About lavinacheong

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So far lavinacheong has created 1 blog entries.
4 2024-01

Reminder: “My Notion of National Cyber Security” Chinese Writing and Video Competition


為加深學生及青少年對維護國家安全的認識和深思,抒發自身對維護國家安全的情懷,及進一步從多角度認識網絡安全的重要性,展現本澳青少年的愛國愛澳情懷以及國家安全意識;澳門特別行政區政府和中央人民政府駐澳門特別行政區聯絡辦公室聯合舉辦 “我心中的網絡安全”徵文比賽短視頻比賽


1.徵文比賽章程 (按此)
2.徵文比賽作品提交(按此) (截止時間1月21日23:59) 

4.短視頻比賽作品提交(按此)  (截止時間1月24日中午12:00) 


日期:1月11日 (四)

時間: 18:00 – 19:00 (章程介紹及分析主題) , 19:00-20:00 (文章評閱指導)
地點: E3-1032 

日期:1月12日 (五)

時間:18:00 – 19:00 (章程介紹及分析主題) , 19:00-20:00 (文章評閱指導)
地點:  E3-1032 

分享嘉賓:學生事務長 — 彭執中先生
語言: 廣東話 / 普通話
對象: 澳大學生及指導老師

報名連結: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cHDgXjLWvFSrJ66


*參與活動的同學可獲證書, 1粒至叻星及20 個全人發展獎勵計劃“公民責任心”項的CS。

** 活動提供輕便餐點。

日期: 1月12日
時間: 19:00-21:00
地點: E31-1002
分享嘉賓: 中村先生(膠街架創辦人)及學生事務部代表
語言: 廣東話

報名連結: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4YgevbEHZcUwuO2

*參與活動的同學可獲1粒至叻星及20 個全人發展獎勵計劃“公民責任心”項的CS。

如有查詢,請與學生事務部張小姐或林先生聯絡 (電話: 8822 4641 / 8822 9918)。



The organizer only provides the information in Chinese. 

Reminder: “My Notion of National Cyber Security” Chinese Writing and Video Competition2024-01-24T00:00:13+08:00
2 2024-01

Reminder: “My Notion of National Cyber Security” Chinese Writing and Video Competition


為加深學生及青少年對維護國家安全的認識和深思,抒發自身對維護國家安全的情懷,及進一步從多角度認識網絡安全的重要性,展現本澳青少年的愛國愛澳情懷以及國家安全意識;澳門特別行政區政府和中央人民政府駐澳門特別行政區聯絡辦公室聯合舉辦 “我心中的網絡安全”徵文比賽短視頻比賽


1.徵文比賽章程 (按此)
2.徵文比賽作品提交(按此) (截止時間1月21日23:59) 

4.短視頻比賽作品提交(按此)  (截止時間1月24日中午12:00) 


日期:1月11日 (四)

時間: 18:00 – 19:00 (章程介紹及分析主題) , 19:00-20:00 (文章評閱指導)
地點: E3-1032 

日期:1月12日 (五)

時間:18:00 – 19:00 (章程介紹及分析主題) , 19:00-20:00 (文章評閱指導)
地點:  E3-1032 

分享嘉賓:學生事務長 — 彭執中先生
語言: 廣東話 / 普通話
對象: 澳大學生及指導老師

報名連結: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cHDgXjLWvFSrJ66


*參與活動的同學可獲證書, 1粒至叻星及20 個全人發展獎勵計劃“公民責任心”項的CS。

** 活動提供輕便餐點。

日期: 1月12日
時間: 19:00-21:00
地點: E31-1002
分享嘉賓: 中村先生(膠街架創辦人)及學生事務部代表
語言: 廣東話

報名連結: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4YgevbEHZcUwuO2

*參與活動的同學可獲1粒至叻星及20 個全人發展獎勵計劃“公民責任心”項的CS。

如有查詢,請與學生事務部張小姐或林先生聯絡 (電話: 8822 4641 / 8822 9918)。



The organizer only provides the information in Chinese. 

