News Sharing: UMSB Percussion Section Debuts at TICAx: A Cultural Showcase in Hong Kong
UMSB Percussion Section Debuts at TICAx: A Cultural Showcase in Hong Kong
The University of Macau Symphonic Band (UMSB) Percussion Section, guided by instructor Hoi Lei Lei, showcased unprecedentedly in Hong Kong WestK Freespace on 23 February. The percussion ensemble members Kou Chi Wa from ICI, U Ngai Un from FBA, Chang Weng Ian from FLL & CKLC, Im Kai Hei from FST & CKPC, Ng Cheok Iam from FBA & CYTC and Ng In Pou from FST & CKLC represented Macao in the TICAx: Exploration of Sounds & Greater Bay Area Percussion Showcase, which also gathered musicians from Shenzhen (Shengdungjixi Percussion), and Hong Kong (Ying Wa Primary School Percussion Ensemble).
The session started with an educational workshop leaded by Amsterdam-based Hong Kong percussionist Keith Ng, then performed by representatives from Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macao Greater Bay Area, ending with professional musicians from the renowned group Percussions de Strasbourg. This vibrant event highlighted the cultural and musical interchange between China and France, showcasing the united efforts of emerging talents who enthralled audiences with their masterful artistry.
澳門大學管樂團(UMSB)敲擊聲部在指導老師許莉莉的帶領下,於2月23日在香港西九自由空間首次亮相。敲擊聲部成員包括來自協同創新研究院的高鋕鏵,工商管理學院的余毅炫,法學院和張崑崙書院的曾詠欣,科技學院和曹光彪書院的嚴啓希,工商管理學院和鄭裕彤書院的吳卓音以及科技學院和張崑崙書院的吳彥甫。他們代表澳門參加了TICAx: 聲音探索旅程及大灣區擊樂展演,該活動也彙聚了來自深圳(聲咚擊西打擊樂團)和香港(英華小學敲擊樂隊)的樂手。活動以現居於荷蘭阿姆斯特丹的香港敲擊樂手吳卓軒主持的教育工作坊開始,隨後由來自粵港澳大灣區的代表表演,最後由著名的法國史特拉斯堡打擊樂團的專業音樂家壓軸演出。此次充滿活力的活動突顯了中法之間的文化和音樂交流,展示了新興人才的團結努力,這些人才以其精湛的藝術技藝令觀眾陶醉。