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27 2024-11

FED Seminar: Nurturing Feedback Literate Teachers of L2 Writing in an Evolving Educational Landscape – Prof. Kit Bing Icy LEE, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore – 10 Dec 2024 (Tuesday)


Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you that a seminar on “Nurturing Feedback Literate Teachers of L2 Writing in an Evolving Educational Landscape” will be organized by the Faculty of Education, the University of Macau on 10 December 2024 (Tuesday). Prof. Kit Bing Icy LEE, Professor of Education (TESOL and Language Education) at the National Institute of Education in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, is invited to be the speaker of the seminar. Kindly refer to the following information for details:

Date: 10 December 2024 (Tuesday)
Time: 10:30-12:00  
Venue: Lecture Hall, Cultural Building (E34-G011)
Language: English


All are welcome.

Interested parties please feel free to register online through the link: https://go.um.edu.mo/ah2dl5ig by 9 Dec 2024 (Mon). For enquiry, please contact Mr. Lei of the Faculty of Education at 8822-4120 or e-mail to fed_event@um.edu.mo.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Faculty of Education


        由澳門大學教育學院主辦  “在不斷變化的教育環境中培養具備回饋素養的二語寫作教師” 講座,將於2024年12月10日(星期二)舉行。是次講座邀請了新加坡南洋理工大學國立教育學院教育學(對母語為非英語人士的英語教學和語言教育)李潔冰教授擔任主講嘉賓。詳情請參閱以下資料:





                                                                                                                                                                                                            教育學院 謹啟   

FED Seminar: Nurturing Feedback Literate Teachers of L2 Writing in an Evolving Educational Landscape – Prof. Kit Bing Icy LEE, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore – 10 Dec 2024 (Tuesday)2024-12-13T00:00:13+08:00
25 2024-11

FED – Dr. Allison WITT, Director of the Office of International Programs from College of Education, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign visited FED


On 22 November 2024, Dr. Allison WITT, Director of the Office of International Programs from College of Education, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign visited the Faculty of Education (FED) at the University of Macau (UM) and sincerely welcomed by Prof. Lianghuo FAN, Dean of FED, Prof. Mingming ZHOU, Associate Dean (Research) of FED, Prof. Ping-Cheng WANG, Assistant Dean (Student Affairs) of FED and Prof. Shulin YU, Programme Coordinator of Bachelor of Education Programme (English) and Programme Coordinator of Master of Arts in TESOL of FED.

During the exchange meeting, Dean Fan expressed his warm welcome to Dr. Witt and expected that this visit would be a solid foundation for future academic exchanges and mutual cooperation between the two sides. Prof. Zhou provided a detailed introduction of the current status and future plans of FED. Dr. Witt introduced the IGlobal project of the College of Education at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, hoping to develop in-depth collaboration with FED in various fields. After the meeting, both parties exchanged souvenirs and took group photos to commemorate the occasion.

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Faculty of Education


        2024年11月22日,伊利諾伊大學香檳分校教育學院國際事務部主任Allison WITT到訪澳門大學教育學院,受到院長范良火、副院長(研究)周明明、助理院長(學生事務)王秉正以及教育學學士學位課程統籌人(英文)及文學碩士學位課程統籌人(對母語為非英語人士的英語教學)于書林的熱情接待。




教育學院 謹啟


FED – Dr. Allison WITT, Director of the Office of International Programs from College of Education, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign visited FED2024-11-30T00:01:02+08:00
20 2024-11

FED – A delegation of the School of Education, South China Business College (SCBC) of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies visited FED


On 19 November 2024, a delegation led by Prof. Lin WENG, Associate Dean and Head of the Preschool Education Major at the School of Education, South China Business College (SCBC) of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, visited the Faculty of Education (FED) at the University of Macau (UM). The delegation received a warm welcome from Prof. Zhaowei KONG, Associate Dean (Teaching) of FED, Prof. Ping-Cheng WANG, Assistant Dean (Student Affairs) of FED, Prof. Keang-ieng VONG, Programme Coordinator of Bachelor of Education Programme (Pre-Primary) of FED and Prof. Jin SUN, Associate Professor of FED.

During the exchange meeting, Prof. Kong introduced the delegation to the basic situation and latest developments of FED, emphasizing the faculty’s commitment to cultivating educators capable of meeting the demands of 21st-century education. Prof. Weng shared the goals for talent cultivation, majors offered, student demographics, and distinctive teaching activities of the School of Education at SCBC, and expressed a desire for closer exchanges to share experiences in education development. Both sides also discussed challenges related to student sources in pre-primary education and explored potential collaboration in co-developing courses. After the meeting, the delegation toured the FED building to gain a deeper understanding of the various teaching facilities.

