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7 2024-06

UM National Flag Team and Cultural & Arts University Teams Go On National Condition and Cultural Exchange Tour to Hunan



To celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and the 25th Anniversary of the establishment of Macau S.A.R., and to cultivate a sense of patriotism among National Flag Team (NFT) and Cultural and Arts University Teams (C&A U-teams) members, enhance national pride and a sense of responsibility, and promote exchanges between the University of Macau and universities in the mainland China, a national-condition study and exchange tour was organized from 27th May to 31st May 2024. The delegation consisted of UM NFT and C&A U-teams members. Head of Student Resources Section (SRS), Student Affairs Office, Anita Chau, served as the head of the delegation, accompanied by Stella Ngai, Jenny Chan and Michaelia Leong from SRS.




Student Affairs Office
Student Resources Section

Remarks: In the event of any discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail. 









In order to pay tribute to the great leader former Chairman Mao Zedong, who hails from Changsha, Hunan, the destination for this exchange, the UM National Flag Team (NFT) and Cultural and Arts University Teams (C&A U-teams) embarked on a national-condition study and exchange tour to Shaoshan, the hometown of Chairman Mao.

In the morning, the NFT members dressed in neat uniforms, gathered with C&A U-teams members at Mao Zedong Square in Shaoshan. Surrounded by towering pines and verdant cypresses, Chairman Mao’s bronze statue stood tall, while a gentle breeze brushed by. NFT members stood solemnly and resolutely, while C&A U-Teams members followed behind, awaiting the commencement of the wreath laying ceremony.

As the ceremony began, NFT members marched with firm and powerful steps, escorting the flower basket towards the statue of Comrade Mao Zedong. The flower basket, adorned with a red ribbon fluttering in the wind, bore golden letters that read “In profound remembrance of Chairman Mao Zedong”, shining brightly and carrying boundless respect and nostalgia for the great leader.

When the flower basket was gently placed in front of the statue, at the command, all NFT members saluted the statue of Chairman Mao, followed by the entire C&A teams, bowing to express their deep remembrance and respect for Comrade Mao Zedong.

After the ceremony, NFT members marched out in unison, singing military songs. This day was an unforgettable one for all, a day to express profound remembrance for the historical figure. 

Student Affairs Office
Student Resources Section

Remarks: In the event of any discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.






Group photo of UM National  Flag Team and Cultural and Arts Team with representatives of Hunan University at Yuelu Academy








The exchange group from the University of Macau, which was conducting a national-condition study, also engaged in exchange activities with Hunan University. Firstly, National Flag Team (NFT) had an exchange at the venue hall of Hunan University, where they exchanged souvenirs. The leader of the Hunan University student flag raising team introduced the development history, organizational structure, mission, and honors of their own flag raising team. UM NFT members were fully focused and listened attentively. Afterwards, UM NFT introduced the team’s situation from four aspects: “patriotism, disciplined conduct, emphasis on academic study, and comprehensive abilities”. 

After the exchange session, NFT members watched the flag-raising demonstration by the student flag raising team of Hunan University. Subsequently, NFT showcased their own specially designed formation, marking the first time they presented such a display during an exchange. The student flag raising team of Hunan University displayed disciplined and synchronized movements, while NFT members exhibited an imposing presence. Both teams demonstrated their skills and showcased their impressive performances. NFT members expressed that they benefited greatly from the exchange with Hunan University, experiencing the high-level and high standards of the host university’s self-training team’s ceremonial movements. They were determined to apply what they had learned from this trip to their future practical training.

Guided by the leaders of Hunan University, both NFT and Cutlural and Arts University Teams (C&A U-teams) members visited the interior of the Yuelu Academy, where they immersed themselves in the rich cultural atmosphere of literature. As one of the four major academies in China, Yuelu Academy is the only one that has been persisting in education from ancient times to the present, nurturing generations of patriotic talents for the country. Through this visit, both NFT and C&A U-teams members were deeply inspired. While pursuing disciplined conduct in flag ceremonies, they also aimed to strive for personal academic development, enhance their comprehensive abilities, and contribute to the construction of society and the nation in the future.

Student Affairs Office
Student Resources Section

Remarks: In the event of any discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.




