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9 2025-01

FED Seminar: Cognitive Neural Mechanisms and Psychological Behavioral Interventions for Internet Gaming Disorder – Prof. Jintao ZHANG, Beijing Normal University – 21 Jan 2025 (Tue)


Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you that a seminar on “Cognitive Neural Mechanisms and Psychological Behavioral Interventions for Internet Gaming Disorder will be organized by the Faculty of Education, the University of Macau on 21 January 2025 (Tuesday). Prof. Jintao ZHANG, Professor at the State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University, China is invited to be the speaker of the seminar. Kindly refer to the following information for details:

Date: 21 January 2025 (Tuesday)
Time: 10:30-11:30
Venue: E33-2036, Faculty of Education
Language: Mandarin


All are welcome.

Interested parties please feel free to register online through the link: https://go.um.edu.mo/unb550zn by 20 Jan 2025 (Monday). For enquiry, please contact Mr. Lei of the Faculty of Education at 8822-4120 or e-mail to fed_event@um.edu.mo.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Faculty of Education


         由澳門大學教育學院主辦  “網路遊戲障礙的認知神經機制和心理行為干預” 講座,將於2025年1月21日(星期二)舉行。是次講座邀請了北京師範大學認知神經科學與學習國家重點實驗室張錦濤教授擔任主講嘉賓。詳情請參閱以下資料:





                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 教育學院 謹啟   

FED Seminar: Cognitive Neural Mechanisms and Psychological Behavioral Interventions for Internet Gaming Disorder – Prof. Jintao ZHANG, Beijing Normal University – 21 Jan 2025 (Tue)2025-01-24T00:00:18+08:00
8 2025-01

FED – Presentation for the Academic Awards of the Academic Year 2024/2025


On 7 January 2025, the Faculty of Education(FED)held an Academic Council & Faculty Meeting in E34-G011. The participants of the meeting included all FED faculty members. At the beginning, Prof. Lianghuo FAN, Dean of FED gave a speech. Dean Fan expressed his gratitude to all faculty members for their help and support in the past year. At the same time, he emphasized that a new year brings new expectations, and that in the future, where opportunities and challenges exist side by side, he hoped that all of them can work together to achieve better results and everyone would work together to make a good progress.

During the meeting, Prof. Mingming ZHOU, Associate Dean (Research) of FED, announced the winners for the academic awards of the academic year 2024/2025. Kindly refer to the details below:

Teaching Award: Prof. Katy Ieong Cheng HO WEATHERLY
Research Award: Prof. Lijia LIN and Prof. George Chun Wai CHENG
Service Award: Prof. Yang GONG
Incentive Scheme for Outstanding Academic Staff in Research: Prof. Shulin YU and Prof. Rui YUAN
Best Paper Award: Prof. Xiaowei TANG and Prof. Nan ZHOU

At the end, Dean Fan made a comprehensive and profound conclusion, and the meeting was successfully concluded.

Photo Sharing:

Prof. Lianghuo FAN

Prof. Lijia LIN

Prof. George Chun Wai CHENG

Prof. Yang GONG

Prof. Shulin YU

Prof. Rui YUAN

Prof. Xiaowei TANG

Prof. Nan ZHOU


Thank you for your kind attention.

Faculty of Education

        2025年1月7日,教育學院於崇文樓演講廳 (E34-G011)開展教育學院學術委員會及教職員會議,參會人員包括教育學院全體教職員,會議伊始,教育學院院長范良火致詞,范院長首先代表學院對各位教職員在過去一年的幫助與支援表示感謝,同時他強調,新的一年帶來新的期望,在機遇與挑戰並存的未來,希望大家攜手一起共同進步。

教學奬: 何揚晴教授
研究奬: 林立甲教授及鄭振偉教授
服務奬: 龔陽教授
傑出研究學術人員獎勵計劃: 于書林教授及袁睿教授
優秀論文奬: 唐小為教授及周楠教授











教育學院 謹啟

FED – Presentation for the Academic Awards of the Academic Year 2024/20252025-01-15T00:00:12+08:00
27 2024-12

FED – Voluntary Teaching Activity in Guizhou, China


From 21 to 25 December 2024, a group of 14 FED undergraduate students led by Prof. Jin-Jy SHIEH, participated in the “Macao Teachers and Students Volunteer Teaching in Guizhou” programme, organized by the Student Union of the Faculty of Education at the University of Macau and the Youth Association of The Chinese Educators’ Association of Macau. The group also included 15 in-service teachers from Macao.