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Faculty of Education






教育學院 謹啟


FED – A delegation of the School of Education, South China Business College (SCBC) of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies visited FED2024-11-27T00:00:59+08:00
12 2024-11

FED Talk: From Assessing Science Literacy to Assessing STEM Literacy: Challenges and Promises – Prof. Xiufeng LIU, University of Macau, China – 20 Nov 2024 (Wednesday)


Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you that a talk on From Assessing Science Literacy to Assessing STEM Literacy: Challenges and Promises will be organized by the Faculty of Education, the University of Macau on 20 November 2024 (Wednesday). Prof. Xiufeng LIU, Chair Professor of STEM Education in the Faculty of Education, University of Macau, China, is invited to be the speaker of the seminar. Kindly refer to the following information for details:

Date: 20 November 2024 (Wednesday)
Time: 14:00-15:30
Venue: Tin Ka Ping Lecture Hall, Faculty of Education (E33-G021)
Language: English 


Interested parties please feel free to register online through the link: https://go.um.edu.mo/bvj2tqxi by 19 November 2024 (Tuesday). For enquiry, please contact Mr. Lei of the Faculty of Education at 8822-4120 or e-mail to fed_event@um.edu.mo.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Faculty of Education


        由澳門大學教育學院主辦之 “從科學素養評估到STEM 素養評估: 挑戰與潛力” 講座,將於2024年11月20日(星期三)舉行。是次講座邀請了本院STEM教育柳秀峰講座教授擔任主講嘉賓。詳情請參閱以下資料:

地點:教育學院田家炳演講廳 (E33-G021)




                                                                                                                                                                                                                            教育學院 謹啟   

FED Talk: From Assessing Science Literacy to Assessing STEM Literacy: Challenges and Promises – Prof. Xiufeng LIU, University of Macau, China – 20 Nov 2024 (Wednesday)2024-11-26T00:00:56+08:00
11 2024-11

FED Seminar: Using 8 AI Technologies to Enhance Your Artistic Creations – Prof. Xinghuo CHEN, Beijing Normal University Zhuhai, China – 21 Nov 2024 (Thursday)


Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you that a seminar on Using 8 AI Technologies to Enhance Your Artistic Creations will be organized by the Faculty of Education, the University of Macau on 21 November 2024 (Thursday). Prof. Xinghuo CHEN, Associate Professor of the School of Information Technology, Beijing Normal University Zhuhai, China, is invited to be the speaker of the seminar. Kindly refer to the following information for details:

Date: 21 November 2024 (Thursday)
Time: 18:30-20:30
Venue: Lecture Hall, Cultural Building (E34-G011)
Language: Mandarin 

Abstract (Chinese version only)

Interested parties please feel free to register online through the link: https://go.um.edu.mo/fm0lkos7 by 20 November 2024 (Wednesday). For enquiry, please contact Mr. Lei of the Faculty of Education at 8822-4120 or e-mail to fed_event@um.edu.mo.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Faculty of Education


        由澳門大學教育學院主辦之 “運用8AI技術 讓你的藝術創作如虎添翼” 講座,將於2024年11月21日(星期四)舉行。是次講座邀請了北京師範大學珠海校區信息技術學院陳星火副教授擔任主講嘉賓。詳情請參閱以下資料:

地點:崇文樓演講廳 (E34-G011)




                                                                                                                                                                                                                            教育學院 謹啟   

FED Seminar: Using 8 AI Technologies to Enhance Your Artistic Creations – Prof. Xinghuo CHEN, Beijing Normal University Zhuhai, China – 21 Nov 2024 (Thursday)2024-11-24T00:00:56+08:00
11 2024-11

FED – Prof. Mingming ZHOU, Representing FED to Participate in a TV Programme Organized by the China Global Television Network (CGTN) in Beijing, China


To celebrate the 25th anniversary of Macao’s return to the motherland, CGTN organized a roundtable event on 09 December 2024 by inviting guests from Macao to share their perspectives and personal stories during the rapid development in education, culture and economy in Macao in the past decades.

Prof. Mingming  ZHOU, Associate Dean (Research) of FED joined the sharing session in the education segment and introduced the uniqueness of education system in Macao. She also shared successful cases and experiences of educational exchange and cooperation between the mainland and Macao, such as the three national key laboratories in the University of Macau, the exchange programs between elite teachers in Macao and the Chinese mainland. Prof. Zhou also shared her perspectives on how we could develop an organizational structure that supports cooperation in educational programs within the Greater Bay Area. Now it perhaps is a good moment to take the road of industry-education integration and innovation. Universities need to think about the development characteristics of the Greater Bay Area’s pillar industries and strategic emerging industries, as well as the academic disciplines and emerging research areas. By combining them, we can build a discipline structure that is compatible with the Greater Bay Area’s industrial structure, and cultivate professional talents that meet the needs of industrial upgrading.