分享交流會議結束後,澳大及湖師大的儀仗隊師生一起進行合影留念,之後齊步行進到訓練場地進行隊列展示和交流。在行進過程中,澳門大學國旗儀仗隊隊員們一起唱響一首 《祖國不會忘記》 送給友隊隊員們。湖南師範大學女子國旗護衛隊首先進行隊列示範,澳門大學國旗儀仗隊隨後亦進行了特編隊列展示,在湖南師範大學女子國旗護衛隊的誠摯邀请下,雙方隊伍一起進行升旗儀式演示,高唱國歌。最後,兩隊隊員進行自由交流,相互學習,取長補短。





Group Photo of UM National Flag Team with the Hunan Normal University Women’s Student Flag Raising Team


Group Photo of UM Cultural and Arts University Teams with Representatives from Music Faculty of Hunan Normal University




UM National Flag Team (NFT) and Cultural and Arts University Teams (C&A U-teams) visited Hunan Normal University for exchange activities. NFT and C&A U-teams split into two groups to engage in the exchange sessions on national conditions and culture respectively.

For NFT, after the exchange and sharing session at the Hunan Normal University assembly hall, representatives from both universities, including teachers and student representatives, took the stage to introduce the basic development of their schools and flag raising teams, expressing their expectations and blessings for the future of the students.

After the sharing and exchange session, the flag-raising teams from both the University of Macau and Hunan Normal University gathered for a group photo. Then they marched together to the training ground for formation demonstration and further interaction. During the marching, NFT members sang “The Motherland Will Never Forget” together as a gift to their counterparts. The Hunan Normal University Women’s Student Flag Raising team performed the formation first, followed by a special formation display by NFT members. At the sincere invitation of the Hunan Normal University women’s student flag-raising team, the two teams conducted a joint flag-raising ceremony demonstration, singing the National Anthem together. Finally, the members of both teams engaged in free exchange, learning from each other and complementing their strengths and weaknesses.

Regarding C&A Team, students from music and dance-related U-teams first exchanged souvenirs and engaged in sharing sessions at the South Campus (Hunan Normal University Music Faculty). Later, they enjoyed the wonderful performances by the Hunan Normal University. Meanwhile, members from the debating teams of University of Macau introduced their teams and exchanged competition skills with representatives from Hunan Normal University, fostering a lively and pleasant exchange. UM C&A U-teams members expressed their desire for more similar exchange activities to learn from and inspire each other.

Student Affairs Office
Student Resources Section

Remarks: In the event of any discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail. 











The UM National Flag Team (NFT) and Cultural and Arts University Teams (C&A U-teams) embarked on a visit to the Hunan Museum, immersing themselves in the rich historical and vibrant cultural heritage of the Xiangxi region.

Under the guidance and narration of the tour guide, the members visited the Ma Wang Dui archaeological site. Upon arriving at the museum, they proceeded to the three-story Ma Wang Dui Exhibition Hall. Following closely behind the guide, they attentively listened to the explanations through their headphones. They delved deep into the understanding of the culture and history of the ancient Han Dynasty, from the structure of the burial pits to the introduction of the tomb occupants and the various artifacts displayed within the tombs.

The Hunan Museum is a cultural treasure trove, housing a vast collection of artifacts and historical heritage that reflects the profound history and splendid culture of Hunan. Through this visit, the NFT from the University of Macau gained a deeper understanding and appreciation of the local culture and history of Hunan. They particularly felt the unique charm of Hunan’s Xiangxi culture and the picturesque natural landscapes. The profound historical heritage and distinctive regional characteristics of Hunan’s Xiangxi culture left a lasting impression on the students.

This visit not only expanded the knowledge and broadened the horizons of the members of the NFT and C&A U-teams from the University of Macau but also deepened their understanding and respect for the excellent traditional Chinese culture. It was not just a cultural journey but also a spiritual exchange that allowed the young people from Macao to experience the prosperity of their motherland, enhancing their sense of national pride and cultural confidence.

The members also visited the Hybrid Rice Exhibition Hall at the Hunan Hybrid Rice Research Center, where they deeply felt the outstanding achievements and touching stories of academician Yuan Longping and his team. Academician Yuan, with his unwavering determination, innovative courage, and humble and noble qualities, made indelible contributions to global food security. The exhibition hall showcased the research achievements and practical experiences, inspiring the students not only with a passion for agricultural technology but also with admiration for the spirit of scientists.