On the 21st, the group visited the Guizhou Provincial Museum, Jiaxiu Pavilion, and Qingyun Market. Coinciding with the Winter Solstice, each group prepared performance activities after dinner, including singing, dancing, and drama. On the 22nd, the group visited the Biasha Miao Village and Luanli Dong Village to learn about local culture. On the 23rd, the group visited the San Gong District Primary School in Cuili Township, Congjiang County, which included campus tours, classroom observations, and exchanges. In the afternoon, the group members were divided into six teams for home visits with six students, engaging with the students and their parents. That evening, the team members prepared the content for their volunteer teaching sessions, and three leading teachers from the Youth Association of the Chinese Education Society, along with Prof. Jin-Jy SHIEH, visited each group to understand their lesson preparation and listen to their presentations.

On the morning of the 24th, the group conducted two subject-based teaching classes at the San Gong District Primary School, followed by two specialty classes about Macao culture in the afternoon, where the group evaluated and exchanged ideas with the teachers from the school. On the 25th, the group visited Congjiang Second National High School for exchange activities.

This volunteer teaching initiative provided the students from the Faculty of Education with an opportunity to understand and recognize the differences between schools in Mainland and Macao. FED students experienced the creativity and strategies needed for teaching in diverse settings, especially how to conduct group activities in large classes in an orderly manner, capture students’ attention, and engage them in learning—an entirely new experience. Additionally, the FED students were assigned to different groups to prepare lessons alongside in-service teachers, allowing them to learn from these teachers and gain practical teaching experience as they took turns as lead teachers in their groups.

For the students of the Faculty of Education, this was a highly meaningful activity that allowed them to practice teaching in distinctly different school environments, learn from in-service teachers, and care for students from diverse backgrounds. This activity also broadened FED students’ horizons and enhanced their awareness of the concept of tailored teaching.


Photo Sharing:

Visited Guizhou Provincial Museum Visited Luanli Dong Village
Visited San Gong District Primary School Performing Voluntary Teaching


Thank you for your kind attention.

Faculty of Education


        2024年12月21-25日由教育學院謝金枝教授帶領教育學院本科生一行共15人,參與由澳門大學教育學院學生會與中華教育會青年協會合辦的 “澳門師生義教到貴州” 的活動,隨團還包含本澳在職教師合共30人。




到訪貴州省博物館 到訪鑾里侗寨
參訪江縣翠里鄉三工區小學 義教進行中



教育學院 謹啟


FED – Voluntary Teaching Activity in Guizhou, China2025-01-02T00:00:29+08:00
26 2024-12

FED – The Third “Language and Culture” Exchange Programme Collaborated by the University of Macau and Beijing Normal University


From 20 to 22 December 2024, the third “Language and Culture” exchange programme collaborated by the University of Macau (UM) and Beijing Normal University(BNU)was successfully held. Led by Prof. Yang GONG, Assistant Professor and Programme Coordinator of Bachelor of Education Programme (Chinese). 23 students from UM traveled to Zhuhai to join 25 students from the BNU Zhuhai for the event. The exchange programme aimed to promote communication between universities in Macao and Mainland and enhance the sense of identity among teachers and students from both universities as builders of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA).

At the opening ceremony on the first day, Prof. Xiaohui SUN Deputy Dean of the School of Foreign Languages and Literature of BNU, extended a warm welcome to the teachers and students from UM. Prof. Gong also sincerely wished the programme a great success and hoped it would be better and better and to facilitate exchanges between teachers and students from both universities. After the opening ceremony, the teachers and students visited Qunxian Primary School in Zhuhai to learn about its campus culture, observe language classes, and exchange ideas with teacher representatives.