Last, when looking forward, Prof. Zhou expressed her optimism about the future of Macao and her cooperation with the mainland. One of the central government’s new directive is to transform Macao into an international hub for top-tier talent. To achieve this objective, Macao should leverage her distinct advantages and policy incentives to attract and retain external talent, while strengthening mechanisms for nurturing local talents. For the interview, please click the following the link for reference:


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Faculty of Education








教育學院 謹啟


FED – Prof. Mingming ZHOU, Representing FED to Participate in a TV Programme Organized by the China Global Television Network (CGTN) in Beijing, China2024-12-18T15:04:33+08:00
31 2024-10

FED Seminar: From Vulnerability to Psychological Resilience: Focusing on Individual Differences to Promote High-Quality Preschool Education – Prof. Ni YAN, Southwest University, China – 15 Nov 2024 (Friday)


Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you that a seminar on From Vulnerability to Psychological Resilience: Focusing on Individual Differences to Promote High-Quality Preschool Education will be organized by the Faculty of Education, the University of Macau on 15 November 2024 (Friday).  Prof. Ni YAN, Professor at the Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University, China, is invited to be the speaker of the seminar. Kindly refer to the following information for details:

Date: 15 November 2024 (Friday)
Time: 11:00-12:00
Venue: E33-2036, Faculty of Education
Language: English 


Interested parties please feel free to register online through the link: https://go.um.edu.mo/36exw2zc by 14 November 2024 (Thursday). For enquiry, please contact Mr. Lei of the Faculty of Education at 8822-4120 or e-mail to fed_event@um.edu.mo.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Faculty of Education


         由澳門大學教育學院主辦之 “從脆弱性到心理韌性:關注個體差異,推進學前教育優質發展” 講座,將於2024年11月15日(星期五)舉行。是次講座邀請了西南大學心理學部晏妮教授擔任主講嘉賓。詳情請參閱以下資料:


摘要 (只提供英文版本)



                                                                                                                                                                                                                            教育學院 謹啟   

FED Seminar: From Vulnerability to Psychological Resilience: Focusing on Individual Differences to Promote High-Quality Preschool Education – Prof. Ni YAN, Southwest University, China – 15 Nov 2024 (Friday)2024-11-17T00:00:49+08:00
30 2024-10

FED Seminar: Body Composition Health Management Based on the Concept of Physical Fitness – Prof. Yuming XU, Hangzhou Normal University, China – 6 Nov 2024 (Wednesday)


Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you that a seminar on Body Composition Health Management Based on the Concept of Physical Fitness will be organized by the Faculty of Education, the University of Macau on 6 November 2024 (Wednesday).  Prof. Yuming XU, Professor at the School of Physical Education, Hangzhou Normal University, China, is invited to be the speaker of the seminar. Kindly refer to the following information for details:

Date: 6 November 2024 (Wednesday)
Time: 19:00-20:30
Venue: E33-2036, Faculty of Education
Language: Mandarin 


Interested parties please feel free to register online through the link: https://go.um.edu.mo/50eb658s by 5 November 2024 (Tuesday). For enquiry, please contact Mr. Lei of the Faculty of Education at 8822-4120 or e-mail to fed_event@um.edu.mo.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Faculty of Education


         由澳門大學教育學院主辦之 “基於體適能理念的體成分健康管理” 講座,將於2024年11月6日(星期三)舉行。是次講座邀請了杭州師範大學體育學院徐玉明教授擔任主講嘉賓。詳情請參閱以下資料:


摘要 (只提供英文版本)



                                                                                                                                                                                                        教育學院 謹啟   

FED Seminar: Body Composition Health Management Based on the Concept of Physical Fitness – Prof. Yuming XU, Hangzhou Normal University, China – 6 Nov 2024 (Wednesday)2024-11-09T00:00:43+08:00
28 2024-10

FED – Prof. Bruce John MACFARLANE, Dean of the Faculty of Education and Human Development at the Education University of Hong Kong, visited the Faculty of Education at the University of Macau and delivered a seminar


From October 24 to 25, 2024, Prof. Bruce John MACFARLANE, Dean of the Faculty of Education and Human Development at the Education University of Hong Kong, visited the Faculty of Education (FED) at the University of Macau (UM) for academic exchanges and to deliver a seminar, deepening the ties between the two institutions.