Student Affairs Office
Student Resources Section

Remarks: In the event of any discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

UM National Flag Team and Cultural & Arts University Teams Go On National Condition and Cultural Exchange Tour to Hunan2024-06-07T15:01:44+08:00
29 2024-05

Students from the Stage Management Programme, UM National Flag Team Media Team, and UM Dance Troupe Played a Visit to Studio City Macau Stage Operation


Group Photo of students from the Stage Management Programme, UM National Flag Team Media Team, and UM Dance Troupe with the Studio City Macau


UM Students Visited Stage Operation of Studio City Macau


Studio City Macau’s Stage Technical Representative Provided Guidance to UM Students










To provide students with a deeper understanding of the internal facilities and operations of a large-scale stage and enhance the theoretical foundation of stage management, on 22nd May 2024, the Student Resources Section organized approximately 20 students from the “Stage Management Programme”, UM National Flag Team Media Team, and UM Dance Troupe to visit and learn about the stage and backstage operations at Studio City Macau, as well as to engage in knowledge exchange.

Upon arrival, the activity managers and professional technicians from Studio City Macau guided the students through the tour and provided detailed explanations of the stage facilities, backstage areas, and front-of-house settings.

The UM visiting group first explored the stage and audience seating area at Studio City Event Centre, which was being prepared for an upcoming concert. The students gained firsthand understanding of the production processes and operational aspects behind the performance venue. Studio City Macau elucidated the various divisions in the industry, the diverse design and utilization of the venue, and the practical operational procedures, thus dispelling any doubts the students had regarding stage production.

After the tour, the Studio City Macau team shared the challenges they encounter when planning different types of performances with the students. Through this in-depth and detailed introduction, the students gained a comprehensive understanding of large-scale event planning, the versatile use of theatre stages, and the application of technology.

Student Affairs Office
Student Resources Section

Remarks: In the event of any discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.


Students from the Stage Management Programme, UM National Flag Team Media Team, and UM Dance Troupe Played a Visit to Studio City Macau Stage Operation2024-05-29T09:50:26+08:00
27 2024-05

UM National Flag Team Participated in the Marching Demonstration Section organised by DSEDJ


UM National Flag Team was Invited by the Education and Youth Development Bureau for Performing Marching Demonstration


UM National Flag Team Receives Commendation Flag


Group Photo of UM National Flag Team and UM Vice Rector, Prof. Mok Kai Meng


Group Photo


活動精彩回顧 Video:








Organised by the Education and Youth Development Bureau (DSEDJ) and guided by the People’s Liberation Army stationed in Macao, the UM National Flag Team (NFT) was invited to participate in the event “Raising the Flag Together, Displaying the Team” for celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China and the 25th Anniversary of the Macao S.A.R.,  at the Military Site on 18th May 2024. NFT members expressed great benefit from the visit, gaining a deeper understanding of the flag-raising ceremony and strengthening their sense of patriotism and love for Macao.

Flag-raising teams from various schools showcased their formations on the day of the event, while the Macau Garrison demonstrated and explained the key points of Chinese-style marching and combat performances to the guests and students. The activity allowed NFT members to experience the discipline and rigor of military training, flag-raising, and marching up close. Colonel Liu Huan, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Macau Garrison; Wong Ka Ki, Deputy Director of DSEDJ and representatives from various schools and officials attended the event. 

Student Affairs Office
Student Resources Section


Remarks: In the event of any discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.


UM National Flag Team Participated in the Marching Demonstration Section organised by DSEDJ2024-05-24T16:34:12+08:00
21 2024-05

Invitation: Flag Raising Ceremony for UM Congregation 2024 (02 June 2024, 08:00 a.m. at UM Lotus Square)


澳門大學蓮花廣場 (行政樓N6前地)

Lotus Square, University of Macau (In front of N6 Administration Building)

澳門大學將於2024年06月02日於澳門大學蓮花廣場 (N6行政樓前地) 舉行 2024年澳門大學畢業典禮升旗儀式。現誠邀澳大學生及員工出席此莊嚴的升旗儀式。

日期: 2024年06月02日 (星期日)
時間:早上8時正 (請提前15分鐘到達廣場)
地點:澳門大學蓮花廣場 (行政樓N6前地)




Flag Raising Ceremony for UM Congregation 2024 will be held on 02 June 2024 at the Lotus Square of the University of Macau (in front of N6 Administration Building).

All UM students and staff are cordially invited to attend this solemn ceremony.