Reminder: “My Notion of National Cyber Security” Chinese Writing and Video Competition2024-01-24T00:00:13+08:00
18 2023-12

Cyber Security Talk (10 Jan, 15:00-16:30, 1 smart point &15CS)



日期:2024年 1月10日 (三)
時間: 15:00 – 16:30
地點: E31 學生活動中心劇場
語言: 廣東話 (輔以普通話即時傳譯)
對象: 全體澳大成員
報名連結: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6RLuGzLVuPTZQyy



With the rapid development of technology and the widespread use of the internet, cybersecurity issues have become increasingly important and are now a crucial aspect of maintaining national security. To enhance the awareness and understanding of cybersecurity among our faculty, staff, and students, the Student Affairs office invited the Macau Judiciary Police to conduct a talk on “Cyber Security” to support the government’s national security awareness education actively. The details are as follows:

Date: 10 Jan 2024
Time:  15:00 – 16:30

Venue: E31-Student Activity Centre Theater
Speaker: Judiciary Police
Language: Cantonese (with simultaneous interpretation to Mandarin)
Target: All UM members
Registration Link: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6RLuGzLVuPTZQyy
Registration QR code:

*Students who attend the WHOLE talk will be awarded 1 smart point 15 “UM Competencies (CS)” on “Responsible citizenship” in the Whole Person Development Award Program.

Cyber Security Talk (10 Jan, 15:00-16:30, 1 smart point &15CS)2024-01-03T00:00:11+08:00
15 2023-12

“My Notion of National Cyber Security” Chinese Writing and Video Competition


為加深學生及青少年對維護國家安全的認識和深思,抒發自身對維護國家安全的情懷,及進一步從多角度認識網絡安全的重要性,展現本澳青少年的愛國愛澳情懷以及國家安全意識;澳門特別行政區政府和中央人民政府駐澳門特別行政區聯絡辦公室聯合舉辦 “我心中的網絡安全”徵文比賽短視頻比賽


1.徵文比賽章程 (按此)
2.徵文比賽作品提交(按此) (截止時間1月21日23:59) 

4.短視頻比賽作品提交(按此)  (截止時間1月24日中午12:00) 


日期:1月11日 (四)

時間: 18:00 – 19:00 (章程介紹及分析主題) , 19:00-20:00 (文章評閱指導)
地點: E3-1032 

日期:1月12日 (五)

時間:18:00 – 19:00 (章程介紹及分析主題) , 19:00-20:00 (文章評閱指導)
地點:  E3-1032 

分享嘉賓:學生事務長 — 彭執中先生
語言: 廣東話 / 普通話
對象: 澳大學生及指導老師

報名連結: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cHDgXjLWvFSrJ66


*參與活動的同學可獲證書, 1粒至叻星及20 個全人發展獎勵計劃“公民責任心”項的CS。

** 活動提供輕便餐點。

日期: 1月12日
時間: 19:00-21:00
地點: E31-1002
分享嘉賓: 中村先生(膠街架創辦人)及學生事務部代表
語言: 廣東話

報名連結: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4YgevbEHZcUwuO2

*參與活動的同學可獲1粒至叻星及20 個全人發展獎勵計劃“公民責任心”項的CS。

如有查詢,請與學生事務部張小姐或林先生聯絡 (電話: 8822 4641 / 8822 9918)。



The organizer only provides the information in Chinese. 

“My Notion of National Cyber Security” Chinese Writing and Video Competition2024-01-07T00:00:11+08:00
29 2023-11

[Reminder] For Students : Let’s join the charity walk with your family and friends




Dear students,

本澳最大型的慈善步行活動——第四十屆公益金百萬行將於12月10日(星期日)舉行。今年是自疫情以來首次恢復實體模式進行。一如既往,大學繼續積極響應公益金百萬行。各位澳大人可以通過以下善舉,滙聚善心,為公益坐言起行! 熱心公益的你可獲得傳訊部贊助的紀念品,並競逐澳大奬項!
The 40th Walk for a Million, the largest charity walk in Macao, will be held on 10 December (Sunday). This year’s Walk for a Million is going to return to its physical format—the first time since the epidemic. The university will continue to support this meaningful activity. UM members, please show your support and kindness by engaging in the following acts. You can receive souvenirs from the Communications Office and win UM awards as detailed below.


Those who donate will receive a souvenir as follows:

You will be informed to collect the souvenirs at a later time
**澳大T-恤, 風褸或衛衣之尺碼後所選取後不可更換
The size of UM T-shirt, windbreaker and hoodie cannot be changed after selection

提交捐款方式 Donation submission:
以個人名義、學生組織或住宿式書院報名 (住宿式書院內的學生組織須以住宿式書院名義報名)
Registering in personal, student organization, or residential college (student organizations within residential colleges must register under the name of the residential college)

提交捐款地點 Donation Location:
1. 學生會辦公室 (E31學生活動中心,一樓1014室)
Students’ Union Office (Room1014, 1/F, E31-Student Activity Centre)
2. 學生事務部 (E31學生活動中心,二樓2006室)
Student Affairs Office (Room 2006, 2/F, E31-Student Activity Centre)
3. 研究生宿舍辦公室 (S3研究生宿舍,G002室)
Postgraduate House (Room G002, G/F, S3-Postgraduate House)
4. 各住宿式書院行政辦公室
Administrative Offices of Residential Colleges           