On the second day, Prof. Yongguo CHEN from BNU delivered a lecture titled “The Task of Literary Translation from the Perspective of Intelligent Translation,” sparking in-depth discussions among students from both universities. The delegation also visited the Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone for an inspection and cultural tour. On the third day, the teachers and students toured the Zhuhai Museum and the ancient town of Tangjiawan to experience the city’s culture. They also appreciated the unique artistic charm of Cantonese opera in a lecture on Cantonese Opera Art Appreciation by Mr. Weiwen YANG from Guangdong Vocational College of Art. Finally, student representatives from both universities summarized their experiences and impressions of participating in the programme at the closing ceremony, and all participating students received project completion certificates.

Centering around the theme of “Language and Culture,” this exchange programme leveraged the disciplinary advantages and rich language education resources of both universities’ teacher education programmes to carry out diversified activities, promoting mutual exchanges and cooperation. By participating in this programme, students not only broadened their horizons but also strengthened their sense of mission and responsibility in building the GBA. They are expected to contribute their wisdom and strength to the prosperity and development of the GBA.

Photo Sharing:

Opening Ceremony

Visited Qunxian Primary School

Visited the Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone

Visited Zhuhai Jinwan Civic Art Centre

Visited Zhuhai Museum

Closing Ceremony


Thank you for your kind attention.

Faculty of Education


        2024年12月20日至22日,澳門大學與北京師範大學第三屆 “語言與文化” 交流項目順利開展。來自澳大的23名學生在教育學學士學位課程統籌人(中文)龔陽教授的帶領下前往珠海,與北師大珠海校區的25名同學共同參與此次活動。該交流項目旨在促進澳門與內地高校的交流,增進兩校師生同爲粵港澳大灣區建設者的認同感。

        首日開幕式上,北師大外國語言文學學院副院長孫曉慧教授對澳大師生的到來表示熱烈歡迎,龔陽教授亦誠摯預祝此次項目圓滿成功,並希望該項目能越辦越好,不斷促進兩校師生的交流。開幕式後,師生一同前往珠海市群賢小學參訪,實地了解其校園文化,觀摩語言課堂,並與教師代表進行交流。第二日,北師大珠海校區陳永國教授開展了題為 “從智能翻譯看文學翻譯的任務” 的講座,引發兩校學生的深入交流和探討。交流團亦前往了橫琴粵澳深度合作區進行考察及文化參訪。第三日,師生們參觀了珠海市博物館和唐家灣古鎮,體驗珠海的城市文化,並在廣東藝術職業學院楊偉文老師的粵劇藝術鑒賞講座中感受了粵劇獨特的藝術魅力。最後,兩校的學生代表在閉幕式上總結匯報了參與此次項目的心得感想,參與項目的所有學生亦獲頒項目結業證書。
        此次交流項目繼續圍繞著 “語言與文化” 的主題,依託兩校教師教育的學科優勢和雄厚的語言教育資源開展多樣化活動,促進了雙方之間的交流和合作。通過參與此次項目,學生們不僅開拓了自身視野,也加強了他們對建設粵港澳大灣區的使命感和責任感,有望為推動粵港澳大灣區的繁榮發展貢獻智慧與力量。











教育學院 謹啟


FED – The Third “Language and Culture” Exchange Programme Collaborated by the University of Macau and Beijing Normal University2025-01-02T00:00:30+08:00
19 2024-12

FED – Exchange Programme on “Educational Assessment and Monitoring” of the Ten Thousand Talents Programme 2024 Collaborated with Beijing Normal University (BNU)


From 15 to 18 December 2024, an exchange group of 6 postgraduate students from the Faculty of Education (FED) at the University of Macau (UM), led by Prof. Pou Seong SIT and Prof. Fu CHEN, went to Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai (BNUZH) to participate in the exchange programme on “Educational Assessment and Monitoring” of the Ten Thousand Talents Programme 2024. This exchange programme was jointly organized by ETARC and the Collaborative Innovation Center of Assessment for Basic Education Quality of BNU.