The ceremony will be conducted at the following time and venue.
Date: 02 June 2024 (SUN)
Time: 08:00 a.m. (Please arrive 15 mins before the ceremony begins)
Venue: Lotus Square, University of Macau (In front of N6 Administration Building)

*Participants are required to dress tidily.

Please find the below points to note for the Flag Raising Ceremony:

When the ceremony begins:
Remove hats and sunglasses, umbrellas should be folded up
Mute or turn off your electronic devices
Stop any other activities and stand as a mark of respect
Stand facing the statue. During the Flag Raising Ceremony, turn your head to the left, towards the poles, without turning the body
Sing along with the National Anthem

Thank you for your attention.

Student Resources Section
Student Affairs Office

Invitation: Flag Raising Ceremony for UM Congregation 2024 (02 June 2024, 08:00 a.m. at UM Lotus Square)2024-06-02T08:00:11+08:00
20 2024-05

UM National Flag Team Visited the National Security Education Exhibition 2024


UM National Flag Team Visited National Security Education Exhibition 2024


UM National Flag Team Representative Signed the Guestbook 



Group Photo










The UM National Flag Team (NFT) had successfully made the visit to the National Security Education Exhibition 2024. The exhibition was jointly organized by the Macao SAR Government and the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao SAR. UM NFT members learned more about the development of the national security system from various perspectives. Moreover, the team was invited by the Division of Macao Judiciary Police for filming as part of the elements for this meaningful exhibition. 

Through the exhibition, NFT members gained a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the holistic national security concept, the latest developments of the country and Macao in improving the national security system, as well as the collective responsibility and obligation to safeguard national security. From the texts, photos and videos displayed in the exhibition, NFT members learned that under the guidance of the holistic approach to national security in the past decade, China has made a series of historic achievements. Meanwhile, with the strong support of the central government, the Macao SAR Government has thoroughly implemented the principle of “patriots governing Macao”, actively integrated into the overall development of the country, and created a new landscape of the successful implementation of the “one country, two systems” policy in Macao. In particular, the theme of this year is internet security, and the team members have gained a deeper understanding of the country’s internet and technological development. 

Student Affairs Office
Student Resources Section


Remarks: In the event of any discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.


UM National Flag Team Visited the National Security Education Exhibition 20242024-05-20T12:06:29+08:00
3 2024-05

Photo Sharing : 2023/24 Student Awards Ceremony was successfully held on 02 MAY 2024


Welcome remarks by Prof. MOK Kai Meng, Vice Rector (Student Affairs)

Loyalty Awards of UM National Flag Team and Cultural & Arts U-Teams

Campus Training Programme Loyalty Award

Stage Management Programme Loyalty Award

Student Organization Awards

Certificates of Appreciation

Outstanding Awards

Certificates of Appreciation to Coaches of UM National Flag Team and Cultural and Arts U-team

Some Group Photos

Photo Sharing : 2023/24 Student Awards Ceremony was successfully held on 02 MAY 20242024-05-03T16:42:28+08:00
29 2024-04

Warm Reminder: UM Organizes Flag Raising Ceremony for Youth Day (04 May 2024, 08:00 a.m. at UM Lotus Square)


澳門大學蓮花廣場 (行政樓N6前地)

Lotus Square, University of Macau (In front of N6 Administration Building)

澳門大學於2024年5月4日於澳門大學蓮花廣場 (N6行政樓前地) 舉行 2024年五四青年節升旗儀式。現誠邀澳大學生及員工出席此莊嚴的升旗儀式。

日期: 2024年05月04日 (星期六)
時間: 早上8時正 (請提前15分鐘到達廣場)
地點: 澳門大學蓮花廣場 (行政樓N6前地)




UM organizes Flag Raising Ceremony for Youth Day on 4 May 2024 (Saturday) at the Lotus Square of the University of Macau (in front of N6 Administration Building).

All UM students and staff are cordially invited to attend this solemn ceremony.

The ceremony will be conducted at the following time and venue.
Date: 04 MAY 2024 (SAT)
Time: 08:00 a.m. (Please arrive 15 mins before the ceremony begins)
Venue: Lotus Square, University of Macau (In front of N6 Administration Building)

*Participants are required to dress tidily.

Please find the below points to note for the Flag Raising Ceremony:

When the ceremony begins:
Remove hats and sunglasses, umbrellas should be folded up
Mute or turn off your electronic devices
Stop any other activities and stand as a mark of respect
Stand facing the statue. During the Flag Raising Ceremony, turn your head to the left, towards the poles, without turning the body
Sing along with the National Anthem

Thank you for your attention.