捐款截止日期:20231130日(星期四 中午12點前
Deadline for donation: 30 November 2023 (Thursday) 12pm


請於截止報名日期(30/11)前填妥團體報名表格(見附件) 並電郵至學生事務部張小姐lavinacheong@um.edu.mo) , 同時把善款及打印好的表格遞交至學生活動中心E31-2006室。

For University teams, student organizations and residential colleges:
Please fill in the form (see attachment) and email it to the Student Affairs Office Ms. Lavina Cheong, and submit the printed form and the donation to the Student Activity Centre E31-Room 2006 before 30 Nov.


Join the charity walk with your family members and friends. Leave your warm-hearted traces at the Walk for a Million event. Take action and register now!

報名方式 Registration
以個人名義, 學生組織或住宿式書院報名 (住宿式書院內的學生組織須以住宿式書院名義報名)
Registering in personal, student organization, or residential college (student organizations within residential colleges must register under the name of the residential college)

報名地點 Registration Location:
1. 學生會辦公室 (E31學生活動中心,一樓1014室)
Students’ Union Office (Room1014, 1/F, E31-Student Activity Centre)
2. 學生事務部 (E31學生活動中心,二樓2006室)
Student Affairs Office (Room 2006, 2/F, E31-Student Activity Centre)
3. 研究生宿舍辦公室 (S3研究生宿舍,G002室)
Postgraduate House (Room G002, G/F, S3-Postgraduate House)
4. 各住宿式書院行政辦公室
Administrative Offices of Residential Colleges           

Registration deadline for charity walk: 4 December 2023 (Thursday)

全程參與步行的同學更可獲得1粒至叻星及40 “CS” 「領導及服務」項目
Students who join the whole charity walk will receive 1 smart point and 40 CS points in the Leadership and Service area of the Whole Person Programme

詳情 Details:

In addition to joining the charity walk physically, please also scan the QR code on the Walk for a Million poster to join the UM Team.


To encourage donations and participate in charity walk, the following prizes will be given to the student organizations and residential colleges:

  • 最慷慨解囊獎 – 善款 (校隊及學生組織)
    Generosity Award – Donation (University Team & Student Organization)
  • 最慷慨解囊獎 – 善款(住宿式書院)
    Generosity Award – Donation (Residential College)
  • 最熱心公益獎 – 參與慈善行(校隊及學生組織)
    Enthusiasm Award – Participation in Charity Walk (University Team & Student Organization)
  • 最熱心公益獎 – 參與慈善行(住宿式書院)
    Enthusiasm Award – Participation in Charity Walk (Residential College)


註 Remarks:

  1. 團體獎項計算方式按善款或參與人數佔該學生組織或住宿式書院總人數的比例,得獎團體可獲獎狀一份
    The winners of the group prizes are determined based on the total amount of donation or the total number of participants divided by the total number of students in the groups/residential colleges. Winners will receive a certificate.

如有垂詢,請致電學生事務部張小姐(電話:8822 4641 ,電郵:lavinacheong@um.edu.mo)。
For enquiry, please contact Ms. Lavina Cheong (T: 8822 4641  E: lavinacheong@um.edu.mo) from the Student Affairs Office.



1.團體報名表格 Group Registration Form


[Reminder] For Students : Let’s join the charity walk with your family and friends2023-12-04T00:00:09+08:00
27 2023-11

UMVP Shenzhen Educational Trip Sharing



義工隊成員反映:「這次活動經驗受益匪淺,對於改革開放和志願服務有了更深刻的了解和體會,激發自己更多的積極性和貢獻精神。 」


UM Volunteer Programme (UMVP) recently (25th and 26th) organized an educational trip to Shenzhen to increase knowledge and foster the growth of volunteerism in mainland China. The students participated in a caring visit to the elderly. In addition to engaging in conversation and playing activities with the elderly residing in the nursing home, UMVP members performed tunes for the elderly, fostering an environment brimming with joy and affection. Furthermore, the students visited the Shenzhen District Party and Mass Service Center, engaging in substantive dialogues and exchanges with Shenzhen voluntary organizations. This experience gave them an understanding of the local voluntary service providers’ professionalism and firmly established framework. Additionally, they visited the Museum of Contemporary Art& Planning Exhibition, where they observed the exhibition titled ” Great Tide Rising Surge along with the Pearl River.” This exhibition provided a comprehensive depiction of the city’s progress and that of the motherland.