During the exchange programme, the group first listened to seminars “Application of Results of National Compulsory Education Quality Monitoring” by Prof. Ping REN from BNUZH, and “Development of Mathematical Literacy Assessment Items – Practices in Item Development and Exchange on Evaluation Methods and Techniques” by Dr. Lidong WANG from BNUZH. Principal Zuoping LIU from Zhuhai Phoenix Middle School delivered an academic lecture on “Implementation and Achievements in Cultivating Technological Innovation Talents and Applying Core Competencies”. Additionally, Prof. Kwok Cheung CHEUNG of FED, also attended the opening ceremony of the event, where he delivered a speech and reported on the achievements of the “TIMSS 2023 Study” in Macao. Meanwhile, Prof. Pou Seong SIT shared insights on the “PISA 2022 Creative Thinking Study.”

Furthermore, Mr. Jiakan LAI from Zhuhai Phoenix Middle School organized the seminar on “Science and Technology Innovation Activities in Basic Education”. Mr. Lai explained to UM experts and students the topics of AI Science and Technology Innovation Curriculum Design, Textbook Compilation, Practical Applications, and Effectiveness Evaluation, and engaged in in-depth discussions and experience sharing with the experts and students present. In the end, Prof. Hongbo WEN from BNUZH presented certificates of completion to UM students, encouraging them to contribute to the field of educational assessment and monitoring in their future studies and careers.

Throughout this programme, the exchange group also visited Zhuhai Qunxian Primary School and Phoenix Middle School. Focused on the theme of “Educational Assessment and Monitoring,” this exchange programme not only broadened the students’ horizons and strengthened their patriotism and sense of identity with their motherland but also greatly sparked their interest in educational assessment and monitoring, promoting exchanges and collaboration between the two sides.


Photo Sharing:

A group photo of UM and BNUZH experts and students

Dr. Lidong WANG’s lecture sharing

UM students’ photo outside the venue

Visit to Zhuhai Phoenix Middle School

UM Students interacting with Zhuhai Qunxian Primary School students

Presentation of certificates


Thank you for your kind attention.

Faculty of Education


        2024年12月15日至18日,教育學院一行六名在讀碩士生在薛寶嫦教授及陳 孚教授的帶領下前往北京師範大學珠海校區,參加了由澳門大學教育學院教育測驗與評核研究中心與北京師範大學中國基礎教育質量監測協同創新中心共同舉辦的第五屆「澳門大學與北京師範大學教育評估監測人才交流活動」。

        交流活動中,交流團師生分別參加了由北師大任萍教授主講的「國家義務教育質量監測的結果應用」、王立東博士主講的「數學素養監測試題開發研習 – 監測試題開發實踐與測評方法技術交流」,以及珠海市鳳凰中學劉佐平校長主講的「開展科技創新人才培養、核心素養落地實施方面的做法和成績」專題講座。同時,教育學院張國祥教授亦出席了是次交流活動的開幕禮並致辭,以及報告了「TIMSS 2023研究」澳門所取得的成果,而薛寶嫦教授則就「PISA 2022創造性思維研究」進行了分享。


        活動期間,師生們還一同參觀了珠海市群賢小學和鳳凰中學。此次活動聚焦於「教育評估監測」主題,不僅開拓了學生們的視野,增強了他們的家國情懷和 對祖國的認同感,還極大地激發了同學們對教育評估監測領域的興趣,促進了兩校間的交流和合作。





澳大學生在會場外留影 參觀珠海市鳳凰中學




教育學院 謹啟


FED – Exchange Programme on “Educational Assessment and Monitoring” of the Ten Thousand Talents Programme 2024 Collaborated with Beijing Normal University (BNU)2025-01-02T11:25:55+08:00
19 2024-12

FED Seminar: The Future of Scientific Inquiry: Cutting-Edge Assessments Merging AI and Genomics – Prof. Chun Yen CHANG, Chair Professor, Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan – 7 Jan 2025 (Tue)


Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you that a seminar on “The Future of Scientific Inquiry: Cutting-Edge Assessments Merging AI and Genomics” will be organized by the Faculty of Education, the University of Macau on 7 January 2025 (Tuesday). Prof. Chun Yen CHANG, Chair Professor at the Taiwan Normal University, is invited to be the speaker of the seminar. Kindly refer to the following information for details:

Date: 7 January 2025 (Tuesday)
Time: 15:00-16:30  
Venue: E33-2036, Faculty of Education
Language: Mandarin


All are welcome.