Student Resources Section
Student Affairs Office

Warm Reminder: UM Organizes Flag Raising Ceremony for Youth Day (04 May 2024, 08:00 a.m. at UM Lotus Square)2024-05-04T08:00:07+08:00
26 2024-04

UM National Flag Team was Invited by Macao SAR Legal Affairs Bureau for Performing a Flag-raising Ceremony Demonstration


UM National Flag Team was Invited by Macao SAR Legal Affairs Bureau for Performing a Flag-raising Ceremony Demonstration


UM National Flag Team Marched Neatly towards the Flag-raising Platform









On 20th April 2024, to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China and the 25th Anniversary of the Macao SAR, the Macao SAR Legal Affairs Bureau (DSAJ) organized the “National Security Education and Legal Fun Day: Rule of Law for National Security” event at Flower City Park in Taipa. The event aimed to enhance public awareness of the National Security Law through engaging and entertaining activities. The event attracted over 500 participants, creating a lively atmosphere. UM National Flag Team (NFT) had great honor to be invited for presenting the flow of a flag-raising ceremony.


During the event, the NFT members demonstrated the flag-raising ceremony procedure. This demonstration showcased the sacredness and symbolism of the National Flag, emphasizing the importance of national security and patriotism. It also exhibited the NFT’s discipline and profession, further inspiring patriotism and national security awareness among the attendees. Additionally, NFT members actively encouraged public participation in the regulated flag-raising ceremony, deepening public knowledge and understanding of the National Security Law and other national laws. Through the demonstration of the ceremony, the importance of the law was conveyed to the citizens in a more visual and direct manner, increasing their awareness of national security.


In conclusion, the flag-raising demonstration not only enriched the content of the “Fun Day” event but also effectively enhanced public understanding of the significance of national security and deepened citizens’ awareness of patriotism and love for the motherland and Macao. In addition to the flag-raising demonstration, the event featured various legal education booths and games, fostering a comprehensive understanding of national security among the public through enjoyable learning experiences.


Student Affairs Office
Student Resources Section


Remarks: In the event of any discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.


UM National Flag Team was Invited by Macao SAR Legal Affairs Bureau for Performing a Flag-raising Ceremony Demonstration2024-05-15T00:00:13+08:00
24 2024-04

Invitation to 2023/24 UM Student Awards Ceremony (02 May 2024, 13:00, E31 – SAC Theatre)


Invitation to 2023/24 UM Student Awards Ceremony (02 May 2024, 13:00, E31 – SAC Theatre)2024-05-02T13:00:06+08:00
22 2024-04

Invitation: Flag Raising Ceremony for Youth Day (04 May 2024, 08:00 a.m. at UM Lotus Square)


澳門大學蓮花廣場 (行政樓N6前地)

Lotus Square, University of Macau (In front of N6 Administration Building)

澳門大學將於2024年5月4日於澳門大學蓮花廣場 (N6行政樓前地) 舉行 2024年五四青年節升旗儀式。現誠邀澳大學生及員工出席此莊嚴的升旗儀式。

日期: 2024年05月04日 (星期六)
時間: 早上8時正 (請提前15分鐘到達廣場)
地點: 澳門大學蓮花廣場 (行政樓N6前地)




Flag Raising Ceremony for Youth Day will be held on 4 May 2024 (Saturday) at the Lotus Square of the University of Macau (in front of N6 Administration Building).

All UM students and staff are cordially invited to attend this solemn ceremony.

The ceremony will be conducted at the following time and venue.
Date: 04 MAY 2024 (SAT)
Time: 08:00 a.m. (Please arrive 15 mins before the ceremony begins)
Venue: Lotus Square, University of Macau (In front of N6 Administration Building)

*Participants are required to dress tidily.

Please find the below points to note for the Flag Raising Ceremony:

When the ceremony begins:
Remove hats and sunglasses, umbrellas should be folded up
Mute or turn off your electronic devices
Stop any other activities and stand as a mark of respect
Stand facing the statue. During the Flag Raising Ceremony, turn your head to the left, towards the poles, without turning the body
Sing along with the National Anthem

Thank you for your attention.

Student Resources Section
Student Affairs Office

Invitation: Flag Raising Ceremony for Youth Day (04 May 2024, 08:00 a.m. at UM Lotus Square)2024-05-04T08:00:08+08:00
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