UMVP members commented, “The experience was very beneficial, as they were inspired to be more active and contributing. They gained a deeper understanding and appreciation of China’s reform, opening up and the development of the voluntary services.”

UMVP Shenzhen Educational Trip Sharing2023-12-27T00:01:12+08:00
22 2023-11

For Students : Let’s join the charity walk with your family and friends




Dear students,

本澳最大型的慈善步行活動——第四十屆公益金百萬行將於12月10日(星期日)舉行。今年是自疫情以來首次恢復實體模式進行。一如既往,大學繼續積極響應公益金百萬行。各位澳大人可以通過以下善舉,滙聚善心,為公益坐言起行! 熱心公益的你可獲得傳訊部贊助的紀念品,並競逐澳大奬項!
The 40th Walk for a Million, the largest charity walk in Macao, will be held on 10 December (Sunday). This year’s Walk for a Million is going to return to its physical format—the first time since the epidemic. The university will continue to support this meaningful activity. UM members, please show your support and kindness by engaging in the following acts. You can receive souvenirs from the Communications Office and win UM awards as detailed below.


Those who donate will receive a souvenir as follows:

You will be informed to collect the souvenirs at a later time
**澳大T-恤, 風褸或衛衣之尺碼後所選取後不可更換
The size of UM T-shirt, windbreaker and hoodie cannot be changed after selection

提交捐款方式 Donation submission:
以個人名義、學生組織或住宿式書院報名 (住宿式書院內的學生組織須以住宿式書院名義報名)
Registering in personal, student organization, or residential college (student organizations within residential colleges must register under the name of the residential college)

提交捐款地點 Donation Location:
1. 學生會辦公室 (E31學生活動中心,一樓1014室)
Students’ Union Office (Room1014, 1/F, E31-Student Activity Centre)
2. 學生事務部 (E31學生活動中心,二樓2006室)
Student Affairs Office (Room 2006, 2/F, E31-Student Activity Centre)
3. 研究生宿舍辦公室 (S3研究生宿舍,G002室)
Postgraduate House (Room G002, G/F, S3-Postgraduate House)
4. 各住宿式書院行政辦公室
Administrative Offices of Residential Colleges           

捐款截止日期:20231130日(星期四 中午12點前
Deadline for donation: 30 November 2023 (Thursday) 12pm


請於截止報名日期(30/11)前填妥團體報名表格(見附件) 並電郵至學生事務部張小姐lavinacheong@um.edu.mo) , 同時把善款及打印好的表格遞交至學生活動中心E31-2006室。

For University teams, student organizations and residential colleges:
Please fill in the form (see attachment) and email it to the Student Affairs Office Ms. Lavina Cheong, and submit the printed form and the donation to the Student Activity Centre E31-Room 2006 before 30 Nov.


Join the charity walk with your family members and friends. Leave your warm-hearted traces at the Walk for a Million event. Take action and register now!

報名方式 Registration
以個人名義, 學生組織或住宿式書院報名 (住宿式書院內的學生組織須以住宿式書院名義報名)
Registering in personal, student organization, or residential college (student organizations within residential colleges must register under the name of the residential college)

報名地點 Registration Location:
1. 學生會辦公室 (E31學生活動中心,一樓1014室)
Students’ Union Office (Room1014, 1/F, E31-Student Activity Centre)
2. 學生事務部 (E31學生活動中心,二樓2006室)
Student Affairs Office (Room 2006, 2/F, E31-Student Activity Centre)
3. 研究生宿舍辦公室 (S3研究生宿舍,G002室)
Postgraduate House (Room G002, G/F, S3-Postgraduate House)
4. 各住宿式書院行政辦公室
Administrative Offices of Residential Colleges           

Registration deadline for charity walk: 4 December 2023 (Thursday)

全程參與步行的同學更可獲得1粒至叻星及40 “CS” 「領導及服務」項目
Students who join the whole charity walk will receive 1 smart point and 40 CS points in the Leadership and Service area of the Whole Person Programme

詳情 Details:

In addition to joining the charity walk physically, please also scan the QR code on the Walk for a Million poster to join the UM Team.


