人最多只可以入住兩晚

* 登記入住日期為 2023年3月24日或3月25日

* 雙人房收費每晚 MOP400




* 成功申請人士須於3月23日下午6時前到聚賢樓接待處繳交其住宿費。已繳交之費用不設退款。

* 逾期沒有支付費用者,將被取消訂房申請。

* 申請人於入住時需要到聚賢樓接待處出示有效之身份證明文件,以及登記個人資料。客房只可予已作出登記之申請人及其家屬入住。房間不可出讓或轉交至第三方。


如有查詢,請致電:8822 9918 / 88224640 ,或電郵致 sao.leadership@um.edu.mo。


學生事務部 | 學生發展處

Dear potential graduates,


The Graduation Photo-taking 2023 will be held on 25-26 March 2023. We will offer some shared rooms at UM Guest House (N1) for the oversea relatives of students as a temporary stay.


* Each student can apply for a maximum of 2 relatives and a maximum of 2 nights.
* Check-in date is either on 24 or 25 March 2023.
* Rate for a shared room is 400 MOP/night.


Applications are open from now until 21 March 2023, 23:59. Interested applicants should complete the online application form at https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3sG3VaBs3TPk6Mu. Rooms are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Application results will be notified by email latest on 22 March 2023, 17:45 (no confirmation email received is considered as an unsuccessful application).


* Successful applicants please pay for the room rate at the reception of the UM Guest House (N1) on or before 23 March 2023, 18:00. Any payment made is non-refundable.
* Late payment will result in the cancellation of the booking.
* Successful applicants are required to present valid identification documents at the reception of UM Guest House. The identification document will be recorded. Guest rooms can only be accommodated by registered applicants/students and their families. The room cannot be transferred to any third party.


For enquiry, please contact us at 8822 9918 / 8822 4640 or email at sao.leadership@um.edu.mo.


Student Development Section
Student Affairs Office

Arrangement of Temporary Accommodation for Parents of Graduation Photo-taking 2023 (Deadline: 21 March 2023, 23:59)2023-03-26T00:00:32+08:00
13 2023-03

Invitation to the Sharing Session: Learning about the “Two Sessions” (March 22, 15:15, E31 SAC Theatre)



主講嘉賓:  第十四屆全國人大代表崔世平博士
日期:  3月22日 (星期三)
時間:  15:15-17:00
地點:  學生活動中心劇場 (E31-G001)

如有疑問,可致電學生發展處(電話:8822 4640) 或電郵至sao.leadership@um.edu.mo

In order to encourage students to be concerned about current affairs and to understand national policy, SAO is inviting Macao’s representatives in the National People’s Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) for a sharing on the spirit of the Two Sessions.

Speaker:  Dr. CHUI Sai Peng, The 14th NPC Deputy
Mr. VONG Hin Fai, The 14th NPC Deputy
Prof. IAU Teng Pio, The 14th CPPCC Member
Dr. KOU Kam Fai, The 14th CPPCC Member
Date:  March 22 (Wednesday)
Time: 15:15-17:00
Venue:  SAC Theatre (E31-G001)

For inquiries, please feel free to contact the Student Development Section at 822 4640 or email sao.leadership@um.edu.mo.


1. Students who attend the WHOLE activity and arrive ON TIME will be given one Smart Point 
2. Students who arrive late or leave early within 10 minutes will be given only half a Smart Point
3. Students who arrive late or leave early over 10 minutes will NOT be given any Smart Point 
4. Students who leave the venue during the activity for over 15 minutes will NOT be given any Smart Point 
5. Students are required to check in/out of the activity with Student ID Cards. For those who do not respect the activity or neglect the staff’s guidance, SAO reserves the right to cancel his/her Smart Point 

*同學需要於進場時出示學生證登記; 若同學不尊重活動場合或不遵守工作人員的指示,學生事務部有權取消其獲得至叻星的資格

** 全程參加講座及準時到達將獲得全人發展獎勵計劃 “公民責任心” 項的15個CS分數。
** Students who attended the WHOLE seminar will be awarded 15 “UM Competencies (CS)” on “Responsible citizenship” in the Whole Person Development Award Program.

Invitation to the Sharing Session: Learning about the “Two Sessions” (March 22, 15:15, E31 SAC Theatre)2023-03-23T00:00:29+08:00
14 2023-02

UMSU held meeting with the Transport Bureau and the two bus companies


本通告由 澳門大學學生會 製作,學生發展處代傳。
This bulletin is produced by the UMSU and posted by Student Development Section, SAO.

澳門大學學生會與交通事務局的合照 Group photo of UMSU and Transport Bureau










  • 在晚間17:00-19:00這時段正值澳門大學學生和員工的下班和下課時間,但澳門大學到氹仔市區的路線只有72號巴士,而72號巴士的班次較少,平均等候時間較長,導致學生和員工較難乘搭上述條路線前往氹仔市區
  • 73及71路線在夜晚放學繁忙時間會出現不夠班次的情況,同時這兩路巴士發車排序先後或導致73常常「爆滿」
  • 學生會反映,大部分居住紅街市附近的同學需要轉乘2次才能到澳門大學。但於上午部分時段期間因線路繁忙較難乘搭上述巴士路線前往澳大校區,望71S能夠延長至紅街市至青州附近地區




  1. 72路線於本週起在晚尖將增加2台車運作,加密約6至7個班次,待新福利運作一週後再評估成效,或會視乎成效再作調整。
  2. 73路線於本週起在晚尖增加1台車運作,加密約2至3個班次。待澳巴運作一週後再評估成效,或會視乎成效再作調整。
  3. 71路線特班車(71S)正研究延長服務至巴素打爾古街、林茂塘一帶,預計在2月底實施,倘正式實施會發出新聞稿。


  1. 同學對於澳門交通問題的意見





For details in English, please contact UMSU via email: umsu@um.edu.mo

UMSU held meeting with the Transport Bureau and the two bus companies2023-02-21T00:00:55+08:00
9 2023-02

CMSA, UMSU: 2023 Chinese New Year Celebration (Feb 15, 19:30, E31 Theatre)


本通告由 澳門大學學生會內地學生會 製作,學生發展處代傳。
This bulletin is produced by the CMSA, UMSU and posted by Student Development Section, SAO.





時間:2月15日(星期三)晚 19:30

地點:E31 劇場










Dear Students,


The Chinese New Year celebration is not only a performance, but also a prospect to the new year. On the stage provided by the university, we all have the opportunity to shine bright. With beautiful singing, gorgeous dancing, interesting drama and instrumental music, we are giving our wishes for the new year and enjoying the wonderful performances from the audience’s perspective. There is no restriction on the format of the programme, we look forward to see some creative and innovative performances on stage, and a glimpse of the talent and creativity of UM students as they embark on a new academic life.


Time: 19:30, 15 February (Wednesday)

Venue: E31 Theatre

Target: All staff and students of the University of Macau


There are lucky draw for you to take part in with great prizes:

First Prize (one person): A Polylex camera

Second Prize (two persons): Sony Audio

Third Prize (three persons): Handheld Iron


See you on 15 February!



CMSA, UMSU: 2023 Chinese New Year Celebration (Feb 15, 19:30, E31 Theatre)2023-02-16T00:00:50+08:00
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