Interested parties please feel free to register online through the link: https://go.um.edu.mo/p9oisjtm by 6 Jan 2025 (Mon). For enquiry, please contact Mr. Lei of the Faculty of Education at 8822-4120 or e-mail to fed_event@um.edu.mo.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Faculty of Education


        由澳門大學教育學院主辦  “科學探究的未來:融合AI同基因組學的評估前沿” 講座,將於2025年1月7日(星期二)舉行。是次講座邀請了台灣師範大學張俊彥講座教授擔任主講嘉賓。詳情請參閱以下資料:





                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 教育學院 謹啟   

FED Seminar: The Future of Scientific Inquiry: Cutting-Edge Assessments Merging AI and Genomics – Prof. Chun Yen CHANG, Chair Professor, Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan – 7 Jan 2025 (Tue)2025-01-19T00:00:16+08:00
18 2024-12

FED – Prof. Mingming ZHOU, Representing FED to Participate in a TV Programme Organized by the China Global Television Network (CGTN) in Beijing, China


To celebrate the 25th anniversary of Macao’s return to the motherland, CGTN organized a roundtable event on 09 December 2024 by inviting guests from Macao to share their perspectives and personal stories during the rapid development in education, culture and economy in Macao in the past decades.

Prof. Mingming  ZHOU, Associate Dean (Research) of FED joined the sharing session in the education segment and introduced the uniqueness of education system in Macao. She also shared successful cases and experiences of educational exchange and cooperation between the mainland and Macao, such as the three national key laboratories in the University of Macau, the exchange programs between elite teachers in Macao and the Chinese mainland. Prof. Zhou also shared her perspectives on how we could develop an organizational structure that supports cooperation in educational programs within the Greater Bay Area. Now it perhaps is a good moment to take the road of industry-education integration and innovation. Universities need to think about the development characteristics of the Greater Bay Area’s pillar industries and strategic emerging industries, as well as the academic disciplines and emerging research areas. By combining them, we can build a discipline structure that is compatible with the Greater Bay Area’s industrial structure, and cultivate professional talents that meet the needs of industrial upgrading.

Last, when looking forward, Prof. Zhou expressed her optimism about the future of Macao and her cooperation with the mainland. One of the central government’s new directive is to transform Macao into an international hub for top-tier talent. To achieve this objective, Macao should leverage her distinct advantages and policy incentives to attract and retain external talent, while strengthening mechanisms for nurturing local talents. For the interview, please click the following the link for reference:


Photo Sharing:


Thank you for your kind attention.

Faculty of Education








教育學院 謹啟


FED – Prof. Mingming ZHOU, Representing FED to Participate in a TV Programme Organized by the China Global Television Network (CGTN) in Beijing, China2024-12-31T00:01:27+08:00
12 2024-12

FED – Prof. Gert Felix SCHUBRING Visited FED and Delivered a Series of Lectures


On 10 and 12 December 2024, Prof. Gert Felix SCHUBRING visited the Faculty of Education (FED) at the University of Macau (UM) and delivered a series of lectures on the theme of “Mathematics, Society, and Education.” Prof. Schubring is a recipient of the 2019 Hans Freudenthal Medal from ICMI and has made remarkable contributions to the field of mathematics education history over four decades. He pioneered research that emphasized the importance of social context in studying mathematics education history and founded the International Conference on History of Mathematics Education (ICHME).