Prof. Lianghuo FAN, Dean of FED, along with Prof. Mingming ZHOU, Associate Dean (Research) of FED, Prof. Pey-Tee OON, Director of the Educational Research Centre of FED and Prof. Biying HU warmly received Prof. Macfarlane and held an exchange meeting in the meeting room of FED. The discussions focused on teaching and research, institutional structure, and future research collaboration. Both sides agreed on the importance of prioritizing quality over quantity in teaching and research, emphasizing the need to continuously improve teaching standards and research innovation capabilities.

The following day, Dean Fan, Prof. Macfarlane, and Prof. King Man HUI, Vice Rector (Academic Affairs) of UM, met to explore the possibility of further collaboration. Lastly, Prof. Macfarlane delivered a seminar on “Re-examining the Use of the Term ‘International Academic’: Challenging Post-colonial Assumptions” in Lecture Hall, Cultural Building, UM. He proposed an expanded definition of “international scholar” that emphasizes global influence and diverse perspectives. The seminar covered topics such as colonization and decolonization, as well as cross-cultural frameworks, provoking deep reflections among the participating staff and students.

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Faculty of Education

        2024年10月24日至25日,香港教育大學教育及人類發展學院院長Bruce John MACFARLANE教授到訪澳門大學教育學院,進行學術交流並開展講座,深化了雙方之間的聯繫。

        次日,范院長、Macfarlane教授與澳大副校長(學術)許敬文教授會面,探討進一步合作的可能性。最後,Macfarlane教授在澳大崇文樓演講廳開展了主題講座為重新檢視 “國際學術” 一詞的使用:對後殖民假設的挑戰,提出應擴展“國際學者”定義,關注全球影響力與多元化視角。講座涵蓋殖民化與去殖民化、跨文化框架等內容,引發在場學生和老師的深度思考。


教育學院 謹啟

FED – Prof. Bruce John MACFARLANE, Dean of the Faculty of Education and Human Development at the Education University of Hong Kong, visited the Faculty of Education at the University of Macau and delivered a seminar2024-10-31T00:00:34+08:00
23 2024-10

FED – “Macao Training Programme for Primary and Secondary School Principals and Teachers” was successfully held


Jointly organized by the University of Macau (UM) and the Chinese Society of Education (CSE), the “Macao Training Programme for Primary and Secondary School Principals and Teachers” was successfully held from 17 to 21 October 2024. A total of 38 primary and secondary school principals and teachers from Mainland, Hong Kong, and Macao converged in Macao and participated in the five-day intensive training programme. The objective of this programme was to help school principals and teachers gain a deeper understanding of the latest developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education. Furthermore, it fosters cooperation and communication among educators from Mainland, Hong Kong, and Macao.

During the programme, the participants attended a series of lectures presented by UM professors, covering various topics related to AI and K-12 education. They also visited several local schools in Macao, including the Affiliated School of the University of Macau, Hou Kong Middle School, Pui Ching Middle School, and Pui Va Middle School, to delve into practical experiences and achievement in these schools in AI and education. Additionally, they toured the State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City at UM and the Macao Science Center, gaining exposure to and understanding of cutting-edge technologies and their applications in K-12 education. Furthermore, participants visited the Education and Youth Affairs Department of Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao Special Administrative Region to gain further insights into the current development and characteristics of education in Macao.

At the graduation ceremony on Oct 21, each group representative summarized and reported on the learning outcomes and insights gained from the programme, acknowledging that the belief of “Technology leads the future, and education embraces changes,” was further strengthened and they were prompted to ponder over new directions for school development and new needs for teacher professional development. It also provided a valuable platform for thought exchange, inspiring them to promote teaching reforms in their schools. The participants also specially praised the innovation and enthusiasm demonstrated by Macao schools in STEM education, expressing their hope to apply these experiences to the development of their own schools. Prof. Lianghuo FAN, Dean of Faculty of Education issued graduation certificates to all participants, encouraging them to apply what they had learned to future educational practices and hoping to maintain exchanges with various schools for future cooperation in academic research and teaching practices.

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Faculty of Education



         在10月21日的結業禮上,各小組代表總結匯報了此次研修的學習成果與感悟。學員們表示,此次研修讓他們深刻體會到 “科技引領未來,教育擁抱變革” 的理念,並促使他們思考學校發展的新方向和教師職業發展的新需求。研修班提供了寶貴的交流平臺,啟發他們推動學校教學改革。學員們還特別稱讚了澳門學校在STEM教育中的創新和熱情,並希望將這些經驗應用於自己學校的發展中。教育學院院長范良火教授為各位學員頒發了結業證書,鼓勵他們將所學的知識應用到未來的教育實踐中,並希望日後和各校保持交流,在學術研究和教學實踐等方面開展合作。



教育學院 謹啟

FED – “Macao Training Programme for Primary and Secondary School Principals and Teachers” was successfully held2024-10-31T00:00:35+08:00
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