To encourage donations and participate in charity walk, the following prizes will be given to the student organizations and residential colleges:

  • 最慷慨解囊獎 – 善款 (校隊及學生組織)
    Generosity Award – Donation (University Team & Student Organization)
  • 最慷慨解囊獎 – 善款(住宿式書院)
    Generosity Award – Donation (Residential College)
  • 最熱心公益獎 – 參與慈善行(校隊及學生組織)
    Enthusiasm Award – Participation in Charity Walk (University Team & Student Organization)
  • 最熱心公益獎 – 參與慈善行(住宿式書院)
    Enthusiasm Award – Participation in Charity Walk (Residential College)


註 Remarks:

  1. 團體獎項計算方式按善款或參與人數佔該學生組織或住宿式書院總人數的比例,得獎團體可獲獎狀一份
    The winners of the group prizes are determined based on the total amount of donation or the total number of participants divided by the total number of students in the groups/residential colleges. Winners will receive a certificate.

如有垂詢,請致電學生事務部張小姐(電話:8822 4641 ,電郵:lavinacheong@um.edu.mo)。
For enquiry, please contact Ms. Lavina Cheong (T: 8822 4641  E: lavinacheong@um.edu.mo) from the Student Affairs Office.



1.團體報名表格 Group Registration Form


For Students : Let’s join the charity walk with your family and friends2023-12-04T00:00:10+08:00
6 2023-11

UMVP member participated in a community environmental experience activity


澳大義工隊日前(1日)組織社區環保體驗活動, 包括參觀環保加Fun站、參與工作坊、互動體驗及了解電子及電器設備回收設施,讓義工隊同學們認識環保之重要性以及影響,啟發義工隊成員們對社會問題的思考。

The UM Volunteer Programme recently organized a community environmental experience activity. It involved visiting the Environmental Fun Station, participating in workshops and interactive activities, and learning about recycling facilities for electronic and electrical equipment. This provided volunteer team members with an understanding of the significance and impact of environmental protection, prompting them to think about social concerns.

UMVP member participated in a community environmental experience activity2023-12-03T00:00:11+08:00
3 2023-11

Seminar for National Safety and Security (15 Nov, 15:00) – 0.5 smart point and 10 CS points


為了加强同學們對《維護國家安全法》的認識,學生事務部 與 澳門教育及青年發展局 邀請到澳門法務局舉辦相關講座,詳情如下:
In order to enhance students’ understanding of National Safety and Security, the Student Affairs Office and Macao SAR Education and Youth Development Bureau invite Macao SAR Legal Affairs Bureau to organize a seminar with details below:

日期: 2023年11月15日
時間: 15:00-16:00
地點: E34 崇文樓演唱廳 G011室
語言: 廣東話
主講: 澳門法務局
報名連結: 按此

Time: 15 Nov 2023
Date: 15:00-16:00
Venue: Cultural Building Lecture Hall (E34-G011)
Language: Cantonese 
Speaker: Macao SAR Legal Affairs Bureau
Registration: Click Here

如有任何查詢, 請聯絡88224821,或電郵至sao.development@um.edu.mo
Please contact 88224821, or email to sao.development@um.edu.mo for more details.


*Students who attend the WHOLE activity and arrive ON TIME will be given 0.5 Smart Point

** 全程參加活動及準時到達將獲得全人發展獎勵計劃”公民責任心” 的10個CS分數。
** Students who attended the WHOLE seminar will be awarded 10 “UM Competencies (CS)” on “Responisble Citizenship” in the Whole Person Development Award Programme

Student Affairs Office

Seminar for National Safety and Security (15 Nov, 15:00) – 0.5 smart point and 10 CS points2023-11-15T00:00:09+08:00
31 2023-10

Seminar for National Safety and Security (15 Nov, 15:00)


為了加强同學們對《維護國家安全法》的認識,學生事務部 與 澳門教育及青年發展局 邀請到澳門法務局舉辦相關講座,詳情如下:
In order to enhance students’ understanding of National Safety and Security, the Student Affairs Office and Macao SAR Education and Youth Development Bureau invite Macao SAR Legal Affairs Bureau to organize a seminar with details below:

日期: 2023年11月15日
時間: 15:00-16:00
地點: E34 崇文樓演唱廳 G011室
語言: 廣東話
主講: 澳門法務局
報名連結: 按此

Time: 15 Nov 2023
Date: 15:00-16:00
Venue: Cultural Building Lecture Hall (E34-G011)
Language: Cantonese 
Speaker: Macao SAR Legal Affairs Bureau
Registration: Click Here

如有任何查詢, 請聯絡88224821,或電郵至sao.development@um.edu.mo
Please contact 88224821, or email to sao.development@um.edu.mo for more details.

Student Affairs Office

Seminar for National Safety and Security (15 Nov, 15:00)2023-11-15T00:00:10+08:00
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