Prof. Schubring presented two lectures titled “Debates about the Universalism of Mathematics – Local Origins, Global Spread, Ethnomathematics, Colonialism Claims” and “The Conceptual Problems in the Understanding of the Historical Evolution of the Notion of Negative Number.” During these lectures, he explored the social contexts related to the development of mathematics and the relations between mathematical practices and epistemological stances in differing mathematical cultures. In addition, Prof. Schubring visited the UM faculty collection room, where Dr. Jianzhong WU, the University Librarian, warmly received him.

Prof. Schubring’s visit and lectures not only deepened the understanding of mathematics education history among mathematics educators and researchers but also fostered international academic exchanges, providing invaluable insights and inspiration to the faculty and students of FED.

Photo Sharing:

Prof. Schubring visited the Rare Book Room in UM Library

From left: Prof. Gert Felix SCHUBRING, Dr. Jianzhong WU

Seminar on Mathematics, Society and Education Lecture Series: Debates about the Universalism of Mathematics – Local Origins, Global Spread, Ethnomathematics, Colonialism Claims

Group photo

Seminar on The Conceptual Problems in the Understanding of the Historical Evolution of the Notion of Negative Number

Group photo


Thank you for your kind attention.

Faculty of Education


        2024年12月10日及12日,Gert Felix SCHUBRING教授到訪澳門大學教育學院並開展主題為“數學、社會、教育”的系列講座。Schubring 教授是 ICMI 2019 年 Hans Freudenthal 獎章的得主,四十多年來在數學教育史領域做出了卓越的貢獻。他開創了強調社會背景對研究數學教育史重要性的研究,並創辦了國際數學教育史會議 (ICHME)。

         Schubring 教授以“探析數學的普遍主義 ─ 本地起源、全球傳播、民族數學及殖民主義主張”和“負數概念在歷史演變中的概念問題”為題開展兩場講座,分別探討了與數學發展相關的社會背景以及不同數學文化中的數學實踐與認知論立場之間的關係。此外,Schubring 教授參觀了澳大圖書館古籍室,受到館長吳建中博士的熱情接待。

         Schubring 教授的到訪和講座不僅深化了數學教育工作者和研究者對數學教育史研究的認識,還促進了國際學術交流,為澳門大學教育學院的師生提供了寶貴的學術啟發。


Schubring 教授參觀澳大圖書館古籍室

左起: Gert Felix SCHUBRING教授, 吳建中博士

數學、社會、教育講座系列:探析數學的普遍主義 ─ 本地起源、全球傳播、民族數學及殖民主義主張






教育學院 謹啟


FED – Prof. Gert Felix SCHUBRING Visited FED and Delivered a Series of Lectures2024-12-18T00:00:15+08:00
11 2024-12

FED – A delegation of bilingual education experts from California, USA, visited FED


A delegation of bilingual education experts from California, USA, visited the Faculty of Education (FED) at the University of Macau (UM) On 10 December 2024, aiming to promote academic exchange and collaboration in the field of bilingual education. Prof. Mingming ZHOU, Associate Dean (Research) of FED; Prof. Yang GONG, Programme Coordinator of Bachelor of Education Programme (Chinese); Prof. Matilda Ming Wai WONG, Prof. Qin XIE, and Prof. Rui YUAN warmly received the delegation. The California delegation includes Dr. David CALVO, Director, Development, California Association for Bilingual Education, Bilingual Clinical Supervisor, California State University, Los Angeles; Ms. Jenny Li Chuan CHANG, Mandarin Immersion Teacher, College Park Elementary School (San Mateo-Foster City School District); Dr. Weina CHEN, Mandarin Chapter Co-Founder and Advisor, California Association for Bilingual EducationAssociate Professor, University of Massachusetts Global; Dr. Christy LAO, Professor, San Francisco State University, Member, California Association for Bilingual Education; Ms. Rubí FLORES, Director, Professional Learning Services, California Association for Bilingual Education; Ms. María LARIOS-HORTON, Specialist, Professional Learning Services, California Association for Bilingual Education; Dr. Margarita MACHADO-CASAS, Professor, San Diego State University, Board Member, National Association for Bilingual Education.

During the meeting, Prof. Zhou introduced the developmental of FED in curriculum design, teacher training, international collaborations, and research achievements in language education. The experts shared insights into the current state of language education in California, highlighting the shortage of bilingual teachers. Both sides engaged in in-depth discussions on topics such as teacher education at the undergraduate level, teaching practices in bilingual education, and proficiency standards for bilingual teachers. They also exchanged experiences and professional perspectives. Following the meeting, the delegation toured the FED building to gain a deeper understanding of the academic environment and facilities. This visit provided valuable exchange opportunities for both parties, promoted understanding of the bilingual education situation in the two places, and laid the foundation for future academic cooperation.

Photo Sharing:

From left: Jenny Li Chuan CHANG、Yang GONG、Christy LAO、Matilda Ming Wai WONG、David CALVO、Rubí FLORES、Margarita MACHADO-CASAS、Mingming ZHOU、María LARIOS-HORTON、Rui YUAN、Weina CHEN and Qin XIE

Meeting in progress

Meeting in progress Visiting FED 


Thank you for your kind attention.


Faculty of Education


        2024年12月10日,多位來自美國加州的雙語教育專家到訪澳門大學教育學院,旨在促進雙語教育領域的學術交流與合作。教育學院副院長(研究)周明明教授、教育學學士學位課程統籌人(中文)龔陽教授 、黃明蕙教授、謝琴教授及袁睿教授熱情接待了代表團。代表團成員包括加州雙語教育協會發展總監、洛杉磯加州州立大學雙語臨床導師Dr. David CALVO,聖馬刁─福斯特市學區College Park小學中文沉浸式教學教師Jenny Li Chuan CHANG,加州雙語教育協會中文分會創始人兼顧問、美國馬薩諸塞大學分校副教授Dr. Weina CHEN,加州雙語教育協會專業學習服務總監Rubí FLORES,舊金山州立大學教授、加州雙語教育協會成員Dr. Christy LAO,加州雙語教育協會專業學習服務專員María LARIOS-HORTON,以及聖地亞哥州立大學教授、全國雙語教育協會理事會成員Dr. Margarita MACHADO-CASAS。


左起: Jenny Li Chuan CHANG、龔陽、Christy LAO、黃明蕙、David CALVO、Rubí FLORES、Margarita MACHADO-CASAS、周明明、María LARIOS-HORTON、袁睿、Weina CHEN及謝琴


會議進行中 參觀教育學院


教育學院 謹啟


FED – A delegation of bilingual education experts from California, USA, visited FED2024-12-16T00:00:14+08:00
28 2024-11

FED Seminar: Improving Programming Skills and Mathematical Problem Solving in STEM Education – Prof. Oi-Lam NG , The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong – 06 Dec 2024 (Friday)


Abstract 06122024Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you that a seminar on “Improving Programming Skills and Mathematical Problem Solving in STEM Education” will be organized by the Faculty of Education, the University of Macau on 06 December 2024 (Friday). Prof. Oi-Lam NG, Associate Professor at the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, is invited to be the speaker of the seminar. Kindly refer to the following information for details:

Date: 06 December 2024 (Friday)
Time: 15:00-16:30   
Venue: E4-G053, Anthony Lau Building
Language: English


All are welcome.

Interested parties please feel free to register online through the link: https://go.um.edu.mo/j2pxvpx6 by 5 Dec 2024 (Thur). For enquiry, please contact Mr. Chen of the Faculty of Education at 8822-4575 or e-mail to fed_event@um.edu.mo.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Faculty of Education


        由澳門大學教育學院主辦  “提升STEM教學中的編程能力和數學解難” 講座,將於2024年12月6日(星期五)舉行。是次講座邀請了香港中文大學課程與教學系吳藹藍教授擔任主講嘉賓。詳情請參閱以下資料:





                                                                                                                                                                                                            教育學院 謹啟   

FED Seminar: Improving Programming Skills and Mathematical Problem Solving in STEM Education – Prof. Oi-Lam NG , The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong – 06 Dec 2024 (Friday)2024-12-13T00:00:13+08:00
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